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I'm still holding out for Lounge<C++> oh fuck it!
If you have a 2d world rotated a bit so it looks 3d, how do you follow an object that walks in it only by moving on the x,y axis? o-o now the z axis joins and my head is about to explode
@LucDanton I already asked it in SO, aint I? I was looking for some comments. Nothing else.
> If you have a 2d world rotated a bit so it looks 3d
@DomagojPandža I'm pretty sure its spelled Civilised Mockers Inc. in the USA!!!
Hey dudes.
How you doing.
You can say "The code is shit". I dont mind. But saying "Thats PHP" clears that you are ignoring what subject
@Mikhail well it's a good job this isn't USA isn't it
You know what would be hilarious? If we put a bunch of NSFW images in the bin and then somebody dumped their question here while at work.
@Muquaddim You said 'looking for answers/comments'. That 'nothing else' is a lie. You're digging yourself deeper.
You should really move on.
@Muquaddim I don't want to dabble in shit, let alone php. get used to it
@Muquaddim Don't fight a losing battle.
@Muquaddim PHP stands for Poop Hoarding Processor
The code is shit and it's PHP therefore we doubly don't care
It's really not that hard to understand
iow :frogout:
@Zoidberg We're intense. The Cat is mocking people. We're enjoying his mocking.
@LucDanton Dont you see "looking for answers/ comments "
1....2....3... plonk!
My comment is "ugh php"
You got plenty of comments.
@Muquaddim Read the newbie hints you idiot. It links to this page about asking questions which clearly says that WE DON'T CARE so don't whine. Also, read the room's tags: .
Feb 20 at 13:59, by Lightness Races in Orbit
New here? Do us a favour, and read this.
A comment is a comment is a comment... But only between Loungers.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Is anyone familiar with 3d camera programming and stuff here? ;x
@Don I do some of that
@Don I'm also grossly incompetent
@Don I have taken pictures with a normal camera.
@StackedCrooked yes. I got plenty. But most of them were related to PHP. Not the question.
I just fly starships through this sector of space.
3D camera = lytro camera?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Let's play FTL
Faster Than Light?
Let's play downvote those who still ask stupid questions in the chatroom.
@StackedCrooked For The Lin.
And wonder why it's installed with compat options enabled
@Zoidberg Fuck The Linus.
@doug65536 yes you really don't have that with C++.
@Mikhail Lol, I'm just trying to make a simple game, it's basically 2d but I wanted to add a little nicer looks by rotating the whole.. game world a bit in 3d, but I lost the ability to follow the character that is moving in it
You mean 2.5D?
That sounds horrible. =[
@Mikhail lol, that looks awesome.
@Don Oh, thats not a 3d camera, thats OpenGL, fuck that
@Mikhail Haha, alright
@Don That's a bummer.
erm... so yeah... washing machines... I know I need to put liquids into the draw thing... but there are two liquids and three holes. I think the conditioner goes in the one with the grill over it... and then the detergent in the remaining big one slot. Any help?
I guess that the only way to obtain a Linux installation when I need it is to grab a server
@StackedCrooked Ssshhh
@thecoshman I only ever used a solid detergent, but the conditioner goes in the middle hole.
@thecoshman Wow you're worse at this than me
Still failing at installing Ubuntu, the program with the easiest installer ever?
@DeadMG You still haven't installed it?
ITT: Grown men doing laundry is a disaster.
Read the documentation scrubs
@thecoshman I can access Facebook through mine washing machine.
@Zoidberg The installer was easy. It just didn't work.
yeah I know I'm bad, I have a GF who actively enjoys being domestic
Installing Ubuntu is easier than visiting Google.
One slot is for stage I, second is for stage II, third is softener
Even my flaccid dick can install Ubuntu.
the closest I usually get to it moving stuff on request
@StackedCrooked No. I spent the last hour searching every nook and cranny in this place for my brother's USB, and checking the shops for a new one.
Well stage 0 and stage 1 more accurately, since most programs use the second one only
Mine's Rinse/Pre-wash, Wash, and then Softener.
but since I live in the middle of a fucking swamp, then there's no such thing.
Yeah prewash
That's what I'm getting at
@DeadMG Checking the shops for your brother's usb?
