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I'd like a pile of shit without the flies.
Flies were the most annoying thing about cleaning up my dog's shit.
If it was flyless, oh my god I'd love it.
... Well. I'd relatively love it, to be clear.
How old are you.
Old enough.
@Cicada Do you want that in people years or dog years?
@JerryCoffin Which one makes people look smarter?
Mmh, every time I've tried to replace all outstanding > = _ to >... I've failed; I would get compiler errors everywhere. I'd figured those were corner cases, but now that I've done the replacement manually instead of mechanically in one module it works (for that one at least). I must suck at regexps!
I wish VS's regexp could Adapt to the Case of the Replacement
@LucDanton Show your regexp?
@Cicada Depends on the people, I suppose. Making most look smart is probably hopeless any way you look at it.
@Cicada Come to think of it I did diagnose the problem: some of the EnableIf</* stuff */> 'clauses' are multi-line. And of course something like EnableIf<is_foo<T>> means I can't greedily match.
If you always have a space after EnableIf, you could match on the >[SPACE]
Like EnableIf<.*>[SPACE] . That's how I usually catch myself anyhows.
For the multiline-stuff, it'd probably have to be a weird combination of the above and \r\n
Or just \n, I think.
I know VS translates \n into \r\n for you
@ThePhD That'll match too much. You need something like EnableIf<[^>]+>.
Example of what I have and what I want.
Okay, the first /*** After ***/ is meant to be /*** Before ***/. Not sure how that happened.
.... o_O;
Wow. Those are some diesel templates.
Don't worry, the EnableIf clauses are meant to make the declaration self-documenting. As such, the code comes with no documentation. You're welcome!
I can't figure out how to regular expression that.
Sorry. :c
Then again, I tried to with VS's regexp search/replace, which isn't really something to write home about.
Maybe Notepad++ would be better...
lol @ pastie.org's header
My brother Nate is fighting stage IV Hodgkin's lymphoma. He's just 31, with a wife and baby girl. They have no active income (unpaid FMLA), no insurance coverage, and cannot afford treatment. Nate and his family need your help. Thank you.
Q: Lambda capturing constexpr object

PotatoswatterGCC 4.7.2 compiles this: constexpr int i = 5; []{ std::integral_constant< int, i >(); }; // nonstandard: i not captured but not this: constexpr int i = 5; [&i]{ std::integral_constant< int, i >(); }; // GCC says i not constexpr The latter example appears correct to me, accor...

No worries. That > = _ thing is ugly but not really a priority. I can manually change one module every week or something.
@Potatoswatter I would think the quoted paragraph exactly answers your question?
Ah, additional.
I can see how clarification would be welcome.
@LucDanton So what RE did you use and how did it go wrong? For the examples you're showing, it appears that searching for > (= _)? and replacing with > ... would work, but it's hard to guess how much other code it might mess up.
Guise, is there some kind of "compile-time" reflection in C++? Aka I want to emit a class based on another class.
@JerryCoffin Replacing > = ... to >... is fine, so that fixes the declarations. For the definitions I first attempted to match on If<[^>]*>, but that greedily stop too soon for something like EnableIf<is_foo<T>>. And If<_.*> (_. is anything including newline) goes too far. Let me try something else based on that last one though.
@Cicada The standard committee has formed study group 7 specifically to work on compile time reflection. Not much you can put to practical use right now though.
@LucDanton Yeah, you're running into a fundamental problem: REs can't count, so anything that includes matching nested brackets (or nested whatever) is next to impossible to handle with them.
@Cicada "Emit a class based on another class" = template metaprogramming. The reflection that C++ doesn't have is enumerating the members of a class.
@JerryCoffin Indeedy.
@Potatoswatter And that's precisely what I need.
@Cicada It's conceptually opposed to the notion of access control, public protected private. And there's a lot of metadata to attach to each object.
@cicada: there are several ways to automate things. there is some reflection in clang. there is a reflection module based on gcc. there is a C++ to XML parser.
@Potatoswatter Not at compile time.
