@AndreiTita Maybe you can help me understand the following requirement: "A C++ standard library function shall not directly of indirectly modify objects accessible by threads other than the current thread unless the objects are accessed directly or indirectly via the function's non-const arguments, including this."
I would pose the following question: Why would a standard library function EVER modify an object (even if there is only one thread) that is accessed in a const fashion?
@robert I am both a bit tired and rather unfamiliar with concurrent code to be able to answer that, but I think it would be a good enough question for SO.
Why does the first code below compile, but not the second?
First code:
enum E {
A { public int get() { return A.i; } };
private int i = 0;
E() { this.i = 1; }
public abstract int get();
Second code (compile error: non static variable i can't be referenced from a static cont...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmmm... that might be possible. But it doesn't seem like it has anything to do with that, because Sutter didn't mention such a thing.
What does thread-safe copy construction mean? That an object can be properly copied (by means of synchronization) even if another thread tries to modify it at the same time?
@robert It has everything to do with that: if a standard library implementer wants to implement something in that fashion, it must lock internally to maintain that requirement.
It means that you can be sure that const functions in the standard library do not change state (even non-observable state) in a thread-unsafe manner.
(There was no such guarantee before; const functions could change internal non-observable state if they wanted)
@robert It means that you can safely copy while another thread reads from it.
@robert He does mention that. He just doesn't actually give concrete examples. But he talks about it all the time, very proudly referring to this 'earth-shaking' new line in the specifications
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then, by definition, it's not a pure read. So, yes, our definitions basically overlap, although I use a more strict definition for "read" and "write".
@robert You can feel free to use stricter definitions all you want. The point is, unless that definition is backed in the standard, there would be no basis to assume these definitions to be used by the standard library.
@AndreiTita No that's std::vector. std::list's size() is O(n), that's also why you should do container.empty() instead of container.size() == 0 (other than for clarity).
I honestly don't know of a nice example for this. But the point is that without that guarantee, the standard library had leeway to do whatever. Non-observable state was fair game for const functions. It isn't anymore.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I heard from a friend of a friend of my third cousin that someone at boost actually used a list to implement someshit and it was appropriate.
@AndreiTita Well. It can be appropriate because "don't optimize prematurely" and you want to model something that actually resenbles a doubly linked list
@TonyTheLion > At a lecture by Sam Glasstone in the mid-1960s, he drew some concentric circles on the blackboard and then said, “It used to be classified to draw concentric circles.” forbidden spheres
I can tell that I'm tired because I'm asking myself questions like "can I trust the users of this code with a default constructor which requires some extra initialization?" when I'm the only user of said code.
I don't get the hang of it. "const now means thread-safe" feels very wrong to me. Currently I think the standard library only says "if your const-methods are thread-safe, then whatever I do with const-stuff will also be thread-safe". But that's not the same as saying "const == thread-safe". It is saying "your const-methods are thread-safe -> standard library functions working on your const stuff are threadsafe".
@robert Notice that there is also a requirement that any objects you use with the standard library follow the same restriction regarding const access by multiple threads.
Hey, in the standard there is a note below the requirement: "This means, for example, that implementations can’t use a static object for internal purposes without synchronization because it could cause a data race even in programs that do not explicitly share objects between threads."
However, I also noticed that there are two versions of the requirement next to each other.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That could be a legitimate advantage of being a smoker - if you have a wild bee infestation, it's marginally easier to get to the honey.
A different question: Do you know of any decent PDF reader that allows me to read the same PDF document at multiple locations next to each other (split window)?
@robert I use Adobe Reader at work (I work with PDFs, and it is rather important to have them work fine in Adobe Reader for some reason) and SumatraPDF on my laptop.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I use PDF xchange viewer mostly. Multiple documents can be opened in tabs (no separate windows) and the annotation capability is great.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wait - doesn't Intrusive require you to supply your own backing store (hence, move-enabled)? And doesn't it follow, that since the hook mechanisms are pretty trivial (at least the member structs used with traits) these will benefit from compiler-generated move semantics?
@R.MartinhoFernandes How does composing hooks make a type non-movable (unless, indeed, the hook's ownership semantics are borked - IIRC that is pretty hard to do because all the hooks are non-owning, instead have 'triggers' to reflect back on the backing storage, right?)
@sehe I love Le Petit Prince. I own one copy in Portuguese, one in English, and one in French. I saw an Italian copy at a Portuguese bookshop here in Berlin so I am kind of planning on expanding my collection with an Italian and a German copy :)
Wait a second. Is §, 3 mostly (or maybe exclusively) referring to the copy constructor (in that it must be threadsafe), because standard library functions don't know anything about what other methods the inputs may have?
@robert But yeah, a reason for the change is because the standard library couldn't possibly make any guarantees about thread safety unless copy constructors are threadsafe
@BartekBanachewicz I don't actually listen to it. It's just that I overhear some of it. This one is, like I said, more of a 'play' - with roles and ambient sounds. And, yes, some music as well
@DeadMG Exactly. I would put it this way: Any called by the standard library, directly or indirectly. Then it should also be emphasized that "indirect" calls are much more common that direct calls (by nature).
@robert That comes from § The behavior of a program is undefined if calls to standard library functions from different threads may introduce a data race.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, that's it, I guess. Again, thank you very much - as I said, your help is invaluable. My thanks also go to the others, of course. ;-)
@BartekBanachewicz That doesn't make it a good answer, IMO. It is still a comment. Some questions have no good answer, even if it is technically an answer
@sehe Well, it's not really an issue with ligatures per se, but more an issue with me not being able to convince InDesign to tell me that it is using the ligature glyph for some character. Bastard keeps telling me the character uses the regular glyph. I know it isn't because I forcibly selected the ligature glyph by hand.
@sehe Well, if you use the codepoint for the ligature, yes. But you can get ligatures with two regular LATIN SMALL LETTER F if your font (and the font rendering code) supports it. The latter is what I am doing.
@BartekBanachewicz mkay. I was ready to just leave it, just pointing out that one could frown upon this answer. Also pointing out that answers are not for discussing meta topics :)
@LuchianGrigore Which is nice if you're getting an exessive amount of upvotes (say, from getting reddited). Just dump that bounty you've been meaning to award for months, and don't waste those precious upvotes. :)
@Xeo I like that I read the book as a kid and as an adult and it feels like I read two different books. That "replay value" may be easily lost in an adaptation for TV.