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I like how he claims his resignation is not because of what a dick comment he made
Huh. I don't know how I posted that message in the first place, now it says it is too long to be edited ^
Today's WTF pattern, guys
@thecoshman Totally.
namespace {
    void openContents(T* t) {
        // ...

T::T() {
@kbok C++ facade wrapping C api... Or sumtin'. Nah doesn't add up
@sehe congrats :D
wait, I don't quite get it
@thecoshman Because it isn't a dick comment. It's dick beliefs and opinions and he knows that is more important. So, no, he didn't resign over the single comment :)
@DeadMG openContents is the constructor. Somehow.
@sehe No, there's just regular constructor stuff in there
Refactor common, private code in the relevant TU. Seems fine to me, except that using *this during construction really is error-prone. Depends on what openContents is doing. Also, references.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I meant the Daily WTF pattern.
@sehe No, he claimed he resigned for personal reasons.
@DeadMG Today's != The Daily ... (TM)
@sehe technicality
Well, his opinions are personal reasons :)
Hehe. Personal reasons: "I got scared shitless over the responses"
Well since you asked for it.
An oblate spheroid is a rotationally symmetric ellipsoid having a polar axis shorter than the diameter of the equatorial circle whose plane bisects it. Oblate spheroids stand in contrast to prolate spheroids. It can be formed by rotating an ellipse about its minor axis, forming an equator with the end points of the major axis. As with all ellipsoids, it can also be described by the lengths of three mutually perpendicular principal axes, which are in this case two arbitrary equatorial semi-major axes and one semi-minor axis. An everyday example of an oblate spheroid is the shape of conf...
Earth ^ classifies as one of these
void openContents(BondCalculator * pxThis)
  pxThis->m_pxKey = BondKey::create(NULL, NULL, NULL);
  pxThis->m_pxZcModel = ZcModel();

  pxThis->m_iCustomizedSensitivityMode = bdsSNS_MODE_INVALID;
@sehe I'd tend to guess that he didn't resign because he was an asshole. He resigned because he got caught being an asshole.
@sehe Ah. Meh, it's pretty weak. I think the WTF is that the guy forces the http:// prefix to immediately remove it (and I don't want to know what happens if you pass in something starting with https://)
@TonyTheLion who questioned that?
nobody. I'm just posting it so you know
if anybody ever asks
you now have the answer :P
holy shit, it's world war three outside my room
@TonyTheLion 'now' I think you doubt the level of random crap the people here know
too localized ^
@DeadMG you forgot to do the washing up or something?
@thecoshman Depends on if you chose the crap by fair dice roll
@thecoshman I don't doubt it at all.
@thecoshman No, there's a load-bearing wall coming down.
@DeadMG ¬_¬ presumably no longer bearing a load?
Yeah, everytime you mention I start imagining a house collapsing very slowly, piece by piece.
And a puppy being crushed inside?
my mother took the puppy to visit her mother
no way we coulda kept her here
@DeadMG I would rather just use a die with lots of sides, else we would tend towards certain results
char a_riddle[sizeof a_riddle];   // How big is the array? :)
@DeadMG but she can totally help under everyone's feet
Ahh the toilet is leaking. Ideas?
@R.MartinhoFernandes misdirected reply message?
@Ell Use another toilet
@Ell stop shitting in it
@sehe Oh gawd, by a mile.
@Ell Put the seat up next time before you start urinating.
@DeadMG There's no such thing as a fair dice roll. You never know when the GM is fudging them.
7 hours ago, by Tony The Lion
Is it me, or is today a shitty day?
Every day is a shitty day.
7 hours ago, by Tony The Lion
When you thought a shitty day couldn't get shittier...
it like exploded everywhere
Did you call the hazmat teams already?
My mother isn't home ans I need it sorted by the time she's back
@Ell Did someone booby-trap it?
What to clean up the mess with? It appears to be water
But it.gas a district ammonia spell
With cleaning stuffs?
turn of the water at the stop tap if it appears to be still leaking
@Ell that's the smell of piss btw
> (...) so i''ve got a LONG way to go in this pee still, i''m trying to aim it somewhere at the toilet (it''s missing), (...)
I know it is haha
although, there is a water trail from the sump
i mean the tank
I tried source sans pro on my mac and it looks awful wondering if anybody else tried that font..
@Nils This is a bad time to just turn up - exploding toilets, (in some detail, unfortunately).
> That...that just defies words. Beautiful.
It has stopped leaking
But I still have wee/water everywhere
get a mop and bucket, or some old towels
right okay
worse case, get a staw
Did i really just have to tell someone to mop up the piss?
@thecoshman Beats suggeting to drink it
@sehe clearly the straw was for setting up an elaborate syphoning system
@FredOverflow Posted 29 June 2003 - 01:28 AM - and you have this bookmarked because...
@thecoshman Oh. Obviously `staw` was emergency speak for `straw`, how could I miss it
@sehe I didn't have this bookmarked. I just remembered the story (and how could you ever forget it?) and googled "pissing on spider and all over bathroom".
@sehe clearly, when their is piss to clear, not time for 'r's
7 hours ago, by sehe


