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@R.MartinhoFernandes Not having a lot of luck though, its hard to push a new tech that is supported even by sets like Nokia 1100
^ this. I wouldn't take the drugs until it gets really bad
So, we chose sms, but that has limitations and high costs
I hate the "feel depressed, have a pill" attitude. WTF is a pill going to do about the fact that you feel bad about not being able to do your job or whatever? It's really not a real solution. It just hides the problem, by hiding the feeling. meh
@TonyTheLion I don't trust anyone in particular, sadly. (You know, I've moved about 12 times in 21 years so I don't know anyone really). I just started seeing a therapist though and she's really nice. I'd like to avoid the drugs too.
@TonyTheLion I agree
Damn I should have put my repo online then I would have got some credit for something :(
@BartekBanachewicz I'm sorry to hear that Bar. I pray she gets better. Hope everything turns out well.
@Cicada At least I hope you can build a trust relation with the therapist.
@Ell lol, you still can contribute with it ^^
@BartekBanachewicz Psychiatric! That must be much more difficult :(
@TonyTheLion You're absolutely right my man. Problems never disappear
Why can I never do anything worthy of credit >.<
@Cicada Hey, we are all anonymous people, who are probably skipping work (like me...). So, you can always talk to us.
Atleast thats what I think.
Some more anonymous than others
@Cicada And, I'm similar to you in that regard. My father was a diplomat, so I never stuck in one place.
@Cicada it is. Terribad life she had, really. Father that loved her a bit too much and so on. I've learned that we should feel happy regardless. You know, she always smiled. With that sad smile, but still.
owh. i'm terribly sorry
EU, US, Africa, you name it, I've been there. Just have one friend who I still talk to
@GamesBrainiac we are not anonymous, anonomosity on the internet is an illusion.
void CameraClass::GetViewMatrix(D3DXMATRIX& viewMatrix) {
    viewMatrix = m_viewMatrix;
@Zoidberg Just use an UnmanagedMemoryStream. Sorry for hughe delay. Work in the way :)
Wait wat. Isn't this a setter?
A dangerous Illusion at that
Nobody's really anonymous in this room anyway.
Problems can usually be solved by communication.
@Cicada yes and no
@Zoidberg getter
You IP is logged. Even if you use proxy server there are just about a couple thousand ways someone can find out exactly who you are.
A getter that returns void?
@Cicada Guess so. But, oh well. Sometiems, just talking to a bunch of guys slacking off is better than paying loads of cash for a therapist. A good friend beats a therapist any day.
@TonyTheLion ¬_¬ I take it comedic 'drugs help' jokes are not quite apt at this given moment...
OHHH out parameter.
@Zoidberg return by param
@Zoidberg An oxymoronic getter
Took me a while too xD
Or one that perhaps passes the value by reference
public Matrix ViewMatrix { get; private set; } problem solved. :3
getter(somevalue) , somevalue's value is changed as it is a reference in the method?
@GamesBrainiac yeah but a) I'm a girl so "talking to a bunch of guys slacking off" isn't exactly my thing b) i explained before
@games yeah
@Cicada Well, I tried to help her the best I could, and I think she appreciated it. I am saying all this because I don't want you to fall into the similar pit. You're incredibly talented, and just for that I'd like you to keep on the sane side. That might explain my concern and so on. And I guess your situation ain't that bad, after all. However, I also understand the limitations of public web chat, so that's, well, kind of all I can do.
Well I only talk about my school problems. Be assured that if those were my only problems, I'd be very happy :)
@Cicada Well, its your life. Just keep that wicked sense of humor up, and you'll be fine.
Bah, we all have problems, so that's not a surprise.
@BartekBanachewicz The soft side of Bartek! :D
god fuck that typo again
pfft. I need to fork minicraft now and write a competing version >:D
My rule is, communicate more, not less.
you have my name on the left for the whole fucking goddamn time
@GamesBrainiac GZ.