On the other hand, if you can put the enumerable members into a tuple or create a tuple of pointer-to-data-members for them (manual enumeration) the problem can be solved.
@Cicada Access control applies only at compile time.
@Potatoswatter I was referring to "metadata"
@Cicada several solutions exist but usually require precompilers, boost::reflect and boost::mirror (both not accepted)
and possibly you should look into boost serialization.
Honestly I'd just replace all the > = _ to >... and then manually fix all the non-matching declarations (since this mostly applies to member templates, it's rare that I declare a non-member template before defining it). Except there that's whole ICE: segfault business lol. Will wait for that to be fixed I suppose.
@Cicada By metadata I mean the type, and all qualifiers and attributes applying to the declaration.
What I want to do is a bit complex to automate so I'm probably better off doing it by hand.
@LucDanton I think the way to go is probably something like AWK, that will let you define an RE, and do the matching recursively, so it can handle nesting properly.
@Cicada i think that comment in bad taste :(
@Cheersandhth.-Alf "Guess which country Nates lives in"
Good morning
Goooooood morning.
@sehe hello
morning all
The World. What Has She Come To. In a place near me: politie.nl/gezocht/verdachten/2012/november/…
(Dutch, but the pictures tell the story)
@thecoshman No mooning in the lounge
ffs, not even one word in and I have a typo
That person's being mugged? D:
@sehe the really do tell the a story, though I am sure they don't need much explanation. I assume some sort of robbery, for a like €10 or something so petty?
@Potatoswatter Wasn't it generally agreed that C++ access control was fairly brittle and non-essential anyway?
@thecoshman Jewelry. A weddingring was taken
@sehe isn't it akin to an imagination blanky for a baby?
@Cicada still it's nothing to laugh about. rather donate some moneys
@sehe is that it? fuck sake
@thecoshman Slightly better. Especially the convenience of having non-public base classes (preventing all kinds of implicit conversions you wouldn't want)
@Cheersandhth.-Alf just pointing out the ridicule of the us "health care" system, not making fun of that guy's illness.
@Cicada the former is truly ridiculous
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Can I laugh when I donate money? FWIW: I agree, putting the statement in the profile makes that person vulnerable to all kinds of responses. That would pre-empt me from commenting on it, but hey: it's the internet.
huh, no work emails... something smells like broken outlook to me... I can't have no emails to waste time with
People read things in different ways and everybody sees their own reality. Commenting on the 'telling-ness' of someone's profile text doesn't mean that a person isn't socially engaged or v.v.
@thecoshman More like: broken exchange, network or windows
fucking shitty internal web site, having to log in for every damn page, or just use 'ie'
@thecoshman Firefox with IETab?
When you reach the point of having to fund a treatment for your terminally ill brother through your website, something is definitely wrong with the system you live in.
I use IEtab, but that is not fully compatible with some of the sites, I have to use actual IE
Damn. D:
> IEtab
> actual IE
also fuck you markdown
@Cicada But but, if we don't make someone pay for their treatment, than anyone who doesn't really deserve treatment can just walk in and get it!
@Cicada strange thing, (enough to keep it so) Americans think it perfectly fine, why should they help pay for some dudes helf care
@ThePhD: very american (?) thinking that some people may not deserve treatment
@ThePhD Where are you from?
@J.N. Not rly american, just moron.
Who do they think they are, just hopping the borders or smuggling themselves in on their ships and getting free treatment.
@Cicada Haiti, but I was fortunately born in the USA, so I don't have to CRABBATTLE for my citizenship.
@Cicada for sure, I didn't intend to mean all americans
My older sister wasn't so lucky, though.
She's an Alien. :c
@ThePhD did she died
@ThePhD Excuse me? This is most inflammatory and I find it offensive.
@sehe I almost flagged that one and the next.
@ThePhD I thought Haiti was part of USA?
I'm being sarcastic.
Maybe I should tag it like that...
Well you suck at sarcasm.
@Cicada Me too
@thecoshman No, but they sure as hell love sticking their nose in it. :D
@ThePhD Please do
FUCK it's too far back I can't tag it as sarcasm because uneditable. Dx
What do I do?
