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Faster to write, and I can already tell it's a search immediately.
A: Maximum size of a bit field in C or C++?

user19781752,147,483,647 you can figure that out by useing cout<<INT32_MAX; or if you're running 64 bit cout<<INT64_MAX; and that answer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

@AndreiTita What
How is that faster to write
@CatPlusPlus Someone here must hate writing #include <algorithm>...
@CatPlusPlus no polymorphic lambdas
My favourite
Is Channel9 buggy or is it me? Third time I have to start watching a tutorial.
Phoenix is funky to use ->.
Fuck you doxygen. I am writing everything by hand.
You're doing something wrong
Would be cool if there was an alternative to doxygen
Doxygen is semi-good for generating raw API dump and nothing beyond that
It's not very useful
If you try to write real documentation with it it only ends up being sucky and confusing
a documentation generator can't tell you that much, really
@CatPlusPlus Samuel Clemens once commented that a "classic" is a book that people don't want to read -- they only want to have read. Likewise, documentation is something nobody wants to write -- they only want to have written it.
I found this
kind of verbose though
If you can't understand what int Multiply (int x, int y) does, you're a moron.
Why would you paste that if I linked it already? o.o
I like Sphinx.
It's.. called an example.
And Haddock.
I wish my compiler would warn me when I try to pass a string to printf instead of c_str()
why are you using printf
Use a decent compiler and enable that warning.
and -Wformat
@Rapptz Because printf owns?
@Zoidberg Type signatures are not enough in C++
@CatPlusPlus That's what I want. I want it to do the heavy lifting and spewing out something I can build on.
Much more readable than a billion chained <<s.
@JohanLarsson download it first
@R.MartinhoFernandes Show the config and directory layout, because you're seriously doing something wrong
@Zoidberg Don't use printf
I do. I always do and I love it.
Don't ever use printf
@CatPlusPlus Directory layout here: bitbucket.org/martinhofernandes/ogonek/src, config is default from $ doxygen -g.
I don't have doxygen, put it on pastebin
@sehe ok I tried that also but the dl broke, trying again, ty.
naturaldocs thing seems cool
@Rapptz Thanks. Unfortunately there is no equivalent on MSVC.
@Zoidberg What does it do on overflows?
@AndreiTita Try /w
wait no that disables all warnings, not enables.
@Rapptz No, there really isn't. I searched.
If you think that signature is enough documentation, you suck.
Wasn't documented in the example either.
So it's not worse, at least.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Signature and name can be fairly self-explanatory.
@AndreiTita Even with /Wall?
Robot. Try adding stuff to input?
@Ell Tried with include src there. Same result.
Oh. Hmm
@JohanLarsson ... I hope you wget -c that :)
@Rapptz I think that The Option for VS is /W4.
As in /Run /Into /Wall /Headlong
@Rapptz The Option = equivalent of -Wall -Wextra -pedantic, that is.
@Rapptz Nope. Although the output of /Wall was pretty entertaining.
I thought /W4 produced zillions of crap from the standard library and thus was not usable.
Or is that /Wall?
still 18 days to go before BF3 is updated.
warning C4365: 'argument' : conversion from 'long' to 'unsigned int', signed/unsigned mismatch

