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Oh, look, I reached 2k today.
oh wow
I use the emplace_back function of std::vector
is that like back_inserter?
now the stack trace to the constructor has a function whose return type is MyType const*&&&
std::vector<T>::emplace_back is a variadic template method that accepts the arguments to a constructor of T
Well it gets inserted at the back that's what I wanted to know
I wasnt sure if it would push_back or simply place it at the last spot
I just remembered something. IIRC, on the Wii, calling delete on a null pointer causes a segfault.
I've heard a lot of people saying the Wii U is the easiest platform to develop in. (Of the consoles)
Hum, hi everybody.
I got a riddle for the programmers here, if you feel like you're a good programmer, or should I say a "Real" programmer, give me the solution to it:
Aliens from Planet Blah come and invade Planet Earth. In the Planet Blah's news, it is reported that they sent 23 beings into Planet Earth. Planet Earth reports that 17 beings invaded. All of Planet Blah's aliens made it to earth and Planet Earth counted all of the aliens correctly. None died or left Earth. How could it be that Planet Blah reported 23 while Planet Earth reported just 17?
@ScottW base 16?
@ScottW Wrong.
#17 to base 10 is 23?
The 17 is (apparently) in decimal, so we need a base where 23 is equal to 17 in decimal. I believe that works out to base 7.
@JerryCoffin Yup.
@Rapptz They're probably full of shit, because the easiest platform to develop on is always a Microsoft platform.
Typical human beings use base 10. I guess it can be assumed that 17 is base 10 too.
I should add, however, that none of this is "real" -- only integers.
Nintendo has a reputation to be a douchebag when it comes to providing quality SDKs.
@JerryCoffin Bam.
@EtiennedeMartel I could search for it but I'm not sure if I'll find it.
funny that both are right. I'd presume @JerryCoffin due to the assumption that planet earth uses base 10, but if you count in base 16 that's fine also :p
@EtiennedeMartel Sony is truly a nightmare. The SDK may be fine when you get it, but the hoops you have to jump through are just plain nuts. Basically, you need to already be an AAA studio, and they'll ask you to develop for them Otherwise, you can pretty much forget it.
@JerryCoffin Yep. Come to think of it, everyone's a douchebag except Microsoft.
@Rapptz Well, that does not mean the actual native Wii U SDK is good.
@EtiennedeMartel I also found this
@EtiennedeMartel Microsoft is pretty crappy too -- amateurs only get the second-rate SDK. Studios doing "serious" games get something else entirely (which is next to impossible to get as well).
Kinda bored of searching though.
@JerryCoffin At least you don't sweat blood once you finally get the SDK.
I just know Nintendo as of lately has been embracing indie developers for some odd reasons though not specified.
Because they're realizing no AAA wants to work with them?
(I'm exaggerating, of course)
@Rapptz I think they're all moving in that direction -- probably because although indie games don't make as much total, they also cost less, so they're often pretty profitable anyway.
I found a couple more (like 4 more links) about it but they're all from blogs in some source chain.
Which I don't feel like going through 4 different links to view the original.
@EtiennedeMartel I think it's more that some of the AAA guys (especially EA) haven't done anything even marginally original in a couple of decades now. Yes, Madden Football will probably still be selling in 2050 -- but it's pretty much the same old game with new players digitized in ever year.
Was it Cliff Bleszinski who said that Epic's most profitable game was Infinity Blade, a 6$ game for iOS, and not a Gears of War title?
You know, thinking about it now, it is kind of unfortunate that people seem to rag on Nintendo for being "casual" and some people won't take them seriously.
@EtiennedeMartel Dunno -- but it certainly sounds reasonable.
Reminds me of 2006 when I used to see tons of posts on forums about the retarded console wars.
@Rapptz I don't really care if their casual or not; it's just that most of their games, even the "casual" ones are not really that good.
You can pretty much get a very good guess if a Wii game is gonna be good by checking if it's got antialiasing.
Not you, a lot of people. Though your AAA comment reminded me of it.
If I get a Wii, it's gonna be for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 and both Super Mario Galaxies. None of which could be considered "casual" (well, maybe the Marios, but still).
