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@Morwenn Turns out "no", nothing even close. Just evolution of C++ following roughly the same model as Typescript compared to JavaScript. But you probably already read enough to know that already.
Man, I loved having unrestricted access to a FIB-SEM.
With some RIE gas you etch micron size structures in glass.
1 hour later…
mostly stupid BUT
`Proof: Take a random permutation of the input list; this second list is also Sorted by the same argument as above. This means that any two elements in the two lists with the same index are equal to each other. But the second list was a random permutation; which indicates that every element in the original list is equal to every other element. QED.
9 hours later…
If I understood it correctly, cache optimization mostly leads to an improvement of nanoseconds, not even microseconds.
What type of applications need nanosecond precision in their software itself? Usually if that is what you need, you rely on hardware AFAIK
1 hour later…
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn lots of things, not everybody wants to build an analog computer. But, the main reason cache is used is to not waste people time. The performance of the CPU is much better when it can feed itself.
3 hours later…
Is there relative fast way to transmit a series of images taken by a monitoring camera (on Raspberry Pi or Jetson Nano) to a server when it's in a 3G coverage area? I have already lowered resolution of the pictures, but it seems even a 400 x 300 picture will take a couple of seconds to be transmitted. Server upload and download speeds seem to be in the 100+MB/s region.
4 hours later…
@TelKitty There are lots of image compression algorithms around. Mostly a question of how good of one you can get to run fast enough to be usable on the computer you're using.
2 hours later…
posted on August 16, 2023 by Blog Staff

Some time ago I started working on P1705 Enumerating Core Undefined Behavior, I have collected a large set of undefined behavior (UB) during that time. There is going to be a lot of work involved in getting the annex into shape and editing it into the standard. While this work is ongoing, I will take some time to write blog posts to explore the set of undefined behaviors. Let's Enu

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