I doubt anybody ever presented a paper even suggesting it. Even if such a paper had been written, I suspect it would be dismissed with little discussion unless it was written by some fairly "high-powered", well-recognized people (in fact, if it didn't have at least one committee member as an author, writing it would probably be almost a waste of time).
sorry for this question, since i am quite a c++ noob, implicit conversaion is for me like short a = 200; int b = a; - this is a nice benefit for me (in my current way of thinking about it ), since i dont have to write some extra (int). oc, having time for writing this statement leads to having time to write these 5 extra characters, but why should i want to have it to be forced ?
The C++ committee is much more interested in suggestions that support new types of programming and add capabilities, not ones that work toward limiting the language to a few people's ideas of what would force people to write better code.
@dhanke The reality is that you probably don't. He was talking only about user defined types, but even there, use is common. Just for example, the standard advice to overload most operators as globals instead of member functions is specifically to support implicit conversion of the left operand.
regarding my "benefit", i noticed that php seems to implicit converse any-to-any, which can lead to really bad results. - this just as an addition to my prior question
Question: div. langauges support features like calling a Class via String, or even methods by String (objc for example). does C++ also features this? i`d really google if i knew how this feature is called.
i just wondered, i obj-c for example, i could e.h. read a name from Database, lets say "FooController", now, having this string, i could try something like, and i write it in pseudo-c-style, since i dont know how well you know object: Class c = ClassFromString(myString); Object *x = [c new];
@RonaldLandheerCieslak does this force the Factory-Class to "know" all of the possible Objects that can be returned? or do i just have to stick down to base-class every Factory-retruned-object belongs to?
@FredNurk Yes, but I don't think it makes much difference. It's the sort of thing that could (perhaps) have been done in 1990. About the only way to even give it serious consideration today would be in a new/different language.
I guess I should add that deprecating it, per se, isn't a problem -- but I can't imagine them ever taking the next step and actually removing it (probably ever). Even features that are universally agreed to be horrible (which I don't think includes this one) take forever -- e.g., Hollerith conversions were deprecated in Fortran 77, but still present up through Fortran 90 if memory serves.
@FredNurk Likewise. I think the fact that everybody was pretty sure export had never been used helped a lot in that regard. I'm not sure gets is officially deprecated, but yes, it should be too. It's the kind of thing that everybody agrees is awful, but it's still not gone, and probably won't be very soon either.
@RonaldLandheerCieslak I can't agree about the whole design -- it does have some good points. It has some serious problems, but I've yet to see anybody come up with an idea for a dramatically superior replacement.
@JerryCoffin Well, this has been discussed here before, but one thing that could be dramatically changed is the way text files are handled and the way binary files are handled
one thing that came up was that some systems need to know which is which for some hardly fathomable reason, but aside from that, a filtering approach would work quite nicely, I would think
I kinda like the way OpenSSL handles its BIOs - something along those lines but type-safe and more C++-ish would be nice
@RonaldLandheerCieslak There are lots of things that could be changed -- but to meaningful, you need to come up with a better design, not just a vague notion that this part or that isn't exactly how you'd like it.
@FredNurk the point was made that some file systems do need to know about it - though I wouldn't know which, and I can't fathom the reasons why it would need to know
@RonaldLandheerCieslak For some systems, it's easy to fathom. We're mostly used to Unix and Unix-like systems, but on others (e.g., IBM mainframes) files have a lot more intrinsic characteristics instead of always being just a stream of bytes.
@RonaldLandheerCieslak Yes -- though they're (thankfully) long since dead and gone, once upon a time, I did work on a CDC mainframe that stored text files like Pascal strings: an integer holding the length, followed by that many bytes of data.
@RonaldLandheerCieslak Yes -- and since it started out oriented toward Hollerith cards, the maximum length of a line was 80 columns! I should add that there was a bit more to things than that -- it had several intrinsically different types of files, none of which was quite like how C normally views files.
@RonaldLandheerCieslak It wouldn't be easy. For starters, it normally used 6-bit characters, but C and C++ require 8. You could have used 12-bit characters instead, but it would have taken some work. The file system part probably would have been a bit easier (if memory serves, you could have come pretty close with what it called an indirect file). I have a hard time remembering the details though (that was all around 3 decades ago...)
