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Ok, lemme guess, 0xC280 is the euro sign in latin-2.
@R.MartinhoFernandes converts BREAK PERMITTED HERE (U+0082) to SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK I think
@MooingDuck You saying I got that wrong?
I did the calculations in my head!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I did the second line. oops
wait... what do you want to bet it's replacing characters the font can't render...
I just say that. I don't actually bet
Neither C280 nor 0080 are valid latin-2 characters :S
What. The. Fuck.
I connect my iPod to my PC, it stays connected for ~10 seconds, disconnects, and connects again, repeated endlessly.
all without me moving any cable even an inch
// If you received an UTF-8 string that was converted from Windows-1252 as it was ISO8859-1
// (ignoring Windows-1252 chars from 80 to 9F) use this function to fix it.
// See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1252
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's converting from broken utf8 to utf8, latin-2 doesn't come into it. right?
echo('<title>'.lng("title").'</title> ');
@GamErix Try removing the meta charset declaration and remove any code you have for fixing utf-8. Let the browser determine the encoding. I think that's the best way to do it, until you get an editor that can actually handle encoding ;)
that's how I for example show text
I just want to charge that damn thing...
function lng($which)


global $ARRXKS;

return $ARRXKS[$_SESSION['lang']]["$which"];

@MooingDuck He showed what looked like a configuration page before that had this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/5634437#5634437. I was assuming it was converting to latin-2 and calling that "brokenUTF8".
@R.MartinhoFernandes wierd
Anyway... "If you received an UTF-8 string that was converted from Windows-1252 as it was ISO8859-1" sounds soooooo fucked up.
brokenUtf8ToUtf8 isn't anywhere used in the script if you guys didn't notice...
nor is "UTF8FixWin1252Chars"
No one knows how to do text, because everyone seems to assume text means encoding :(
Fuck you merkins (yes, you have a big part in this).
@GamErix brokenutf8toutf8 is called from UTF8FixWin1252Chars, and we have no way of telling if UTF8FixWin1252Chars is called, do we?
@R.MartinhoFernandes :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait...what did I do this time?
I know what I did use from this uknown shit
UTF8FixWin1252Chars isn't called =D
@GamErix then there's more problems elsewhere
@MooingDuck I bet it's that configuration file.
let's check
ok removed the meta charset stuff ....
Witamy w panelu SMSów.
W razie problemów z korzystania z serwisu:
Upewnij siê czy przegl¹darka akceptuje pliki cookie.
Pliki cookie s¹ u¿ywane aby sprawdziæ czy jesteœ zalogowany/a.
only the ó
but ą ż are 1 and ?
ś = oe
ę = e^
could it be the php configuration? O_o
anyway I'll check back tomorrow, I really need some rest before going to hostpital (read : going to die)
needles.. needles everywhere
and thank you all for the nice conversation
@GamErix Nice to have known you.
ideone.com/6LRYE throw (throw "A", "B");
What about it?
it's just wierd
throw (throw "A", throw "B") fails to compile though
since RHS doesn't have a type
it just never occured to me that it's well defined for a throw expression to throw before it actually throws :/
Aug 13 at 13:48, by DeadMG
throw throw throw throw throw throw throw throw throw throw expression;
@R.MartinhoFernandes that would fail to compile though
@MooingDuck That was valid Wide in the beginnings.
(accidentally, the grammar was buggy)
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh
Jul 11 '11 at 16:46, by Cat Plus Plus
try try try try try try {
    throw throw throw throw throw throw 42;
} catch catch catch catch catch catch (int) {