You're probably not using prewash
@DeadMG There are "middle of fucking nowhere"s in the UK, too? :D
Hard to imagine that. :D
of course, his USB stick has to go missing the moment I need it.
@DomagojPandža Much of the UK is "Middle of nowhere".
(Read the fucking manual there's a description of programs — temperature, max load and which stages it uses)
If I figured this out you can too
how bad would it get if I got the things backwards?
I'm now flagging 99% of all messages in this room because they are off topic (including this one).
@Zoidberg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I know what settings for the dials, they are nicely labelled
welp, it's on it's way now
@thecoshman You'll waste 2 hours of running water and electricity and will have to do it again
Because your things will be soaked with detergent instead of softener~
(And then you'll get a medal)
Men invented washing machines because of feminism, otherwise they had to do it themselves.
(For fucking up something that's literally described step-by-step in manual)
I always, thought washing machines were the first steps towards robo sexuality
R. Martinho Fernandes is a washing machine.
@CatPlusPlus I have no idea if we even have it anymore
@Zoidberg Says the vacuum cleaner. :P
Google the model
fuck it, it's doing stuff now :P
life's too short to read washing machine manuals
Why is there no 'Domestic Appliance Helpdesk' room?
We'll laugh at you in 2 hours
Oh that's right, I'm using Linux right now.
I can actually use C++11.
@Zoidberg they? like men don't mind washing for themselves only women do?
Vector calculus, rings any bells anyone?
@Telkitty feminists wanted men to wash, so men invented washing machine because :effort:.
don't give a shit, rings any bells anyone?
@Don No, but I bet it'll Ring Her Bells.
.....deathly silence.....
Ugh lol
of course
I bet that SSH only offers a horrible CLI interface?
yes and no
raw SSH is only CLI, but you can tunnel X over it to use GUI's if you want
Here's mine, it has an integrated compiler, as well as a specialized Sleep() xd
X forwarding is crappy way to do anything
if you want a full remote desktop, I suggest you look at NoMachine
@CatPlusPlus and what is the better way to do it?
@CatPlusPlus it has it's place
Which is better /vlc or NX?
erm... I assume you mean vNc not vLc
@DomagojPandža Mine has mechanical dial to set the program that also doubles as "on/off" button and two buttons for 50% water and no spin :v:
I need to find a good bracing style for large nested tuples and lists in Erlang.
And "I'm working" LED
State of the art
@thecoshman No it's crappy all the way down
this monster has three dials and two buttons to get it on
@bamboon VNC/RDP if you really have to
@DomagojPandža Does it have a REST api? :D
nah, NX is better then VNC IMO
@Telkitty what?
@Telkitty I saw a movie of you feeding a turkey.
@thecoshman for remote login to a machine
@Telkitty wtf is 'pcanywhere'?
@CatPlusPlus It should have stayed 'State of the art'. Easy to use, no manual required, even for a different machine. Too much 'cleverness' just makes stuff-that-should-be-easy into 'fucking annoying'. Every time I hire a car, I have to waste 15 minutes while the rental guy instructs on how to start it. 15 years ago, they threw you the keys and pointed to where it was parked.
pcAnywhere is a suite of computer programs by Symantec which allows a user of the pcAnywhere remote program on a computer to connect to a personal computer running the pcAnywhere host if both are connected to interconnected networks and the password is known. pcAnywhere runs on several platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Pocket PC. In January 2012, Symantec, the maker of pcAnywhere, revealed a security breach and told users to stop using the software, pending a resolution of the problem and the creation of new secure code, while on February 7th 2012 the softwar...
@StackedCrooked It only does everything. But it's funny it has quite an intense GUI and also allows variable temperature control during the course of the washing. You can also program a custom washing pattern for your specialized clotheware. :D
ooooh. I was reading it as p-cany-where
@StackedCrooked yes, I agree, the turkey should be feeding me instead (roasted turkey umm) But no I did not catch it ... (those claws!)
@Telkitty You should feed it first, and then it should reciprocate.
@thecoshman lol, what the hell?
@DomagojPandža Aaarrgghhh! What make/model is it so I know never to buy one.
