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unfortunately there are no trains back here between 6pm and 9pm
@R.MartinhoFernandes I remember you helped me once with a harmonic oscillator formula based on Newton's second law I was trying to apply in my project. It was more than a year ago. Thanks for that. -)
possible I could crash at my sister's
she lives in Bristol and won't be asleep :P
not coming?
I could do an afternoon, but the travel times make an eve rather difficult
Everything named safe-[canonical-name] is a dumb idea and will probably suck in multiple, numerous ways.
it's a good two hours back here, and I'd need to get my parents to pick me up
@DeadMG then I have to take time off
@R.MartinhoFernandes and you helped me apply this differential equation..
So, IntelliSense sucks. How do I tell it to stop highlighting my code with bogus crap?
next time then
hey, or we could do a weekend or something
no, wait, cosh is only here in the week, right? coming over from Ireland
@kbok In this case, it sucks because it doesn't provide the benefits of rm. I delete stuff when I need to recover space, or when I really need to get rid of something. Moving to trash accomplishes none of those.
we could do, I don't know about @thecoshman though
lunch time.
obtw, are you going to attend the Committee meeting in April next year?
I totally am
who me?
prolly not
where is it?
Basically, I think making rm "safe" also makes it worthless.
@R.MartinhoFernandes also rm /mnt/usbdisk/windows8.iso fail
trash is for noobs
Hello, is a cmake newbie question allowed here? If yes, I'm stubling over a stupid thing. linking (ld) askes me to add a library to the linker command line. I enter ccmake ., edit the EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES path and hit [c], which restores the old EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES list. how can I generate with the new library included?
@TonyTheLion Bristol.
Everytime there is something unsafe about an operation this is for good reasons. Removing the unsafe part removes the advantages that it brought initially, making it ultimately useless.
Why don't you make a trash command instead of safe-rm.
@kbok Far from every time. Pointer arithmetic? C-strings? Non-RAII code?
@Sebastian Asking on SO proper will get better results
@DeadMG Those aren't operations
How are you going to name that, safeNonRAIIFunction ?
This is not about my point
=eternal suckage
I aliased clear to cls, because I'm sick of typing cls
is the other one mysql_imaginary_escape_string ?
@DeadMG oh wow, well if I'm still in this area of England, yes I may consider it then.
but my point is
it's hideously unsafe but not for any good reason at all.
No, actually you're right, because sometimes the design sucks to the extend that reinventing the sematics is pretty useful and sensible.
And PHP is an excellent example.
@kbok OMG, the puppy won an argument by resorting to PHP.
1. inorite. LOLINTERNETS for "I know, right".
There must be some sort of Godwin's law for PHP.
winning an argument by PHP? That's gotta be like winning by Hitler.
@DeadMG Here, have your Paamayim Nekudotayim point
it's Hebrew for semicolon
because in PHP all the parser errors are given like, ERROR: Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
@TonyTheLion It's the error the PHP parser vomits when a semicolon is missing.
damn, I knew it wasn't double colon but couldn't remember what kind of colon it was
@DeadMG why in Hebrew?
How fit.
because that crazyfucker's jewish, I think
@TonyTheLion Because the author is.
oh fucker
@DeadMG It's double colon.
@R.MartinhoFernandes DAMNIT
The colon is the last part of the digestive system in most vertebrates; it extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body, and is the site in which flora-aided (largely bacterial) fermentation of unabsorbed material occurs. Unlike the small intestine, the colon does not play a major role in absorption of foods and nutrients. However, the colon does absorb water, sodium and some fat soluble vitamins. In mammals, the colon consists of four sections: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon (the proximal colon...
did you just have to wait for 2minutes to say that?
everytime someone says "colon" ^
@DeadMG That's PHP. Bringing us culture and p0wned webapps since 1995.
what brings a mod here?
obviously our comparison between PHP and Hitler.
I guess it was sbi flagging earlier.
It is a known fact that PHP is offensive.
Hi Tim, we were wondering
What does "blewing your knee" mean ?
nothing to see here
Thanks :)
finally somefuck called me back about a job I applied for
I completely missed the call, of course, but hey
> but there should be no overlap within a space; for example, no overlap of bosses with other bosses.
Screw you, @google. I’m switching to Bing. :)
I thought you were going to work in Linz?
Aw man, these docs are too funny to be taken seriously.
@Zoidberg'-- ^ what happened now?
@sehe He sucks at search.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wat?
@TonyTheLion Keeping my options open. That's not finalized.
@kbok Blowing out. As in .. landed in just the right way to make sure moving it is excruciating. As for being here, yeah it was the flags that made me wonder what was going on
@DeadMG GC.SuppressFinalization()
that's .NET, I believe.
@TimPost Oh, sounds painful :(
@DeadMG Very good. Your up for the next round
I have an old injury that gets very angry when poked just the right way
oh I know that kind
There was some friction with the Skype guy. You may want to see that with @sbi though
@TimPost Every one has a weakness.
Everyone FTFY ^
no, you noob, you're supposed to wait 2 minutes.