@ThePhD Anyway I'm glad it was
Do I bin it?
..... Can I bin it?
@ThePhD If you care much, you can flag it for mod attention yourself. I can bin it for you if you want
@sehe wait, you where seriously offended?
That's enough :)
@thecoshman people get offended on the internet?
Woo, binned! (bined? No, binned.)
@thecoshman Why do you ask? Of course. Like I said, I thought it was offensive
@sehe I don't think anyone wants to abandon it. More to the point, implementation details get in the way of reflective introspection, so the semantic issue indicates a conceptual problem that needs solving and can't just be ignored. At the least C++ would have to allow you to select public, protected, or private interface to enumerate over.
Actually, bined sounds terrible.
@Potatoswatter Actually, I think all languages with both access control and reflection support that
@sehe huh, I guess I just didn't take it seriously enough to be offended
@thecoshman Good for you
@Cicada only sissies :P
@thecoshman I suck at Sarcasm. :c
@ThePhD Would be nice to go along with my hexed
@thecoshman then why didn't you get offended?
Sarcasm sucks
@sehe I agree 100%
@Cicada more to the point, why didn't you?
@sehe Yeah, but there's a big chance of just getting decimated in the process.
@Cicada Oooh. That's irony
@thecoshman That's my joke, I did it sooner than you did, ha.
invalid meme usage is invalid
I think a builtin facility to produce a simple class from a compile-time structured specification would be more useful than attempting to extract metadata from inside the compiler and try to handle all the corner cases.
@thecoshman Oh, you've been dusting off your AutoHotKey mappings this morning, right? That would be... about "8 bored" (on a scale of 1 to 10)
It's long been doable using preprocessor metaprogramming, just ugly.
@sehe I set that bad boy up ages ago. I have a few of them, just I can only remember a few, mostly (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Cicada I reapply it
@Potatoswatter True enough. I think something to transparently proxy a part of an interface would be fine. For most of the rest: libclang :)
@thecoshman That's why I know you were so bored that in absense of email you decided to browse your AHK script
@Potatoswatter And there's only a few dozen different implementations of that lying about
@sehe I managed to remember that one all on my own! like a big boy :D
@sehe Nobody can hold their nose long enough to read through an existing implementation to see whether it fits their requirements.
One day, I might be sarcastic like @DeadMG never is. And it will be good.
@thecoshman I like the correct usage of the simile operator there: "like" a big boy
@ThePhD So, one day you'll decide to be sarcastic mainly when you declare your self-suckage? That's great
All the embarassment.
I think I need to go to sleep.
std::vector has a special push_back for movable things, no?
Or do you have to explicitly std::move it?
@ThePhD Being movable never means anything unless you call std::move (or have a temporary, which never needs to be passed to std::move).
@Potatoswatter What about with a movable constructor? Does that count for anything?
@ThePhD Ow. That was good:
Not movable simply means that std::move becomes a no-op. Call move whenever it's appropriate regardless of movability.
@ThePhD See vector::emplace_back or std::move (algorithm)
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ThePhD History. It's always good to learn from history
Whilst smart pointers are a better solution then manual memory management, this is clearly a technical exercise, else the OP should just use a Linked List from the the standard library. As such you have failed to explain to the OP what is actually wrong with the code in question and failed to provide any coherent way of improving it. What you have done is akin to walking into the Somme and proclaimed "Don't get shot", whilst reasonable advice, it is both painfully obvious and utterly useless. — thecoshman 25 secs ago
@ThePhD Anyways, let the truth be known.
I believe the puppy is going to just love that one :D
@thecoshman Too wordy. +1 for gist
@sehe I figure he will just see a big wall of text, not bother reading, and carry on as always
lol, sneaky edit there I see
@thecoshman That's not sneaky. It's routine polish
History is mean cruel and mean and Machiavellian.
BTW how long are the conversations in these chat rooms kept?
