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Hmm... I don't want to re-make a unique_ptr<T> that's just going to have a null in it.... maybe I could actually just reference the same UniqueNull over and over again.
XNA y u no support point lights out of the box
@Borgleader BasicEffect should be light-tastic.
@ThePhD from the research i did so far BasicEffect does direcional light. I need point light.
or spot light even
@R.MartinhoFernandes Indeed. Sigh.
It's funny because DX9 supports points lights and spots too.
@Borgleader ... Ambie- Oh, spotlight. Gotta write your own shader for that.
@Cicada XNA rolled all their own shaders for distribution, using 0% of the fixed function pipeline to do any of the work.
They also couldn't use the fixed function pipeline because XNA had to work on the Windows Phone, which had a GPU made of brittle hay.
Actually I have to make my own effect, because I loaded the model using their own shit (it's an .fbx)
@Borgleader The difference between a shader and an effect is... ... ?
The effect is a class + HLSL ?
@ThePhD Effect is several techniques. Techniques several shaders. If memory serves.
Thanks for the fish.
@Chimera You ate @TonyTheLion ?
Very true. Um, let me be more clear: I mean, in XNA they're the same thing. You can't separate the two. You'll be writing .HLSL / .FX files for as long as you live with XNA, and only able to load Effects.
@Borgleader Nah, it was just a random thought. :-)
@Borgleader You know what would be easier than that? Writing the Effect, loading the effect, and then instead of using foreach (EffectTechnique tech in Model.Effect) { /*... */ }, you could just do foreach (EffectTechnique tech in MyCustomEffect) { /* .... */ }
@Chimera So long.
@EtiennedeMartel :-) Someone got the reference. Yay.
@ThePhD I'll look into that thanks. It's for an assignement. Were supposed to simulate a pool game. I'm investigating the possibility of doing it in C#/XNA rather than Matlab (because we actually have the choice this time)
You'll incur 0 runtime penalty because BasicEffect won't ever re-create its underlying shader, costing you at most 2 or 3 Matrix's worth of data while leaving the BasicEffect of the Model untouched and not having to write a fucking ContentImporter to render how the model looks.
@Chimera Although it's "thanks for all the fish".
@EtiennedeMartel :-)
@Borgleader I'm not sure what a pool game is, and I've never ever used Matlab ever to program something like a game, but C#/XNA should get the job done fairly quickly.
@ThePhD s/pool/billiards
As long as you're not putzing around with the ContentPipeline and all its build-time-only wankery.
Billiards.... Wikipedia, hooooo!
Oh, you have to program that. Well good luck.
Well a simplified version of that
struct A {
   static const int thing = 4;
   void func() {std::cout << thing;}
};  //is this well formed portable C++?
Looks... like it.
All compilers should accept that.
Unless it's ARM.
Then all bets are off.
why are all bets off when it is arm?
ideone agrees ideone.com/DrBOcu
It'd be nice to have a "cross-platform validator", imagine ideone that compiles/runs your code on say g++/clang/vs' compiler and shows you the results.
Maybe intel's compiler too
MinGW G++ or Linux G++ ?
linux G++
It'd have to tell three separate machines (or three separate VMs) to run the stuff.
@Borgleader it is not that hard to be cross platform if you are aware of what features are permitted on what and use the appropriate defines.
(Presumably because Clang is only on Mac, but I don't know much about clang)
That's a lot of effort.
@MooingDuck Yes, unless you need portability to really old compilers. If you really need that, you can use the enum hack instead: struct A { enum { thing = 4 }; ...};
Heck I can get gcc and msvc to behave without that much effort.
@Borgleader I run my code through MinGW and clang and VS on my machine (if I care about portability)
@ThePhD That's why I said a website like ideone
@MooingDuck o.O Sounds like an annoying setup to maintain.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am using the Engrish FF, and it makes most pages displayed in English to me. (There might even be some preference for that. ISTR something.)
