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3 hours later…
So I wrote this thing a little while ago as part of a project. It was a different way of looking at the concurrency in Qt: hostilefork.com/thinker-qt
Personal project, hobby, just spare time stuff.
Same project for which I wrote this: hostilefork.com/hoist
One of the guys who made QtConcurrent was into it, and we talked about relicensing it so it would be more friendly and more likely to be picked up by Nokia
I actually dropped the ball on that, and need to get back to it. The license terms were fine by me, basically giving them commercial rights on it... I don't care if it increases the odds of them picking it up
QtConcurrent is an oddball thing already, I don't think something like-it-but-different would be making mad money
But if anyone on SO has feedback on either project, I'd be happy to hear your feedback.
You may not like the ideas in them. You might not like Qt. But I think both are commented pretty well for what they are.
just not interested in problems that project solves, sorry
it does look well put together
It's interesting, I think, in looking at language perspectives that some features are missing from languages "for a reason"... the kind of people who "use that language" do not care about "that kind of thing"
ah, hoist is interesting, think I saw read about on your blog
I have a hell of a time dealing with the people in the Rebol community. They are spot-on IMO on certain issues, but clueless on others that makes the language look like only crackpots care about it.
(have to look at it when I get back, leaving in about 5)
And their website... is a joke.
A language that doesn’t have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. — Dennis Ritchie
@HostileFork I think that summarizes your sentiment well :)
Well, I talk in one article on my blog about how people need "terra firma" and that is one area where (for instance, even on SO) you find people advocating C over C++
I've heard it time and again, I have C-programming sysadmin friends who loathe C++, and it's been hard to absorb their complaints and turn them into something actionable.
But I think they are right, in that abstractions we do not understand are unacceptable...
Better to use simple things that function predictably than complex things which do not, over the long run.
i find it very hard to work in a large c project
I talk a bit about my frustrations in this article, and how C++ looks like the answer but then doesn't sometimes: hostilefork.com/2009/06/16/eight-year-olds-should-read-code
i should add, unless it is well documented
even a well written C library, without documentation is hard to follow
self documentating code only goes as far as the function itself
a system requires an overall expanation
I find that often code without comments, which has a coherent model and naming, can be better than incoherent code with tons of documentation...
1 hour later…
@HostileFork: there's a quote from rob pike along the lines of "avoid comments, rewrite code instead"
I believe he approaches it from the pov of more expertise in the dev team, though
2 hours later…
Herb Sutter gave a talk, "Lambdas, Lambdas Everywhere" at PDC10 today, discussing C++0x lambdas and their usefulness; video and slides can be found on the PDC website.
hmm, did he blog on that before? sounds familiar
Just in case anyone is interested. I thought it was interesting; it's at a beginner/introductory level, but it gave me a few ideas on how they can be used effectively.
@RogerPate First link is to his blog post from earlier this month; second link is to the video from today.
It's funny to go to bed with you guys chatting away here, and when I get up you're still doing this. I know you (probably) are in a different timezone, and did not talk all night, but it still feels funny. <yawn>
I can't have talked all night; it's not even bedtime yet! :-D
WOW! My views have been aired
I've changed the [c++] feed from being SO-only to an SE tagset; I think only I can add to this tagset, so ping me if I missed a useful tag
(this is the feed set to display at the top of the screen)
IS their a way to set those feeds to go away after an amount of time, if I never dismiss them, they just build up.
nafaik; not yet, anyway
help me guy on a stack prob what output patters are possible for input string "abcd" only using push() and pop()??
I can't make heads or tails of that, @alex
there is a stack and four characters are input in the order "abcd" .. what patters can be output using multiple pop() statements if d is the first one to go out. Thanks a lot @Roger
if you output each char once? dcba...
do you mean patterns?
oh I see what you're asking.
i got the answer it's dcba but what general rule for patterns does exist?
(I still don't understand the question, so I'll just bow out of it)
assuming you can push back the popped items only in the same order
CiscsIPPho answered it. thanks for trying though!!
