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I just noticed something. If you search for a word in Adobe Acrobat. It searches all the odd numbered pages, and then the even numbered ones.
I need to have some iterator that will iterate over a matrix with an window. any good library that already have this ? I need to implement some adjacency algorithms on top of it ?
I don't want to use OpenCV
@GamesBrainiac It's taking chances.
I want something that works well with boost
@MarkGarcia Guess even programs slack off! XD
@Rapptz Looks interesting.
Most things I post here are for humour.
@GamesBrainiac What, the CPPGM? lol!
@MarkGarcia : Is it actually worth anything/
@GamesBrainiac Don't know. Could be legit but I'm not interested.
7:25 AM
@MarkGarcia : I guess. I mean if you know something, you'll make some really awesome things with it, that in itself is certification. I've seen plently of people with shiny certs who can't tie their own shoes.
@GamesBrainiac Certifications are nothing compared to a reputable name.
@MarkGarcia : Is there a good reference for pragmas. So far, I've only found this : msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d9x1s805(v=vs.71).aspx
@GamesBrainiac Most, if not all, pragmas are implementation-specific (depends on the compiler). However there are very common pragmas (like #pragma once) that are supported by most compilers. Besides that (which is VC specific) I do not know of any other that documents pragmas.
@MarkGarcia : I just wanted to know how they work exactly.
@GamesBrainiac The document you have says most of it.
7:35 AM
@MarkGarcia But, since pragmas are so useful, why are they compiler specific? Is it a different language all together?
@GamesBrainiac The parameters you pass to pragma are the ones who are compiler specific (I think). There is also a new, C++11, way of making some compiler directives: generalized attributes.
@StackedCrooked hmm, why?
first and last are different types
so assignment would normally fail
implicit conversion?
7:38 AM
@StackedCrooked Could be an optimization problem. The second template parameter is never used.
This is compile-time.
@MarkGarcia that's not allowed. late/shallow template instantiation is not optimization. it's a core language feature (allowing sfinae and partial specializations)
Good mrning
Oh. Right. SFINAE.
@sehe And good mrning.
@StackedCrooked Are they?
0u and 1u are the same thing, unsigned int.
oh never mind I'm stupid
7:41 AM
@Rapptz derp. different constexpr -> different instantiation
I didn't read it
@Rapptz Like assigning std::arrays with different sizes.
@sehe I didn't read it properly
@StackedCrooked because the Wrap constructor is implicit conversion. You probably expected that not to work on account of template constructors not providing the default constructor, but as you indicate yourself, the default constructor isn't applicable anyways, so it looks for the conversion
@sehe Why is that?
7:43 AM
@MarkGarcia edited ^
@bamboon That. +1
@sehe Lol, the operator T(). Silly me!
Funny: http://www.lua.org/versions.html
The frequency of updates is decreasing over time.
This is too cute ...
@MarkGarcia either rate of new ideas for Lua is slowing down, or expectations for number of features per release is going up
7:57 AM
@TonyTheLion Simply a genius.
8:41 AM
I'm trying to think up good semantics for my loader...
what loader?
@ThePhD I lowered my Stencil class from ~100+ LOC to about 20.
Um. Just my generic Loader<T> class, where T is the data type it outputs.
@Rapptz Sounds like a good thing, but... Shrug.
@ThePhD pfft don't shrug at me
It's actually really simple now :|
At the moment, the signature is void Load ( { Stream Type/String/Reader Type }, T*& value ).
The loader is expected to allocate into the pointer, whether by new or some other mechanism (to avoid enforcing that all T are default-constructible value types).
The problem is, I've run into numerous situations where it would be more beneficial to just have T& instead of T*&, but I don't know how to express that in certain cases of T, *value = newvalue will be done instead of value = new T( /* stuff */ );
@Rapptz Well then, that's good. Simple with the same functionality is always good. :D
8:48 AM
I'm rewriting the whole thing
~Rewriting~ ~ ~
did I mention I am fucking retarded?
8:50 AM
@ThePhD Yeah TIL SFML doesn't have default fonts so I have to provide one.
@Rapptz Of course. SFML would have to package a font with itself.
That's licensure suicide.
Unless you picked a deliberately public domain / free font.
And the public domain fonts are really not of great quality.
a lot of fonts are public domain
@Rapptz But are they good or suitable for GUI? Most of them aren't.
8:52 AM
I know libraries that use Vera Sans
Which has a license that basically says "I don't care what you do so long as you don't make money off it"
Comic Sans FTW
In either case...