These are actually the same enumerated type.
@R.MartinhoFernandes /Wall. /W4 is sane and useful
@AndreiTita haha, useful? Maybe. Sane? Definitely not without filtering the insanity away yourself.
Welp, gotta do my Software Engineering Quality homework. bbl
@R.MartinhoFernandes You know what is insane? -Weverything.
VS has way too many joke warnings.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Didn't need to disable any /W4 warning project-wide. For some TUs, yes.
If /W4 is any different than -Weverything, then it is sane.
GCC has a few too, even on -Wall -Wextra -pedantic.
-Wmismatched-tags I'm looking at you.
what's mismatched tags?
I don't think I've gotten it so far
class foo;
struct foo {};
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hehe.
Hey, we want to be consistent!
I am.
I consistently attribute no special meaning to class or struct.
I guess that's with -Wextra because I don't get it with -Wall -pedantic
Then you do want that warning ;d
@R.MartinhoFernandes Add include and src directories to INPUT
@CatPlusPlus Tried it.
11 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Ell Tried with include src there. Same result.
Ah! Seems to be working.
I need to exclude scons-local-2.2.0
I don't want scons docs.
It shouldn't touch it
Meh, I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have looked at this older part of the project. I'm going to be doing some rewriting.
If you set INPUT
You might want to try EXTRACT_ALL too
lol, what a joke.
Public Types:
using type = T
using type = T
using type = T
Three specialisations? :v
@CatPlusPlus No... Source is simply template <typename T> struct identity { using type = T; };
lol it documents SCons.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That works well.
It probably didn't catch up to C++11
Bug report will be closed as 'NAD NAD NAD'.
Doxygen: does thrice as much as other documentation generators
libclang can be used for API dumping with docstrings.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 404
@DeadMG You may have opened it while I was regenerating.
It does not generate docs for the dependencies now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 404 here too
pretty obvious, prolly
@sehe Yeah, that was clipped as it was an implementation detail.
Oh. I forgot something... Hmm.
Yeah, Doxygen supports Markdown but only as input... I don't want to dabble in its crappy HTML output.
Yeah, fuck it.
You should write your own documentation generator
I am not daknok, or ThePhD.
You gotta hand it to him, ThePhD has quite A knack for finishing projects
Cool, but I'd say round 8 was the best so far.
@Griwes We've all seen it.
want to be: unsick
also, I reckon amazon.com puts out way more than 1 cubic metre of goods per second
You need to be more specific. Several diseases have unsickness as their ultimate effect.
Have you ever taken ginger ale?
ginger beer
and drank, it's a drink, not a drug?#
ginger usually helps with nausea.
ah, this one is minor
I ate too many creme eggs, just slightly
it'll keep me up a while, but it's not "Holy fuck I need drugs"
not like if I eat a Mars Bar
or when I ate risotto
or stuffed myself with Scotch Pancakes
man, those things are so fucking tasty
not that I can eat any anymore
@DeadMG I haven't
I feel so blunt
can a stomach bug make me stupider?
unlikely... SCNR
:( sorry about that. You probably don't need my sick humour...
but I would feel a lot better if I shut the window and stopped freezing to death
man - why is your window open? You are not, by any chance, referring to frigid OS-es?
I mean, a literal window, which I literally had open for the last six hours, letting sub-zero air in.
@LucDanton daily update ^
@DeadMG - why - ?
@sehe Because if I don't, my bedroom will get way too hot.
even after all that, it's still not that cold.
WTF. Can't you turn down the heating?
I could do
but then I'd have to remember to turn it back up when I go to bed
@DeadMG Erm. Switch one or two racks of servers off? Colo your sha2 bruteforcing?
else I'll freeze to death in the mornings
Each and every one of them.
(Clock thermostats, anyone? Also: environment?)
clock thermostat is only for the whole house
@LucDanton Also, we have used 2.6Gb of the allotted 2TB/month data transfer :)
It's okay puppy.
I do that too.
Apparently it bugs the people who live with me though.
"It's too cold" they say.
my room is always the hottest in winter and the coolest in summer
but it gets problematically hot at the end of the day when the machine has been on all day and the heating is also on all day
Last summer it was 39 C
and my room was way too hot.
I was pretty much sweating in my sleep.
my room is actually remarkably cool
@sehe Looks good.
oh, fuck me
this just in: stress during your life can mutate your children's genes.
Future children?
of course
cough: TIL the puppy is thinking of procreation
although I think that DNA-mutating stress almost always occur during childhood
@DeadMG What makes you think that?
@Rapptz I'm fairly sure that the documentary I watched found that severe childhood stress was the trigger for the obesity they were studying. Of course, that doesn't prevent other DNA-mutating stresses from having other effects at other times.
Any scientific paper?
not offhand
it was a documentary, they just quoted some professor at ... University of Oxford, I think.
btw your original claim isn't surprising "stress during your life can mutate your children's genes."
they were trying to understand the causes of obesity, and picked up a hundred pairs of identical twins where one twin was obese, and the other twin was normal.
@Rapptz Well, I dunno about you, but I think the conventional image of DNA is that it's generally immutable except for generational mutations.
DNA Methylation can be affected by stress is probably what it is inferring to.
but what they were saying is that previously, they thought that there was a mechanism to remove this methylation in gametes, so that the offspring starts with a blank environmental slate, as it were.
whereas in fact, they showed that this mechanism was not entirely effective- some genes remained methylated and produced offspring where those genes were still methylated
sorry, you'll have to interpret
@DeadMG There's also epigenetics.
I got "methylated DNA" and a few other terms, but couldn't quite grasp the meaning.
That's when you do meth
@AndreiTita Methylating is an epigenetic mechanism.
The conclusion seems basic to me
OXTR = Oxytocin receptor
it seems to imply that stress is caused by OXTR methylation?
or enhanced or whatever
The other way around.
holy shit chrome dictionary is awful
that doesn't make much sense to me.
catalyzation isn't in the dictionary?
oxytocin is a feel-good hormone, if the receptors are destroyed, the mood of the subject should go down, not up.
@Rapptz s/y/i/?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
The paper is saying that acute psychosocial stress increases methylation which in turn produced less OXTR. After about 90 minutes from invoking the stress, the levels went back to normal.
so the brain became less receptive to oxytocin
I guess you can say that.
This paper is kind of flawed.
> Several limitations of this study should also be noted: First, we measured DNA methylation in peripheral blood, which does not allow us to directly draw conclusions about processes in the central nervous system. ... Second, we did not apply an unstressed control group and can therefore not completely exclude that DNA methylation changes were due to factors unrelated to the psychosocial stress experience.
> Third, we analyzed DNA methylation changes after acute psychosocial stress in a study population with high likelihood of early experiences of war-related adversities, who may have been sensitized to stress.
;_; what the hell man.
IOW, they failed to control for virtually everything?
"kind of"
well I was reading it and got to that point, lol
So yeah I guess they failed to account for a lot of things which in my opinion sort of invalidates their conclusion.
I mean, other people can use the basis of this paper to improve upon it should they have interest in doing so.
fuck you, bank, why is your online service unavailable?
I depend on that shit to, y'know, bank.
It's 3AM
He depends on it
Q: ({[RELEASE]}) D0ubl3 v4raiable swap, no 3rd var edition 2k10, 1600msp