@AlexanderSuraphel A stack is just like a stack of books, you PUT one on top, you PUSH one off the top. First In Last Out - FILO (or Last in First Out LIFO, the same thing)
sorry, wrong their. You PUSH one on to the top of your stack, and POP the top one off
Like a can of pringles
except you can stop after one POP :P
and sadly you have nothing to PUSH back on top
though you could PUSH your mum into getting another can... but now we have a queue of cans to eat through :P
or worse.... some sort of queue of stacks of pringles
Thats it. Il go get some pringles.
must make sort of enumeration of types reference but can't work it out fully fast enough aggh
oooh, I like fact a null pointer can be clearly defined as being a nullptr in 0X
yeah, that zero business is rather a hack :)
Uhm, guys, i've just installed VS2010 express... and it gave me this error while building: "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h': No such file or directory" are mfc include paths not set in vs2010 by default?
no idea; does it even come with mfc directly? or is that a separate install
i dont know. at least in vs2008 i had no problems at all
hm.. looks like vs express never had mfc functionality. so why the heck did my project work in vs 2008 express?
you might have to install windows platform sdk not sure.
Ehm, of course, sdksetup is broken. Thanks MS.
that's funny, you can't take the address of nullptr
but you can make a nullptr_t and take it's address? that doesn't sound right
@HostileFork: re codeplace, how about an editor macro/map/whatever along the lines of map <F9> :r!date +\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%S\%z<CR> (vim) to insert unique IDs as you edit?
@CiscoIPPhone: it behaves as an rvalue; nullptr is an expression instead of an object
@CiscoIPPhone well if say that int* intptr = nullptr; ofc you can't take the value that intptr points to because it doesn't point to anything, not even 0. At last we can actaully make a pointer point to nothing, not just a space in memory that we use to mean nothing
@thecoshman: he means &intptr (which is fine, even if intptr is null) vs &nullptr
It could be that nullptr is defined as const nullptr_t ?
you can think of it as a macro defined as (::std::nullptr_t()), but it's actually a keyword and doesn't require any header (as you need to get the nullptr_t definition)
because (::std::nullptr_t()) is an expression giving you an rvalue, you can't take its address
lots of quiet new people tonight
hello @RogerPate
Does anyone happen to know the answer to my question? (not about c++) stackoverflow.com/questions/4058184/…
Oh a helpful comment was just added. I'll try that.
sorry, don't do iphone
I ran out of votes within an hour today; I could strangle that popup by now
1 hour later…
@RogerPate tonight? its middle of the afternoon for me :P time zones are fun
@thecoshman: I refuse to believe it's other than Friday night at all times
@Roger: What's that tag set thing? Seems interesting. I must have missed when those were introduced.
it's recent; was something I've been thinking about a while, because I use so many feeds
never got around to a [feature-request] on meta, but noticed it this past week
But what is it? If you have an account at SE, you can just go there and create a tagset? Is there anything more to this than creating a feed from it? (I don't hvae a SE account.)
you automatically have an SE account
it's a single feed that combines multiple tag feeds, so several related topics (e.g. some [c++0x] questions don't get tagged [c++] initially) and tags across several sites (so, prog.se, ...) are all listed, without duplicates (e.g. most [c++0x] are tagged [c++])
no, I had to click on "Create Account" after I tried to log in with my google account.
hmm, I don't think I had to do that, but it's been awhile; is that linked to your SO account?
that's the thing, I'm furiously searching where I can find my account at se.com, but can't find it!
(if it's not linked, something went wrong)
Probably. Where is your user info on SE? I'm too dumb to find mine.
I can't find it, just says logged in
@Roger, if I login at SE, would I have to also log into any of the sites I visit from there? Because when I visit any site I hadn't been on yet, I'm not logged in, even though I am logged in at SE.
go to chat.stackexchange.com, see if it lets you choose an account in your user profile
good idea! thanks, I'll try that
mhmm. can't login there, attempting to is telling me I'd need an HTML5 browser (I have FF3.6.11) and advices to login at SE first, doing this doesn't help, though
I'm puzzled
me too, I'll try to post on meta.se.com
I think stackexchange.com gets a little less attention to detail, with focus on the other sites; maybe posting on meta would help
Well, I had to log into meta.stackexchange.com as well, and then it's telling me I'm an "unknown user". But the site is providing an Email address, so I'll try that first.
do you have html5 local storage disabled?
that is how SE handles the global account info, to automatically log you into other SE sites, etc.; I think it being disabled (or not supported? dunno, I don't use FF) would explain what you're seeing
I dunno? Where would I disable that in FF?