@Borgleader not really, I have G++ and clang as menu buttons on MSVC. Click the button, it compiles and links all .cpp in the project directory. Close enough so far.
@sbi Yes, me too. But some sites will redirect you to their German version regardless of what the browser tells them..
@MooingDuck ok, I have to ask, how in the heck do you set something like that up :o
They thing they know more about my language preferences than I do.
I do my stuff through makefiles, horrible horrible cross platform makefiles
@MooingDuck Really... wow. Noticed any performance differences between the 3? (In the resulting program not the compilers themselves)
NMAKE is a hollow shell of what Linux's make is.
I had to compile an ARM project on Windows using NMake for a really old calculator
Holy god, I wanted to die.
@ThePhD yea, I use cygwin's make and just tweak environment variables to make sure the right programs get run.
I think I have found the culprit (it was me, obviously).
@Borgleader yes, when testing small strings, GCC doesn't have SBO so takes more memory, but for large strings, GCC has an awesome allocator so takes less memory.
@R.MartinhoFernandes This might reduce the number of such sites a bit further.
@MooingDuck s/SBO/SSO ?
@Borgleader as for speed, I haven't noticed enough difference to be worth commenting. Usually GCC wins by a minuscule margin.
@sbi Yes, I know.
@Borgleader I learned as "Small Buffer Optimization", but turns out SSO is the more popular acronym. So yes.
@MooingDuck well the problem with measuring speed is... compiler options. x) I mean are you using -Ofast, -O3, -O2, etc etc. How about whole program optimization?
@R.MartinhoFernandes UK? Tsk tsk.
Same goes for clang and msvc. :/
@EtiennedeMartel Colour.
@nixeagle IIRC -O3 and yes on whole program optimization
@MooingDuck Want! How would I set this up?
What sbi said
@MooingDuck Does it export that build command to a Linux VM or does it use MinGW?
let me boot my compiler and check
@ThePhD mingw
... But wait, isn't Clang Mac-specific?
Or is that like an everywhere-everything type dealio?
@ThePhD It's open source, but Apple-sponsored.
Welp g2g, bbl
So you get the best support on OS X, yes.
But it works elsewhere.
@ThePhD I have a MingW with clang
@MooingDuck Wait, clang works on Windows?
Tools->External Tools->Add
Arguments="*.cpp -std=c++0x -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -O2 -Weffc++ -fwhole-program -o$(TargetDir)gcc$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)"
Check Use Output Window, Apply. Now the option is added to the tools dropdown.
@EtiennedeMartel mostly, yes. I hear exceptions don't work right, but never confirmed
Ah ben tabarnack.
Gonna have to look at that shit.
Calm down.
@ThePhD Because karma is a bitch.
Does "the government" track your internet?
Why is "the government" in quotes?
@MooingDuck Thanks. Once your private little edit war has finished, I shall copy that for later.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because he is "quoting the government"?
@sbi I was removing the extra include directories, figured you didn't want them
@R.MartinhoFernandes I just feel like it should be :P
@sbi I'll leave it alone now :(
ie if I googled "how to make methamphetamines at home" then would they know?
@EtiennedeMartel I almost got away with templated const static members. Almost.
not that I haven't already, just a curiosity
@MooingDuck Oh, I wasn't criticizing you. I was merely mocking. :)
@Ell no, but Google does
@Ell Google would. And it would then start suggesting stuff about making your own meth lab.
I wonder if that google correction is still there for People with Guns
@sbi I don't think my actions through, and overuse the edit functionality.
Google is "the government" now. And they aren't half as well-meaning.
@MooingDuck This is the C++ room. Most of us are anally pedantic. We do that, too.
@sbi You know, I think Google are actually the good guys. Which says a lot about the other guys.
Nope, google no longer recommends black people with guns when you search people with guns.
@EtiennedeMartel Google the "good guys"? Ha! That so sounds like the 2000s! You've lost touch with reality, boy. I stopped believing that when they bought adsense.