@MooingDuck well, throw std::runtime_exception("woops........................."); might throw bad_alloc from runtime_exception. :) So that one "throws before it throws" too
@Xeo yeah. It's just wierd.
Yay, off to sleep
40minutes earlier than yesterday. Maybe today I'll be able to get up at 7am and visit the doctor to finally get my sick note
I'm so gonna cough out my lungs these days...
@Xeo Well, good night. Hope you get to feeling better.
@Xeo Drink vodka. All your worries will disappear. Along with your lungs.
Ugh, vodka..
The worst is that I managed to have snot fly out of my nose from coughing... ~_~
Thanks for the image.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You clearly haven't watched enough anime.
I don't like snot, even in anime.
Hmm, the technique for using unique_ptr to handle POSIX file descriptors I showed the other day needs some fixing :(
int does not mingle with nullptr.
@Xeo That's awkward during conversation.
o.O The title... wtf
so what do I look at in teh windows task manager to tell if my wife needs more RAM? Physical memory available? pages per second while watching a youtube video?
commit charge?
There's never enough RAM!
WinXP and 1GB of RAM ATM
I'd look at page faults/sec.
Ishh.... 1Gb... Firefox leaks memory and goes over 1Gb after 48hours of running non stop
@Borgleader So? If it leaks, the leaked memory is not going to be used again, right? So it will end swapped out and never swapped in again.
Oh true... Nonetheless on average it runs at 450-500Mb of RAM (I do have a lot of tabs however). So I'm not surprised it's running out of RAM.
To be honest, I'd just look at how often the HDD activity light pops up.
It should be off most of the time, and only come up when loading or saving something.
\6000 faults per sec while loading youtube?
@MooingDuck Could be due to some memory allocation strategy.
It also peaks here.
The Memory\Page Reads/sec counter in the Performance Monitor is a better indicator.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I tested my laptop, I also get a similar number of faults/sec on the same video. So I'm marking that up to "buying more ram will not improve".
as such, her laptop does not appear to need an upgrade at this time
which I find surprising with only 1GB of RAM
The Page Reads/sec counter averages at around 1.1 on my machine, even when I open YouTube.
Ugh, this was to be my next post, but I realized I need a bunch of code to get that last idea working raw.github.com/rmartinho/rmartinho.github.com/master/_posts/…
XP doesn't have a reads/sec
@MooingDuck I'm not talking about Task Manager, but the Performance Counters thingy.
Does XP have that?
I don't remember what it was called in XP.
@Borgleader I think so.
perfmon.msc apperently
The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call.
Well, I guess I'm screwed.
Why are you using Extra-Sensorial Perception when calling functions?
I think I found the issue.
Turns out I had shared ownership... with unique_ptrs.
That's it, from now on, I'm calling raw pointers leaking pointers.
Hello guys!
I need help regarding JavaScript. Can any one help me/
read the rules, then ask the question ;)
if anyone can answer, or wants to answer, they will.
@ITNinja I know about that ;) As I'm the new chatter here but not for SE :P
BTW I want to run this script to prevent backspace key but don't know how?
And yet you ask a javascript question in the C++ lounge?
@Borgleader no one was in that room :P
Sorry if I break the rules.
1 hour later…
anything interesting going on?
woudln't mind if someone help verify this test
cache coherence between array of structs and parallel arrays.
haha, shitty question title of the day:
Q: Please give me solution

Williams OuinaWhat are the running times of each of the functions of the (standard) priority queue ADT if we implement it by adapting the STL priority queue?

@Mysticial Just closed it.
Dupe dupe dupe
Q: Rewrite author in history

mediaslaveI have a couple of commits where my email address is wrong in the history. Should I, How can I rewrite this history to reflect the correct email address? EDIT: If I choose to rewrite history, what is it that another user will have to do to fix their checkout? Thanks.

@Mysticial At least he's not asking for teh codez.
Please give me the codes.
There's even funnier questions.
If you go to the 10k tools, the top 15 lowest voted questions of the month are usually hilarious.
Is there a question with -1k+ downvotes
Here's an example:
Q: Locking Down a Website

Sativa DivaI have a client I'm building a website for that plans on paying me after I'm complete. I'm building on their FTP. Is there any techniques to lock down the website to have it mess up completely when activated by me if they refuse to pay? Thanks