9 hours ago, 7 minutes total – 20 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by sehe

I don't really mop
I shan't complain ^
@thecoshman Hey, look at the bright side, I beleive to instead of too might have been intentional there. The rest though....
@sbi About your meta question. One difference between the auto-protection vs. manual protection is that auto-protection only kicks in when there are 3 mod-deleted answers. I use manual protection when a question is getting low-quality answers that are still technically answers, even though they might be wrong or really bad answers.
I've wasted my whole day
I spent my teaching teaching students the entire generic algorithm part of the C standard library... which means qsort and bsearch :)
The core of the app consists of a bunch of inter-dependent modules, so to build it you have to launch the build script repetively until it works
@DeadMG Me too, looking for the mystery malware that is only detectable by customers kaspersky version.
oh, and bootstrapcdn is down
I don't know what to do next. I'll try just upping the version, rebuilding it and redelivering.
"The programmer’s most difficult, daily task is to not mess things up." - E. Dijkstra
I messed up.
I didn't mess up, but I'm still screwed:(
@DeadMG I think it looks suspiciously like Javascript.
it's an HTML/JS/CSS version of Ideone
How is everybody doing on this fine day?
trying to improve my website
because it was shit
> © "The Puppy" DeadMG 2012
this loses all credibility
a puppy wrote this?
@DeadMG 90% of everything is shit, so what'd you expect?
@DeadMG That's a noble goal indeed.
trying to figure out if I can make Bootstrap make my nav bar scrollable
because it's huge-ass
I used to enjoy creating websites, but now it's all just drek to me.
uh.. tracert?
I guess I'll just have to limit the number of links in the nav bar then :P
@DeadMG Probably better to segment it into categories rather than having a gigantic horizontal nav
@Collin Yep.
aaah it doesn't work :(
@StackedCrooked is that the "in VBA" clip?
@sehe Just VB.
@StackedCrooked Ah. I still recognized it from the still :)
First comment:
> "I'm going to create a gui using visual basic to track the IP" goes to the bathroom and snorts coke
I'm not clicking YT links. At work
@sehe Believe me, in this case you've missed nothing.
@JerryCoffin I recognized it. It's oooooold
@sehe That it is. Like wine, if it's bad enough to start with, no amount of aging will do it any good either!
if I have <a href="..."> in my website, why does ASP.NET automatically convert it to <a href="mywebsite/...">?
@DeadMG because - it doesn't? Can you verify that by DOM inspection?
I'm more inclined to suspect virtual directory mapping/url rewriting
@sehe I doubt that Chrome added "mywebsite/" for fun.
oh, wait, you're right- Chrome added it
problem solved
@DeadMG mmm. I remember something with broken relative paths on Wide web site before, right?
yep but I fixedski'd that long ago
I'm pretty sure, anyway
can I see the progress?
@Ell do you own a browser? wide-language.com
I can sell you one cheap
aaah, fun with ASP.NET
@sehe That's not the progress.
that's just the old version :P
> 9. You completely forgot about exceptions, idiot.
"For a variable which is manually placed into memory by the program, then the destructor must be manually called by the user. Failing to call the destructor before the memory is freed is undefined behaviour." - is this like placement new?
@Ell sounds like it
@MooingDuck Not completely! "These conditions hold true even in the case of exception"
@Ell Yeah, I went back and improved many of the exception specs.
I don't understand the wide ABI. Does it follow a C calling convention?
@Ell Yep.
why? o.O
Hey, I could use some help with string streams. No debugging on them devices, and I got stuck with my code scrambling the device. :(
To cut a long story short, I need to provide an output string stream used for logging with a static buffer, because we suspect memory fragmentation to be the culprit for the problems we are seeing.
You mean, you want to write a string stream?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, there's pubsetbuf() in all the stream buffers.
It might or might not use the buffer provided.
In this implementation (some version of GNU C++ lib) it does.
char buffer[c_max_message_length*2];
std::stringstream oss;
oss.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
oss << stuff << more stuff << '\n' << std::ends;
^This is what I am doing.
So what's the issue?
@sbi You might consider a strstream instead -- officially deprecated, but still present. The other possibility would be to use a normal stringstream, but define your own stream buffer class that just uses a static buffer, and fails when/if it overflows.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The issue is that this must be doing something wrong, as it wrecks the machine within minutes.
@JerryCoffin I definitely wanted to avoid using the old string streams, and I wanted to avoid writing my own stream buffer, as it's such a hassle. I thought pubsetbuf() would be a get-me-out-for-free card. But I must be doing something wrong.
Welcome back to C++ :P
> In case of success, the member function should return a pointer to the object (this pointer), otherwise a null pointer.
Using IOStreams, perhaps?
Q: Setting the internal buffer used by a standard stream (pubsetbuf)