Maybe Donkey Kong Country Returns, which is still not a casual game (in fact, I heard it had quite the steep difficulty curve, which is pretty much as anti-casual as you can get).
I have a Wii and I feel bad about not playing much except the 1st party titles which are always high quality to me.
But like you said, most of the 3rd party games on the Wii's library was garbage.
Most Wii owners simply leave their consoles gathering dust after a while.
That's not very good if you ask me.
Last game I played was Skyward Sword, which I really enjoyed. Which was November 2011.
Ah, yeah, that one as well. Although I heard they put Microsoft Clippy in it.
Microsoft Clippy? Oh I get it.
Well, you know, that annoying guy who interrupts gameplay to shove help and/or exposition in your face?
I always just call them "fuckers" for annoying the fuck out of me.
At least Navi did not pause the game.
You could ignore her.
Fi was kind of annoying yeah. She didn't interrupt your game, you had to press + to listen to her but it was annoying.
It's like they're thinking their whole user base is nothing but noobs who cannot learn by themselves.
Despite the fact that it's pretty clear that most people who're gonna play it are Zelda veterans.
Other than Fi I really liked that game. Definitely one of my favourites.
They could at least have asked "hey, have you played one 3D Zelda before?" and if you answered "yes", then fucker disabled.
I'm saying that because I'm working on a Zelda-like action adventure right now, and I got the feeling that there are many things that are wrong in Zelda, but that nobody addresses because doing that would fuck up the "Zelda-ness".
Like what? Zelda's one of my favourite game series.
The low difficulty level. The fact that most items are almost single-use objects that become dead weight in your inventory once you complete the dungeon where they're found. The dull button-mashing combat. The formulaic level design and boss fights.
In fact, yeah, "formulaic". That's the word.
Hm.. How many Zelda games have you played?
Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twlight Princess.
Also A Link to the Past and The Minish Cap, but most of my issues have to do with the 3D titles.
Ah okay.
And yeah, the games are so fucking easy.
You can't really die in combat unless you act stupidly, and all the puzzles are so easy to solve.
Yeah I guess. I thought Skyward Sword's bosses were kinda difficult.
I haven't played Wind Waker because I was originally put off by the cel shaded thing.
Were they of the good old "use dungeon item to reveal weak point, mash weak point with sword, repeat until dead" variety?
@Rapptz Strange, because it's one of the best looking cel shading out there.
Only two off the top of my head are like that.
When you get the bombs and when you get the arrows.
Well, it's about time they innovated. Because all the bosses in all the Zelda games I've played are like that.
On the subject of items, I'm pretty sure I've used all the items in Zelda games multiple times.
Though I do know there are some "one-time dungeon" items.
You did? Or did you use basically the bow and the local hookshot variant, with anything else being related to heart piece hunting?
The main problem is that most items in Zelda are tools but not weapons. Since puzzles run out much faster than enemies, you end up with items you cannot use on anything.
That's true.
I don't recall ever using say, the Hammer on OoT for any boss fights besides the dragon.
The worst offender was the Dominion Rod in TP.
I like sword combat though. Skyward Sword's sword mechanic involved attacking with your sword a certain way.
B B B B B B B B.
Yeah, that's the biggest improvement, I guess.
Although I heard the Wiimote isn't the most responsive thing, which adds an additional layer of fake difficulty.
Well. Skyward Sword doesn't use the sensor bar, it just uses the accelerometer to detect motion.
I understand your problem though and I agree on the useless item and the difficulty level.
I don't get the formulaic dungeon thing because all dungeons are different?
I mean it's always so predictable. You look at a room, and you immidiately know what to do.
Come to think of it, though, it's not necessarily a bad thing.
Well I guess if you're new to the series the games follow a decent progression. You're introduced to new ways to solve puzzles and you can look around and see if your old way works in the new puzzles, while still learning new ways of doing things.
Yeah, maybe that's my problem. I've played too many games.
Anyway, I won't expect them to cater to my deranged needs.
I still like the games though. You should give Skyward Sword a try.
