Not as-is, best you can get is an std::string*. You need to transform to e.g. std::vector<char*> first. Keeping in mind that std::string -> char* is C++11-specific, and a bit iffy with respect to the null terminator.
If I have this:, how could I write a macro that would concat the enum's actual value, then a space and finally the name of the actual enum (like STR now)?
So I would have something like "0 VA", "1 RVA", "2 ASCII", etc.
you should only look to use a macro after it's been proven that it's impossible to use a function or template or class or, well, pretty much anything else
see, the value of the enum is known only to the compiler itself, not the preprocessor
and the compiler can't make you a string based on the name of the enum, and the preprocessor certainly can't loop through the values or anyshit like that
@Tuntuni No, something like wrapping each kind of line of code in a different macro, and then defining the macros to mean different things whilst including the wrapped file multiple times.
@NikiC That's wrong. Since money is used for trade instead of goods, the amount of money must resemble the value of all the goods produced. And since that keeps increasing, so must the amount of money. And if you really look, then you'll find that this is indeed the case: Even the poor people today have more money (i.e. purchasing power) than people 1000 years ago.
@daknøk No, it would absolutely not be Ok. If you earn $1k per month, tax taking 75% of it will make you starve. If you have $20k per month, tax taking away 75% of it still leaves you with $5k, which is quite a decent income. If you have $1m per month, tax taking away 75% leaves you with enough to live a grand life even if you gave 200k per month to charity.
@LuchianGrigore You misunderstood the setting. The idea was that I cook for her guests, because the kids love my cooking. (My ex-wife's SO told me they are praising my cooking much to their mother's annoyance.) Anyway, I was a bit late, but the teens had enough other things to do in that time, and just dug in a bit more voraciously once I arrived.
@LuchianGrigore Of course, it does — especially so since it wasn't someone who had eaten my food praising to my face, but someone who is a bit annoyed by it telling about others praising it to them. :) But I get along very well with that ex-wife's new partner, so the two of us turned that into making fun of her cooking. Much to her, uh, delight. :b
@rubenvb Any solution would require instantiating templates on the order of std::vector<std::string>::max_size(), since that's potentially how many parameters there are to forward. I think you'll agree with me this is silly.
@ThePhD What you find on the web compares to real sex like Need For Speed compares to you driving on a highway on a sunny day listening to good music while chatting with the love of your life, which feeds you your favorite snack, the two of you going for turkey day to your mother in law, who is a celebrated cook. IOW: It's not half as crazy, but much more wonderful. (Disclaimer: I have never even seen someone play NFS, so this might be totally off.)
@thecoshman Yes, this really used to be the case until a few years ago. To many people here in Germany (mostly above a certain level of education), nationalism leaves a bad taste in their mothmuth mouth and used to be frowned upon. And we do have good reason to be ashamed of our nationalism, don't we?
The football world cup a few years ago kind of changed that. It's now considered more normal to wave a flag. One of my garden neighbors has a flagpole with a German flag on it in front of his garden house. (Needless to say, he's not above that certain level.)
@sbi Though I find it quite sad that Germany is often reduced to its history
Or rather, that part of its history
And also how certain topics are treated a lot differently here. Like you can't even do some kind of Jew joke without people thinking you're a nazi or somethin
@NikiC Shrug. That's the way it is, though. That part of our past has other consequences, too, like freedom of speech being limited. (For example, you are not allowed to deny the holocaust in Germany.)
@NikiC That surely depends on the joke. I have heard jokes about Jews on public radio. If they do not rely a racist base, there's context where it's Ok.
My program is supposed to find the factorial of a number by creating a function, and display the results in a table format. In the main body of my program I have a cout for i, and my function factNum i, but only factNum i is being output? How do I make it so that both i and factNum i are displaye...
@sbi Yup. Not particularly fond of that either. Doesn't make any sense to me why you shouldn't be allowed to deny that one single thing where you can deny pretty much anything else, no matter how completely stupid it is to do so.
@enko It's easy for me to produce instances where nationalism was harmful, but for you, producing counter-examples is going to be practically impossible. If you think it isn't, then prove me wrong and produce some.
@Insilico some guy made a similar post yesterday. He wanted to call espeak (the command is: easpeak "a") from his program. So he did: stringstream ss; ss << "espeak" << "a"; system(ss.str().c_str());
@DeadMG Nationalism is what made possible countries as we know them today. It's what transferred tribal bands into huge organizations that enabled modern economics, science, and a level of productivity that allows to provide medical and financial support for the sick and weak.