Part of me wants to hope so but I find it unlikely.
@Rapptz No, the lowest all time is the -140 100k emails question which is now deleted.
Aw.. lame.
@Mysticial They deleted that?
By the way did you see my neato PDF
@Mechanicalsnail Yeah the mods 10k users deleted it a while ago.
@Mechanicalsnail yeah
@Insilico Not mods, just 10ks users.
I think I saw it before it got deleted.
@Insilico But I though I saw it alive a month or two ago.
You can delete at any time.
is stupid like that common?
@Mysticial I stand corrected.
@Griallia You haven't spent enough time with members of the human race, have you?
@Griallia You should work for IT/Tech Support then ask that again :)
sounds lovely. but wasn't that outsourced to federal prisoners?
yeah... :(
Wow it's at -139?
The other day I realized that most of the TV shows I enjoyed when I was little were actually Japanese animes translated in France.
I didn't remember it being downvoted that much the last time I saw it in its non-deleted state.
@EtiennedeMartel It's okay. I know that feel.
The -139 line-wrapped. That's how bad it is, apparently.
@Insilico Yeah... The answer had one of the highest residual rates among all posts on SO. So that question was apparently very searchable and useful to spammers?
@Mysticial "residual rate"?
What's the total vote count? +x -y?
@Rapptz +71 -210
@Mechanicalsnail It's the rate of late upvotes you get after the question is no longer visible on any of the hotlists.
@Insilico Whoa, did you change to another default gravatar?
Residual votes almost always come from search engine traffic.
@Rapptz I moved into my apartment for the school year. So the IP address is different. Therefore, the gravatar is different. (I don't have an email address assigned to my account)
@Mysticial Is that in the UI somewhere, or did you just look at the Data Explorer?
@Insilico I thought it's only based on the email.
Ah, I see.
Stack Exchange uses a hash of your email address to reference your gravatar, if you have an email address set in your account.
Otherwise, it uses your IP and hashes that.
I just use Open ID.
@Mechanicalsnail No, you can go to the poster's profile and look at how many upvotes he/she gets from that post every day.
@Rapptz I think everyone here uses it. :-P
Of course you can't now, since the answer is deleted.
Here's another amazing bad question. :)
Q: How to do paging in the nested datalist? Please Answer urgent

jeneousI have made a project on social nework in which i used Datalist1 for posting scraps and Datalist2 for commenting. but i m unable to do the paging in them ..please help coding is as given below <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" CellPadding="4" Font-Bold="True" Font-Italic="Fal...

Holy goodness gracious.
@Insilico -14 votes in one day?
Wait why the hell is it tagged C#? I don't see any C# anywhere?
14 downvotes, and it's not even on Meta.
@Insilico To get it closed faster.
Is there a feature to sort by downvotes?
I want to see the truly despicable questions and answers.
Go to Votes then last page. Not very effective but it works, I think.
@EthanSteinberg You can also look at the Data Explorer.
@EthanSteinberg You may have to go to the Data Explorer for the deleted ones
The deleted ones are the truly despicable ones.
Q: What is the best way to save the articles?

Ali AdraviI got a project from my client to create a site similar to Stack Overflow for Printing media. So I want to know where should I store the article heading, body, images etc.? In database? in XML? I want to make them searchable and search-engine-friendly.

I remember one response so bad that we were trying to get the person down to 0 rep.
Huh.. same tags. C# and ASP.NET, SQL-Server-year
Lol, someone just posted my C++ homework as a question.
Q: union of 2 sets; return simple object - C++

Duknov007What is the best way to implement the following? I am trying to find the union of 2 sets. I am creating 2 objects (one called set1 and one called set2). I aim to create a 3rd object that is a UNION of the two without having to use a copy constructor. Using dynmanic memory allocation and point...

Super User:
Q: How do I recover my router password without resetting it?

PacerierI want to know the password of my router. The default username and pass isn't working. I've read this thread i forgot my wireless router password. what do i do . . however it tells me to reset the router (I do not wish to reset the router to factory settings) This is my router: Linksys Wireles...

Q: Convert PDF to exe to raise security

kamiar3001I have some PDFs I want convert all to .exe files and put them into folder on my CD and my customers run .exe files instead of PDF and for security reasons. so I have tried "pdf2exe" tools but I need something totally free. pdf2exe is evaluation version and there are some limitations. Please te...

@EthanSteinberg You're a professor?
No, a student
Q: Importing about millions of contacts into outlook

TejasI have a CSV file containing about a lot of email IDs(of the order of tens of millions). I want them in my Outlook. But when I try to import them, Outlook crashes every time. So is there any trick/shortcut by which I can get them in my Outlook?

(the size can be different for each IntegerSet, the size can be 0 through a reasonable number – you will need to dynamically allocate memory to do this)
Here's a hugely downvoted non-deleted one on Meta, although it's obviously meant to be a joke.
Q: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

Adam DavisThe system should search posts for the word "please" in proximity to the phrase "don't close" or "do not close", and if found together disable the close link for the following reasons: They asked nicely They knew enough about the system to understand that posts can be closed, and thus are exper...

I used a std::array and a template.
@Mysticial, Calling strlen there is UB right, since it would check a[0] when searching for a null?
Q: Distributing Windows Updates through LAN to save bandwidth

djechelonI would like to know if there is a known way to establish a local server in an office's LAN that regularly (read "overnight") downloads updates from Microsoft and then all Windows 7 machines connecting from work network will download all the required updates from the single LAN server and not eac...