It will swell up to rival the size of my head in a while, irritate the hell out of me and then go back to normal in a few days. Anyone arguing intelligent design is easily shot down with our lack of replacement parts.
seems like he's afking away anyway
@TimPost obviously He intended that we build our own replacement parts.
Man, I could use some replacement parts
@TimPost You can shoot people with a lack of stuff? Does it work better than bullets? Because lack of stuff is certainly cheaper.
> Bosses are reference-counted objects. A reference count is maintained for the boss, not for the individual
dafuq is your documentation written in terms of bosses?
obviously the manager of that team had a hardon for himself
dafuq is your boss written in terms of documentation?
@VinayakGarg Not in all caps and use enum class.
heh, cute. Spent most of the day chasing through our code to figure out what it'd take to implement a new feature
@jalf And the answer is?
then in the end I find out that "oh, we can do it already, you just have to set the right option in the configuration file"
@DeadMG all smalls or capital or what?
that would piss me off
@VinayakGarg Drop the caps. If you don't have C++11, use a namespace or a class for that enum, so that you don't pollute the global namespace.
Seems a boss is a lot like a COM implementation class.
enum class is viable C++11?
@DeadMG, @kbok better?
I've been doing struct [EnumName]s { enum [EnumName] { } } ...
But QtCreator doesn't like it :( Builds fine though
@VinayakGarg It's probably not part of their IDE yet, as it's C++11.
@ThePhD I do that too. The new way is just more brief
... I have to rewrite all my enums.
My god this is going to be murderous.
Don't bother with that, it's fine.
@kbok but it'll save me the void (MyReallyLongEnumNameTeeHees:MyReallyLongEnumNameTeehee gigglegiggle)
@DeadMG Seems because, enum Abcd : int8_t{}; also gets red
I wonder if I can regular-expression my way out of this one...
@ThePhD you can typedef MyReallyLongEnumNameTeeHees::MyReallyLongEnumNameTeehee MyReallyLongEnumNameTeehee though
... I never thought of that. But now that I'm going back, I might as well just rig everything to enum class rather than try to typedef my way to victory.
I was wondering who this "Mich" guy was, and why he had the same e-mail address as I have.
Me = Mich
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@TonyTheLion Yeah, I got that. Eventually.
finally progress, able to create symlink from non-elevated prompt. but with annoying UAC confirmation box popping up.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf You can't get rid of that, can you ?
it seems not without turning off UAC. but i'd like to!
In the "annoying popup" contest, yesterday the Java updater dialog popped up while I was watching a movie
The guys who made that crap truly deserve to die
@kbok that Java updater is so fucking annoying
I'm sure the total time wasted by this dialog exceeds half a dozen human lives
Same for SCART connectors
What the fuck, seriously, SCART connectors.
What about the Adobe flash updater?
Not as annoying.
There is no count of the time it has wasted.
@kbok I fucking hate it when programs launch and steal focus. sometimes even repeatedly. especially when I'm typing
@TonyTheLion I got it without a dictionary, but thanks anyway.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf what do you need to symlink? iirc on Windows, symlinks require admin permissions, but junction points don't (I'm not sure exactly what the difference is, other than that junction points only work for directories, not files)
Java updater, Adobe etc. should all burn in hell. Painful death for all popup update notifications!
@melak47 IE is really annoying about trying to replace the contents of the location bar over and over and over again when it's starting up
never heard of a junction point
@jalf symlinks are junction points, and work for directories. i need them mostly for directory structures. eases the work to not have to copy things around.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf on Windows, they're separate things. You can ask mklink to create a junction point or a symlink, where the latter requires admin privileges
need codepoint properties
they behave basically the same though
I use a junction point on my laptop to 'move' Program Files to drive D.
@DeadMG Not all of them, I guess.
@kbok rather outdated - we don't even have Space Shuttles anymore :(
@kbok ..and out-of-date already. The r/h shuttle pic should be replaced with Proton/Vostok.
@jalf well i toyed with juntion points in XP, and the docs say symlinks are implemented as junction points. so not sure of difference. the XP junction points could only handle ASCII characters...
@kbok The man holding the bulky phone is funny.
@kbok Hmm...so basically this is saying the space shuttle is the only one that hasn't taken a huge step backwards in the 30 years?
Also two occurences of Apple for "innovation", the author clearly has no idea what innovation is.
Still funny.
@MartinJames They still make Vostoks?
That's technological progress.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, sorry - Soyuz.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Presumably not.
but people will want stuff like is_whitespace.#
@kbok meh. better to replace the shuttles with 'primitive one-shot satelites' and the Curiosity rover side-by-side
I think it's a cultural thing
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I just tested it. With mklink /D I get "you do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation". With mklink /Jit creates the junction point. Both the link and the target used non-ASCII characters
People don't care as much about space as earlier
But they do care about Steve Jobs
@kbok Because we figured out there's nothing there.
@MartinJames Ok. I was getting worried.