It's heavily story based though and a lot of people for some reason got mad about it.
Strange. The story has always been the whole point in a Zelda.
There are a lot of cutscenes and dialogue in Skyward Sword probably because it's the first game in the timeline, so it's supposed to "tie everything together"
I like how they're trying really hard to tie any game released before OoT into a coherent timeline.
Their solution was to push those games as the last of the timeline lol
Anyway, Majora's Mask was the best Zelda.
Is it because the "time limit" made it harder than most?
No, it's because it's dark as hell.
I haven't played Twilight Princess since 2006 but wasn't that dark too?
Not as much.
MM was messed up.
But it was mostly subverting a core concept in Zelda.
Zelda has always been highly idealistic: you save the world, beat the bad guy, rescue the princess, big sunshines and rainbows.
In MM, you cannot save everyone. And although it's not explicit, it's easy to infer that, even though you stopped the moon from falling, all the shit that Majora caused isn't gonna go away just like that.
I hope they have a dark themed HD Zelda with the Wii U someday.
I wouldn't want them doing it just for the sake of doing darker stuff.
It's just lately all the Zelda games have been cartoonish.
I remember feeling bad in MM because even though I went back in time, I was pretty sure they were still going to die.. Over and over.
For varying definitions of "cartoonish".
@Rapptz Yep. Messed up, I tell ya.
Still, having a dark story and a cheerful presentation gives a great dissonance. When done right, it can be much powerful than going dark and depressing all the way.
And anyway, everything is so dark these days.
You can't play any western RPG without continually encountering swearing and racist jerks.
I like certain dark themes, especially if done properly.
All the games had nice cutscenes imo
Q: Issue with CDT in eclipse

shantanuI am using eclipse for C++ program. After build my code when I am running the code I am getting name.exe has stopped working error. Same code is working fine here http://codepad.org/2c5xFbLM . Please help me finding this issue. Thanks in advance. My code : #include<iostream> #include<...

Yes, I wish I could use C++11, but our compiler is not yet ready to support that. I'm actually looking for some template metaprogramming solution to this question. — ozox 8 mins ago
which compiler is that?
Probably GCC 4.2 or something.
Terrifying thing: there are still people out there that are using GCC <4.5... Or using GCC at all.
Why do you say "at all"?
Clang > GCC.
I've been reading about 4.7 LTO, sounds exciting.
That was trolling part :P
I haven't used clang, not that deep into toolset to really know what extras it offers.
Awesome error handling.
Or rather, reporting.
AFAIK, GCC is moving into Clang's way of reporting errors in 4.8, but they are behind.
And you don't need "cross compiler" to seriously compile for other platforms than host, which is nice (especially when you're toying with OSDev etc.).
I've been meaning to start coding in linux. Maybe I'll know what you refer to.
At some point, standard GCC installation started to fail me when I was compiling for bare metal, with -ffreestanding and friends. I was using GCC back then, so I had to create cross-compiler, which is awesomely irritating. Later on, I decided to move to Clang, but Clang is inherently a cross-compiler, so it Just Works out of the box.
And, even with that Apple's involvement, it's more free software than anything GNU's.
I wish i could cross compile from visual studio to both arm and x86. And its possible, but honestly too much arcanity to get it set up. So i keep two codebases, one in xcode one in vs.
@enko LTO?
The compiler errors in GCC aren't even that bad.
Hi, How can I know how many "references" of my class are present? e.g const A & a = some_variabl;e
I heard variables used in Qt's signal-slot are reference-counted, it won't get deleted until no reference are present, wanna know how what was implemented
Read about smart pointers; it isn't about references, it's about pointers.
Woot, I got a bounty.
smart pointers are sexy, easy, and clever
They are not clever. They are smart, hence the name.
Oh, that was Bruno Mars
I once tried his album anyway ;-P
@enko .. and require two memory allocations to create, are twice the size of regular pointers, need a lock on the reference count and require two deallocations upon destruction. This does not matter in most apps, but it is there...
shared_ptr is highly overused anyway.
@MartinJames unique_ptr has zero-overhead.