Regarding "Bits" and "Bytes", ppl kind of laughed at me, for using "byte" and "short" instead of "int" for example, i was trying to use types that fit in case, not types that will fit for qute every case. Explaning this, all i got was, that i would not matter anymore today. is that right? As i got into programming, 8MB Ram were normal, so maybe a bit outdated. but is it really equal today, if i use hige or small datatypes for small needs? i did not wrote "low level" (below scripting languges)
for years now
in these scripting languages there was no choice to make
@dhanke There is no one answer. Yes, there are times it's useful to minimize memory usage. Most times, you gain more by minimizing CPU usage, typically by using the "natural" size for the processor. Ideally, you write most of your code so you can switch from one to another easily at need (e.g., typedefs).
@RonaldLandheerCieslak Yup, quite true. Often useful to do testing with a class that catches them automatically, and only switch to the underlying type when/if you're sure it's safe.
Yes, the official terminology is that there's a "sequence point" between evaluating the left and right operands, so it evaluates a, then if and only if a is false, it evaluates b. && is the same, except b is evaluated if and only if a is true.
regarding that question if @nXqd: do the compiler try to optimize it? i ask because instead of if(a && b) c(); i could write: ((a && b) && c()); (iirc) even though its bad style i guess.. if it gets "optimized", it could become (c() && (...)), or will this never happen?
@dhanke If (for example) the compiler can determine that a && b will always be true (and neither involves a volatile), chances are pretty good that it'll optimize the code so it doesn't get evaluated.
The C++ committee is much more interested in suggestions that support new types of programming and add capabilities, not ones that work toward limiting the language to a few people's ideas of what would force people to write better code.
@JerryCoffin Much of what's been added to C++ (explicit, const) was an attempt to limit the possibilities to shoot yourself in the foot. I'm sure that Stroustrup doesn't like implicit conversions, but we're stuck with them.
Anyway, I think that question is a valid one, and it was closed too hasty. Voted to reopen.
@JerryCoffin I was (happily) surprised that export was removed :)
@FredNurk I wasn't. For al lits limitations, export at least provided one benefit: it prevented you from recompiling the whole world because you changed one little helper template that's only used by one little helper template which is used by only one template that's used by everybody. At least, Vandervoorde said it does that. I remember going nuts over things like this in an app that took an hour to compile and link.
@AProgrammer Had the focus on the wrong window when typing that? :)
BTW, have you guys seen the discussions on this one:
Hi Programmers Community.
I came across the following predicament during the past month when an employee at my company resigned. It is the company policy that when you resign, all training that you have undergone during the year prior to your resignation, you have to pay back.
This is all good,...
@sbi it could help compile times, but not link times, and with it, link time really subsumed a lot of compilation duties, so what you got to cut out was only source lexing/parsing
I suspect that could still be a significant savings, even though smaller than you'd at first think
I'd rather focus on a real module system instead of TUs
@sbi Not too bad. I went through two in-house systems (one of them build over rcs), clearcase, cvs and perforce. The one I liked best was clearcase, but it has its problems, and perforce is my second choice. I've played with svn and some dvcs (git, mercurial), but not in an working setting. I'm not sure how the dvcs would scale at work.
@FredNurk In that project, compiling on a single core (dual cores were ridiculously expensive back then) took 50mins, linking 10mins. Working with string handling templates (used everywhere) drove me nuts until we ran into IncrediBuild. Link times where still bad, but compile times made this tolerable.
@sbi I've mixed feeling. I liked export and I regret that what it provided is no more available. But, IMHO, implementers had mostly vetoed it out. Bringing the standard in phase with the reality was the good choice.
@FredNurk Yep, but export would make this a built-in trait of the language, rather than something external tools provided. (And IncrediBuild wasn't exactly cheap.)
@AProgrammer As I know the tale, EDG struggled a lot to prevent it from being voted into the standard, then was the first and only vendor to undergo the pain of implementing it, and then proposed to deprecate it. Although I like the feature, there's no way I could argue with those guys.