@Ell you can always PullRequest something back :P
If you feel that less communication may resolve your problem, then the right answer would be to communicate more, and however hard that may be, that I have found, usually resolves things.
@BartekBanachewicz Hey, I corrected it! :D And I almost wrote Market! :XD
@GamesBrainiac That's @Jerry 's fault, I guess
anyway let's rant about something
@BartekBanachewicz lmao.
in a non-constructive way preferably
LOL, actually
@Cicada I am sure we all have baggage, and whilst I know it doesn't help knowing that every one else does... well... I guess I am trying to say to just remember you are not alone. Worse case, run away to some random town for a bit, get drunk and chat with random people in a pub
my roommate thrown something hard at me today
@Cicada stop caring, best way to be happy
@BartekBanachewicz was it his dick?
I woke up and started ranting aobut my uni
@Cicada the fucking sky is too damn high!
Can a C++ Qt Application that connects to a SQL database, vs a PHP application that connects to the same database via PDO (written by the same person) be considered more secure?
@Jeffrey in what regards
@Cicada Qt! It sucks!
@Cicada he said thrown, not thrust
@thecoshman isn't it detachable?
@Cicada not quite. He said "I could tolerate that fucking rant for half a year now, and if you don't like the uni then fuck you, but let me sleep at least"
@Cicada, for the server and the database
@Cicada oh honey, only girsl (and strange people and disabled people) have a detachable cock... and those who love comedy
Or we could rant about how sucky uni is
We're doing it right now
besides cocks, of course
whats The next step in minicraft?
Get the fucking thing to work and shit
srlsy, GUI
@Jeffrey eh, well, assuming you have no sql injections and no other server exploits, then the PHP application is more secure because you can't actually see the requests
How is librocket going?
i dumped that
@Cicada PhP, secure? Am I seeing things?
Beczusse of cat?
@Cicada I can only give you this advice, and this may be very hard for you, but when you have found someone you can trust, and willing to listen and understand, tell them everything on your mind. Just tell them everything.
@Cicada, wait, because you can track the request from a C++ application?
Mostly because I thought that's still too big for that project
> Unable to load DLL 'd3dcompiler_43.dll': The specified module could not be found.
Oh great. :P
I want something really simple, and that I can write myself in reasonable time
Okay, what you gonna use instead?
@Jeffrey if you run it on your local pc, yes
.... <___>
I hate the C++ Linker.
I hate the C++ Compiler.
I am writing Lua VM right now
@TonyTheLion I'll try ;;
@ThePhD : Finally! I agree dude! :D
and I will start from lua side
You know what's funny? This all worked when I had only a single .cpp file.
then just create appropriate primitives
@Cicada, and a browser (probably a C++ application itself) does not?
@ThePhD it just means you suck
@Jeffrey no because the queries are ran server-side
I hate linker more than compiler, nobody teaches you how to use the linker
@BartekBanachewicz Your dick, but it's too small so I had to suck at my application instead.
Hmm, Luchian did?
See what you do? You cause these problems.
@Cicada, right
@Ell Exactly No one does.
Did he just say he sucks my dick?
he also said it's too small
but we knew that
you know that time of the day when it's dark?
y'know, the night?
@BartekBanachewicz I think I'm gna hurl.
What baffles me the most is I'm getting a linker error about a std::vector destructor for std::vector<unsigned char>
@Cicada yea, that's its shadow
Which just blows my mind. What? WHAT?!
Ok thanks for the counsel
@Cicada Can't we keep things civil?
Deal with it
@GamesBrainiac we're just joking, come on
@GamesBrainiac aren't they already?
@ThePhD you made mistake somewhere else
@BartekBanachewicz We aren't puberty ridden teenagers. Lets keep dicks out of this.
ARhgh,h fucking piece of crap, fucking wrong docs.
I wasn't the one who put my dick there in the first place.
3, 2, 1...
I dunno, I think dicks are a sophisticated element of adult life.
Then again, that's also highly dependent on the way you ~swiiiiiing~.