Steve GuidiI'm writing a subroutine that needs to write data to an existing buffer, and I would like to use the stringstream class to facilitate the formatting of the data. Initially, I used the following code to copy the contents of the stream into the buffer, but would like to avoid this solution as it c...

do you check if pubsetbuf succeeds ?
@sbi I don't think that removing one single allocation would do the job of solving memory fragmentation issues. You'd want to get a fragmentation-free allocator like object pool or memory arena, I think.
@sbi When you're just doing a fixed/static buffer, I don't think a stream buffer will be such a huge hassle. I'll admit I haven't actually written one like this, but I've written a few others that weren't all that bad, and they were doing things I'd have expected to be more complex.
@MooingDuck You're a star! This seems fairly straightforward.
@sbi yeah, considering it was you, I made sure to read the answers and made sure they looked like they might actually help you before I posted it here :)
@TonyTheLion I don't. Logging is the only way to get any information out of this damn box. If this fails, the whole device might just as well... Oh. Damn. You got me there. Sigh.
@StackedCrooked Comparatively, programming doesn't pay that well, now does it? There's a lot of jobs that will pay better. (unless I get paid really shit?!)
@TonyTheLion Which jobs?
Don't know about wages. However, when I hear about the working experience of non-programmer friends it seems like my life is easier than theirs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Welders for example. They get paid quite a lot.
> If everyone likes your language it's probably terrible.
but then welding all day is quite a strain on the eyes
(In a thread about TypeScript)
@kbok PHP comes to mind?
A: Reliably determine the number of elements in an array

ouah Is my usage of assert as the left operand of the comma expression valid standard C? That is, does the standard allow me to use assert as an expression? Yes, it is valid as the left operand of the comma operator can be an expression of type void. And assert function has void as its return typ...

^ fuck yes!
@TonyTheLion And Java, and VB...
@DeadMG Look, I have this test app that does nothing else but log a few messages each cycle. We're talking 20msecs/per cycle here, and this starts out with eating <20% CPU, goes up to 40% after a while, and ends up eating the damn machine. I would never even consider switching to static buffers if I had any idea what else could cause this.
For each log message, this string stream buffer is created, expanded (I checked and this implementation starts out with 512byte), copied when I call str() (no SSO applies), and then everything is discarded. (This used to be half a dozen reallocations, I am now down to two or three.) I could very well imagine heap fragmentation to be an issue.
that's a lot more than I had imagined
@JerryCoffin Yeah, given what @Moo linked to, it's a three line implementation. I hadn't thought it's that simple.
plus, I think that your device is a lot more embedded than I imagined
> I tend to think of being a programmer is very similar to be a bumble bee; you get up in the morning, you fly around in nature, look for the most beautiful flowers, and when you find them you collect them, take them home, press the flowers, put them between pages in a book, and later, you can show the flowers to your friends and neighbors.
Dear lord..
@TonyTheLion You say this like programming isn't...
@sbi not as bad as welding
@sbi And that's why Garbage Collection is awesome. goes into hiding

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