Hey guys is there a special name for "Old TV Overlay" or something? I want to create an old TV effect by using a transparent texture in DirectX
I need to figure out how to specify better semantics for my loader.
Anyway it used to have default font :(
8:53 AM
I searched for photoshop Old TV Overlays but there is nothing ; o
You mean...
..... noise, moire patterns?
Film grain?
@ThePhD yeah but like a TV around it too :P
All those things Photoshop has built-in?
it does ; o
never knew
8:54 AM
sounds so cliche
... Find a picture of a TV and lay it on top of the photo?
If you're really fancy, emulate the thick glass that old TVs had
but it's hard to find a picture of an old tv which is bigger than 300x300 ; o
By making a bit of a glare
Then I guess you're screwed. =[
something like that
8:56 AM
but there is already an image in the middle and it's just 320x240 ;o
10 seconds in google, there are probably more without the shitty watermark
You could also brush out the watermark.
Seeing as it hardly effects what he wants: the frame.
you can even use content aware to remove it
well that looks better :D
8:58 AM
forgot "frame"
thanks Rapptz ;p
now just photoshop it and create the alpha channels where needed
Troll photoshop, I wanted english and they said if you bought the polish version you have to stick with it - deleted all the polish language files and now I have english haha
:)​​​​​​​​​​​​​ — Mysticial 1 min ago
^^ min length abuse... :)
ok looks cool now:
9:03 AM
now just some textures with grain on then and those lines
morning all
@thecoshman: Morning
9:09 AM
Haha, hilarious : heard this morning "I hate that C++ is so verbose ! Look what I have to write to create a string from an int !

std::basic_ostringstream<char> output_stream;
output_stream << value;
return output_stream.str();
return std::to_string(value); <3
so, PS4... impressions?
I especially love the std::basic_ostringstream<char> part. Why not just std::ostringstream ?
@thecoshman sensible, but kind of dull
@thecoshman Moorniiing.
9:15 AM
in the sense that I miss being able to learn about cool new hardware. When they announced the PS3 I had a lot of fun learning about the Cell and everything. But now? "x86 CPU and a PC GPU, yay..."
Shall I go to Microsoft TechDays? Anyone been there?
I was once, in Paris.
but as a console, for actually playing games and stuff, it seems reasonable
Is it worth it?
Some talks were interesting. The one on C++ was ridiculous.
9:16 AM
Microsoft and C++.
Yep, it was a non-microsoft employee that talked.
@ereOn Seems legit.
At some point he said : "The new C++ standard also brings things like std::shared_ptr but I never used it so I can't tell a lot about it"
I stopped listening.
9:17 AM
Don't fucking talk if you don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, the guy talked for like one hour.
Had 250 slides.
~Business Presentation~
Yeah, totally.
Completely worthless.
But to be fair, the other talks were way better.
Someone make a bet that he couldn't produce 250 slides?
Even if I don't like all the Windows environment. Their talk on Kinect and how they created it was really good.
9:18 AM
Microsoft y u changed your logo to an incredibly terrible font.
"And this is my cat. He doesn't like it when I code in C++.."
The talk that was the best was the last one, which is about security.
@Zoidberg Calibri or Segoe?
Really fun, a lot of people would stand in the back of the room to listen.
And they were throwing gifts in the audience.
Quite fun.
9:19 AM
@MarkGarcia I don't know, but those two are both fucking terrible.
@Zoidberg I actually like Segoe, but not Calibri. The new calibri light is tolerable.
Calibri is terrible. I don't understand how people like it.
@jalf nice and concise :P
@Zoidberg It's somehow the new Comic Sans.
Probably because they think it looks better than Times New Roman, the previous default in Word.
9:21 AM
(Pro tip: it does not.)
Pro tip: use Times New Roman whenever you can.
@MarkGarcia: Comic Sans has no equal.
Times New Roman has its uses but don't use it for everything.
@Zoidberg It's the safest font. :)
9:22 AM
Also school is fucking hilarious.
Design and Usability was a subject.
And they told us that if you use serif fonts on websites, you're wrong and your website is unusable.
(Pro tip: get a new job.)
ProTip(tm) is a trademark from Github. You can't use it.
Oh scrum workshop at TechDays.
9:23 AM
It's probably full of stupid marketing people.
@Zoidberg: If you can, avoid the Cloud-related workshops.
