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Could anyone tell me the best way to handle many options? I.e. I have a lot of checkboxes (win32 api) and need to keep track of all of them. I gave up on creating variables and decided to create an array instead. Now the problem is accessing the right option. I've #defined some names so I can access my array (e.g. #define COLOR_OPTION 5 - 6th element in the array). Does anyone know any better way?
Yes. Creating variables.
Even this thing with #defines is getting really messy...
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's better?
You have to make one macro per option anyway. What does that save you?
Yeah. :( Do you know of any better ways?
So using something else than a macro/variable.
@Tuntuni either you give each checkbox a variable, or you make them arrays with variable indexes. There's not really anything better.
+ for 2-3 objects many of the options are the same... So the names go something like this: CANVAS_COLOR, PALLETE_COLOR, etc..
Ah :/
Use enums instead of #defines first
I did want to do that but I still have to name stuff like: CAR1_COLOR, CAR2_COLOR
@Tuntuni to clarify what Marinho and Cicada are saying: macros are bad.
Would you recommend using classes to organize everything?
@Tuntuni Uh, why?
I have many repetitive names.
which is why it's a really, really dumb idea to name it that way
So I have to name stuff like something_COLOR, something_else_COLOR
just use array[N] like a sane person
Some objects share the exact same options
This is not Pokémon. You do not have to catch them all. — Frédéric Hamidi 23 mins ago
@Mysticial This is wrong on so many levels.
and I have defined some macros to access the elements of the array and since many objects share the same options the macros go something like this: something_OPTION, somethingelse_OPTION
i was wondering if it would be better to create a class for it and then just use OPTION since it is out of scope for the other ones
@Tuntuni Why not just write a function?
I still have no idea what the problem is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Organizing the code.
@DeadMG What do you mean?
@Tuntuni That didn't help.
@Tuntuni I mean, why not just write a function to access the array?
why fuck around with shitty macros?
@DeadMG Well wouldn't it still be the same? I'd still have to pass in what to access. Or were you thinking of something else?
@Tuntuni Can you pastebin your code or something?
This is extremely vague.
Yeah, I know. 1 second.
well, what's not the same is that in one, you use a macro, a thing reserved for the direst of situations because it's such a hideously awful and terrible thing to do, and in the other, you use a normal function like a sane person
> sane person
oh my god, my eyes
you see how the names are very repetitive
with little difference
there are like 5 files
Then a sample of how you use them, D:
well i basically access the options all over those files. I made it extern (ik .. it is bad.)
extern char OC_DASM_MENU_NAMES[OC_DASM_MENU_COUNT][25]; <== wat
@Tuntuni Very, very bad.
yeah .. sucks :(
Really disorganized
@DeadCicada It's a bad string.
I was trying to go OOP but OOP doesn't go well with win32 api ..
since I have to make the WNDPROC static but then I still need to access the object.. and the GWL_USERDATA is taken
so I can't leave a pointer in there or something
I'm sure it works just fine.
@Tuntuni There are other ways to do it- through WM_CREATE or the other WindowLongPtr indices.
or even an exception vomit if you're truly desperate
as in SetWindowLongPtr.
Yes, I was talking about that. The GWL_USERDATA is taken
@Tuntuni There are other GWL_ constants.
Aren't they used by the system?
don't think so
I mean ..
also, you can pass in creation data through WM_CREATE
They're for the style, etc.
I'm not part of the SYSTEM
I don't own the windows
I subclassed them
@R.MartinhoFernandes These have to be ints. They're just indices for my array of otpions.
@DeadCicada I threw it on the ground!
@DeadMG I do not create the windows.
That is your "array" of options.
@EtiennedeMartel DEUHEUH
Oh sorry ..
@Tuntuni You can still exception vomit the parameter, if you have huge balls.
That's horrendous
but at this point
it's time to ask whoever the fuck does own the window creation code to do a decent job of it and not suck
> Los particulos
well i'm actually writing a plugin and the author never provided a way to know if the MBUTTON is down. that's why i subclass the window and handle the WM_MBUTTONDOWN message
There's a "particles" option in our game sample. It's localized in English, French and Spanish.
@EtiennedeMartel lol. "las partículas"
With a tilde on the i
That's not a tilde.
~ <- tilde.
In south america we call it tilde too
you're not a tilde
@DeadCicada That's an acute accent.
That's what I said.
Also called tilde in the country I used to live in for some reason.
I'd say acute accent if you prefer
Accent aigu.
@DeadCicada The reason is because the inhabitants are morons! :P
At least they don't speak portugayse
@Tuntuni Want to see the exception vomit?
@DeadMG Sure.
the dirtiest hack I ever came up with
@Tuntuni Prepare your anus
@DeadCicada Étais-ce une tentative de foutre le mot "gay" à un endroit summéplentaire?
@EtiennedeMartel Non, ma tête a roulé sur mon clavier, malencontreusement !
Summéplentaire, c'est un mot intéressant
@DeadMG Where are the bullets when I need them.
posted on October 18, 2012 by Jorge Pereira - MSFT