@ThePhD nvm. I should know better than to stop a conversation about dicks
now I want to listen to Ice Ice Baby
@GamesBrainiac maybe you're not but Zoidberg and ThePhD are. and probably some others too
Hey I am not a teenager. ;~;
q_q mah feelin'z.
@Cicada nah, ThePhD is just bad
are you over 20? è_è
we are talking about mental age
In a manner of speaking.
@Cicada never mind. Lets rant about how shitty Qt is! :D
@GamesBrainiac Kill yourself, QT is amazing.
@Telkitty aren't you a teenager too?
I'm still 18
Qt is good /end
@ThePhD it's bad
@ThePhD Amazing? It sucks! :D
Its a friggin piece of shit
@GamesBrainiac Then you still are a puberty ridden teenager
We should fight that over in some game
Cicada I am going to need your help soon.
@Cicada I know, but you don't see me talking about it! XD
For 3D physics.
@BartekBanachewicz ... I will probably acting the same when I am 60 hahaha
Qt team versus non-Qt team
Mental age I guess.
@Telkitty so you are, I knew it
It might help if I actually install the DirectX SDK.
@Telkitty Still in love with cats? Thats the way to go.
@ThePhD What you lookin at?
@Zoidberg Yeah you'd need that to work with DirectX stuff, Zoidberg. ._.
@BartekBanachewicz if we are taking about real age I am very very old ... relative to the underaged people here
@GamesBrainiac bah one of those days when you see something posted by the @Tony you'll get all horny and shit so whatever
there, I said it.
> Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Haha segfault genius.
@Cicada wut?
@TonyTheLion ohai i didn't see you over there
@Cicada Boy, I gotta watch out for Tony then. He seems super nice so far.
SharpDX y u segfault. :<
error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall std::vector<unsigned char,class std::allocator<unsigned char> >::~vector<unsigned char,class std::allocator<unsigned char> >(void)" (??1?$vector@EV?$allocator@E@std@@@std@@QAE@XZ) already defined in ScreenCollection.obj
Die in a fire, linker.
@ThePhD I got an error like that. I hate friggin linkers
@GamesBrainiac Tony's a PIMP
Pink Intimate Manly PIMP (Recursive Acronym!)
Pimp my code
@Cicada Ok, that was TMI.
@ThePhD look how it spells "ide ide ide"
@BartekBanachewicz lmao. Probably using eclipse
@GamesBrainiac I have earned some notoriety over my years in this lounge
@TonyTheLion I really don't care. You always helped me out tony. To me, you're a great guy. Although, I might be naive in believing that! XD
I need a project to contribute to :/ or to learn opengl. But srsly I just can't understand 3d. Maybe I should go on a course or something
@Ell : There are some good ones from Stanford that are free. Try 'em out.
@Zoidberg Dude. a) You're bad b) See a.
I give up.
I'm not going to compile Multiple CPP files.
#1: It takes longer to compile, for whatever fucking reason
var vertexShaderByteCode = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(@"Color.vs", "vs_5_0", ShaderFlags.EnableStrictness);
This segfaults. T_T
Segfsult in c#?
@ThePhD What is your command line
@Cicada You ask me that as if I actually can see it.
> I am very interested in learning mysteries of nature and find all the underlying cause. I wish to learn technologies so as to make my study of nature easier and effective.
@ThePhD admit you just suck
@ThePhD what IDE are you using?
Visual Studio, this is Windows development.
I'm just gonna pull up the cl.write logs and get the last command..
then what the fuck did you do o.O
@Zoidberg Step into the segfault code, maybe it's SharpDX
in VS you just add the goddamn file and it compiles
Maybe you are #including files twice?
I still get segfault when I step in.
Even if I was, everything is header-guarded.
I'll try to compile from string instead of file.
Oh wait
post the log
That's only for a single translation unit
(he's bad, right?)
