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I can't control which cl.exe MSBuild is calling, I don't think.
> Inferior 1 [process 13199] will be killed.
GDB thinks itself superior to my code.
That's because it is
@ThePhD I think you can -- that's exactly what happens when you select a different platform or configuration (e.g., 64-bit build uses cl.exe from one directory, 32-bit build uses it from another).
@JerryCoffin The thing is, from inside Visual Studio, can I say "Hey, use the cl.exe from here" ? I've never found that functionality while plumbing through the project configs.
Does this=0x7fffffffc500 look like a valid pointer?
@R.MartinhoFernandes gdb is just an arrogant bully. Your code would have to be truly horrendous to be worse that gdb.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Too high?
@JerryCoffin Right okay thank you :) also another question, earlier I asked if DAC + low pass filter, and you said it could work the same as a PWM, but I realised I actually meant to say half wave rectifier, so now I don't understand why a low pass filter would help :S
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not really, no.
Q: Can't call a method from other classes?

user1814358I 've one header file where is just methods, second C++ file where that methods i realise, and third main file where i want to call method from second C++ file. I type in code, where is errors, so if you can, please help. I'm new in C++.net. Root.h file(just methods) class Root { //File public...

Weird way of doing public
Well, it's explicit.
Oh man. That guy should just use C#.
It basically spoonfeeds you
@Ell A DAC normally needs a low-pass on the output (though, of course, it may be built in). A DAC normally builds a stepped square wave; the LP filter smooths those steps.
does chat keep hanging for anyone else?
I may be preaching to the choir here but can we please not upvote questions that fail to post an MWE where appropriate? *annoyed*
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Works fine here.
@KonradRudolph MWE?
@JerryCoffin a stepped square wave? I will look that up
Same here
@R.MartinhoFernandes Miniumum working example?
@JerryCoffin *minimal
@KonradRudolph Ah, just so.
@Rapptz But C++.net perfomance is greater than C#.net. — user1814358 10 secs ago
looks like I can still post when it's hung
but no messages arrive until I F5
works for about ten minutes
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Maybe it stops scrolling? Used to happen sometimes.
nope I can scroll down
interestingly also a newline appears in the edit box after I submit a message
something's quite fucked up with this tab
maybe ctrl+F5 will help
so kill it
why don't people use the using type alias more?
Q: c++ dynamic programming

user1091810Any idea for Q-learning good parameters on snackes and ladders ? i tried gamma=0.9 and alpha(s)=1/sqrt(visits(s)). thanks for the helpers I've been doing an apps that using YouTube API in my project. I had tab that represent 3 tabs. First channel tab, second top video and finally fav video. I w...

because gcc 4.7 is rare
gcc 4.7 isn't that rare is it?
well, ubuntu 12.04 still ships 4.6
Yeah, Ubuntu sucks.
fedora ships 4.7 as of 17
@R.MartinhoFernandes something still regularly crashes in my ubuntu VM
@Rapptz It appears to be fine. All pointers are 0x7ffff...
Does a printer print an image exactly as it is in the file, or does it modify it at all?
That's a weird pointer
and it's slow as crap with that stupid desktop environment
@Crowz it might do a CYMK conversion or something. idk.
@Rapptz Some people seem to think that we're all mind readers or something.
@Rapptz I guess they point to the stack and the stack starts at 0x8000...
@melak47 Wait isn't that color?
A working printer prints stuff as close as possible to what it is told to print.
>Any idea for Q-learning good parameters on snackes and ladders ?
which makes it even funnier tbh
ah nvm
in my head snackers is funny
@Crowz Not really a meaningful question. It has to translate some sort of logical representation in the file into some physical representation on paper. Yes, to do that it typically has to apply some mapping from what's in the file to what it deposits on the paper. For example, if you're printing in color, it normally applies a mapping to make up for the fact that different printers will have different "ideas" of what "pure green" means.
@JerryCoffin okay. The problem I am having is porportional.
My program is sending a file to a printer. I am expecting 1 inch squares (because I use for loops to iterate every 96 pixels (because it's 96PPI))
The squares come out as 1.5 inches, though'
@MooingDuck When you show up, lemme know! I got something for you to try related to g++ and VS.
@Crowz There you'll often see some minor differences as well. Just for example, let's assume your input file is at 300 DPI. If you print at 300 DPI, that's fine -- but if you print at (say) 288 DPI, it has to do something to translate.
@JerryCoffin I don't get, though, how photoshop can know how many "inches" a pixeled picture is. You know?
@Crowz A printer driver will often ignore the DPI in a file, instead doing some fixed translation from one input pixel to N output pixels.
@JerryCoffin How can I gain access to this from the printer?
@Crowz It doesn't really know -- it just writes a value into the "pixels per inch" field of the file. Other code can pay as much or little attention to that as it chooses.
@Crowz You set the PPI ratio yourself
@Crowz Depends a lot on the printer. For example, if you have a postscript printer and don't mind writing some raw postscript, you can set up whatever transform you like.
@Rapptz is that defined in the file header?
I think it's when you make a new file or in the options.
I can open CS6 if you want
@Crowz For what kind of file? A TIFF file (for one example) can hold multiple pictures, each with its own PPI, so that's not in the file header. Others have only one picture per file, so it often is.
@JerryCoffin PNG, JPEG, and JPG
Ah that's what you meant by file header
Oooo I see
What if someone is opening a file, for example?
@Crowz For PNG, it's in an (optional) pHYs chunk. For JPEG, you often have different components at different resolutions, so it's a little more complex.
Hm. Let me see
2 hours ago, by sehe
@Fanael inb4 boost::spirit :)
@Fanael Also, Boost Serialization
Wait, why do you want to know PPI anyway?
Isn't that easy to calculate, provided you have the screen size?
@Rapptz He's trying to match screen to printer and such -- but apparently unwilling to actually look things up so he can really get a clue of what he's dealing with.
@Rapptz Well the idea, right now, is to make a grid on a picture and print it... you know?
I got my grid to the right size, but it's printing the picture way bigger than it SHOULD be
@FredOverflow quite an achievement
@sehe Considering how many sentences you can make (at least sort of) correct in English just by putting almost random words together, it really is.
Oh wow. It's real.
> Stay away from this book until a corrected edition is available. There is not a single sentence using the English language in a correct way. This makes it hard to impossible to understand the text. What a shame...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit there is a known jquery bug with transitions for some versions of Opera. Do you have some version of Opera?
@bamboon 4.7.2. in ubuntu 12.10 /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
hm what would be the fastest way to declare 64 dimensional array of x size each element? <- just curious, not planning to use it
@sehe Yeah, Ubuntu still sucks :P
64 dimensional array lol
just an example
@GamErix Write a program to do it.
@GamErix boost multi array has some extents thing :L that would be a lot quicker than writing std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<...
@R.MartinhoFernandes int Array[x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x]....; is there really no shorter way? XD
"int Array" ++ (join $ replicate 64 "[x]")
ah k, hm so my friend looses, there is no shorter way :P
"Array#{"[x]" * 64}"
(without using external utilities)
@R.MartinhoFernandes nice alternative : o
still me wins };>
@R.MartinhoFernandes You too? T_T The H(askell)-Virus is spreading so rapidly...
@Borgleader Me too?
I used Haskell for the first time more than eight years ago.
finally finished my DB application today for IT. Lol. fuck vb. done with it.
@GamErix Given that nobody's ever needed this, optimizing it hasn't been a high priority.
You sneaky robot and here I thought you werent infected

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