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I really think you're gonna stab yourself
@StackedCrooked You do?
Try walnuts instead.
Or otherwise, doughnuts
That apple thing is cool
when you split an apple in half with your hands
@NolwennLeGuen wait a sec, did you leave a helpful 4chan style comment there?
@sehe where?
I'll take that to mean no
Wait, that skin?
Why what for
It's highly toxic
It's part of the taste
The skin is very bitter?
btw, is std::make_unique() still missing?
It's not in the current standard.
Yet another oversight?
Next standard is 2014 or later.
Ahahaahaha 2014
2014 is like next year.
We'll have C# 7 by then
howdoi - a unix code search tool: http://buff.ly/WuiByC
^ wow. looks useful if it works
@NolwennLeGuen As a CTCTCTPPP
> OP is probably a faggot
@sehe Interesting.
But how will you know the answer on StackOverflow is correct? — Nemo 2 days ago
^ brilliant considering the question this was posted on /cc @Mysticial
@R.MartinhoFernandes see this, my logical reaction
@Nils Sorry, it kinda worked out of the box
WTF like out of the box and also within Xcode?
@sehe How do I take that
@NolwennLeGuen With another bourbon.
I am offended
@NolwennLeGuen Or just a grain of salt. You know, I did think of you. Aaaan I can read deleted messages too.
@NolwennLeGuen (Also, that's a first. Congrats! How did it feel?)
I can too
@NolwennLeGuen Especially if you're the one initiating the deletion
@chris: "Literally everywhere"? — Lightness Races in Orbit 2 days ago
^ how unexpected to see Tomalak post such an exactment
how the hell did that get 401 votes
404 now
@Rapptz One of our moderators reddited it.
I just added the 405th since you mentioned it
^ lol
@kbok :facepalm:
@Mysticial I just pinged you on that. And I hadn't even scrolled down to the first answer. I mean, the first comment was pretty conclusive for me :)
I want a video tutorial on how to pickpocket in the subway
@sehe Well there's one other guy that did it with me. So it could've been him. :D
@kbok I just stumbled past that vid. And found myself thinking: wow, they must have an interesting life, judging from the topics and the background scenery. Cough. So boring that it hurts
@Mysticial Did what? Oh answer. I said: I didn't even see it. Firstly, you deserve to have the accepted answer there. Secondly, nothing will compete well against the opening "Since I'm the current world record holder for the most digits of pi" :)
@sehe He was the one who actually ran the computation and owned the hardware.
I couldn't have done it alone anyways - don't have such a deep pocket.
@Mysticial Wait, Larry Smith was your "accomplice"?
@Mysticial The record is not on your name btw!
But on your accomplice.
@StackedCrooked Yee Something Something?
Crazy Japanese IIRC.
We each had our parts. I had the software, he had the hardware. Without both, it wouldn't have worked.
I would've had to take a mortgage on my house to be able to get the hardware.
Of course.
Hey, you own a house?
Not my house.
My parents'.
And even if I did have the hardware, I don't think I would have enough experience with high-end server hardware to make it hold together that long.
*granted, it never did hold together anyways. But that's what software fault-tolerance was for.
Would Amazon cloud work?
@StackedCrooked Not really. Since the cloud doesn't have fast shared memory.
also, Cloud computation is vastly more expensive
you don't need to run it for long before buying your own hardware is cheaper
Luckily, we know that the last digit of Pi is 6 (since god tweeted it just in time before the apocalyps). So, that will lend another bit of credibility, should you reach the end of Pi... — sehe 8 secs ago
a high-grade hardware server instance in the Amazon cloud is unbelievably expensive
How do you know you're at the end of pi?
There may be 10.000 consecutive zeroes
@kbok lol
@DeadMG But, it would be incredibly expensive to host it for yourself too. If you are goint to toy with a HPC for a month, you don't just go and hope you can sell the hardware after a month. And don't forget about real estate to physically house it, cooling and powering. Those get cheaper with scale and good contracts.
In short, if you need HPC for research at regular times over years, yes, DIY is gonna be cheaper. Otherwise, cloud HPC might just be your ticket to even make it slightly feasible.
the cost of physical housing and cooling is not that much, if you are not using many machines
@kbok You'll know it when you see it.
if I wanted to, I could fit three or four perhaps in my room
housing and cooling and electricity become the main expenses when you're hosting a data center; if you're just DIY, the hardware is much more expensive
@DeadMG In general, I agree though. With a single regular (small unit) instance on AWS, I wager that at about 5 to 6 months, owning a physical instance might become cheaper.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey hey, I only reinvent the wheel when its nice and helpful and stuff 'n' shit. :c
Who's flagging in the C++ book room
that room still exists?
@DeadMG If you are using server racks then you can stack them vertically. You could have way more than 4.
And your tropical fish would go without a thermostate. Yay
@StackedCrooked By that time, you are going to have a serious problem with heat.
I don't see why.
let me put it another way
I only have one machine, and it's not even HPC, hardware from the top end three years ago
but my room is still consistently about five degrees warmer than the rest of the house.
if I had several of them in here, I'd be roasting in my own juices
@DeadMG Sounds tasty.
too much fat, not enough meat
Ah, I thought you meant overheating the machines.
