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I'm approaching retirement:
days represented 560
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 106 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 149 days
earned 0 reputation from suggested edits
No inheritance was given today.
@sehe So where do that put me?
days represented 1094
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 296 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 341 days
earned 0 reputation from suggested edits
@JerryCoffin I don't know. The category "Mastodonts", I suppose :)
What is the correct way to accept iterators for a function? I am currently just doing template<class Iterator>.
Maybe there’s a more Bjarnic way of doing this?
@daknøk That's pretty standard, though it's fairly common to indicate the type of iterator you expect, such as template <class InIt, class OutIt> ....
days represented 403
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 203 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 216 days
earned 0 reputation from suggested edits
@JerryCoffin okay, thanks. :)
Bjarnic sounds like a cheap version of pythonic
So, like:
template<class InputIterator>
void handle(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Request const& req, Response& res);
How about bjarnic? — Job May 3 '11 at 14:35
@daknøk Yeah, looks reasonable.
aight :3
The argument names may be more descriptive, oh well.
@Mysticial Bragging are we? :P
@Borgleader Nope, I'm still far behind Jerry.
// with this
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(*begin), Route>::value, "You must pass an iterator to a collection of routes.");
@Mysticial Just check his profile... and I realized how little rep I have in comparison.
@daknøk not without concepts
static_assert is good enough for me this time.
On other hand though, I probably have one of the highest ratio of repcap losses among 10k+ users.
@Mysticial nice. Just for the record, I wasn't looking for a pissing contest :) I was just looking at that 149 days figure with the 'last-night-before-santa-claus' idea. I might take all week to get the last day, though, because work is a mad-house
@sehe I'll help push you over 200 if you come close near the end of a day. :)
Oct 5 at 22:01, by sehe
@Xeo Oh, fuck it. I can't be bothered to actually go that far. I'll be happy if I ever achieve Legendary. And then I can retire fully :)
wtf... there's a wiki article on "pissing contest".
@Mysticial No real need. I'll inevitably get there once :) I'm not in a hurry anymore. 1 more day is a certainty.
@Mysticial Of course, pissing contests happen a lot on WP
I love type traits.
static_assert(std::is_same<typename std::remove_volatile<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*begin)>::type>::type>::type, Route>::value, "You must pass an iterator to a collection of routes.");
Isn’t there something like std::normalize<T>::type that removes all qualifiers and references?
std::remove_cv is a start. But no, there isn't.
There's std::decay, which is close but does other things.
Also, std::iterator_traits<foo>::value_type.
Every time you use std::is_same, ask yourself if you don't instead only care about e.g. convertability.
std::is_convertible is the 'is-a' of generic programming. Most of the time.
@LucDanton hmm didn’t think of that one.
@LucDanton thanks!
std::is_same<typename InputIterator::value_type, Route>::value :3
Oh wait need std::iterator_traits indeed, in the case InputIterator is a pointer or an array.
I don't think a pointer can model InputIterator, but sometimes that doesn't matter. In any case no iterator concept has member types.
InputIterator is the type name I use.
template<class InputIterator> void handle_request(InputIterator …)
O, hey. Somehow I got the Legendary badge anyways... Bit unexpected. Now what ... :)
(@Mysticial ^)
YES my router is working.
O(n) but well, who cares.
It's not the first time it's happened. A lot of other people have reported getting it a day early. (I didn't.) But congrats on your retirement! :)
I only hit the rep cap once. :<
It was when I was just a month on Stack Overflow, a few years ago.
I suffered through the last 20 soft-caps to get that badge...
@Mysticial Yeah. It will be well enjoyed
@Mysticial what is a soft-cap?
@sehe 200 in one day, but not repcap
But it includes days that repcap.
@Mysticial huh. what is that? Is that the 'from upvotes only' thing? (i.e. no accepts?)
So you have 149 softcaps. And 109 repcaps.
Occasionally, hard-cap is used for days where you massively overshoot the repcap.
My top questions has a higher score than my top answer. :<
Still don't see what the real difference is.
@daknøk A good sign, in many respects
20 upvotes is a repcap
But 17 upvotes + 2 accepts is a softcap.
LOL now I realize my top question is actually a terrible question. I did no research whatsoever.
How I feel now:
Still not after three years.
Time to farm some more upvotes and announcer badges through Reddit.
What do you plan on linking? And to which subreddit?
Q: Placeholder in UITextView

WTP'--I'm making an application which uses an UITextView. Now I want the UITextView to have a placeholder similar to the one you can set for an UITextField. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance.

