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@Cicada I probably would not care. But I do not think I use it in a non-derogatory manner.
Does anyone else get emails about people trying to hack their google accounts?
@sbi you up for a drink tonight?
@Cicada I don't know, prolly wouldn't really care
@Crowz no
but then I have insanely long passwords
18 characters ftw.
@Crowz That's probably a fishing e-mail
Mine is lile.... 14 characters?
did I say insane?!
@R.MartinhoFernandes And you say he is trying and tricking you to get you drunk.
@TonyTheLion What wizardry is this.
@Cicada Is it from the unicode article ?
@Xeo Fuck that, I'm annoyed today.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Basically yes, but one week ago I already promised a former cow-worker to be available for watching a movie tonight. I dunno what will become of this.
@sbi a movie with a beer?!
@kbok No, it has no particular context.
@TonyTheLion No, a movie with a gorilla.. does he look like a bear to you?
@Cicada Oh, ok. Well yeah it's insulting, it means that you have a shitty job with no intelligent aspect. I often think about the thousand monkeys writing shakespeare or Fight Club's space monkeys when I hear that.
@TonyTheLion I am not sure that particular cow-worker would be able to enjoy a movie in English.
I'd probably want to slap you in the face if you called me that.
@kbok I think that's how that term came to be actually
Hence the monkey part
@jalf that's a pretty big assumption right there
@Neil Which one ? The 1/1000 Shakespeare or the space monkey ?
he he he, ass
@kbok The infinite amount of monkeys writing Shakespeare's work
TIL about what utf8_decode actually means. It never made any sense to me. Glad to hear I'm not the only one :)
45 mins ago, by kbok
I have a raw pointer whose ownership may or may not be shared with another part of the program. I was thinking using a shared_ptr but using an empty lambda as the custom deleter if I know that the ownership is shared. Thoughts ?
@kbok sounds broken to me
@kbok kill yourself
@kbok Custom deleters are per pointee, not per pointer.
@R.MartinhoFernandes This is the case here
@sbi but Robot needs to learn German.
@kbok You mean using an empty lambda if the ownership is not shared, right?
@thecoshman I'm actually willing to hear about a better solution
Erm, an empty lambda as custom deleter means no cleanup.
Wait, that's confusing in any case.
@Xeo Nope, using an empty lambda if the ownership is shared with a class instance that used a raw pointer
If you have any kind of ownership, shared or not, then the deleter should not be empty.
@TonyTheLion Fail demotivator, that looks much more like a QA desk.
Need an example
@kbok what's wrong with default actually deletes deletor?
@Xeo meh
@TonyTheLion I'll start having classes two Mondays from now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where?
@sbi A school at Alexanderplatz.
@R.MartinhoFernandes gut.
@kbok why not just weak_ptrs?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does the company pay for (parts of) it?
if(iNeedToCopyTheObject) {
    my_ptr = shared_ptr<shit>(cloneThatShit(), shit_deleter);
} else {
    my_ptr = shared_ptr<shit>(functionThatGivesASomehowStaticRowPointer(), deleter_that_does_nothing);
I'm working with a shitty API that uses raw pointers everywhere.
@kbok if you are being given a pointer to it, is it giving you exclusive access to it?
I think I need to learn how Events are done in C++.
Or how I would do them in C++, because it looks like I'm gonna need them.
@sbi I have yet to talk to them. I only made a reservation today and the boss is not around.
@ThePhD your self
@thecoshman No. If I clone it I have exclusive access and lifetime responsibility though
@kbok Yeah, that's not a case of "shared vs single ownership in my pointer", but "ownership vs no ownership".
shared_ptr doesn't make too much sense here, I think.
@kbok I think you just need to use raw pointers
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah. Good luck with that!
@Xeo It makes sense as a type-erased pointer thingy.
you have no ownership at ALL, just use a raw pointer, and don't delete it :P
@thecoshman The ownership in the example is decided at runtime.
@R.MartinhoFernandes std::unique_ptr<T, std::function<void(T*)>>.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ooh yes, that does complicate matters...
@Xeo It is
@thecoshman But in the first case I have to delete it
@Xeo Well, I assume the thingy needs to be shared.
@kbok perhaps right a wrapper? something like "possibly_unq_ptr"
Oh, I think I see now
Yeah, in that case go with shared_ptr and empty deleter.
@thecoshman That wrapper already exists: it's one of std::unique_ptr<T, std::function<void(T*)>> or shared_ptr.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, it's OK. I keep it for myself. But I liked the shared_ptr since it conveys the "may or may not be shared" idea
My bad for being confused.