I know it'd probably have to go quite a bit higher than that, but it would certainly be unusable as a room
I think it would be funnier if she actually appeared to have a nice rack
It's nice. Her face is the problem.
@StackedCrooked Eh, other way around IYAM.
@DeadMG do a reference measurement with just you in there for the same aount of time as you currently spend there. And the hardware switched off :)
i have a new quiz
Tell us!
We're excited!
Also hi.
I'm all wet in my pants! Not.
@JohannesSchaub-litb quiche
It's like a Euler problem, but Better.
@sehe eww
@ThePhD Project Schaub?
@NolwennLeGuen Vive la France, oui.
quiche in ma pants
@NolwennLeGuen Let's keep things clean, shall we?
@Zoidberg and you
@StackedCrooked sholoui?
Why is Class Class::* an allowed type!?
@StackedCrooked she can do the laundery, I presume
1 minute since last time sex was mentioned
@NolwennLeGuen chez lui?
@JohannesSchaub-litb SO IT CAN GET TOT HE OTHER SIDE.
@sehe "shall we"
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Don't mention sex here. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [get-out] [no-questions]
@StackedCrooked lol @ at url
@JohannesSchaub-litb What, a method on Class could never return an instance of Class?
@JohannesSchaub-litb Because you can say Class Class::* foo;!
@JohannesSchaub-litb Is that even a type?
@NolwennLeGuen ... I got that actually.
@Mysticial What the fuck is up with this edit? stackoverflow.com/revisions/14283481/6 It’s completely gratuitous!
room topic changed to Ponies
@Zoidberg but that member would make the class have infinite size!?
you guys keep doing stuff to get me to come into the room, what's the matter?
@DeadMG It's not a method. It's a pointer to data member.
ah, PTM, rather than PTMF
Why shouldn't it?
Please assume that both names Class denote the same class type
@KonradRudolph It fixed some grammar and added random wiki links.
@EtiennedeMartel What's so great about Ponies? They crap all over the place and piss all over the place. :c
@NolwennLeGuen room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Ponies [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [get-out] [no-questions]
@ThePhD That makes two of you!
@R.MartinhoFernandes <3
@JohannesSchaub-litb pointer to ~!
@Rapptz Except that most of the “fixes” aren’t, and the random added links were already in the text at other places and add nothing but redundancy
Reminds me of that thing the Psychos say in BL2.
@KonradRudolph WTF
struct Class { Class mem; };
@EtiennedeMartel Which one?
@KonradRudolph I don't see how it is gratuitous. Yeah, it attracts more attention when it's on a high profile answer, but we get this type of 'micro-cleanups' a great lot
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Bring me a bucket, and I'll show you a bucket"
@JohannesSchaub-litb this compilez:
class Class;
Class Class::* foo;
@KonradRudolph He does that a lot. Biggest editor on SO I believe. I don't mind though.
@sehe Adding a link to wikipedia "Two cents" (seriously?) does not quite count as a "micro cleanup".
@Zoidberg yes so can you assign something to foo besides a null pointer!?
@sehe Replace “Pi” by “pi”? That’s just disgusting. Edit out a comma for a full stop? Question of style. The links were already present. There are zero real changes.
My edit was a good one, thank you very much :D
@JohannesSchaub-litb sure.
Undefined reference to main, lul
@Mysticial I would. It’s rude. I see no reason to this edit other than badge-grabbing
does the Standard not permit T Derived::* to T Base::*?
int bar;
Class Class::* foo = (Class Class::*)&bar;
@Zoidberg Dat C cast.
@KonradRudolph He already has the badges a long time ago.
Class::* expands to a list of all members .
if so, perhaps some other class could derive from Class, and then have a second member of it as a data member, then convert the PTM back down.
@ThePhD laziness!
you question is pretty fucked up IMO
I can't believe you actually are talking about C++
@Mysticial Well whatever. You get multiple badges for copy editing in different tags though
@DeadMG right!
@JohannesSchaub-litb no; Class is an incomplete type.
Johannes what have you done
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, I didn't need it. But anyways, it's a community site, contents are community owned etc. blabla
@KonradRudolph s/is/are/ :)
if you want to edit minute details, at least do it right, not sloppily
I forgot
@sehe okay, one real change.
Two things that could be annoying with those edits is that they push posts closer to auto-wiki (not a problem if you spot it and flag it out). The other is that it unlocks all the votes.
how to have returns on function pointers.
@sehe Seriously, that’s it!
I'm gonna sprinkle an asterisk on it for a while 'till it compiles.
@ThePhD don't forget the ampersands.
@KonradRudolph Wait. Are you complaining about rep and badge whoring now? What purpose does that serve? If it leads to problems,... well I guess there is meta.SE, but I don't see how it is
You could argue that my edit wasn't constructive
@sehe I’m complaining about gratuitous edits. I’m not against copy editing but please at least do it right. If you perform ~20 non-improving edits to a post and replace one “is” with “are”, that’s fishy
All I did was replace the jpg images with LaTeX alternatives.
inb4 /b/
@KonradRudolph IMO they just need to get a life. It's okay if they want to be fishy. They can have a ball
@Zoidberg ... I haven't eaten in 18 hours. Thank you for reminding me.