And shared_ptr only requires two allocations if you're silly and don't use make_shared.
@R.MartinhoFernandes or if you use ptr.reset(new Object);
@LucDanton I don't.
@Abyx AFAICS that also counts as not using make_shared :P
Bottom line, don't use new.
And even if shared_ptr proves to have overhead in your case (the only thing I can actually see as justifiable here are the atomic operations in single threaded scenarios) you don't go around and not use a smart pointer. You make a smart pointer that doesn't have that overhead.
@MartinJames Do they need a lock? I thought it was some kind of "light" lock like a spinlock or such.
@DeadCicada I'm sure it is, yes. The span of the contention is very small, so an atomic increment will almost always succeed first time. So, it's more of a hardware lock, not an OS kernel lock.
Do yourself a favour and change pointers to smart pointers. I recommend shared_ptr in <memory>. — stefan 10 mins ago
And here's a shiny example of overuse of shared_ptr.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't. But if in doubt, shared_ptr can't really go wrong, can it? — stefan 43 secs ago
As I see it, it's unique_ptr that can't go wrong.
Not sure. What happens if you give such pointers to OS, expecting them to be still there on some later callbacks?
I'm not sure what you're hinting at, but I have a feeling the same thing happens with any kind of pointer, regardless of smartness.
@Griwes ..and, in the case of shared_ptr, how can you do it anyway if an OS call takes only a void* as context - shared_ptr is too big to cast?
You can't cast a shared_ptr to void* at all.
static_cast<void*>(my_shared_ptr.get()), he means, I think.
reading in the newspaper that a 19-year old in norway is a billionaire ... there must be many rich kids that want their homework done?
@MartinJames If you're implying that shit hits the fan if you set up the wrong lifetime for the object used in the callback... I have no idea why you're trying to argue based on the idea of programming without thinking.
@MartinJames Not if you use make_shared, and the reference count is atomic, not locked.
Can we have overloaded functions which differ only in return type? I.e. "Foo method(int)" and "Bar method(int)" ?
Trying it isn't that hard, is it?
@Griwes It's also irrelevant.
I wanted to be sure
just because GCC 4.7.2 rejects it doesn't mean it would be non-Standard
In my case this works: "Foo method(int) const", "Bar method(int)"
because of const
That is completely other situation.
Yes, and this is not I want
I'd better rename method
well, tough balls
cause Foo f(); and Bar f(); are completely ambiguous and illegal
by the way
it's mah birfday today
Why do I like to complicate my life sometimes?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Hey puppy, it's ur birfday [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
Instead of using PHP I'm trying to build my own library to work with C++ in CGI...
... for web development!
yesterday, by melak47
@LuchianGrigore PHP The good parts
That's funny
Yet PHP is way better than C++ for the web...
PHP isn't better than anything, for anything.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeppers. The ripe old age of 22 today
so what did you get me? I didn't find any post from you when I woke up this morning
So you are suggesting me to go on this way?
@Jeffrey Well, I would certainly never, ever, suggest that you use PHP.
maybe you should try Django or ASP.NET?
but if you like C++ then it's good
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nothing. It's a "joke". You know, that thing
@DeadMG Congrats! Maybe you'll get an offer of a job that doesn't suck as a present.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm asking the question, not making assertions :) I don't know what happens in such cases - I have not tried it.
@DeadMG, I don't like pre made things because I don't have limited time to do what I want (I'm still studying). I wound't be surprised if the next year I'll be developing a CGI app in Assembly ...
then go ahead and make a C++ CGI script
I'd have no problems with coding my website in C++
Well, basically, if you expect them to be there sometime later you need to pick the right lifetime whether you use smart pointers or not; there is no escaping this.
@DeadMG, I have only one... the lacking for a good database library or basic tutorial to start your own...
@Jeffrey Unless I'm very much mistaken MySQL has a C++ API
@NikiC, yeah I was looking that too. Thanks.
Q: Why does the new explorer introduced in Vista/7 hate old games (colors mess up)?