When we designed the user experience of Austin, we spent quite some time thinking about the different page views and layouts, and how to transition between them.  We wanted to create an immersive experience where the user can manipulate and navigate Austin's pages in an intuitive way; pages zoom in and out in 3D with pinch gestures, and the camera glides over the pages and even tilts a lit

You should be ashamed of yourself.
@DeadMG Dirty indeed. :O
I actually find it ineffably amusing
@R.MartinhoFernandes you're looking for silver bullets? brad cox has them
@Tuntuni Desperate times, desperate measures.
@DeadMG Heh. :/
@DeadMG he doesn't need to do anything dirty. microsoft's subclass api has direct support for associating window with c++ object. it's just dumb to not use it
I never subclassed a window, but apparently GWLP_USERDATA and WM_CREATE are out of the question
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/… does kinda indicate that you can do this quite simply
before the new subclassing api's, in the old days we used (1) window attributes, (2) trampoline wndproc functions, and (3) simply a global map
Oh, wut. I didn't even know such thing existed.
so it's not like there's a dearth (speling?) of ways to do it
> speling
Oh, vous.
> L’art véritable de casser des yeules n’a que faire de proclamations et s’accomplit dans le silence.
Why do I keep seeing French written in here.
hey, if you don't snakk english then i'll put some norwegian setninger in here!
> setninger
Oh this subclassing api is awesome. Thanks. :)
looks close enough to "nigger" to me for approval
@Tuntuni you're welcome
How far is Norwevian from English btw?
Are they related somehow or totally different
Thousands of kilometres.
Was it created by god's particle too?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because I'm slowly trying to convert everyone.
i think, i would like to project an image of norwegians as fearless vikings who cowed the english, but that fact is, we were also slaves there more recently, plus, we gave Greenland away to Denmark and pretended that we'd just "forgot" about it
@EtiennedeMartel Hey, I'm the only one allowed to have secret world domination agendas here.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf That's one big ass island to forget about.
Like Napoleon sold Louisiana for 1$
@DeadCicada What does that mean?
That I'm not part of the SYSTEM
You think I'm stoopid?
Oh. You're listening to that.
My favourite line is "My dad's not a phone!"
Yes! Pure genius.
The last sequence isn't that funny, though.
Yeah agreed
We had a conference today
One of the speakers was a Community Manager
I genuinely asked "How do you deal with the ubiquitous moronity on the Internets?"
@DeadCicada So, he kept a collection of communities and handled creation and cleanup?
Everyone in the amphitheater laughed. WHY?
@DeadCicada Because you speak with a funny accent.
It was in french
fak u guis
@DeadCicada hey, he said that with a gleam in his robot eye
@Cheersandhth.-Alf What does that mean?
it's called "one-boxing"
Is ++i || i UB?
|| is a sequence point right?
yes, for the built-in operator
Noobuntu 12.10 is out. Let's see.
because of the short-circuiting
@DeadMG That's what I was thinking too.
It came from here:
Q: What is the most efficient method to find x contiguous values of y in an array?

AlecRunning my app through callgrind revealed that this line dwarfed everything else by a factor of about 10,000. I'm probably going to redesign around it, but it got me wondering; Is there a better way to do it? Here's what I'm doing at the moment: int i = 1; while (((*(buffer++) == 0xffffffff &am...

Is there any desktop environment that doesn't actually suck on recent distros? ._.
Why do people keep using shared_ptr? I want a shared_ptr about as often as I want a shared_vector.
Related, is it bad form to use vector as a value_ptr?
no wait, that makes no sense. nevermind
@MooingDuck Yeah, it's annoying. shared_ptr is very specialized, yet it seems lots of morons are using it everywhere.
there is a design issue with how to design a class so that it can be used with sharing or direct ownership as suits the client code
lemme post code
anus.com <--- Unexpected.
now that code has a class CommandLine that is non-copyable and non-sharable
how could it be designed to directly support also make_shared?
why dafuq did I buy an unusual chocolate bar today
why oh why
wait, before anyone comments, endOfArgument implements very silly Microsoft rules for program argument parsing. they don't make sense to me. but better do like the Romans when in Rome
@DeadMG because you love burgers but couldn't have one, so you decided a chocolate bar could be a nice substitute
almost same color
@Cheersandhth.-Alf What do you mean by "non-sharable"?
sorry, i mean that if it had used a shared_ptr internally, then because it's non-mutable it could have allowed apparent copying
which would have shared the underlying parsed data
posted on October 18, 2012 by Scott Meyers