Oh, you don't use FF.
Sorry, overlooked that.
I swear this guy is pasting questions from elsewhere to game rep: stackoverflow.com/questions/4059182/where-is-my-base-created
hey guys
Hey Roger...just checking out the room for first time
it's still new
yes..Hey i remember you...you added a nice answer to one of my C++ q's a couple of days ago i believe
I answer a lot :)
Thanks :) makes us believe and trust in SO
@RogerPate It's still awesome!
@Als: why isn't this valid for C? stackoverflow.com/questions/4059258/…
Good afternoon ladies.
only Real Men use C++, ladies tend not to be as sadistic as us
is it inefficent to be typecasting a pointer back and forth?
inefficient compared to what?
lol, fair point
if you don't need the typecasts, don't do them. if you need them, find something equivalent to compare to
@thecoshm read about the mechanism of casts. for the most part they are mere instructions for the compiler. they have no runtime cost, at all. well, except for dynamic_cast<>, which does add a check at runtime. the other casts just ask the compiler to treat an identifier differently, saying "i know what i'm doing; trust me here".
@wilhelmtell lol, well as long the compiler has faith in me... I am sure it will all work out fine and dandy :P
hi, anybody home?
I'm home
i just posted my issue with file handling at stackoverflow.com/questions/4059528/…
can someone pls hav a luk :)
any help appreciated
I'll have a loook
k thanks
yeah. looks like that would only work if string was plain old data
u mean char * ?
I should just answer in an answer, give me a few mins
k no probs. i will wait :)
this is how you'd use boost serialize:
std::string lolcats; std::ifstream ifs("object.bs"); boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs); ia >> lolcats;
if you had more strings ia >> string1 >> string2 >> ....
i need to write an object into file
I'm having second thoughts on RAII... :-S
what does the object contain other than strings sara?
string username;
string password;
string fname;
string lname;
bool isAuthenticated;
char userType;
and it has getters, setters for the above ones also
Here's a question: try { S o; } catch( ... ) { }
What if S::S() throws?
if you don't mind putting some time in to learn boost serialize I'd say use it. it knows how to load/save those types.
S is my User class?
will wouldn't it just be caught in the catch?
@CiscoIPPhone is there any rule, or gud practice to use char * for attributes when writing objects into files?
I avoid char * as much as I can
@Sara don't use char* unless you have a specific reason to use them.
ya.i hate chars :) as this is C++ i'd luv to use chars.. from some of my friends i heard using strings throws processor fault
@Sara wut?
@Sara change your friends, keep your std::string.
@wilhelmtell hehe i was referrin to my "real world" friends :)
@wilhelmtell, @CiscoIPPhone haven't you come across this kinda issue before?
@Sara these friends bring you doubts and sorrow. No good. std::string will show you the light, bring confidence and stability to your life.
@Sara no but srsly now, std::string doesn't throw "processor faults" any more than char* do.
@wilhelmtell thanks for your words.i will continue with strings then
@Sara in fact, with std::string you have more order. It encapsulates a char* inside and checks stuff for you when you're in debug mode. With char* you need to make these checks yourself, and it's even harder if you want to make things faster by disabling these checks in release mode.
@Sara do keep your friends. They're probably nice. But std::string is nice too. Usually.
im reading about boost serializing now
will i able to use the following with boost serilizstion?
usersFile.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&tempUser), sizeof(tempUser));

no I showed you above. It's just ifs >> tempUser;
Question: do you try{} RAII constructing objects?
:-S I mean do you try{} constructing RAII objects?
im just a beginner. no idea about RAII :(
first im trying with boost libraries now
@Sara k. i'm asking everyone here. anyone?
@wilhelmtell were u able to overcome this kinda issue with try{} blocks?
@Sara what kind of issue?
Q: C++ Program crashes when reading object from random access file

SaraHi, I have the following User.h that holds several attributes (strings). User.cpp has all the definitions. //User.h #ifndef USER_H #define USER_H #include<iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class User{ string username; public: User(); string ...

@Sara I think the issue is that you are mixing C++ code with a C mindset.