Google ads. =l
Worst ads in the world.
@sbi I mean, compared to everyone else, they are relatively good.
@Ell Or those. Whatever.
@EtiennedeMartel You wish. Maye if you compare them to Apple. But if you compare them to Microsoft, once the evil empire itself, I wouldn't be as sure who's the worse of them.
Wasn't there that famous top-notch guy who left Google because of the whole ad-focus on Google and Google Plus?
watching these documentaries makes me want to setup my own illegal drug or alcohol lab
@sbi Yeah, Microsoft really seems to be turning on a new leaf. Like they realized that trying to be the biggest douchebag in the room no longer works once you got Apple in the same room.
@ThePhD Unfortunately, for every famous guy leaving google for whatever reasons, there's a dozen famous ones joining them for the money.
Well, they have the largest search engine in the world ever.
They can easily make a bajillion dollars of that alone.
Throw ads on top of it, a bajillion more dollars.
YouTube ads, another bajillion dollars.
L'armée israélienne confirme avoir visé le bâtiment où se trouve le bureau de l'AFP à #Gaza http://bit.ly/Ugof99 http://bit.ly/UTSXJ0
I wonder how a day of checking out flats can be so tiring. Oh, right, it happens when the train is 45mins late and you have to throw out your well-planned schedule.
The IDF really are fucking tools.
@EtiennedeMartel What does it tell if I read that last part as "le FAP"?
@EtiennedeMartel Let's tweet our Battle Actions.
@ThePhD search engine functionality doesn't make any money at all without ads
@Xeo The Israel Defense Force confirmed a direct hit on AFP's Gaza HQ.
@MooingDuck They don't have to use their own ads.
Just selling the user data is worth a shitton of money.
Don't they also get massive money when people pay to be the number 1 through X position in a search result?
They claim it was a Hamas intelligence center. I guess their intel was a bit off.
They really should be careful about what they shoot at. It's almost as if they don't give a shit about collateral damage. Oh wait...
Anyways, time to sleepy sleep after 10h of train travel in total today... g'night.
Let's just consider the fact that the IDF is tweeting its own actions.
@Xeo Rest well.
Hm. My last message can be read as a censored "tits".
@Xeo Hmm. Tits.
what do you all think of castellon's independance almost?
or was it cataluna.
I forget :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes So I think I'm going to actually have to go with unique_ptr<T>* when I store these references on my classes, because creating a unique_ptr<T> for null resources everytime I pass it around seems silly.
@Xeo Du hast 'ne Meise.
@ThePhD I have no idea what that means, but it sounds wrong.
@Ell I'm happy. Because if it works for them, then it might give us Quebec separatists a few additional arguments.
@ThePhD Note: unique_ptr<T> carries the weight of... T*.
@sbi lol
but it also means the 4th strongest economy in europe may not even be staying together :O (or have I made that statistic up?)
> and tit, denoting something small.
So "giant tits" is an oxymoron?
@Xeo I dunno. What about "giant ant"?
@Xeo That's why you should use boobs instead.
@EtiennedeMartel Now, unless you're <12 months, "using boobs" sounds all wrong.
Uh, well it's just for the case when a certain Sprite has, for example, no Texture. I could pass it a unique_ptr<Texture>& that I've put in the constructor to be a unique_ptr<Texture> filled with null, but that seems almost wasteful because I won't ever actually delete the Empty unique_ptr<Texture> that has null in it.
@sbi That you read it the wrong way says more about you than me.
@ThePhD Question: Does the Sprite store a unique_ptr<Texture> or unique_ptr<Texture>&?
The latter, a reference.
... why again? Was it because you wanted to be able to change it at one point and have the change reflect in all the references?
Yeah, that was the reason.
@ThePhD No, not really. There's nothing more wasteful about a null unique_ptr than a null regular ptr.
@EtiennedeMartel I can't decide whether that you have to explain which interpretation is to be considered "wrong" is merely reflecting on your inability to express yourself or an expression of your brawny language.