Gam ErixWe all know that ending the explorer.exe process helps you to get some old games to work better (visually) on the Windows Vista and Windows 7 OS's. But why is that? Why do old games hate the new explorer? Or why does the new explorer hate old games? In other words: What is the root of the color ...

anyone wants to know too? :P
5 more days for my bday :x
@GamErix To know what? AFAICS, you have not described the problem in the question.
(Protip: "messed up" does not count as a problem description)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah so I need to make my question clear, thanks :$ What would be good to explain it?
I think you know what i mean with the question or not?
No, I have no idea.
And I am sure anyone that has not tried it has no idea either.
Im going to make a screenshot ^.^
If it's a visual problem, posting screenshots helps.
Added screens, can you suggest some more adjustments or is it good?
Btw have you tried the compatibility mode options? There's something about color settings there.
Even if it doesn't help, mentioning that it doesn't sounds like a good idea.
hm ok when selectin ALL compatibility options the colors fix themselves, now I will untick one by one and see which one it is.
ok if unticking "run in 256" colors mode while all others are ticked on it's still messed up
now I try with only 256 color mode on
Now I'm going for lunch, otherwise I'd post an answer :P
ok updated ;p
Is deriving from std::map or std::vector considered bad practice?
they do not provide the necessary plumbing to make inheritance safe, and you can't use polymorphism with them, so it's pointless and unsafe
Private inheritance is fine. Anything else is probably silly.
@DeadMG true?
yes, true
oh congrats!
birthday, barfday
woof woof
@DeadMG happy birthday
happy triple fucking chocolate cookies
need Engrish help. "we hand it to the team, <Who or Whom> we are trying to integrate with more" I think 'whom'
oh, and happy birthday @DeadMG
Who I think
what's the difference?
Errrm I can't quite remeber
just that you say "To whom it may concern"
its like he/him
hmm.. perhaps whom is for when you don't know who it is you actually mean
like 'whom stole my cookie?' ?
"who" is like "he"
"whom" is like "him"
who stole my cookie, because he stole my cookie
I see...
trying to think an example of whom now
'whom is over there? 'him is governor'
it's not used very often
who is over there because "he" is over there, you wouldn't say "him is over there"
though that is probably a bit shit
to whom should I give this cookie?
I should give this cookie to him
I see....
I think it should be "who" for team
it's difficult
indeed it is :P
I think it would be "We hand it to the team who we are trying to integrate more with"
or "We hand it to the team with whom we are trying to integrate more"
are yes, that sounds right...
hmm. I really don't know, they don't teach grammar in schools for some bizzare reason :o
whom is basically completely redundant and irrelevant and nobody except grammar nazis gives a shit
all the more reason to use it :P
ahh linear programming
why is it even called programming? it's just maths!
"whom" is used when it's the object of the verb, "who" when it's the subject.
yes that's it
that makes sense
And now I have to go. Bye.
bye :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Noooooo!
wine is pretty amazing
@Ell the drink or the software do dad?
software doo dad
ah, who am I kidding, both are awesome :D
I just think it's amazing that it could possibly one day work as a replacement to windows
obviously it can't ever be up to date in realtime
any hoops, food then cinema
see ya'll later
bye :)
fixed google analytics on my page
apparently /> doesn't work properly to close a <script> tag
@DeadMG Yeah, it took me a while to figure that one out. I don't know why that is. I mean if it's used to include a js file, why cant i just have <script rel="script.js" />
so I had the Analytics tracking code which was apparently "nested" in a previous <script>
Apy birfday pups
o.o It's the puppy's birthday? Happy birthday puppy :)
it's the tagline, nubbins :P
I didn't read it >.>
Is it normal that I am moving more and more to class' public: space and dropping accessor functions?
the encapsulation offered by setters and getters is usually way outweighed by YAGNI
dropping accessors is just you recognizing this
@DeadMG It even allows me to use the member variables directly in other function calls.
Well yeah... that's what public means...
what was that pc build website?
there are lots of those.
It seems MSBuild hates my Laptop
Every version of VS I try bails out with a nonsensical MSBuild error.
So I uninstalled it. I felt better.
Now my code is ugly for a compiler I won't check it against.

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