Stop being bad
uh. I only took 2 lunch vouchers today by mistake
which means I'm either limited to eating salad
or my debt in bank will increase
salad makes everyone happy
my GF is eating too much :/
dump that fatty
she actually stayed with me for the past week
@zoid load the file yourself Is the obvious solution
@BartekBanachewicz yes and get together with Cicade, you two make a 'great' couple
@Cicada don't say that, she already dislikes you for taking my time
@Telkitty isn't she taken already?
was joking
@BartekBanachewicz really???
Rubs face.
Why? Why does a vector class I've never instantiated show up in my code?
rubs genitalia
Cos include
@Cicada well, the whole lounge, but you have the bad luck of being a girl ^^
@ThePhD sigh you must be using it somewhere
how the fuck does she even know me
just tell her i'm lesbian or a guy and she'll be fine
she sometimes sits behind me and reads the chat
@Cicada I think that's a natural reaction. On the other hand, if it helps, it might be worth biting the bullet and giving it a try, if nothing else, then for a short test period.
You're chatting with us when your girlfriend is right behind you?
@BartekBanachewicz sneaky ...
Missed time, IMHO.
@Ell still segfault. T_T
@Cicada I could have possibly mentioned it once or twice
@Zoidberg step into
You know, minicraft and all that crap
@jalf I'm taking a (forced) break from class. If the break helps, I'll avoid the drugs. If it doesn't, I'll bite the bullet (not the real one I hope!)
@Zoidberg You are terrible
I'm not.
@Cicada And oh, now I recall that I probably told her about that crazy chick that has more rep than me and how sick that is few months ago.
SharpDX is terrible.
@TonyTheLion but depression (often) isn't about something as rational as "not feeling able to do your job". At its root, it's a mental disorder, and for a lot of people, just "walking it off" is as impossible as fixing a broken leg just by "pulling yourself together".
@Zoidberg Did you enable "not my code only"
@Zoidberg you are
@BartekBanachewicz lol I have more rep than you? ahahahaha
@Cicada I told her you have a bf.
that's a good strategy
@BartekBanachewicz Wait, your gf is getting jealous over another girl on chat?
@Cicada ... don't make it worse. And how much you imagined I have? 40k?
<- that
I don't know I don't really check other people's rep (I just know @Etienne has less)
@Cicada Is that code for "I got more rep than anyone I give a shit about" ?
I can imagine that it might look similar to comparing willies
So I kind of feel like it's probably not very helpful to rant and rage against prescribing drugs to mitigate it. Some people have physical disorders which require medication. Some people have mental ones which require the same. And telling people that "you don't really need that medication, that's the easy way out, you wuss, just pull yourself together" probably isn't very helpful.
@GamesBrainiac I just like to troll the poor boy for no actual reason
@jalf I really really don't need a lecture on what depression is and isn't, believe me, I understand it all too well.
@GamesBrainiac Because @Cicada actually understands what I'm coding and she does not.
Good news, I have 1 linker error.
Bad news, it's the std::vector<unsigned char ....> one
@TonyTheLion And yet, it is different things for different people. :) That doesn't make your experiences invalid, but it does mean that what worked for you may not work for everyone else.
@jalf Yeah people don't actually realise it's a mental illness
@BartekBanachewicz and @Cicada : LOL You and bar sound like an old couple. No wonder Bar's gf is jealous! XD
@ThePhD You're including vector twice, somehow
@jalf unfortunately I'm not of the opinion that a pill can solve any mental problems that anyone may have. It can merely make it more bearable, imho, at the cost of the sometimes very uncomfortable side effects these types of medications have.
@GamesBrainiac no, we don't. I'm friendzoned.
@Cicada yes.
@GamesBrainiac I'm too tired to reply anything witty and hurtful but believe me I'd like to
@TonyTheLion And for many people who suffer from depression, making it bearable is the best they're going to get.
@BartekBanachewicz I actually watched a really funny video on getting friendzoned! XD
uh.. that's cool I guess?
@Cicada lol. Take a bath, that always makes me feel better! XD
@Zoidberg Okay, have you tried compiling your shader with DX's compiler?