I don't hang out on that subreddit, so I can't say whether it will work or not.
Me neither.
@daknøk Better now?
@sehe ?
You'll notice
Wait, that's you? You have multiple accounts?
May 14 at 9:45, by sehe
^ So true. @RadekdaknokSlupik @daknok @daknok_t @WTP'-- @class_daknok_t please get your MPD treated?
I have WTP'-- but I stopped using it after realizing how stupid my posts were. I was still a noob when I made that account.
I never use that account anymore, though. I don’t even know which Gmail account I used to sign in to it.
But - you were writing an MSN client in PHP (?)
@sehe Yes. :$
@daknøk Just as them to disassociate all those "stupid" posts.
Problem solved.
@sehe Like, three years ago or something.
Sometimes I ask myself, how the fuck do people know all these things?
plink plink. I can read without attention deficit crutch :)
Q: What size are ROM banks in the iNES format?

daknøkAccording to the iNES documentation, ROM banks are 16kB. Is this 16000 bytes (16 kB) or 16384 bytes (16 KiB) per ROM bank? I couldn’t find this anywhere in the documentation.

@daknøk Easy. You have to figure out in order to mod it
Also, people who worked at the various places
Ah yeah, didn’t think of that. :P
I was writing a NES emulator with LLVM for JIT-compilation. I was writing the iNES parser when I got bored and now I’m waiting for my brain to think of another fun project.
Anyways. Since I'm retired, I'll stop reading Boost Intrusive Documentation and get some sleep
Sleeping is a waste of time.
sehe retired?
Legendary badge.
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
I semi-retired after getting that badge as well.
"Boost Intrusive Documentation" - that's an interesting name
@sehe it seems my daknøk account has only be deleted on Stack Overflow, not on Programmers.
thanks for letting me know
Perhaps you forgot to mark it for deletion?
Does anybody know of a decent template engine for C++ that accepts at least loops?
I need it for teh HTML in my web app. :P
HTML html{
   {"html", {}, {
        {"head", {}, {
            {"meta", {{"charset", "UTF-8"}}, null}
            {"title", {}, "Hello, world!"}
// LOL
Apr 19 at 8:39, by sehe
Like me, anyhow, from begin 2011 (when I became active) I made it a sport to repcap for some months. Then I tired and retired
A: Web GUI for C++ console application?

seheI doubt that this is what you want, but there is PoCo http://pocoproject.org/docs/Poco.Net.HTTPServer.html It has a HTTPServer/HTTPRequestHandler model that supports a kind of server kind scripting in C++ (like <?php ... ?> but with C++); see here for sample: <%@ page class="TimeHan...