user1968525yo script kiddies this is sommin uve all been waitin 4, the double variable no 3rd swap, only 2 variables 2 swappah mah stuff up, here we go: int i = 0; int j = 1; i = j + (j = i) * 0; gon be writin a scientific paper on this soon, i think it could have far reachin cons...

lol removed
It was good while it lasted.
Damn, I need a tri-state bool: {True, False, Whatever}
A: How can I refactor a program with a large amount of std::cin and std::cout operations?

Rapptz#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> int main() { std::map<int,std::string> grades = { {10,"A+"}, {9,"A"}, {8,"B"}, {7,"C"}, {6,"D"}, {5,"F"} }; std::cout << "Input a grade: "; int grade; std::cin >> grade; grade...

> deleted by Bill the Lizard♦ 9 mins ago
ow, holy fuck
this shit is supposed to get better after three hours, not worse.
@Mysticial Take SS? :D
@AndreiTita Boost.Tribool
It's bad for your brain
@CatPlusPlus That is... really, awesome.
Mysticial doesn't know fundamental algorithms
@Mysticial thanks :D
@AndreiTita WTF
@R.MartinhoFernandes Don't ask me. I'm just a hapless observer.
omg, the code in the doom3 engine is fucking huge
How huge?
holy cockfucking shit, I'm so unbelievably sick.
sigh Why do I bother with the Source engine?
Shameless plug: stackoverflow.com/questions/14548592/… (another way out-of-line effort on a spirit question).
And I'm out, bedtime!
Bye sehe
"apologies if this question has been answered before." - that seemed a bit ludicrous. However, for fun, I've written a sample that parses your grammar (and is able to print it out to check it) — sehe 29 mins ago
^ couldn't help but jest a little there
You sure use a lot of ;
@Rapptz har har
@Rapptz It's a matter of principle really. I want my statements and declarations to look like statements/declarations. I believe the Robot has been working on using a trick to allow trailing ; on every macro (by putting a no-op static_assert in, IIRC))
@Rapptz No need to walk very far for that, since it was on LWS
I wouldn't have known something was wrong if it wasn't for -pedantic
@sehe I didn't make the image.
@Rapptz Admit it: you scanned it from a stamp the other day :)
If it was a stamp I'd buy it
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mr.TMP expert. By how much do you think this can be reduced?
using TMP?
Still wish I could set my syntactic sugar working for matrices.
pretty much impossible =[
Hmm. I wonder what they used the 5x5 and 6x6 matrices for.
nigth peopes
Hm I don't know.
@Borgleader There is a bunch of duplication there that can be reduced. I don't think you need a lot of TMP, though, just regular template stuff.
holy shit, I'm so sick
But it can be reduced :) Good news :)
wtb drugs
I love this lib: lemon >>> BGL (much more pleasant to use: no fuss)

too bad it's not actively developed any more (seems to be rather complete, tho)
Searching for "rocks and pickaxe" (clip art) got me: zero rocks, around 1000 pickaxes and one spade.
I'm a hairy wizard
Stupid MinGW..
ow how how how how
yummy function composition (gonna try it out later):

@DeadMG what do you have?!
ask the fucking doctor
@kfmfe04 basically throws the KISS principle out the window
@kfmfe04 pretty cool looking though
@kfmfe04 I wonder what the debugging experience would be with all those wrappers and templates in control
maybe I should call ambulance or someshit
what hurts so much
There are weird noises outside, I may have unleashed things.
@LucDanton have your pipes checked for lead
@doug65536 He would die of heavy metal poisoning?
@MarkGarcia can cause massive delusions yes

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