In April 2010, I made the presentation materials for two of my training courses available for purchase. Purchasers get free updates for life. The first set of materials, An Overview of the New C++ (C++11), has since seen five update releases, and a sixth will occur sometime later this year. The other course, Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment, has not been revised. Until now. A new ve

@Cheersandhth.-Alf Dude, I have been posting pictures of baby bats for days.
@sbi why, do you think they're cute?
@deadmg what chocolate was it?
a mars bar
you need to also buy a milky way
then you can stand on mars and see the milky way
what? mars bars aren't unusual, they are delicious. as are milky ways
that's a lot of links, i count 4. roughly. as i understand it, they indicate that you have said something like that earlier?
he he
ok i shall stop
@sbi You left off the time where you tried to counter a puppy picture with one
I'm getting really sick of French and bats
@DeadMG Why would I spoil baby bat pictures by trying to fend off puppies with them?
@sbi is that your daughter's new pets? i'm not sure i would have allowed it!
@Cheersandhth.-Alf With me, that depends on which of my daughters you are talking about.
oh, not equally responsible
@Ell Here have some relief.
i can understand dogs as pets
and to some degree cats, although they're a nuisance when dragging in latest kill to proudly present
but not birds
or bats
on the plus side it seems the newest Firefox mobile supports gif
ooh also, Mozilla OS
Dogs are the best.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I have them between drinking age and peeing-in-bed age. There's some variability in the ability to act responsible between those endpoints, you know.
@Ell There has been far too much French in here for some reason
@sbi Awwwww.
@DeadMG It all sounds Greek to me.
Ανυονε σαυ Γρεεκ_
50 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because I'm slowly trying to convert everyone.
theliz napexis mini-karts?
that is my phonetically typed Greek
Ah. Mine's just transliterated English.
my older broger knows Greek
@Ell it seams that you reely have an ear for languages
like norwegian, french and now greek
@Cheersandhth.-Alf It all sounds Greek to me.
and maybe, I think I just happen to know a few phrases in a few languages which Happen to be spoken here
that's why greeks do so badly in school, it all sounds greek to them
and I'm not having much time for Norwegian :(
Why this sudden obsession with bats?
@sbi Well. I'm happy they're there. And I happily use lambdas in return statements, but in algorithms, I make it a point to say
auto f = [] (...) { /* .... */ };
algo(it1, it2, f);
And I frequently end up making it a static function anyway. Obviously, captures change the ball game, but I then to not use captures that much.
@R.MartinhoFernandes He probably just went and watched The Dark Knight Rises.
I hope those bats don't carry rabies o.o
@EtiennedeMartel Actually, I did, but this is long ago. Now, robot, I just happened to stumble upon them.
haha that one looks ridiculous
@LucDanton Thinking about it is always a sound plan. Anyways, I'm having a hard time coming up with a use case for this. You basically want to have any permutation of a basic sequence of types. Why? What would be so tricky about fixing the order? Users who know what to pass, usually know what they're passing, so they can manage the order quite nicely, right?
@sbi they look a little like gremlins. are you sure they're not related
@Cheersandhth.-Alf They are smaller, though.
that one looks like a tiny bat
are all bats nocturnal?
@TonyTheLion Anyway, I have no idea what I should be looking for. I'll just look and see if I like it :S
holy fuckles I'm so sick
@DeadMG Again?
That's what you get for writing crazy exception-based hacks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's perfectly well-defined behaviour.
@DeadMG And so is char* string = new char[100];.
@MooingDuck Tsk tsk.
thinking about it, it would be difficult to have lazy creation with a shared_ptr for the data ownership
...in a file where the include is the only thing not commented out
@MooingDuck Wut.
....and the file isn't checked in.
I have no idea what happened here.
I've never seen the file before
Sounds like fun.
DF kind of fun.
haven't seen @stackedcrooked in a while o.O
He's probably dead. That's the only explanation.
I can't compile chunks of code at work anymore because my standard headers are different from everyone else's for unknown reasons.
@MooingDuck: Why is it a horrid and stupid idea to use shared_ptr in the general case? Or is it just suboptimal?
@OmnipotentEntity suboptimal
@EtiennedeMartel You didn't hear? He was in a car wreck. Hasn't woken up from his coma.
(I'm trolling, just wanted to make you feel bad!)
@Pubby Damn. Better make sure he gets cold beer when he wakes up.
@OmnipotentEntity Stupid.
Using shared_ptr in the general case is basically turning off the thinking circuits.
shared_ptr is made for shared ownership, not for the general case.
Now I think of it, well fuck.
Ha, this is very funny. He keeps referring to Pamela Anderson, and his reaction at 6:35 is just priceless.
general case is unique?
No. General case is thinking.

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