Noez, LWS is completely dead again (404), not only spitting out "error".
Also, I am getting tired of people that reply to my Rule of Zero post blabbering on about how unique_ptr is not enough for ALL THE THINGS.
Going for shared_ptr then.
I sooooo want to reply "woooosh" to them.
@R.MartinhoFernandes link me again plz
@R.MartinhoFernandes do it!
@Xeo Fail much?
I somehow picked the first link that popped up in my history.
Btw the requirements on Deleter::pointer are unfortunate.
Maybe propose changing them?
RAII suks, RLOL is much better term for it, Resource Lifetime it Object Lifetime. At least people know how say it :P
which article of yours did I comment on?
> The unique_ptr will also store a pointer to FreeLibrary which is a waste of space.
can't remember
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I just called that ex-cow-worker of mine, and he says he's still hacking (remotely on an AIX machine that's housed at the company you work for, BTW. Isn't this world a strange place?!), he will do so for a not-yet foreseeable amount of time, doesn't know whether he's still in the mood to go somewhere afterwards, and would be Ok if I committed to something else meanwhile, which he might consider joining in later. Would you be in for watching some movie (in English!) tonight?
@thecoshman And then there's SBRM and... CADRe...
@thecoshman RLIOL? Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue ;)
@sbi Ok.
@Xeo Oh, please, CADRe... don't.
SBRM looks like some kind of designation for a type of missile
@jalf can't you read boy! I clearly wrote RLOL. I deliberately did not include the 'is' so that you can say it
@jalf Yeah, everyone says that.
@jalf some sort of rocket missile
@thecoshman Ping fail.
more like mouse fail
@jalf And the expanded form does not really describe anything right (hint s/it/is/ @thecosh)
@jalf "Smash Bros. - Real Melee" is what I always think when reading it.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Where code is monkeyed. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [get-out]
Super Ballistic Range Missile.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Where code is photoshopped. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@TonyTheLion "monk-eyed"? You have a monk look over your code?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Meh, nothing I'd be particularly interested in at CineStar Potsdamer Platz. :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes bah, just typo, everything good needs a typo
@Xeo erm, no
@Xeo no, when Sbi get's his way :P
@Cicada size fail
@thecoshman fuck it
@R.MartinhoFernandes tell me who to downboat!
@Cicada I'd rather not
@Cicada all the things
lol @ "woooosh"
reddit is so full of circlejerk & karmawhoring it's not even funny
What's up with the woooosh ?
What does that even mean
@kbok It's the sound that the joke (or in this case, the whole point) makes flying over your head.
@Cicada just like SO
Who do you expect to understand that ?
@kbok Everyone that is aware of the meme (which now includes you!).
@kbok everyone managed it, except you
@thecoshman So has no circlejerk
Reddit's "don't downvote on opinion" motto is utterly pathetic
Oh, sorry, I'll go read a book about whoooooshing then.
@Cicada Meh, screw rediquette.
Alright, man-up time. Going to learn Variadic Templates so I can make the best Event class in the world!
Sorry 'bout that.
Keep It Superb, Special?
TIL that begin and end are in <iterator>, not <functional>, not <utility>
@R.MartinhoFernandes Killing Is Silly, Sucker
killing a sucker, silly?
sucking a silly killer?
@R.MartinhoFernandes kind of, and in that case superb is synonym of simple. Its just my bad expirience with implementing overly needed functionality with overly superb language features.
@Ivan0x32 Kicking Into Super Space!
They didn't ever go to production
Maybe its just me with my dumbness though
Dr roboto, you commented the same comment twice on you bloggy post thing
@sbi So where does that leave us at, then?
@thecoshman ?
Well, after looking at the monster that is Variadic Templates and despite Xeo's examples with his variable-sized vectors, I think I'm going to start with a simple template for function objects and calling them back.
Rule of Zero is on hacker news, but I'm guessing you already know this
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am currently browsing the movies shown tonight in Berlin. There are other places showing them in English, after all. Gimme some time.
@Pubby After being on isocpp.org, I am not surprised.
But that might mean more silly comments of wooooshed readers :(
isocpp is even better!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I'm gonna have to use that again. :c
> Just use a garbage collector. These problems will all go away.
@R.MartinhoFernandes actually there was a repost of it on Reddit after you posted it.
@Pubby What. Is that on HN?
Can haz link?
@TonyTheLion I know.
(control-f it)
Nice, you're on the front page.