@thecoshman hm. i upvoted earlier, to counter the downvotes which i saw as groundless. but i'm not sure now
"shine you're shoes gov'ner "
@thecoshman ... you'r?
@Telkitty Foreeeveeer. ;~;
that would be a lot of storage
Text is apparently cheap as hell.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf has he done anything more then rant about smart pointers? Even that he hasn't done very well
well it's the principle of encapsulating lifetime management
@Telkitty I'd wager the entire chat system is less then ... 10 gig of text
maybe he should say that
@sehe I'd imagine Shakespeare would do something like that.
e'er mine o'er yonder
@thecoshman for now, yes.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf like I said, it is sound advice, but he has shouted "USE THIS SHINEY TOOL" and not explain anything about why or how
Would it have killed him to just use the letter?
@Telkitty that's for like three years of ussage
@thecoshman I think he was grumpy because he couldn't get his textbox to use his font. Note the 1 upvote. It was mine...
you would just use a smart pointer at the topmost level, for the entire list
Then again, iambic pentameter and stuff.
@sehe poor puppy
@Cheersandhth.-Alf like I said in my comment though, why would need to even consider smart pointers, use an list from the library
You have to process a dialog-level message. WM_DLGCTLBLAHBLAH? something. IIRC. — Cheers and hth. - Alf 10 secs ago
@ThePhD The apostrophe, in such cases, is elision, meaning it elides characters. I'm pretty sure Shakespeare would have been emin'tly aware of the fact that there are no characters to be elided after index 2 in const char(&)[5] "your"
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I'm sure he'll love that one. Hehe. Nice though
@ThePhD I'm going to code in meter for a while. Should be fun
A: Why can't I make a vector of references?

DarkFurther reading - rvalues and lvalues in C++0x (:

What a great answer... not.
Good luck doing that. D:
@FredOverflow flagged. Not-an-answer
Haha, Wanton Keys
Wild and Crazy, unruly keys.
Unruly. I love that word
Always going off and doing their own thing, not listening to Mama AZERTY.
@ThePhD French?
@sehe No need to flag -- just vote to delete.
@JerryCoffin Oh right, but I couldn't before since there were no downvotes (I think that's how it works?)
@FredOverflow Yes, actually. AZERTY is the french keyboard, but I have QWERTY. I've actually always wanted DVORAK, because DVORAK was optomized for the English language, and there's even a DVORAK keyboard for Programmers
@FredOverflow Belgian?
@ThePhD Colemak
@sehe Right (or not enough, anyway). I believe it has to be at -2 or below to vote to delete.
Of course, my fingers would really eat the shit if my keyboard suddenly turned DVORAK. I'd probably speak in tongues.
huh, I never thought about it before, but it's true, ram has got relatively slow when compared to the CPU
firstly, C++0x is a meaningless term, stop using it. Secondly, you have failed completely to answer this question in any way. — thecoshman 2 mins ago
Why so harsh?
Oh, right, C++ user.
why are they commenting on a 3-year-old answer :I
@ThePhD +1 for cryptic subculture reference
@Cicada is it harsh? I am simply telling the truth
@ThePhD What is optomized? An optimized version of optimized?
@TheForestAndtheTrees Rep whoring
@thecoshman There are other ways to put it.
@thecoshman Herb Sutter has a two-hour talk about this phenomenon.
@FredOverflow cl.exe optimized.obj /Ox
@Cicada Last time I said that I was getting burninated :)
@thecoshman As Terje Mathiesen had as a tagline for years: "almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching".
That is probably a completely invalid cl.exe command.
I'm glad nobody's put me in charge of their commandline.
@thecoshman It's horrible.
@Cicada "C++0x is a meaningless term, stop using it... please"?
@thecoshman "C++0x is a deprecated term by now. On a side note, I'm afraid your answer doesn't address OP's problem. Cheers. Want a cup of tea with that, motherfucker?"
Or something along these lines.
I mean, your comment was totally DeadMG-style.
@Cicada to wishy washy. Cut the crap and get to point. "here is what wrong with your answer, be glad I told you, now you can learn bitch"
@thecoshman No. Clearly you suck at human relationships.
