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Yeah. Never seen in in machine code before (mostly just ASM)...
so I got a Macintsoh PowerBook G3 off Craigslist because one of my side projects involves old PowerPC hardware
just so you can appreciate the progress computers have been through in the past decade
it has 192 MB of RAM
the hard drive is 4 GB
Mac is only good for MultiBoot, because, --- Wow that is garbage :)
single-core 333 MHz processor
My iPod has more RAM.
4GB :)
My DS has more!
My dick has more RAM.
:| That is wrong.
pretty sure the USB ports are USB 1
How old is it?
12 years old
it's unable to read my external hard drive with a GPT (predictably though unfortunately)
That is old... I HAD something older though...
either my Ethernet cables are too good or the jack is not working
My dick is older.
That is even more disturbing.
mine too, though my parents still have a Mac SE in their basement
my dick is younger than this computer
That is even more disturbing...
oh and it makes this high-pitched annoying noise
How old is his computer then?? 22 Years?
the Mac SE is 24 years old
I had a computer (Note HAD) that was made in 1996...
That is old...
17 Years old :)
Well.. in a few months it will be.
I should have sold it on EBAY!
if I plug my android cellphone in the Mac, the phone only sees a dumb power source
OS X is meh.
I prefer Linux.
Lol :)
Linux is really well made...
I'm using it on a MacBook right now.
not like it's running anything recent
it's like Mac OS X 10.2.8
I like how the dynamic libs are all stored like they are supposed to be (unlike Windows)...
I have OS X, Arch Linux and Windows 8 installed.
Tripple boot.
On one computer?
@Mitch I had a couple of computers that were made in the 1980's. What of it?
Should have been trippple
And I also run Arch Linux in a VM when I want to listen to music because there is no iTunes for Linux and I love iTunes.
@Jerry, it is really collectible! :)
wouldn't it be cooler to run Mac OS inside a VM?
Plus, they are worth a fortune (to the right nerd)!
it's now legal, anyways.
Well... You cannot have Mac in multiboot, unless you are using an actual Mac computer...
Yay time to write a linker.
It would otherwise void their complex license...
@Mitch I kind of doubt it. There were, like, a zillion Commodore 64s made.
@zneak you can only do that with OS X Server.
Or Hackintosh but :effort:.
Well... I know a guy who would pay atleast 1,000$ for one of those :)
*at least
Commodore 64 is the best selling computer of all time.
mountain lion's license allows you to run a single Mac OS virtual machine on the same computer you have the OS installed
Of course there are many of them.
But when I was talking about computers, I was not including Comm64.
It's basically a gaming system (at the time)... Like Atari
Just-in-time linking using breakpoint instructions.
Why are you making a Linker?? There are hundreds of 'em!
Nah too complicated.
What system (processor) is it for?
@Mitch I need to resolve symbols for my JIT you fool.
Oh, LOL :)
LOL I though you were making one !
vector inheritance!
Da fuck.
@Rapptz that is nice :)
No it isn't
@Mitch Not really, no. Yes, it certainly could be used to play games, and quite a few people certainly did that with them, but they certainly weren't sold as purely game machines -- they were competing with the Atari 400 and 800, not the Atari console.
Though, usually not necessary...
@EtiennedeMartel Cong Rats.
I know that, but every time someone talks about them, they are speaking of "gaming"! And I was just thinking about Winows, Linux, Mac etc...
What is that for? A game?
(A rat in Donkey Kong)
Can I have the 3D mode?
That is really good, did you make it?
it's.. from Donkey Kong o_o
Did you make that???
It's a Neek, from Donkey Kong Country 2.
Currently I resolve symbols using a table of name/offset pairs. The offset is the offset in the machine code where the addresses or offsets of the symbols should be copied to.
That is a really impressive 3D model :)
. . .
@EtiennedeMartel AWESOME
Now, I still need to find why the backface culling is bonked.
@EtiennedeMartel what are you making? A Donky Kong clone?
@Mitch No.