What you should really be doing there is use the << operator along with the C++ IO streams. This, as opposed to using the C standard IO along with the read() and write() functions.
hmm maybe thats because i hav some experience with C
@Sara that's very good, but keep it for coding with C. When you're in C++ do as the C++ers do.
so wats ur opinion for now?
In particular, use std::string for the strings. This class provides operator<<() and operator>>(). So, you can say std::string s and then io << s and io >> s where io is some C++ IO stream object.
This will do "the right thing". The philosophy here is that the std::string class knows better than you, a user, how to serialize a std::string object. So let it do it, with the << ans >> operators.
Taking the idea further, you, as the author of User, knows better than anyone else how to serialize a User object. So provide the << and >> operators for users of your class, as a service. "Users of your class" might well be you one week from now, when you have completely forgot how to properly serialize a user object. (Or, you think you remember but in practice you forgot a detail, causing a bug in your code).
I'll give you an example:
@Sara From here on, to save a user to a file you do
std::ofstream f("filename");
User f("John");
I mean User u("John");
f << u;
That's it.
To read a user:
std::ifstream f2("filename");
f2 >> u;
I should probably write this as an answer on your StackOverflow question. :-S Also: sorry for the wall of text, people. :(
from one problem to the next... I get my data crammed into a vertex buffer... now it refuse to draw... think its time for a brake and come back later to it
@wilhelmtell thanks a lot! I will rate u all under my question
@wilhelmtell can't use your code at codepad.org without namespaces?
@Sara it's a good practice to wrap your code in a namespace.
IDEs give a good visualization of this issue, by showing how many symbols are visible with the auto-complete feature. You see how much of a mess there is in the global scope.
By wrapping your code in a namespace you group it under a scope name, saving some more mess in the global scope. It's just about being tidy. If you put your code in your own namespace then you can choose any name you want for a function, a class or a variable, so long as you haven't chose it before. If you don't put it in a namespace then you need to share names with others. It's like a skunk declaring his own territory, only without the bed smell.
Also, I suggest you take off that using namespace std from your header. This brings all the symbols in the std namespace into scope of all files that #include the header. It's a bad practice.
Only say using namespace std in implementation files, if you wish, but not in header files.
Granted, some will say even this is a bad idea. I personally think it's fine if you're aware of the fact you might have name clashes in that particular implementation file. But at least you know where that using statement is: it's in your implementation file, and it only causes clashes in that implementation file.
It's sort of a gun, (a plastic water gun, but a gun nonetheless), only you can only shoot (wet) your own feet and no one else's. Which in my opinion is perfectly fine.
@Sara bah yeah, do put your code in a namespace. Always. Then users say Sara::User rather than User. Granted, they can say using namespace Sara but at least they are very much aware of where the USer class is coming from, consciously. It's a Good Thing(tm).
@wilhelmtell hey, how to use this function?
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const User& u)
return out << u.username;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const User& u)
return out << u.username;
@Sara like so: file << u; and file >> u; for writing and reading a User to a file, respectively, if file is a std::fstream object.
k thanks a lot.
@Sara don't forget to #include <iosfwd> in your header file, and #include <iostream> in the implementation file where you read and write User objects.
getting an error.
field 'username' has incomplete type
in wherever i've used std::string bla;
ex: in User's constructor
User(std::string name){
this->username = name;
Did you #include<string> ?
#ifndef USER_H
#define USER_H
#include <cstring>
#include <iosfwd>
Don't #include<cstring>
Rather, #include<string>
oh. why is that? iv been using it for a long time
You don't need #include<iostream> in the header. Only in the implementation files that actually use the IO
ya iv commented it
Because the cstring header gives you C's string functions. You want the C++ std::basic_string<> class (of which std::string is a typedef), and this class is in the string header. Hence, #include<string>
why am i getting this in ur code ?
multiple definition of `operator<<(std::ostream&, User const&)'
i get 10s of lines of this same error
Ah. Correct. Just declare the function, and move the definition to the implementation file, User.cpp
My bad.
That's because I defined the function in your header file. So, what happened is that each implementation file that `#include`d the header file defined the function (because that's what the header does: it defines the function there, as per my mistake). So what happens next is the linker comes in to link all the object files, *.o, and it sees that many object files define that same function.
hey guys do you think Fallout: New Vegas was written in C++?
or games like that generally?