But it doesn't make you look good either way.
Anyway, I think I give up for tonight. Sleep well, everybody!
Next question: When does a sprite not have an associated texture?
@Xeo Didn't you want to go to bed?
@Xeo When it's just a colored block of fun.
@EtiennedeMartel BTW, you were asking me about DirectWrite?
@sbi I am in bed. And asleep. This is my subconciousness trying to help people.
Sleep well, @sbi !
Why most of programmers are male?
I had a fair bit of success with an "owner-drawn" editbox
@AlbertoBonsanto Lots of factors, really.
@AlbertoBonsanto Because females and minorites aren't graduating out of CS departments, much less choosing them in the first place, and the main attraction for CS that gets most people - games - is extremely chauvinistic.
And filled with massive young male heterosexual fantasies.
I don't study Cs for games, i study because i couldn't find a job as electrical engineer and because i like CS more
@ThePhD I see. Next question: Why don't you change the texture itself, instead of changing the pointer?
@ThePhD Nobody should have to graduate from a CS department.
@DeadMG I agree wholeheartedly. But human resources - run by Businessmen who have no concept of programming - bankroll the majority of CS salaries and get in the way of Programming, Mother Fucker
Fitting the theme of gender equality, here's some thought food for the night:
> [...] it is quite usual that an amputated penis is tossed out of an open window, where it may be captured by a duck. – guardian.co.uk/education/2012/nov/19/…
@Xeo Because sometimes a Texture* - and the data it points to - needs to be released or even null'd or deleted sometimes OR it needs to just simply be left alone. In the case of being left alone, I'd have to swap out the actual unsigned long long pointer value on every single sprite to make ti reflect that the resource that it's supposed to be using has been changed. Therefore, I want to add that second level of indirection.
This would've been aeons easier if I just did T** like a C junkie.
... You know what, why don't I do that?
T**, here we go.
Yeah, thinking is hard.
My vim eats them raw: stackoverflow.com/a/13483550/85371 Useless exercise, I know. Still fun
Well, this unique_ptr<T> stuff is really hurting my face. :c
@ThePhD ... whatever_the_resource_type_is& this_is_the_resource; this_is_the_resource = this_is_the_new_resource;?
@DeadMG I did so yesterday, yes. But the more I look at it, the more I realize we won't be able to use that, since we're pretty much hellbent on using D3D11.
@EtiennedeMartel It can work with D3D11, you just have to dick around with locking buffers and such- and on Windows 8 it's smooth (or should be).
@DeadMG We're pretty much targeting Win7 as of now.
yeah, I don't know if they backported not having to dick around with locking buffers and such.
E-mail them and ask. "Dear Microsoft, did you backport not having to dick around with locking buffers and such?"
@R.MartinhoFernandes You didn't read his answers to my question before that, right?
I'm just going to post up what I'm trying to do on IDE one, so this can be easier to understand. Because I suck at explaining shit.
@ThePhD What the fuck- you have an unsigned long long pointer value?
@Xeo Yes, I did.
I still don't see why replacing an object is not to be done with the assignment operator.
@DeadMG I'm not very good with terminology.
@DeadMG It appears that interop was added in D3D11.1, and I just stumbled on an update from MS to add that on Win7.
@EtiennedeMartel Then problem solved, it would appear.
Is there a function in unoredered_map that returns something like a boolean if it fails to find the key in the map?
It's .at(), right?
@ThePhD Yeah, it's called map.find(x) == map.end().
.count(key) works too, IIRC
We had a discussion about that just recently I remember
Well, with "we" I mean me and some dude who was getting on my nerves.
only there for API compatibility with unordered_multimap, I think.
as in, it's only ever 1 or 0
anyway, I prefer map.find()
@DeadMG and map and set and multiset, but yeah.
and with that, I bid you a good fuck you.
@DeadMG G'night.