Please enlighten me :)
The whole thing was a very bad pun to answer @JerryCoffin's slightly less bad pun.
So you didn't make that complex 3D model?
I didn't no.
:| Well I thought you did!
It would have been amazing, and I would have gotten a download!
Well... Maybe not!
I know a guy who is AMAZING at 3D modeling! Wow, he really is good!
At 14 (this was 10 years ago), he made the best looking 3D model of Samus (Metroid) that I have seen in years! Wow, that was good! :) HD alright!
You sure he didn't simply rip off a model from Metroid Prime?
I mean, MP was released, what, 11 years ago? The timing fits..
No... He made it :) He really is good... Though he stopped making 3D models, since he started C++...
An artist writing code? Eh.
Wow, he really was good... I could show you the 3D image if you want... It was made in Anim8tor, and I have the original file!
Yeah... He actually made 3D models, originally for some games he Planned on making (before he learned C++)...
Lol @(removed)
@EtiennedeMartel Just as an aside, I'd note that "bad pun" is redundant.
@JerryCoffin I'm not sure.
I think puns are sometimes good.
Well... It was pretty bad.
They're just harder to pull off.
Puns are never good.
@EtiennedeMartel Maybe -- but at the very least "Jerry's bad pun" is redundant.
I think there's a different group of people who like puns though. I'm not in that category.
@JerryCoffin Don't be so hard on yourself.
@JerryCoffin I liked it. :c
@Rapptz I got a coworker who loves making puns.
@EtiennedeMartel Kill her/him.
I managed to make the objects stay in the frame when dragged. Linkie :D
The world's best pun: Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
@EtiennedeMartel Ah, but I enjoy the fact that they're bad.
Making bad puns is what life is about
Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat minor.
@Mitch That's a natural language parser test.
I am joking :)
@CatPlusPlus I like your attitude. <3
Hey, Cat Plus Plus, who is the kitteh in the pic?
<ostream> not found wtf.
It's the elusive Tac Sulp Sulp
The world whiniest cat
cat plus plus reversed
Hand-written machine code y u segfault.
@zneak Murderer.
@Zoidberg You're bad
Oh, Is it just a pic you found off the net?
And probably didn't write it right
@CatPlusPlus For sure.
There's a reason people invented assemblers
(Otherwise it would work, doh.)
x86 is a terrible architecture to write for by hand
It's just terribly time consuming :)
@Mitch Yes
@zneak x86 is a terrible architecture
Unless you spend time looking at all the interrupts! (all day long)
I'll agree with that generalization even though I didn't want to do it myself
I only do 6502 for fun (NES and commadore64) deving :)
I did 6502, x86, MIPS and PowerPC
@Mitch Sorry, but the Commodore 64 had a 6510 not a 6502.
because the Playstation 1 and 2 had MIPS processors and I worked on a PS1 emulator
The MOS Technology 6502 is an 8-bit microprocessor that was designed by Chuck Peddle and Bill Mensch for MOS Technology in 1975. When it was introduced, it was the least expensive full-featured microprocessor on the market by a considerable margin, costing less than one-sixth the price of competing designs from larger companies such as Motorola and Intel. It was nevertheless fully comparable with them and, along with the Zilog Z80, sparked a series of computer projects that would eventually result in the home computer revolution of the 1980s. The most popular home computer game consoles ...
@ThePhD Rendering text is very finicky because it is often done at very small resolutions, and 1-pixel differences in the render calculations can make your text look hideous. Plus, some fonts include hints or even hinting programs and you would need to carry that logic along with the vertices through the pipeline to not get hideous crap. That logic can include stuff like distorting an "m" shape so that all three legs are visible even with few pixels available, which is very important.
You are wrong
Also, hi.
Hiii Robot
@R.MartinhoFernandes Titties. :c Guess we'll do bitmap fonts for now.