That's an error, as it violates the ODR (One Definition Rule), which states that each function must be defined exactly once.
I do C# most of the time and I'm trying to understand how they do full screen games, it's most obviously not just a full screen windows form..
but then, 'where' exactly is it... if that makes sense
@Sara so the solution to that linker error is to move the definition outside of the header and into the implementation file, so it is defined exactly once when the compiler compiles the implementation file.
@Shogun offtopic.
ouch, I thought this was a c++ chat, my bad..
@Shogun it is.
@wilhelmtell again error at User.cpp
now I'm confused lol
18 G:\Code\C++\CareHospitals\User.cpp expected `)' before "name"
18 G:\Code\C++\CareHospitals\User.cpp expected ,' or ;' before "name"
@Shogun: Most such games are, sure. But it's kind of impossible to tell by looking at the game.
and its pointing this User(std::string name){
                 this->username = name;
well assuming that a game is C++ i am trying to understand how it gains control of the hardware and such via code
how does it load up and go full screen and what not, hiding the mouse cursor, etc
it is obviously going outside of the windows environment or something... but if this is off topic i will go elsewhere
Sara: I'll help if you can paste the source file on a pastebin somewhere :)
Shogun: Maybe we should start a gamedev-channel
hmm i wonder if there is a game development area 51 yet, probably is..
the entire scope of game development could easily have it's own stack exchange from 3D modeling to sound and level design, programming, etc..
@Shogun: Most games for Windows uses DirectX and Win32 API functions. TV Consoles have their own low-level libraries most likely.
i'll check it out, anyways thanks for the feedback
yeah I found this one library called Allegra or something
@MadsElvheim k.i will hereafter :)
@Sara did you #include<string> ?
And is "User" the constructor of a class? I don't see any return type.
oh snap: "This Stack Exchange site's beta was successful, so it launched 8 days ago."
@Shogun: A "Game development" room exists, but it's kind of empty.
well I just found: gamedev.stackexchange.com exists as of 8 days ago so I'm sure there are chat rooms there, thanks everyone.. hopefully they allow programming questions on there
@Shogun: They have their own chat?
@wilhelmtell yes. i did
oh wait I guess stackexchange and stackoverflow are kind of separate
it's chat.stackexchange.com is what it takes me to when i click 'chat' from inside of gamedev.se
i assume that means all sites with the SE domain will go there for chat rooms
@MadsElvheim yes. it is the overloaded constructor
@Sara: Paste your file here: gist.github.com and give us the url :)
@Sara make sure the definition of the constructor and the declaration match. In particular, in my code the constructor is already defined in the header, so you don't need to define it again in the implementation file.
That overload should be User(const std::string& name) : username { }
@wilhelmtell: That's not the problem she described just now.
`User(const std::string& name) : username(name) { }
ok i got it wokring :D
@Sara aight. so, what was the issue with that name error?
iv done a silly mistake, iv defined User constructor outside as User() instead of User::User(). shame on me :)
bt later it thrw "multiple definition" errors again, i cleaned up the .o files, and now its working
@Sara good stuff. but again make sure you don't have the ctor defined both in the header and in the implementation file, or else you get those ODR errors.
one question
this creates a sequential, formated file rite?
i can see all the data entered. can't we have this like random-access Raw file?
@Sara what do you mean "random-access"? Disks in general aren't random access.
They have to be read and written sequentially.
That is, to read the second user you first have to read the first. Or, you must first seek to that position of the second user.
binary files. where u can see only weird chars when opened
i need to do this concerning security aspects as well.
I don't like that article. Pardon me.
k well. pls hold
I see why you mix C and C++ now.
something like this
gist: 655675, 2010-10-30 19:49:28Z
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include "Person.h"

void main()
	Person p;
	Person q;

	fstream file; //stream for input AND output
	cout<<"Enetr details of 1 Person: \n";
	file.seekg(0); //go to the start
	cout<<"\nReading from the file: \n";
	//here you can user while(file)  if you dont know how big the file is
	//Invoked on a differnt object just to prove it works :D

sorry.i just pasted a link :S
@wilhelmtell I like the introductory sentences in the article: "A binary file is a file of any length that holds bytes with values in the range 0 to 0xff. (0 to 255). These bytes have no other meaning." :-/
Every time I see another online C++ "tutorial" or "reference," I understand better why there is so much poorly written C++ code out there.