@Cicada hardly, Dead style would be "Stop saying C++0x. Your answer wrong"
@thecoshman Then you're even worse.
Motherfucker makes everything better, especially, as JerryCoffin pointed out, Programming.
@thecoshman Keep in mind, however, that when he wrote the answer (2009) C++0x was about the only term available, since nobody was at sure it would turn out to be C++11.
If I have a double x;, why doesn't GCC optimize x *= 0.0; to x = 0.0;? It does optimize away x *= 1.0;.
I kind've like C++0x .
Just, it feels more fun to say than C++11
@Aardvark Ask the GCC devs. My guess would be that multiplying by zero can have different results for positive and negative numbers, dunno.
@JerryCoffin was it? ahh, that changes things
@FredOverflow Or denormals or NaN or something.
@FredOverflow or maybe NaN and infinity?
Comment deleted
I'm glad you did.
Oh cool it vectorizes my code.
Now we can all hug each other again and talk templates!
How about no.
In the vein of words like Motherfucker and Bitch, I've come to actually keep a scoring system for myself when I use these words. Rather than considering them swear words, I consider them Sentence Enhancers. Certain words can be drawn out, giving a steady +1 stream of points above my head at times, while others can be said with punch and attitude. The more Sentence Enchancers used in a single conversation / sentence, the more points. Additional points for making Combos, Bii(+2)iiii(+1)iii(+1)tch.
This tool is so awesome. assembly.ynh.io
@Cicada pleasing you was not the motivation <insert generic innuendo laden comment>
and no spell checker, I did not mean 'Nintendo'
@thecoshman I don't give a motherfuck about your motivation, only the end result counts. :) cheers
@Cicada +2 +1, mother modifier
@Aardvark Does its being online gain anything compared to using gcc -S?
@JerryCoffin Potentially outdated compiler?
@Cicada You're welcome... I think
@JerryCoffin shiny HTML5 buzz words?
@JerryCoffin If it's online then you can download it!
@JerryCoffin you can click the C or C++ statements and it will show which assembly code corresponds to them.
Actually, looking at it, it does gain a little bit: it shows a grahical mapping from source to object. Rather nice, that.
Hahaha, wow.
I've made it this far without doing anything with unique_ptr
DeadMG would have my head. :D
Q: Is it valid to assume that a reference is passed as a pointer

PatrickI have a function defined like this: void doSomethingWithCustomer (const Customer &customer); One of my fellow developers called it like this: Customer *customer = order.getCustomer(); doSomethingWithCustomer (*customer); Unfortunately, the getCustomer method can return a nullptr, if th...

not an entirely dumb question
I think that one deserves bonus points for obscure use of the template meber qualifier helper.template operator()<T>... sehe in answer
@sehe Upvotes, because sexy template metamagic I'll have to re-read twenty times to understand.
:) Just start with reading once. If that doesn't help, just skip it and head over to a primer on variadics
@TonyTheLion What, does he mean from behind the curtains?=
@Neil I have no idea
Probably so
I think he may mean under the hood
from under the table
I think though that if he worries about how a reference is implemented, then he's doing it wrong
@ThePhD So. You're an abrasive nerd :)
Behind the scenes?
beyond the graveyard
Sub rosa
beyond yo momma
ünder von bunker
Sub axe legimus: Hecubam reginam
Under cover
Combo breaker
@sehe I wouldn't play the game with anyone else. It's more like when I'm playing a game and I have the mic off and it's just me and I'm like GET SHOTGOONNED BIII(+2)III(+1)IIIIIITCH YEAH MOTHER(+1)FUCKER(+2)'S CAN'T KILL THIS and then they say "That was a nice shot" in chat and I'm like "Thanks :D" and it's all good because I have points and nobody's the wiser. ..... Aww. Hellz (+1) Yeah.
.... This will be a problem when I get married, I can feel it.