Less nice is the fact that nearly all the comments suck
> The alias syntax has the benefit of not requiring typename everywhere because the syntax requires the right parts to be types and doesn't allow for ambiguities as does typedef. [...] pmr
Misinformation much?
It's not like typedef doesn't require the type-id to be, y'know, a type.
@kbok The top comment looks nice.
@Xeo grammatically, it doesn't.
> Networking: it isn’t just for TCP packets
@DeadMG: What is this a reply to?
from a grammatical perspective, typedef is in the same place as e.g. static, const, etc.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hence "nearly" :)
@DeadMG So? All those also require a type-id.
@Xeo They do semantically, but not grammatically.
> Abstracting the ownership behind an interface presumably is needed when the ownership model is very complex.
OMG, it's full of nonsense.
I guess the moral of the story is that most HN readers are idiots.
most HN readers are web developers or startup fanboy/CEO wannabes
> To me, "Rule of Zero" sounds more like not implementing {con,copy-con,de}structors, i.e. forgoing RAII. I've been doing this quite a lot, and it makes writing low-level and optimized code so easier.
I'm really surprised that a C++ article made it to the front page, it's the second I see this year. No shit.
I honestly don't know what to say.
I'm not overly impressed with HN content
it's mostly quite boring
@R.MartinhoFernandes I fully agree with this, from an operating system programmer standpoint. And believe me I've done this for years.
Technical articles are generally full of shit/PHP noob level.
@Cicada I wrote a small kernel for class and I used overhead-less RAII.
It all seems that many commenters think "smart pointer" means reference counting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bitch please, I used SFINAE-oriented TCP concurrency.
@Xeo What?
@Cicada Now you're just throwing stuff around.
6 mins ago, by Xeo
@DeadMG: What is this a reply to?
@R.MartinhoFernandes have you tried using a smart pointer for a file handle? perhaps an example where you show it works, or conceded that you can't use it for that will save you a lot of comments
5 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
> Abstracting the ownership behind an interface presumably is needed when the ownership model is very complex.
@Xeo Oh, really? When was I not? :)
@thecoshman I doubt it. The people that post that kind of replies just don't get RAII at all. Either that, or they don't like to think.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't understand, how can you not get RAII...
@thecoshman I posted a sample recently where I used it for an HFONT. Not exactly the same, but it's fairly similar.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Looks like you didn't get my joke. Oh well.
@Cicada Oh.
@DeadMG what is a HFONT if we strip away countless shitty MS alias?
@Cicada I'm having a bad day. Excuse me.
@thecoshman void*.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Xeo didn't either.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No worries.
@DeadMG so not the same at all really. Try using it with something like a file handle
@Cicada Once I made a RESTful C++ compiler with only 16 megabits.
@thecoshman A HANDLE is also a void* (approximately, you can make it opaque type instead for stronger typing).
@DeadMG (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@thecoshman Try using what with a file handle?
@thecoshman I have no idea what the fuck that stuff is
@thecoshman truth is, it's not that hard to miss the point of RAII, considering it's pretty stupidly named. the name emphasizes the wrong end of an object's life cycle. :P
@kbok Did it support accelerometer handshaking? I mean, for JSON-like reflected recursive queries.
@thecoshman Should I introduce std::ifstream to you? Guess what, it uses RAII to deal with a file handle.
@Cicada You're a tough opponent.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is that not what those comments are moaning for?
@kbok I specialize in bad quality trolls and/or other non-sensical stuff.
recently I did pwn someone on the isocpp forums by using it with a file descriptor
an actual int file descriptor
@Cicada Oh course, you can even have lazy evaluation of the cache invalidation pipeline when your floppy drive suffers overload resolution.
There is no point in providing an example of unique_ptr with a POSIX file descriptor because that is simply shoehorning it into the unique_ptr (but yes, you can make it work).
@kbok I laughed :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I disagree. The file descriptor is just a file handle with a dumb type.
@Cicada Then we both win :)
There is no point in providing an example of a non-unique_ptr RAII wrapper for a POSIX file descriptor because if someone did not understand that that is what ifstream must do, they probably don't want to think too much anyway.
I have no time for those people.
@Cicada ¬_¬ I find that hard to believe... cackle maybe, but not laugh
@kbok I must say it does remind me of the syntactic-sugar enhanced buffer developed by Windows for handling VOIP-compatible PNGs. That one too had cache invalidation pipeline (but in a different way, it would instead recompile the specifications of said network layer in a different thread affinity).

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