@sbi Not really. Even dogs exhibit nationalism. It's nothing but tribal warfare, only bigger- the same as you see in monkeys, even ants. It existed long before mankind did.
Every time i hear this anti-nationalism song, it ends with propositions to pay for some third world immigrant to live off portion of my salary which is taken at a gun point.
@sbi That still does not give you the right to put it on a completely different constitutional level. I mean, how many million people died under Stalin? Are they somehow less worth than the Jews who died in the Holocaust? I don't think so (and hopefully no one else does). Imho any exception from free speech is a mistake.
@sbi I am in no way saying you should take pride in such actions, I am saying that what's in the past is in the past. Whilst such actions should never be forgotten, that can be allowed to stay as a bitter taste in the mouth.
@enko Yeah, of course, as everything in our behavior, this, too, is rooted in our animal past. That doesn't mean, however, that it is still the same. None of those could employ their pack behavior to form a state with millions of people. Saying their pack preference is the same as nationalism is a bit like saying that chimp's reciprocate altruism is the same as nuns dedicating their lives to caring for the sick.
@enko Impose their lifestyle? Nationalism is the cause of that. The other group is trying to impose their lifestyle because they're jacking off about how great they are.
same with all the colonial empires, and those Islamic terrorists and Bible-thumping gay marriage protesters
@NikiC The thing is that the constitution we are talking about was written by those who were guilty, after they were beaten up, under the eyes of the victors, while facing the horror of the concentration camps. That's very different from the current Russian constitution.
@sbi On the other hand I can think of a few higher level strategies to make you slave 3 jobs for an altruistic cause so you have no time to even think about wider social situation. That lends some opportunity to get away with a lot of what any thinking human would consider crime.
@sbi Yes, I understand that. My point is that, if you consider it rationally (rather than as you say, emotionally) it doesn't make sense to include such exceptions.
@DeadMG Again, talking about un-moderated nationalism. I said from the beginning its a good thing in Moderation. Celebrating age tested ways of living is positive and should be encouraged imho.
@thecoshman As I said, this has changed a bit a couple of years ago. But it took half a century. Remembering the numbers I learned in my history lessons (remember: wrong side of the Curtain), this is about one year for every million who died in that war. Is that really too long to be ashamed?
I find it curious that a species would evolve- adapt- to have an anti-adaptive mindset, when the basis of survival is rooted in adaptation, change, and throwing out what didn't work
@sbi Maybe rational was the wrong word. Rather "From the modern point of view" instead of "From the point of view when the constitution was first drafted" ;)
@Ell The son of a rabbi tells his father that he is going to marry a Christian woman. The rabbi is devastated, and is weeping, pulling his beard, and praying to his god for three days. Then, at the end of the third day, his god shows, and asks what he is bitching about all the time. So the rabbi explains his predicament to his god. God listens, thinks for a moment and then says: "Do As I Did, Make A New Testament!"
argh...does anyone have a clue why WMP won't add songs? I add a folder to the library, and it says "update complete" immediately. I've tried deleting WMPs library, I've tried deleting windows' music library, ...
@DeadMG It's the prerogative of the young to laugh at tradition and cultural inheritance. Its the prerogative of the old, to laugh at the youth for thinking thus.
Do you guys have any advice about the fact that the simpler questions which I know the answers to are answered nearly instantaneously and the ones that are unanswered are usually beyond my knowledge?
@sbi do you mean try and figure out the answer to those questions thereby enhancing my knowledge, or just that eventually I'll be able to answer questions
@emschorsch I didn't say anything about the means. I just looked at your dilemma from a logical POV and enhancing your knowledge seemed to lead out of it.
But, yeah, reading the solutions to the harder problems will help you to enhance your knowledge and this one day to be able to answer harder questions.
@Rapptz It's an example for an answer by someone who had answered despite the question being beyond his knowledge — which is exactly what you just advised @emschorsch to do.
@thecoshman There's nothing to be ashamed of for my parents, born after the war, and little for their parents, some of which got into trouble for not being Nazi enough. But this is what most Germans will tell you (because this is what most parents and grandparents told them). Yet, all those terrible things really happened, and they were done by "normal people", just as you and me. Maybe "shame" isn't the right word for it, but I wouldn't want this fact to become forgotten.
1) I have some static classes in my project that allocate variables within their constructors.
class StaticClass
char *var;
var=new char[100];
static StaticClass staticClass;
2) I have overridden the new and delete operators and made them ...