The nested initialized list approach I showed shouldn’t be too difficult to implement.
It is also type safe and fast as fuck.
@Pubby That moment of 'tired' came around december last year, IIRC. Since then have been peddling slowly
Except you’d get an enormous data structure.
And compiler errors would be terrible. :)
@sehe We were brutal competitors back then.
@sehe Congrats, I guess!
@Mysticial Where we? Never felt that way. I did notice I was on pretty much the same topics as KerrekSB - who was equalling my speed to rep too. But even that never felt as 'competition'
@Pubby Yay. The beer's on me
Hi, I'm drunk and still able to type (alveit at one wordper 2 seconds)
@danuker what is 42 * 2?
@danuker And showing some signs of a Latvian background
i'm romanian
@danuker You’re not drunk.
i've had 5 beers
@danuker You beat the latest highscore, which was being held by @Ell :)
who's ell?
@danuker Only the first beer's on me
i don't want more beer
i played beer ping
@danuker Ell is? Ell is? Who the f*ck is Ell is?
@sehe We kinda were. But there were other guys that I ran into a lot more often. Namely Kerrek, K-ballo, Oli, Paxdiablo, and a few others.
i'm new here, i dont know them
Ell is Elliot.
@Mysticial How does that work? Would I be "in the way" for something?
@Mysticial I still run into Kerrek. Or I did for the like 2 weeks that I was active.
The guy from the UK.
by theway, the Os are from "You take my self control"
Kerrek and K-Ballo.. any more that start with a K?
want any drunk c++ interpretation of rules?
I think you can only write decent C++ code while drunk.
And on the Java side, it was Oli (again), Jon Skeet, Peter Lawrey, and a few others.
my fov is going upwards at 90 deg per 5second4
4 seconds
c++ sucks, i write python wihle drunk
Write Haskell while drunk.
@Mysticial Recognize that. I stopped doing Java, since my knowledge was fading
awwww, sorry, i'm not belonging here
That would be so funny. xD
i dunno haskell
cuz ima gypsy
Learn Haskell while drunk. You’ll understand monads immediately.
I'm just naive, I'm learning again: I don't do multicolliders. I don't do social network sharing. I don't do flags. I don't do edit reviews. I don't to tag editing. I just answered any odd question I thought I had an answer to. And I learned so much from reading the other answers
social network = eignevalues
if they fit me
@danuker Write perl - lowers the bar considerably
i know no perl
Write PHP.
@danuker No need
im an undergraduate
Me too.
whtf do u expect of mee
But that doesn’t tell anything about your programming skills.
You don’t learn programming at school, anyway.
i know pp, python, pascal, and a bit of java
yeah, java is more abstract and easy to ues
a bit of pascal, not all of it
Java is abstract?
@danuker BEGIN END; ?
@Pubby ...SingletonFactory
higher level
no factories - my policy
i nee y o puke, brb
What's with all these people faking being drunk?
Wasn't there another a few days ago?
I know C, C++, Objective-C, Python, Haskell, Ruby, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, and PHP and I’m also undergraduate. It doesn’t say anything.
no need to puke. kust burped
if you wnna webcam, then i prove that i'm drunk
8 mins ago, by sehe
@danuker You beat the latest highscore, which was being held by @Ell :)
“SingletonFactory” is such an epic fail. They fail at their own design patterns.
@daknøk If it doesn't say anything then why are you saying it? ;)
Why is everyone who shows up in the chat drunk a complete moron?
i dunno what a singletonfarctory is
@Pubby I was saying that school and experience don’t have to do anything with each other.
@danuker a factory that creates only singletons.
@danuker you know what a PlonkDecorator is?
Why was that flagged?
o dujnno waht a singleton is
> Convenient proxy factory bean superclass for proxy factory beans that create only singletons.
i barely know what a decorator is
i'm the beginning of year 2
@Mysticial What was?
@danuker a singleton is a list with one item or a 1-tuple.
1 min ago, by danuker
like matlab
Like Haskell.
@Mysticial lol.
Like C# 4/.NET 4.0
all i know of haskell is using wings3d
Eh, singleton has like 50 meanings
@Mysticial Because this room is crawling with lizards morons.
ima moron, do you want me out?
I don’t care, if I dislike you I’ll just permaplonk you.
perma sounds bad
@danuker I just invalided the flag. So it's off the radar.
Sound idea
baby you got the keys
i need t stop the music
Trolls gonna troll.
you can't stop the music
paused it
Please don’t stop the please don’t stop the please don’t stop the music.
didn't stop it
another huge burp
oh that is delicious
ur video induces me nausea
u5 my only friends at this late hour (in gmt+2
I prefer this kind of music.
And heavy metal, and Steen.
fok steen
What you know Steen?
j dk t h dersta d jt
^ good song
@danuker that song is awesome.
i dont understand it
itd dutch
Yes, and so am I.
Steen is Dutch for “stone”.
Act normal you idiot.
^ more good music
goodbye friend
@Pubby I heard you like this:
:D /cc @sehe
@daknøk That's been posted here so many times
I listen to it every day
Do you really like it?
The lyrics are terrible.
@daknøk Come on. Drunk is not contagious, right?
Eh, I enjoy it
I wouldn't say it's good music though
@sehe maar ik ben fucking melig. xD
Somebody put vaporized XTC in the air.
@sehe you are still awake. Aren’t you like a zombie at work on monday mornings?
@daknøk Mostly, no. Though on mondays, I start late.