@StackedCrooked oooh, I'd love it if a turkey cooked me a dinner
@StackedCrooked birds usually come into the backyard begging for food
@thecoshman Yeah, ideally it'd cook itself.
@StackedCrooked vOv
@Telkitty On my apartment it's forbidden to feed the birds.
many times I open the door and find an Australian magpie right in front of the door waiting to be fed
@MartinJames Samsung Diamond WF9622... Something :D
@MartinJames And kids should get off your lawn, also!
I created a Ubuntu AWS server, but couldn't even SSH into it because some Amazon default security thingy.
wtf is wrong with this stuff
@DeadMG you
@Telkitty It's like a crow.
@thecoshman Ice burn
@StackedCrooked birds here actually come really close and sing songs just to get your attention.
@DeadMG AWS is actually quite good. I've been using it for cloud computing for some time. And that thing, Rebus farm - love it too.
@StackedCrooked yeah, they are fairly intelligent ... a bit like pet chickens, but smarter
What do you need AWS for puppy?
@DomagojPandža When opening a port, why do I have to specify a source, and wtf is it?
@CatPlusPlus I calls 'em like I sees 'em
@LucDanton Kids should definitely not stray onto our lawn. They could become lost for ever. Need to get mower out soon.
@CatPlusPlus Because Wubi failed, no removable media, VirtualBox and VMWare both failed, and I could really use a Ubuntu box right now.
@DeadMG wtf?
You're creating AWS instances to have an Ubuntu box
How did VBox fail, exactly
he some how set the disk to read only
@Telkitty It reminded me of a crow. I once had a craw in our garden that seemed tamable. I didn't succeed though.
@CatPlusPlus It crashed (repeatedly) whilst attempting (without asking me or a cancel option) to install the VMWare tools in the guest.
What crashed
and VirtualBox took ten million years and then decided that my hard drive became spontaneously unwritable.
@CatPlusPlus The guest.
You're doing something extremely wrong
That or your hard-drive is unwritable.
it's definitely not unwritable.
@CatPlusPlus It would be VMware - I have had that too when installing the tools. I just did it over and over again and eventually it worked.
I recently had mine replaced. The memories are still fresh I guess..
Eh there's little reason to use VMware now
that guy who wanted to offer me a remote working job for plenty of monies is going to be (digitally) "here" in half an hour
and I can't obtain removable media in that time frame
@DeadMG in this room?
@DeadMG Uhm, source? I had no such problem with AWS Cloud. There should be no problems with AWS beyond using the AWS security panel and freeing up port X, for inbound/outbound traffic.
@StackedCrooked The magpies here take food from hand. We also feed other birds like noisy mynahs and kookaburras. The magpies thought we favoure the butcher birds more (we don't) so they learnt to imitate the butcher birds callings. One day I heard butcher birds calling, opened the door to feed the butcher birds & but saw two magpies instead. Hilarious
his IRC channel thing
But really plug Ubuntu Live DVD ISO into VBox and it'll work
It's not rocket science
@CatPlusPlus I did, and it didn't.
@Telkitty Meh - the magpies here explode.
@MartinJames explode?
@MartinJames 12 bore?
also VBox seriously takes for fucking ever and is laggier than emulating the kernel by hand.
@Telkitty Cool!
My Erlang program sometimes crashes but I don't give a shit because ~~supervisor~~.
> also VBox seriously takes for fucking ever and is laggier than emulating the kernel by hand.
@DeadMG This.
@DeadMG how can you suck so badly at this?
Although VMWare is worse. It's a fucking bloatfest.
@thecoshman Actually, Ubuntu decided to turn off Unity's 2D emulation in 12.10.
The only thing I use that crap for is my hobby OS.
everybody using VBox and 12.10 together is having the same problem.
@StackedCrooked they are also curious. Once I fed the magpies, the pie were kind of full, it came close to the door and start peeking inside while I was still outside
More food?
They also fly down sometimes from tree branch some 100 meters away when I beckon them closer
@Telkitty Stop encouraging vermin. You'll be feeding the PHP trolls next.
Who stabilized Telkitty's core? She seems acceptable today.