I have a question, very obvious, why all C GUIs are so ugly? like Gtk?
@AlbertoBonsanto Short answer: the underlying GUI is ugly, and C doesn't do much to cover up that ugliness.
In case you're wondering which underlying GUI is ugly: well, X is almost certainly the worst, but most of the others are pretty bad too. It gets worse still when you try to create something that's portable between different GUIs.
@Mark Arrrrg. I switched (i,o), should have been (o,i) in the Select extension. Sorry. I should have tested it :). Now it works, see it live on http://ideone.com/JIzpmlsehe 6 mins ago
^ Silly me. The whole C# crowd is so gonna stop reading at the comment. Can't afford trivial mistakes on SO :)
In my defense, I wrote it in Vim, back-of-napkin-style. I so much hate not having .NET 4.0 style string.Join that I neglected to test the output. (not duplicate post, silly chat script)
Does ideone support nullptr ?
It's coughing up on me. Do I need a specify a certain header?
Ideone doesn't support it
0 it is.
I want LWS back
You may want to look at Intrusive Containers, like in Boost: boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/doc/html/intrusive.html - these let you have your cake and eat a muffin too — sehe 9 secs ago
/cc @JerryCoffin ^
@Pubby Maybe you can donate. I've never figured out who was hosting that though
@sehe you should just add your comments stream to feeds
@R.MartinhoFernandes @Xeo @E'rybuddy @DeadMG ideone.com/ibEam1
@sehe Yeah, that's a shame
That is the basic jist of what I want to do, in a full, complete, compact, int main () example.
@Pubby :)
Did stackedcrooked IDE go down?
@Pubby Yep, sorry. I want to get decent sandboxing before I re-enable it..
@ThePhD Make it int& arfbarf = cache[ barfkey ]; Done.
12 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@ThePhD Rule of thumb: if there's nothing about ownership involved in the interface, don't put ownership in the interface.
@StackedCrooked Ok
@sehe Yup -- that probably works too (but hard to guess, since he hasn't really said what he's trying to accomplish).
Then on replace, instead of deleting an int and newing another, just assign to it.
@JerryCoffin It just sounds like it, when he says he wants one container to contain the elements of the other, with different container invariants
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol:
> T** . Just sayin'.
And if I want to preserve the original value (which I do later on), after doing a replace (because I don't want to just copy-assign away a Texture or int or whatever else I put in there?)
MAn, ewww.
The Replace interface is...
You pass something by reference, take its address and give that to a unique_ptr?
That's fucked up
It was just for simplicity, jesus christ. ._.
@sehe Fucked up doesn't begin to describe it.
Nope that's not it
Simplicity looks like something else entirely
Seriously, it looks exactly like the opposite.
T**? :D
Like you are terribly overengineering the whole thing.
@sehe It does sound like a reasonable possibility.
But I need to sleep now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes To be fair, most of this is likely prompted by someone wielding fists and barking "Thou shalt use unique_ptr"
The idea is that eventually I'll be replacing the pointer values with different pointer values, because I can't copy-assign things like Texture2D and TextureCube and Model .
yesterday, by sehe
@R.MartinhoFernandes nop, nop! "Who's there?"
I'll just leave you with this:
Past, Present and Future walked into a bar. It was tense.
I'll just figure it out on my own. ._.
I still suck at explaining things.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The other one was much more appropriate for you at the moment:
> Jokes about German sausages are the Wurst.
If a pointer to the top of myself is also a pointer to the top of my head does that mean I don't exist because I'm really just a head? — Mooing Duck 19 secs ago
With today's CofE vote not to allow women bishops, I *actually* half agree with the vote. Just: I want to do away with male bishops too :)
@MooingDuck You're really just a duck
A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair.
@EtiennedeMartel Repost
@sehe You're a bear. Your argument is invalid.
yesterday, by sehe
A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair.
@sehe This is a rather good argument.
I'm not aguing. I'm a bear. No need to argue.
You're cool.

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