Read the fine print Commodore 64, and others used this CPU
The MOS Technology 6510 is a microprocessor designed by MOS Technology, Inc., and is a modified form of the very successful 6502. The primary change from the 6502 was the addition of an 8-bit general purpose I/O port (only six I/O pins were available in the most common version of the 6510). In addition, the address bus could be made tristate. The 6510 was only widely used in the Commodore 64 home computer (and in significantly smaller numbers in the C64's portable version, the SX-64). In both the C64 and SX-64 the extra pins of the processor were used to control the computer's memory m...
That is the 6502 CPU (Central Processor Unit)
@Mitch Care to bet on that?
Read the "the 6510 was only widely used in the Commodore 64 home computer" part
This is gonna be entertaining.
I made 3 Commodore 64 games in it, how did that work?
because the 6510 instruction set must be a superset of the 6502
That 6510 page doesn't mention Commodore 64...
> The primary change from the 6502 was the addition of an 8-bit general purpose I/O port
@Mitch Simple: the 6510 was virtually identical to a 6502, except that "memory locations" 0 and 1 on a 6510 actually addressed an I/O port.
Oooh... A challenge by Jerry. This is gonna be interesting...
Oh right.
The 6510 is a variant of the 6502. They use the same instruction set.
I didn't call my symbol resolver hence the segfault.
Well... I never heard it used 6510, only that it used 6502...
Where did you find this out, did you crack one open??
I see now, that they are identical, but I didn't know that...
Using cheaper variants of common processors was quite common for old consoles.
(And yes, I know the C64 wasn't technically a console)
@Mitch If you wanted to use a few specific features of the Commodore 64, you had to use those that I/O port (and I did).
I would call it one, but supposedly it wasn't a console...
OK, I trust your statement (and I am too lazy to check it) Jerry. :)
Besides, most of you are old farts. (Proved by your knowledge of old architectures)
@EtiennedeMartel Unless I'm badly mistaken, the 6510 was marginally more expensive than the 6502.
@ThePhD Usually you get some renderer that can interpret the hints to give you just rendered pixels, and then you drop those pixels where you want.
@JerryCoffin Weird.
@Mitch Next to my level of "old fartness", nobody else where (right now) qualifies at all.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So basically bitmap fonts. ;~;
I mean, we could attempt to perma-draw text on the fly...
I am joking Jerry, you seem very knowledgeable. :) I am glad you were here to set me straight!
@EtiennedeMartel I should probably add: "for the same vintage" -- by then, the 6502 had been around for quite a while, and (of course) prices dropped over time.
Huh, the same vintage as in wine? I hate wine.
And any kind of alcoholism.
Oh deeaaar.
How old are you again?
Though some say I act like a Drunk.
I am only 19, but never will drink (I have seen what it does to people)...
Never is a long time.
It is the rest of your life
@Mitch You need to get out more.
@R.MartinhoFernandes: I agree -- I had a program run that long once.
Incidentally, I still have a bunch of beers in the fridge, but it's way too late to drink.
@Telkitty I realize that
@EtiennedeMartel Not really...
Drinking makes your brain shrink...
@Mitch Somebody who drinks good wine is much further away from alcoholism than a teetotaler.
I think it does...
@Jerry What do you mean by that?
I am just a little uptight :)
Many people drink alcoholic beverages because of the taste, not because there's alcohol in it.
inb4 "beer sucks".
@Mitch A teetotaler is making exactly the same sort of irrational decision about drinking that an alcoholic does, just in the opposite direction. Somebody who drinks and appreciates good wine is making a rational decision with extremely careful consideration.
Beer sucks
Drinking too much wine makes you drunk, and yes, Beer does suck... Stinks too.
Beer's horrible.
Drink wine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay, one more time: no, beer doesn't suck. If it actually sucked, it would be good for something.
And what if you don't like wine?
Or make Skittles Liquor~
All fermented beverages suck
Peeps, I don't know what kind of beer you drink, but what.
It stinks, and is disgusting...
I drink alcohol because it makes me happy, I also eat and jog for the same reason. Although I don't drink everyday because alcohol affect my efficiency in getting work done.
