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@jornak I wonder what happened before then? Perhaps we had to actually know stuff?
@MartinJames I don't think I could survive renting a movie without RottenTomatoes :P
@MartinJames I also can't remember life without The Pirate Bay ;)
@jornak Ack Tomatoes. Review, then perhaps downl.. rent.
"Last October Dotcom noticed an unusual lag in the 100 megabit fiber connection he had installed for optimal Modern Warfare 3 gameplay." wat
@jornak Bastard ISP blocked PB for days last week, but there were so many proxy sites, they turned the block off again.
@MartinJames Everyone needs to learn to embrace the new era.
It's just like VCRs over Betas
"Oh, these pirates can just subscribe to the many streaming services with our programming on it." Yeah maybe if you didn't limit your licensing to the US.
Yes. Once there is infromation, it escapes. PB, Wikileaks, Nixon tapes, Watergate, Oval Office carpet-burns etc.
But how do artists make money if not from selling records?
@Ell tours, promotions
@Ell ..and that is yet to be resolved. I have nothing.
@jornak Founded Menlo Park, California, U.S. (September 4, 1998)
I heard C++ Primer Plus wasn't that good. That said, this Amazon review, is quite... interesting.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, the title is 'C++ Primer Plus'. If the reviewer wanted 'GUI Libraries Plus', maybe he/she should have picked a different book to review.
@EtiennedeMartel Um, yeah, it's about C++. lol
"This book doesn't even mention how to get rich using C++."
That said, I am quite surprised that so many C++ questions on SO seem to use cout streams instead of rendering text to GUI memo or the like.
@EtiennedeMartel Seems reasonable to me -- it would be downright evil to ask an intelligent person to put in the time and effort to write a thorough review of a book that crappy.
@KonradRudolph In fairness, Apple does owe a tremendous amount to a Steve. He just got the wrong Steve.
I have this one and I think it's pretty good: amazon.com/Primer-4th-Stanley-B-Lippman/dp/0201721481/…
@JerryCoffin There's so many 5 stars reviews on that book, it's almost sickening.
@MartinJames it's standard functionality, so people don't have to learn something new just to understand the question (or answer)
@JerryCoffin i have a habit of investigating / trying out technical writing, starting on what could have been books. they all start good and become crappy, in my own opinion. always, i find that various details must be explained, losing the momentum
@EtiennedeMartel C++ Primer Plus is a decent C/C++ book, but a terrible C++ book. You want to buy C++ Primer instead, believe me.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf The hard part with a book on C++ is the order of things. You need to know quite a lot of "stuff" before you can do much of anything well. It's hard to pick what to teach first, because no matter what order you try to teach it in, you end up using things before you explain them.
@FredOverflow is that the one I linked?
Everybody doing well today?
aww man 5th edition
@Chimera Yes. I tortured my students by making them re-implement strstr.
what does strstr do?
Search a substring within a string.
@Ell Finds a substring within a string (or try to, anyway).
@Ell Nice........ that's a good thing to learn to implement.
try to find = search ;)
And I no what strstr does lol
@FredOverflow But did you have them do it with Boyer-Moore, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, or something on that order?
No, they are almost complete novices. Prior experience: 4 days of Java.
@ScottW I can solve it much easier than that: "Quit wasting your time, you chowderheads!"
so just a simple O(n*m) algorithm
How is strstr normally implemented? Which algorithm?
I don't think that's specified.
@FredOverflow No -- complete novices would be 4 days ahead of ones with 4 days of Java.
But they already know what the semicolon does!
@Chimera Normally just the naive (N^2) algorithm.
You mean O(n*m), where m is usually a lot smaller than n.
@FredOverflow Well, yes.
Naive strstr?
posted on October 05, 2012 by James McNellis

See C++/CX Part 0 of [n]: An Introduction for an introduction to this series and a table of contents with links to each article in the series. In this article, we'll take a look at the how runtime classes are constructed. We'll use the following Widget runtime class throughout this article:     public ref class Widget sealed     { &n

Fridays must be the worst day to actually get anything done.
Friday is when I get done.
Done working, that is.
This whole std::system_error thing is confusing
Snoop Dogg got it ^
Tip: you can watch Youtube videos with vlc and mplayer at higher speeds. This makes the Bartosz videos more watchable.
@Chimera More or less, yes.
arghh IMAP doesn't make sense >.<
@TonyTheLion It's getting pretty late on a friday to be doing any actual work
Yeah, that's the most brain dead way I could think to do it.
@TonyTheLion Seems like a joke, but the sad reality is for many people that is close to the actual reasoning they use to determine whom to vote for.
Here is my implementation of strstr, feel free to rip on it:
char * my_strstr(char * s, const char * substring)
    size_t len = strlen(substring);
    while (*s && my_strncmp(s, substring, len)) ++s;
    return s;
@sbi Oh just wondering if you had taken a leave from chat for awhile.
@FredOverflow that looks like my diagram.
@FredOverflow Bad.
you want recursive
@DeadMG "bad" is not very helpful feedback.
sorry, I'm doing too many things atonce
Why would I want recursive? This is not a course on thinking functionally :)
why my_strncmp?
because the problem is best approached recursively
@TonyTheLion Because using strncmp would be cheating ;)
I have a different one
Otherwise you might as well go ahead and do this:
char * my_strstr(char * s, const char * substring)
    return strstr(s, substring);
@FredOverflow perfect!
@FredOverflow I wouldn't think of you as a cheater if you used strncmp. I would if you used strstr.
bool substr(char* str, char* substr)
	char* strend = &str[strlen(str) - 1];
	char * substrend = &substr[strlen(substr)];
	while(str <= strend && substr != substrend)
		if (*str == *substr)