I've recently tried darcs and I must say it looks pretty nice to me. I particularly like how the author went as far as to develop a whole algebraic theory of patches.
@GrigoryJavadyan Whatever I hear about regarding any VCS, be it a feature everybody loves or something driving them nuts, I always hear that git is much, much more so.
@sbi You forgot the long phase between EDG implementation and their proposal to remove it when some lobbied a lot to remove it with false arguments. My perception is that EDG pov is "As long as the other implementers won't implement it, let's remove it so that we don't have to maintain it" even if it is formulated more politely.
@MartinhoFernandes Perl always looks like the cat's walked across the keyboard.
@AProgrammer I see it the other way around. That feature took real pains to implement, they offered help and advice to any implementer doing it, they are the only ones providing it, and then they propose to sparing their competition the trouble to implement it, too.
@sbi Not sure. I think that part of the problem for other implementers is that export depend on the iterated instantiation model to bring most of its benefit, while most compilers are using the greedy one.
In computer operating systems, read-copy-update (RCU) is a synchronization mechanism implementing a kind of mutual exclusion which can sometimes be used as an alternative to a readers-writer lock. It allows extremely low overhead, wait-free reads. However, RCU updates can be expensive, as they must leave the old versions of the data structure in place to accommodate pre-existing readers. These old versions are reclaimed after all pre-existing readers finish their accesses.
RCU features read-side critical sections, which are normally delimited by rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unloc...
@TonyTheTiger Educated guess: computing a value hoping it would be beneficial to do so (for instance using otherwise free slots in a superscalar processor).
Those kind of expressions have a very specific meaning for some and a totally different one for other.
They describes what happens with that optimization in their context: guessing a value (probably guessing it is the same as a value already in a register), using the guess while the read is in progress. This can help if the value has to be read from main memory (access time in the 100 of cycles) but the use access L1 or L2 caches (access time of around 5 or 15 cycles).
@AProgrammer so they prematurely guess the value so the cpu can continue while it is being fetched from main memory... that's what this optimization is all about, in this context?
Yes. Accessing memory is the bottleneck for most application. Processor and optimizer designers are putting a lot of effort in hiding the latency by doing things out of order (not in the same order as in the program) or speculatively (guessing and committing only if the guess is right).
@Als @Tony Using multiple Tonys (or is it "Tonies"?) is called overtoning. :)
@StackedCrooked I don't think I've done this in years. Having seen too many HDs fail, I always check in anything taking longer than one day. I'm creating lots of branches to do that.
@FredOverflow I'm usually on a chair while working. :)
@StackedCrooked You might benefit from having explained the concept of "shopping".
Oh my. I have finally rebootet my laptop this morning, because Windows update kept nagging me about 35 updates it wanted me to install, but when I wanted to look at the list of updates it always came up blank. So I rebootet and, indeed, the list then showed all the updates. Now I'm waiting for >600MB of updates to download, install, and request rebooting again... which makes for a foul mood and many not so funny comments. I apologize, but I can't help it.
I hate rebooting. The last time I did it must have been in February or March, when I last installed updates.
The trouble is that everytime I bite the bullet, install all the updates (Windows, Java, Acrobat...) and reboot, it takes about 20mins for some stupid app popping up a dialog requesting to be updated...and reboot.
it's pretty difficult to argue, objectively, that you can program better in C than in C++ when C++ completely supports C-style programming, but not vice versa
You should try this: int main() { { // start a new scope volatile std::string test; // use volatile to avoid the compiler optimizing it away } // end of scope, string is destructed _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); // now you can test for leaks };
Can you do volatile std::string and use any member functions? Since the member functions are at best const it should complain about not finding any suitable overloads, IMHO.
"the volatile keyword is intended to prevent the compiler from applying any optimizations on the code that assume values of variables cannot change "on their own." Hmm, I guess there is sense in declaring strings as volatile... My understanding of this keyword was wrong.
volatile is there to ensure that accesses at the abstract machine level are kept. It is useless with anything other than fundamental and pointer types.