Everytime someone tells me "I don't like beer", it always turns out they only had crappy beer in their life.
@Cat Plus Plus, I couldn't agree more...
@VaughnCato Then you have no taste, and we don't care about you. :-)
And that's also why I initially hated wine.
But seriously beer doesn't have a noticeable smell
@JerryCoffin: fair enough
obviously, if all you ever drank is Coors Light, you have a fairly biased view on beer.
I drink socially.
@zneak Might as well drink piss, then, it's cheaper.
Unless I'm impervious already
I get drunk socially.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes.
@CatPlusPlus Depends on the beer.
@R.MartinhoFernandes <3
Beer does have a noticeable stench... Even in ones breath after drinking it.
@Mitch What beer did you taste?
Maybe it was piss :v:
Never did... Except by accident... :( Wish it never happened
@ScottW He's talking about beer.
@Mitch At a serious wine tasting, you'll find that most of the tasters actually spit the wine out after tasting it. You do still absorb a little alcohol, but I have a hard time imagining getting drunk that way.
Wine sucks too
Wine's okay.
You get drunk all the time, Cat.
I was like less then 8 years old, and an old drunk (who was abusive) and lived with me, was drinking beer from a soda bottle, and I thought it was soda :|
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, but on catnip.
Nasty as crap.
Distilled things only
Woa, woa, woa.
That's not real beer.
Fucking industrial pilsners.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh I remember this.
@CatPlusPlus Me too!
Wine and Beer are nasty :|
Do you even drink?
Whiskey/Brandy + Cola, Vodka + Sprite, this sort of stuff
@Mitch It's an acquired taste.
Cat has an imposter - Cicada. Nowadays everytime I see the cat I have to 2nd check the name
I don't know why I capitalised that
@CatPlusPlus Weakling.
But whatever
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mitch
@EtiennedeMartel Wut
@Telkitty The real one has an italicized name since he's an owner.
He has a stigma to drinking from his youth so I doubt he does.
@Rapptz He said he doesn't and "never will".
OK... @R mat... Whatever, that link isn't relevant :)
Yeah I figured.
I actually heard that before, Etienne... Most logical explanation.
Though drinking is illogical.
Don't cross the border.
Especially when drunk
Of course it's illogical, ethanol is poisonous.
You'll get arrested
@EtiennedeMartel Sure -- in sufficient quantities. Same goes for water though...
Is this the kinds of discussion that goes on in the C++ Lounge?? (Yes I asked this before, but also before things got this weird)...
Vitamins in large doses are poisonous too :v:
Things got weird?
Heh, water isn't dangerous.
Yes it is.
@Mitch Attempting to pin down the discussion that goes on here is a mistake.
Yes, conversation shifted to drinking talk...
I heard that drinking too much water is dangerous before, but it never happened to anyone I ever heard of...
Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning or dilutional hyponatremia, is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside safe limits (e.g., hyponatremia) by overhydration (i.e., over-consumption of water). Under normal circumstances, accidentally consuming too much water is exceptionally rare. Nearly all deaths related to water intoxication in normal individuals have resulted either from water drinking contests in which individuals attempt to consume large amounts of water, or long bouts of int...
It does every third day
Do you have any idea how much water you have to drink for that to happen?
You can drown in water
The trick is moderation - applies to most things in life
@Mitch Just because it doesn't happen to you or anyone else you know doesn't mean it isn't an issue.
It is in the gallons
It's not a real issue...
Fuck, even breathing too fast is dangerous
If it doesn't happen to me or anyone else how could it be?
@ScottW You can die from discussing stuff in the Lounge?
Rephrase you sentence, if you would like that to make sense...
If it didn't happen to anyone else it wouldn't be documented
> In 2008 Jacqueline Henson, a 40-year-old British woman, died after drinking four liters of water in under two hours as part of her LighterLife diet plan.
@Mitch Can you even read?
Doesn't sounds like too many "gallons".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I call that natural selection.
I just stopped at anyone else XD
Just 4 litres in 2 hours? Huh

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