	return (substr == substrend);
what does strstr return if no match?
Well, to be honest, I used strncmp and cheating in the Lounge by pretending I had written my own my_strncmp ;)
I don't even use strncmp or anything. I do the do comparison in the function
@DeadMG Good question. I thought it would return a pointer to the null character, but it actually returns a null pointer.
@DeadMG null afaik
From Fred's code it looks like it will return a pointer to the zero-terminator.
Yes, but that's wrong :(
that's not the point I'm sure
That's not the pointer, you mean?
bad pun
I should punished.
so when you travelling, puppy?
Is it optimized for SIMD instruction set?
@DeadMG Why are you comparing characters with the NULL pointer, like in *curr == NULL?
because idiot
@FredOverflow Replace with '\0' if it makes you feel better.
Please don't tell me you don't see a difference between '\0' and (void*)0.
I do
I'm just doing multiple things at once right now
What's the other thing(s) you are doing?
it also contains a minor bug which would cause infinite recursion
Can I use value-initialization syntax with a pointer type? E.g. (T*)() or something like that?
@FredOverflow fap fap fap
@FredOverflow Could you be more specific?
@StackedCrooked Alias<T*>() :)
I don't understand why you would want that, though.
Arg, even identity syntax is verbose: typename identity<T*>::type()
@DeadMG Your code is extremely broken. my_strstr("C/C++", "C") returns a pointer to the slash, and my_strstr("C/C++", "C++") apparently never terminates.
Again, why do you want that?
@StackedCrooked with g++ you can use using
@FredOverflow It was a quick example, not biblical. I'm writing it from memory when I solved a previous, more advanced version of this problem.
@StackedCrooked it needs a name
@Xeo I wouldn't do that. Just curious.
TIL some people still have CRT monitors.
you should be able to solve problem 1 by simply return s - 1; and the second I have already posted a fix for
It's the same as with array types. Since they're multi-token, it just doesn't work.
should do, anyway
@TonyTheLion Some people even prefer them.
@Xeo they're fucked up in the head.
That would attempt to call the pointer.
@Xeo it's the same as with the pseudo-destructor syntax. pseudo-constructor needs a typename.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Err
Whops, confused value and type for a sec.
char * my_strstr(char * s, const char * substring)
    if (!*substring) return s;
    if (!*s) return NULL;
    if ((*s == *substring) && my_strstr(s + 1, substring + 1)) return s;
    return my_strstr(s + 1, substring);
@TonyTheLion No, they just have some specific eye problems that make CRTs less straining.
Personally, I find the iterative version a lot easier to understand. And I love recursion to death. But maybe that's just me.
Hm, CRT is usually more straining than LCD.
e.g., x.~int() is ungood, because int is not a typename, but x.~Int() should work fine if typedef int Int is in effect
@FredOverflow You've dereferenced both inputs without checking for NULL
Oh, that's what you meant with "typename". I thought you referred to the decl-specifier
That's what confused me.
@FredOverflow I find recursion confusing.
@Prætorian Checking against NULL is for Java pussies.
But then again, I'm a noob
@FredOverflow lol
@Prætorian non-null is precondition! :)
he he i revised history again
i'm a revisionist
Yep, just document how you want your users to use your function, that's all the protection you need!
@Prætorian Well, and assert inside.
Do any of the standard C string processing functions check for NULL?
@FredOverflow strlen is UB atleast for NULL, IIRC
In fiction, revisionism is the retelling of a story or type of story with substantial alterations in character or environment, to "revise" the view shown in the original work. Unlike most usages of the term revisionism, this is not generally considered pejorative. The film Dances with Wolves is a revisionist Western because it portrays the Native Americans sympathetically instead of as the savages of traditional Westerns, which have been criticized as racist. Similarly, the novel ' by Gregory Maguire is a revisionist account of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which portrays The Wick...
@TonyTheLion A true grammar nazi, however, would be aware that although affect is normally a verb and effect a noun, either word can be either a noun or a verb.
@FredOverflow Can't work, because you don't keep a copy of the original substring.
gotta love English language ambiguity.
A computer could never parse English
The neither can humans!
@TonyTheLion The classic (which I've probably posted before): "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."
@DeadMG I have tested it, and it works just fine. The "copy of the original" is passed in the last line of the function.
We may differ on the details, but we agree that time flies.
@FredOverflow Oh, you used non-tail-recursion for the matching case.
I wish I'd thought of that :P
@StackedCrooked If time flies, then what is the air?
The air is composed of oxygen, and other gases.
Please don't tell me about the other gases.
Yeah, and I don't want to know about yours either.
I'm having soup with string beans right now, so... you figure out the rest.
That's promising.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Why do you ask?
You might want to postpone your meetup tonight :P
Oh, we're not meeting tonight. She's going out, and I'm chatting in the Lounge.
RT @codinghorror: http://chat.stackoverflow.com/ C++ room motto: "why would anyone want to have sex instead of being here?"
> She's going out, and I'm chatting in the Lounge.
true geek ^
Hey, she plays MMORPGs, so I guess we're even :)
I see
Of course MMORPGs suck compared to the Lounge.
Gotta go the the fridge to fetch bread.
Yes this Lounge rocks!
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Getting rid of my girlfriend so I can hang out in The Lounge™ [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [drama-queens]
could any windows user here test if my VPN is working?
Just open the network and sharing center and click "setup new connection", choose workplace / vpn, login details: user, password: user, host: home.gz0.nl
Not meeting every Friday night does not equal "getting rid of".
multi tasking ^
@FredOverflow for the sake of a tag line :P
and try to ping and and :X
and on \\ should be some files available
@GamErix I'll test it

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