@DeadMG We never figured anything really
speak for yourself
We've had looks at Mars and the Moon for quite some time now, nobody in his right mind thought there was tiny people hiding on there
I think when the puppy said "nothing" he did not mean "nobody"
@jalf there must be a functional difference... dir reports one as SYMLINKD and the other as JUNCTION
Ah, well, yeah it's useless
@Cheersandhth.-Alf yeah, but I don't know what the difference might be. Both seem to work as you'd expect, and I've used junction points quite a bit before
I gotta go for a few minutes
but atm for codepoint properties I'm thinking whitespace, letter, newline, digit, punctuation, casing.
I also didn't specify anything to do with converting to upper or lower case.
Moon: 'Magnificent desolation' - just like my /projects/documetation folders.
i don't know if it's good or bad to have used about a day on a solution that turns out probably isn't necessary...
but okay i learned some stuff
Beats spending a day trying to find a solution that IS needed, and failing:(
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Only one day, and you learned something? I'd say that's more good than bad.
@DeadMG That's pretty much just the general category property.
Hmm, "Unlike junction points, a symbolic link can also point to a file or remote Server Message Block (SMB) network path", that's about the most specific info I can find
What's up with that horrible rendered text
Yeah, junctions are local.
Oh yeah - junction points can only be an alias for local drives.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but can still span multiple (local) filesystems
Junction points point to absolute paths, symlinks to relative ones (from wesnerm.blogs.com/net_undocumented/2006/10/symbolic_links_.html )
well i have to reboot. norton AV expired so i installed avira. not using free mcaphee from bank because as i remember it sucked performancewise
McAfee sucks the life out any system that is not overclocked and doesn't have 16 cores and has less than 16GB RAM. Kaspersky is not quite as bad. Dunno about avira...
Norton and Mcafee are by far the worst offenders performance-wise, IME
@jalf ACK!
@DeadMG Is that considered being rude? :)
@kbok Try to select some text, and you'll see in a hurry: what he has here are bitmaps, being scaled to your screen -- which (of course) looks horrible).
@MartinJames Add up the time you lose having an AV and the time you lose without. You're better off without.
@FredOverflow What is?
@JerryCoffin Yeah - not copyable, no room for pixel optimization. This is the worst idea.
@JerryCoffin That may be true, but my customers insist I run some sort of system leech/vampire:(
@DeadMG Keeping one's options open. At least in the field of love it is.
@FredOverflow ...and employers take as much of your life as most lovers.
If not more.
@JerryCoffin ..but they can't take your house!
Q: Console output in cmd.exe, and powershell.exe through C++

BushI know a simple way for correct displaying of localized chars on Cmd.exe. But how can I do same for Powershell.exe? #include<iostream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { SetConsoleCP(GetACP()); SetConsoleOutputCP(GetACP()); // valid output in cmd.exe,...

@kbok It does seem ...strange, from somebody who claims to know Wordpress inside and out, but perhaps it's to emphasize breaking away from Wordpress.
He's a PHP guy after all.
@MartinJames No, but a lot of people lose their houses when/if they get fired.
@JerryCoffin OK, there's that... :(
@FredOverflow Perfectly normal when seeking employment.
@FredOverflow The puppy feels no love.
@EtiennedeMartel Hello.
@kbok yeah, it makes fixing typos like 'barier' near the bottom annoying to fix, I'd wager.
I got my barrel of caffeinated water (also known as Tim Horton's coffee - Canadians will understand).
@EtiennedeMartel ...as well as some of us who've only visited Canada a few times.
struct codepoint_properties {
    bool whitespace;
    bool letter;
    bool digit;
    bool lower_case;
    bool upper_case;
    bool punctuation;
    bool new_line;
so no additions suggested robot?
@JerryCoffin Right, forgot about that possibility.
@DeadMG well, depends on how far you want to take it.
If you look just at the general categories, there's a lot of stuff missing.
@DeadMG marks?
symbols, marks, control characters, ...
@DeadMG Is this supposed to be purely for western European languages, or is it supposed to be international? For one example, Arabic scripts (some of them, anyway) use special forms of letters instead of spaces between them to indicate things like word breaks.
@JerryCoffin I already added a word break algorithm.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where's the list?
Unicode assigns character properties to each code point. These properties can be used to handle "characters" (code points) in processes, like in line-breaking, script direction right-to-left or applying controls. Slightly inconsequently, some "character properties" are also defined for code points that have no character assigned, and code points that are labeled like "". The character properties are described in Standard Annex #44. Properties have levels of forcefulness: normative, informative, contributory, or provisional. For practical reasons, a character property can be assigned by spe...
@DeadMG Yes, but it also changes the classification of a character (roughly equivalent to, upper/lower case, but if memory serves there are at least three categories instead of two).
@EtiennedeMartel I have never seen a place so ubiquitous as I saw Tim Hortons in London, Ontario. Every. Street. Corner.
@JerryCoffin There are different forms for starting a word, middle of a word, end of a word, and isolated.
@JerryCoffin I've been thinking about changing it so that instead of the properties for a codepoint, it returns a list of properties for each codepoint in a range.
@Collin Canadians need their coffee and donuts.
that should be able to handle things like codepoint properties being changed by context.
@DeadMG They aren't.
so I can just have get_properties(char32_t); then

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