@JamesMcNellis then where we should go to find quality resources? :)
@Sara There is a list of good C++ books on Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/…
If you are just starting out with C++, consider getting one of the introductory books. The only one I can recommend is Accelerated C++ by Koenig and Moo; I haven't read any of the others listed there but they are probably good too.
i started with a simple book called C++ How to Program by Deitels
The third edition of that book has a rating of not recommended from the ACCU.
The problem is that there are 100 bad programming books to every good programming book, so finding good books is difficult.
but i have the 7th edition
From the table of contents, it looks as if the 7th ed. suffers from the same types of problems as the 3rd ed.: modern, correct C++ style isn't the focus of the book. (Since I don't have the book, it's hard to say, but the standard template library is covered in only two chapters that don't come up until the very end of the book and smart pointers aren't discussed at all except in the online "Boost and C++0x" chapter)
Given the starting point and the rate of improvement, the 100th edition is about the point to take another look and see whether it's had enough fixed to be worth looking at yet.
In the list of changes from the 6th ed., they say: "Eliminated “return 0;”. According to the C++ standard, any main function that does not contain “return 0;” as its last statement is assumed to return 0. For this reason, we’ve eliminated “return 0;” from all but the first program in the book."
If that's considered a big enough change to report it in the list of changes, I'm inclined to agree with @JerryCoffin's appraisal of the book.
will have a look at "accelerated c++"
what else do "you" recommend, for newbie? (not an absolute newbie thought)
Anything written by Herb Sutter or Scott Meyers.
If you don't want to shell out for Herb Sutter's books, a lot of the content is available on his website: gotw.ca/gotw.
I think It's much easier to pick publishers. Essentially all the best books on programming I have were published by either O'Reilly or Addison-Wesley (and I can't think of a really poor book published by either one).
@JerryCoffin I've been very impressed by books from Manning as well.
@Jerry this may or may not be true (no shit). I personally prefer to trust authors than publishers.
I think this works well, given the small set of C++ programmers, the small set of good authors and the tiny intersection these two sets make.
I mean small set of good C++ programmers :-S
@JamesMcNellis Right -- I wasn't trying for anything like an exhaustive list, just mentioning a couple that occurred to me right off. @wilhelmtel: I don't blame you -- but they tend to go together. Looking at C++, books by Stroustrup, Alexandrescu, Meyers, Abrahams, Sutter, Josuttis and Knuth are all published by Addison Wesley...
Okay, I'll admit that mentioning Knuth is kind of cheating -- none of his books is specific to C++, but they're (IMO) important anyway...
Any good programming book is a good C++ book. I think.
I mean. Any good book about programming in general. Umm.
Knuth is kind of hard core for someone new to programming. But I do think that when a lot of people say they want to learn language X, they would benefit from foundational study of algorithms and questions of computability...
Even Turing's own words are fairly accessible. I had read this thing by him once back in the day, and found it not so easy to find on the 'net, so I posted it again: hostilefork.com/2005/06/20/turings-thesis-in-his-own-words
@Hostile but it is an overwhelming text for beginners. It's hardcore for experienced programmers too. It's a bible, in the sense that you need to read very, very slowly. Be extremely focused while reading. Seriously a hardcore exercise for the brain.
I have only flipped through Knuth's Art Of Computer Programming. Liked what I saw and I definitely like the premise, and how he has sort of made a "bootstrap" series of books that have code for their own publishing. His transcendental version numbering scheme is admirable for this idea of a parallel-universe where bug free programs actually exist...
@RogerPate RE:codepad have you seen gist? gist.github.com
D'oh, I see it has been mentioned here in a link.
These bookmarked posts are cool but you have to read them all the way down. :)
Quite here. Is everybody partying? (It is Saturday night here.)
So I have been thinking over that FAQ thing.
Q: Setting up a FAQ for the C++ tag

sbiA while ago Neil Butterworth, one of the most highly reputed people in the C++ tag (he has given so many good answers, that in the two months since he left, his defunct account has amassed >2000 rep from old answers), left here, obviously in frustration about Stackoverflow. I have since heard a f...

I'd like to post a summary of what's been discussed on meta and here.
What do you think?
Did I mention it seems quite here?
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