I see.
What is late? I always started at nine.
Or well, usually half past nine but that’s because my boss was chill.
Dock crashed and now my wallpaper is gone.
@daknøk 10-11 am
ohh aight
29MB of RAM free. :/
Xcode y u 500 MB RAM.
But I'm heading now, since I'm not doing anything anymore. I just watched that YT link you /cc-ed me to. In shock.
I’m not gonna sleep at all.
sehe@mint12:~$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       8195296    3108640    5086656          0      51852    1352244
-/+ buffers/cache:    1704544    6490752
Swap:            0          0          0
I hope that’s in kB?
Oh, I see, theres not a lot free since I'm running system update right now.
@daknøk What else
@sehe B
Yeah makes for readability. Also, memory is allocated in bytes, right
YouTube’s Flash player uses 200 MB of RAM. ಠ_ಠ
@daknøk I had to use XCode last semester for a project on iPad. Didn't like it. Also it crashed on me twice in 5 min
@Borgleader never crashed for me.
@daknøk That's an impressive feature set
A video player should not use more than 5 MB of RAM. It makes no sense to do that.
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       8195296    1709344    6485952          0        288     242276
-/+ buffers/cache:    1466780    6728516
Swap:            0          0          0
Slightly more normal now.
I can embed 20 HTML5 videos and everything is fast and quick and on low memory usage. One single fucking Flash player and everything becomes slow and slurping memory.
Anyways, I'mma use more less memory by shutting down :)
Tot chats.
HTML5 is only quick and low memory relative to flash
I’m using video thumbnails rather than still images for my pawn site.
video thumbnails are images
500 kb per thumbnail, 20 sec each.
Okay, MP4/ogg/WebM rather than JPEG. :)
500 kb is pretty big for a thumbnail o.o
@Rapptz They are videos.
porn looks better in low res
can't see the genital warts that way
you can't see it in HD either
Those are actually playing. Random shots from the original concatenated, in total 20 sec per thumbnail.
I'm going to license all of my software with the WTFPL from now on.
@Code-Guru Okay.
in case any one wants to know ;-)
I license all my code under zLib, or if I’m in a trolling mood, GPL.
Skype is using 6% CPU in the fucking background, I’m not even calling.
So I relearned Prolog yesterday
I still don't know what to use it for
Write a web app in it!
well by "what" I mean "how"
Also, I have never made a web app
It’s about the only thing I do because I can’t think of anything else that makes money.
Introducing: Unifr, an attempt at cashing in on the web app fad!
11/10 WAOTY - paul graham
I want to write a web app that makes me money.
But I have no good ideas.
@Pubby: i learned Prolog for an AI class. TBH I don't see myself using that ever again
Well, I do have one good idea but I’m not sure if it will ever catch on.
Its sad cuz it was actually interesting to learn
@Borgleader Same way I feel
I think I’m going to use PHP to write my web app, so I can underpay my employees later.
Wait, how does that work?
How does what work?
Wouldn't you have to pay people extra money to get them to use PHP?
No, PHP people are cheap.
No one would work for you if you underpay them lol
@Borgleader Prolog definitely takes a different kind of programmer...
@Mysticial Most Web devs are PHP devs. So rarity is not an issue.
@EtiennedeMartel Oh okay.... I thought it was mostly Javascript and such.
Whoo Dart.
Anyone? Dart? No one? Just Google? :(
@Mysticial I meant on the server side. JS devs are mostly "integrators", i.e. those who take the Photoshop templates made by the artists and HTML/CSS the shit out of it.
@EtiennedeMartel ah
@Rapptz Dart is a nice idea, but it only works well in Chrome, so no thank you for me.
I’ll use JavaScript only for the license picker and maybe a few drop down menus.
@echo off
D:\dev\misc\sudo\Debug\sudo cmd /c mklink %* 2^>"%temp%\sudo.txt" 1^>^&2
set exitcode=%errorlevel%
type "%temp%\sudo.txt" 1>&2
exit /b %exitcode%
^ Not so good an idea. Does anyone know how to get rid of extra console window for elevated process?
Has anyone here embedded scheme in C++ or vice versa?
surely there must be some info about that around MIT or scheme pages
Im looking but scheme is rather minimalistic
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Oh well... Now i feel rather dumb
i just marked your text, right clicked, chose "google" ;-)
Please excuse me while I curl up in some corner...
@Cheersandhth.-Alf so what are you up to?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Hey, I wrote that
ama-zing coin-cidence
@Pubby well another subscriber for you
does anyone here know any sites similar to jsfiddle and codepen that allow multiple html boxes
@jozefg I don't really write many blog posts though
@LukeAllen Did you look at what the title of this room is?
@Pubby Whatever, I tend to subscribe to people otherwise I forget to read it... I have around 75 bookmarks so that doesn't really help
1 hour later…
~ is the bitwise negation operator. When applied to a function definition, it means that the function will do the opposite of what it says it will do -- so for example, ~push() will really pop the stack, and ~writeSeriousComment() will actually produce comments like this. — j_random_hacker Sep 8 '09 at 18:50
That should have been an answer on its own. :(

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