A sparkly coding princess: 4.asset.soup.io/asset/3868/7828_8610.jpeg
(This is certainly SFW here, although I dunno what your cow-workers will think of you unless they see you laugh out very loud the moment they see you lay eyes on it. That's why I didn't want to have this oneboxed.)
@ThePhD I used to play Quake 2 multiplayer with a mod called Action which simulated leg wounds and "life-like" damage and I sucked at everything else but I was decent at that
@sbi This is wrong on so many levels.
Trick was getting the sniper rifle
@sbi He looks... so angry.
@ThePhD You would too if you had to pose like that just to be shown everywhere online and an internet chatroom
@Neil Between you and me, I'd probably pirouette and Sharpie FAABULOOOOUS on my forehead.
... I mean, if I'm going to lose a humiliating bet, it's gonna be done in -style-.
@ThePhD Touche.
@sbi what's the coding allusion?
@HansPassant I think it's actually Undefined Behaviour. So, if you're unlucky, it won't crash and raptors will have a field day. (There's no such thing as a nullptr dereference, many implementations/architectures will map to virtual address 0x00000000 but a pointer may not even be an architecture-specific address, e.g. on Hell++) — sehe 5 mins ago
@sbi erm I clicked on that, and closed it quickly
@TonyTheLion What happened?
@sehe Hell++, where the Segmentation faults are free and the pointers point.
nothing, I just didn't really want that on my screen
@TonyTheLion Go and wipe your screen now.
@Neil pointers have the potential to be indirected
@sehe How do you make a pointer "indirect" exactly?
You mean not set it to anything?
@sbi o_o
@Neil (*ptr), ptr[n], ptr->member, ptr->*memfun. That's about it (as far as core language is concerned). Arguably, ptr->*memfun doesn't actually indirect the pointer. Hmm. What would Jesus the standard say about that
@sehe Ouch, I see the question now.. I didn't think you could do that
Granted, our former technical advisor recommended we recast (this) in const methods in order to modify the state of the instance while remaining "const"
Interesting idea. Though I generally dislike language-uglifying syntax conventions (such as the in<T> convention proposed by some (around p.29) this might be useful when judiciously used. — sehe 7 mins ago
^ I'm somehow convinced the Robot would agree
@Neil 'technical advisor'?
Anyone care the cast the final delete vote here: stackoverflow.com/a/922595/85371
@sehe Yeah, well, former
Whenever we wanted to know what language to use for which project, he was our guy
As well as some of the technical aspects of architecture.. he had us rewrite strings because he thought CString was too slow
Not sure why he didn't just use std::string at that point
the last cat is totally not 000000(black) :(
@Neil Because it would be largely the same?
I can never decide between 7F (slightly less than half) and 80 (slightly more than half)...
@sehe In fact, a lot of hassle came from that, not to mention several bugs
@Telkitty Last cat is more like 331100
@Neil CString to unicode conversion is not fun :( (speaking from experience)
Unicode is a nightmare when you get down to the details of it
@Neil Whew. That's pretty evil. I have, however, resorted to writing static template members:
template <class This>
    This* XmlToken::DoFindChild(This* that, const xexpr_t &pElement , bool pIncludeNS)
    std::vector<This*> matches = DoFindAllChildren(that, pElement, pIncludeNS);

    return matches.empty()? NULL : matches[0];
In the absense of boost or c++0x (this was around 2005 on AIX with IBM's XlC++ compiler), that'd result in pretty code like this:
        for (typename ConstOrNonConst<This>::tokens_i current = that->mTokens.begin(); current!=that->mTokens.end(); current++)
Yeah we used "This" :)
@Neil Comes to mind. However, this approach requires no casting :) Much cleaner. I wouldn't argue more readable/usable, though
I'm surprised a runtime exception wasn't thrown for casting a constant pointer to a non-constant one actually
Why? const doesn't exist at runtime.
@sehe Well, I'd just assume not try to do that if I can help it
@FredOverflow Well apparently there is a reason otherwise it wouldn't be possible
I just connected my backup drive, and my main data drive just disappeared from windows.
I think it's maybe time to buy a new couple of drives...

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