Okay. :P
Unless you like hearing the words "costs", "scalability" and "future" over and over.
"The reduced costs and scalability gain make Cloud-Computing the Future of IT"
"At SomeCompany Inc., we switched to Microsoft(tm) Azure(tm) Cloud(tm) for our database and gained scalability and costs and stepped further into the future"
Oh there are talks about security, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 app workshop, mobile apps, SQL Server performance, SharePoint (haha), Entity Framework (:().
9:26 AM
I could even write a cloud-sentence generator.
HAHAHAHAH "HTML5/Javascript".
What an idiot. It's "JavaScript", not "Javascript".
Okay I'm not going. Screw it.
Also, ProTip for the TechDays
If there is a workshop you really want to attend.
It's all about Windows and shit.
9:27 AM
Pick up one you don't really care about just before.
@Zoidberg No. Windows is shit.
So you can exit sooner and be sure to get a seat.
@MarkGarcia that too. :P
> Making Windows PowerShell sexy
Lol a talk about PowerShell. He should try Z shell and Linux.
9:28 AM
PowerShell is pretty powerful considering it has .NET in it too.
Anyway I'm going to sleep. Adios.
I need to differentiate the names of these Load functions...
It's "good" for scripts.
LoadValue, and Load, I guess.
@Rapptz Konbanwa, Rapptz-san~
9:33 AM
9:44 AM
@TonyTheLion don't you get it?
it's kind of lame joke :P
@BartekBanachewicz of course I get it.
what makes you think I wouldn't get it?
I've designed a new finanical instrument - PowerPoint insurance. Intended for professionals in safety-critical jobs, eg. surgeons/anaesthetists, industrial control-room operators, flight crew. It will cover damages and legal costs arising from the consequences of anyone opening a presentation within your line-of-sight while you are working. If you are in danger of falling asleep at your job, call now!
okey, nvm
anyway, my focal assesment is done!
@MartinJames ahahahahah
I want to try horse meat
9:49 AM
@Telkitty You haven't already?
Not really. Have you?
hey guys
@Telkitty I assume so.
if I define both T::operator+(T other) and operator+(T, T)
9:51 AM
Tesco Value Chilli-con-Carne, for one item.
and then try to T x = T() + T()
it's ambiguous?
member binds better, IIRC
Have you tried :) lol
@MartinJames What does it taste like
@Xeo yup, also IIRC
9:51 AM
Unless you did T::operator+(T other) &
@sehe trying != standard required behavior
Which will only bind to lvalues.
@BartekBanachewicz har har. you. don't. say :). In that case have you tried (searching SO, e.g.)
@BartekBanachewicz why the ()
A highly-spiced meat product.
9:52 AM
you are overloading + operator
@Telkitty ... try writing int x = int + int; and see what happens
@Xeo that's interesting
@sehe I am reading @sbi 's FAQ
Hmm, cannot convert lambdas to (__cdecl*) fun pointers. Am I doing something wrong or is that the way it is?
@BartekBanachewicz I'm afraid it might not address it. site:stackoverflow.com c++ overload operator member global ambiguous in google gives loads of indications that ambiguity could be a problem
@R.MartinhoFernandes Standard doesn't know about __cdecl and friends, so all is implementation defined.
@sehe I will take a peek in n3485
9:56 AM
Aren't all lambdas functors ?
FWIW, MSVC has the conversion op to __cdecl, __stdcall and __fastcall or whatever the last one was..
@Xeo I know, I'm asking about MSVC.
You can have a lambda that is like a "real, regular" function ?
@ereOn don't have to unless they have state
9:56 AM
@sehe: Good to know. Makes sense when you think about it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 2010 has no conversion to function pointer at all.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nope.
they didn't implement it for 2010
Ah, there we go. Fuck.
wasn't in the Standard then, I believe.
9:57 AM
I remember struggling with it
about 1.5 years ago
@BartekBanachewicz I'm curious too. If there's no good match on SO, you might want to post a question, strictly about the ambiguity rules (or: name lookup/overload resolution rules) and best practice
@R.MartinhoFernandes trying to ogonek into MSVC?
@sehe No, work.
@sehe Best practices are discussed in the FAQ; I am, on the other hand, asking from purely theoretical point of view. Do you think it is sensible to ask such a question?
Need a __cdecl funptr to pass as a callback.
@BartekBanachewicz The implicit parameter is T&, which binds directly, and is as such an identity conversion. I think a T parameter does not count as identity conversion, but I'll have to look further.

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