VBox is not an emulator
Also your CPU sucks
@StackedCrooked always. But they also hang around when we are outside. It is weird. Because sometimes they are full, but they still stay in the backyard when we are outside
Telkitty was OK yesterday. Today I find out it's a magpie-lover :(
And if 12.10 doesn't work then maybe get an older one~
@CatPlusPlus VBox is a holodeck.
@CatPlusPlus Not enough time to download it.
@MartinJames nothing quite beats the feeling of a wild bird running towards you when you open the door and it sees you
@Telkitty I guess they want to ensure their source of food so they keep observing you guys.
how does anyone use this stuff?
hmm... seems I have picked at my knuckle too much again... it's rather tender right now :S
I can't see anything except a crappy cli
@DeadMG we are not idiots
Well it only remains to congratulate you on preparing ahead of time
@Telkitty Don't get me wrong - I only hate the magpies, crows. Small birds and large raptors are very welcome.
@StackedCrooked True. But I suspect they also develop some kind of affection towards their feeder over the time
@CatPlusPlus I've spent all of the relevant time preparing. That just wasn't very much.
@Telkitty I guess that's natural.
@DeadMG so what have you got so far? a SSH connection to a 12.10 server?
What is there to prepare?
and you want to do what?
I also installed GCC and git (but to where? who the fuck knows, I hope it's not important).
@DeadMG which gcc tells you the path.
@DeadMG via apt-get? then no, you do not care. Linux can comprehend software
It's in /usr/bin
@MartinJames I found this on the internet. Watch it and maybe you will kind of understand why I like magpie:
And /usr/lib and /usr/include and /usr/share
how the fuck do you use CMake?
when I had it on Windows, it ... just found VS and worked.
@DeadMG you just type command and it works
but on Linux, it seems to be crying loudly about not knowing what's going on
like gcc, cmake whatever
@DeadMG something like 'CMake <target>'
@thecoshman Is what I just did.
paste what you are doing
well, I installed GCC and Git and Cmake
then I cloned a repo into a folder
and now I want to use CMake to make that folder
so I just did cmake folder.
@Telkitty That seems fun.
look nub cakes, tell us the exact command you are using and the exact output you are getting. We can not see your computer you know
I did cmake folder.
@StackedCrooked magpies and kookaburras love to steal each others food
now let's just google 'Configuring Cmake on Ubuntu'....
How did you install GCC
sudo apt-get install gcc
(Install build-essentials)
uh, that does come with G++, right?
Well, probably not
@CatPlusPlus Doesn't exist?
@Telkitty Not seen that. There again, there is a shortage of kookaburras here in Derbyshire.
@DeadMG then you are doing something wrong
oh man my head waaaterrr!!
@DeadMG you know you can tab complete package names
And no gcc package doesn't have g++
no I don't
but I did install g++
Oh look - Bartek's sobered up.
let's try now
also, have you made sure you are uptodate 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade'
now I'm getting somewhere
not really a fix, but something to do
@MartinJames mooooooorning
the real question is
@BartekBanachewicz welcome to my Friday afternoon :P
why would cmake not come with build-essential if it's useless without it?
@DeadMG you do not have to use it with G++ do you?
it's a build system, not a C++ build system, right?
@DeadMG Presumably it's not as long as you configure those env variables.
Your constructors are leaking memory. — Arlen 12 hours ago
What does he mean?
how do I get libsupc++?
@FredOverflow T* t = new T(); in constructor?
@thecoshman cmake ubuntu should suffice.
@FredOverflow new[] but no delete[] in ctor (he didn't look beyond the ctor and forgot that there was a dtor).
Anyway, a leak is only a leak if all references to the memory block are gone.
Forgetting to perform cleanup is a virtue.
So the dtor would leak if it didn't delete[].
@BartekBanachewicz I don't use local pointers in the constructors.
@DeadMG Library Soup must taste nice.
@DomagojPandža Not really.
@DeadMG It comes with libstdc++, I guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I also guess, but no idea where and it seems that cmake can't find it on it's own
@DeadMG have you been twating around with things?
are you kidding?
I can hardly get the most user-friendly parts to work.
then explain how everything you have touched has not worked
I'm not trying to just piss you off here
don't ask me, I didn't write the thing
I really do not understand how you can get so messed up with this all
Heh - DeadMG install problems are more fun than an exploding magpie!

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