You're right, it doesn't ever solve the problem, but for many, there is no solution. It's something they have to deal with literally for the rest of their lives. And the best they can do is to mitigate it and make it more bearable, through various means
@Cicada Double-inclusion can't be it, because it's complaining about a double-instantiation of it from ScreenCollection.obj. I can #include <vector> a million times and it shouldn't screw up multiple .cpp files (unless I'm so foggy on multi-files that that WOULD be a problem... )
@GamesBrainiac I have no bathtub
oh, that sucks
But it's not even like, Linker Errors for the whole std::vector<unsigned char> instantiation. It's just thedestructor, which baffles me.
@Cicada Damn, that really sucks. I love making bubbles in my tub, with luke warm water! :D
Althought when the water bill came for the first time I actually stopped taking them
I live in a student residence, I'm already lucky to have my own shower
Well not lucky since I do pay more for that
@BartekBanachewicz lol. Our water bill is common, so I really don't need to care! :D
don't tell me
@TonyTheLion sure, but if someone is suffering from a depression, I don't think they really need to suffer other people's "opinion" that they're "doing it wrong". That's not going to make it any better.
@GamesBrainiac screw you.
@Cicada Wait, other peopel have to use public baths! :D
I am paying shitload of $ for my apartment
@Cicada this uses DirectX' compiler.
@BartekBanachewicz Muhaahahahhahaha
Time to try the tried-and-true comment-things-out-until-the-error-disappears.
It's a wrapper around D3DCompileFromFile.
@Zoidberg No. I meant the actual compiler from DX's sdk.
Oh that exists.
I hate debugging in C++
It is a truly horrible experience
TIL that Graphics development is on the list of the things Zoidberg sucks at.
@Cicada Lounge Group Hug Time!
@Zoidberg It existed back in my time at least, let me find the name
@jalf aw thank you /hug
Visual Studio can invoke it for me.
@ThePhD : Which IDE are you using. You might want to analyze your solution
that tends to help me sometimes
@GamesBrainiac he already said
@Zoidberg It's called fxc
Why do I always end up having so absurdly many tabs open in Firefox?
@BartekBanachewicz I see. Then just use the VS Debugger, its better than Eclipse, I can tell you that
I am going to eat that motherfucking salad
take care, bb
@jalf I don't know, I have the same problem
I think it's because I prefer opening new tabs instead of closing useless ones, thinking I might need them later. I end up with ~40 tabs.
@BartekBanachewicz Cicada finally got to you?
@BartekBanachewicz Bon appétit
@Cicada I have 10 tabs open
@Cicada Holy crap
I have 24 currently. Beginning of the day.
@jalf I was only saying that it is my opinion that pills are not necessarily the answer, and I didn't in any way say that @Cicada was wrong in taking them or that she should not take them. I'm no doctor. I was advising what I have found worked for me.
hmm, I have 35 at the moment, in the active tab group. Plus probably another 80 or more in other tab groups
I have only 5 tabs open today
@jalf You might need medication too
@jalf wtf? 80 tabs? Now you're just lyin
Commenting out everything.... it solves nothing.
That's a first.
@Cicada oh, do French people actually say that as much we like to believe?
@Cicada worth. every. penny
@thecoshman Depends, how much do you believe we say it?
@Cicada more or less any time you eat a meal, mostly dinner
You know what I can do to avoid this whole problem?
I'll just not make it a DLL.
@ThePhD cyanide
I am learning french actually.
Thankfully all my codepaths have plugs for header-only, so.
Might as well just turn it on.
Not the easiest language in the world, I will admit that
Fuck DLLs in the mouth.
@thecoshman Actually it's mostly lunch.
And it depends with who you're with
I've never heard it at breakfast
Hi again guise
And when you're with very close people (your family for example), you usually skip it
hiya ell
@Cicada is that so? it's one of those things people tend to say just before we start eating, very slightly mocking perhaps. Seen as a 'posh' thing to do
@thecoshman Eh no, it's actually a polite thing to do

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