Cereal or something bread-based?
@ThePhD No problemo.
Personally, I'm a huge fan of cereal.
@Zoidberg Gf bough pizza today, first time in a year. I had two slices and gave the rest to the dogs it was nasty
@Rapptz At least IMO, that's an honest improvement.
@JohanLarsson first time of the year :L
@sehe Well, I consider it rude because it changes ownership of a post on Stack Overflow, and if it happens to one post a lot it actually costs you reputation when the post becomes community edited. So do edit, but don’t do it unnecessarily
@Rapptz Wat. Equations as JPEG?!
@KonradRudolph I'd rather blame the system than the users.
Dat artifacts.
@LucDanton I think the system is totally fine. It can be abused but unless it’s abused it works
You don't say.
System? I'm not part of it.
@Zoidberg This is why PNG is the most superior format evar.
The system is part of me.
@ThePhD for equations, use SVG MathJax.
I threw the system on the ground.
@NolwennLeGuen Haha.
@KonradRudolph man. did that happen to you? I'm sure you can have it reverted. I'm pretty sure someone here (Mysticial ?) even reported having that done (on a post accidentally marked CW, and then getting >100 upvotes)
T giggles = lolsies(); when lolsies returns a local object by value, will there be a call to the copy constructor or not?
@sehe It did, and you can’t.
@KonradRudolph You can flag it out of wiki if it was recently made wiki.
I've done that a few times on some of the bigger posts.
@KonradRudolph You don't have powerful enough friends then. I'm sure I've heard this happen succesfully in the past
But I’m more concerned with the fact that this edit’s just plain rude, if we assume that the editor knows all this: he shows that he clearly doesn’t care about it, and just forges ahead.
^ A few times, apparently
The Python yield keyword explained
answered Oct 23 '08 at 22:48 by e-satis
This post was auto-wikied from very minor edits by other users. All the content is from the original owner. Therefore it should have its wiki-status removed. – Oct 29 '12 at 15:32 helpful
@KonradRudolph Well okay. Duly noted.
Hmm. Maybe that was added later. It definitely wasn’t feasible at the beginning.
@NolwennLeGuen There can be, and there can even be more than one such call; but it's not required and there may also be no call at all. In C++11 the same considerations apply to the move constructor instead when it is present.
@KonradRudolph It never was officially feasible
@Mysticial auto-wiki is cancerous.
I never liked auto-wiki
@Zoidberg It is. And I rant about it a lot on meta. Nobody cares.
@Mysticial “helpful” flag doesn’t mean that it was acted upon
> Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
@KonradRudolph It did have the wiki removed.
> Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
Calling convention on Function Pointers @___@
If you remove the attribution, you're wrong. It's not allowed.
:( I was the first to upvote your answer btw
@KonradRudolph You'd think the OP would have noticed about such a detail <whistle>
@Mysticial Ah, I just checked in the moderator tools: it is possible to remove Wiki status. Good to know.
@KonradRudolph Oh right, you're mod on Skeptics.
Skeptics is fun.
How fitting :)
@Mysticial Not much longer if I can help it, I’m useless as a mod
Why does wiki status still exist again
Given how useless Wiki is in general, I'm personally fairly convinced the whole idea should be removed completely. Its one legitimate purpose is served better by allowing low-rep users to propose edits, which are then queued for approval.
@CatPlusPlus To deal with all the cartoon questions.
Which isn't a problem anymore since the rules have changed.
You mean the ones that are burned on sight
@CatPlusPlus yeah
@LucDanton So what is happening instead?
Which is why the question is "why does it STILL exist"
@JerryCoffin I think we could use a button saying "I don't need the rep, I'm good, thank you"
What's a good way to rep whore without going Luchian mode?
Rep is useless
@Rapptz Answer questions.
You should get out more
@Rapptz Go genesis mode
@Rapptz Writing good, helpful answers to many questions.
Genesis mode?!
@NolwennLeGuen Instead of the call(s), there's no call and you get an object. The only constructor call remaining is whichever is used for the local object.
genesis mode
@Rapptz Genesis mode
Oh God not Genesis.
@NolwennLeGuen That's bad and you should feel bad
Hint: used to be a user with .... strange ways
Don't forget to run in mod election
He didn't understand how "Python could be run in the browser" but he did "understand" how PHP could.
@KonradRudolph Well, my answers aren't bad.. I guess.
@LucDanton So giggles is constructed en-place within lolsies?
I just tend to ignore questions where I think the OP is stupid and well
@NolwennLeGuen Yes.
that leaves for very little questions to answer
@LucDanton Alright that makes sense, thank you!
can you get C->JavaScript converters that work?
hm does anyone have an edited version of chrome which doesn't have the annoying UNREMOVABLE message "import bookmarks now..." on the tabs page? Such a superior browser, such a critical fail..
@Ell Emscripten + clang.
Yup. So, when in dire need for more rep, prostitute thyself and go for the easy moronic questions
(I'm sure this is what you refer to as "Luchian mode")

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