I probably shouldn't have used my real name on here.
Then I could have commented on that post with that pastebin.
Q: "Forced" retirement for top users

EkimAfter reading http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/07/kicking-off-the-summer-of-love/ and all the comments it occurred to me that some form of retirement for the sites esteemed users might not be a bad idea. Companies and governments do it all the time with "Forced" retirement if the person does n...

@EthanSteinberg You can change it.
Here's one that's also massively downovoted and is not a joke question, apparently.
Q: Massively downvoted questions are still missing from the list of questions

blahdiblahThe last page of the list of questions on Meta is currently this question that has a score of -55. Missing from the bottom of the list are: -84 Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network [closed] -90 “Forced” retirement for top users -118 Don't close questions where the...

I guess so.
So many oneboxed questions.
I bet that is the retarded Java student.
Skipped all the prereqs because he thought it would be "just like Java".
@EthanSteinberg <snarky-cplusplus-programmer-comment> "retarded" might be redundant in that sentence. </snarky-cplusplus-programmer-comment>
@chris Correct, it's not null terminated.
I have work to do. I'll be back in 25.
Name changed.
Takes a while.
Probably for the best anyways.
Q: How can I remotely downvote a Stack Overflow post with C#?

Peter OlsonI might be trying to do something impossible or really hard, but I wanted to try it out anyway. I have been working on writing a program that can automatically downvote Stack Overflow posts for me. So, my logical first step was to find out what went on behind the scenes when I pressed the downvo...

"I might be trying to do something impossible or really hard, but I wanted to try it out anyway."
Why is that offtopic?
What if he just wanted to downvote questions automatically that had certain keywords
like "urgent"
@chris Looking at a chart I made a while back, it was:

10 votes: 4 min.
53 votes: 1 hour
89 votes: 2 hours
130 votes: 3 hours
183 votes: 4 hours
Interesting. Darn people not realizing how good of an answer it was. I guess it didn't have the pretty picture or the reddit attention in the first 2 minutes, though.
@chris It's hard to tell from the graph.
There's no sudden increase of votes. It seems like reddit came in gradually.
That's even more interesting. I wouldn't expect that from a community as large as reddit, though the programming subcommunity would be a lot smaller.
@Mysticial What is this responding to?
Okay really, be back later.
+9 in 2 min... damn. is that a new record? Here, have another one! — Mysticial 13 mins ago
@Mysticial I had +7 in 1 minute :(
Maybe less..
I was obviously a little excited when I did this. But I still have a few graphs that I made back then:
The line for reddit is approximately when it saw it appear on the frontpage of reddit/r/programming
@Mysticial Please tell me you used a script to collect that data.
@Mechanicalsnail Sorta. Copy paste from the vote events from my profile.
Q: What can I do with dynamic typing that I can not do with static typing

Justin984I've been using python for a few days now and I think I understand the difference between dynamic and static typing. What I don't understand is why it's useful. I keep hearing about its "flexibility" but it seems like it just moves a bunch of compile time checks to runtime, which means more unit ...

Good question.
Needs a really good answer though.
The static vs dynamic discussion is basically a meta programming language war.
Dynamically typing lets you more easily get +800 answers on SO.
I can name 3 of them off the top of my head - all from Javascript. :)
A: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

jonscaThis answer is not an answer, but please don't flag it as "not an answer", and please don't downvote it.

@Mysticial I guess means "making more money" is also an answer.
Btw, I mentioned yesterday a 20x speed increase for memcpy when using O3 instead of O2. Could it be that O3 uses SIMD for memcpy?
@StackedCrooked GCC only enables auto-vectorization at -O3 or ftree-vectorize.
But 20x seems a bit high.
Hm, it was copying of a struct so the compiler can see everything at compile time.
I tend to think that a = b; will always be faster than memcpy(&a, &b, sizeof(b)).
But that's not a rational belief :p
Maybe the compiler just optimized the copies away since I didn't use the data afterwards.
Lol, apparently I optimized something else than the copy
The generation of the original was in the inner loop. Silly me.
Quick! Everyone name their favourite mathematical or scientific constant!
Euler-Macaroni Constant
I mean
Euler-Mascheroni Constant
@chris Golden mean
I like how some of the constants appear quite often unexpectedly in nature.
Like the constancy of the stupidity of human nature.
This has a name? I've been using it as a riddle sequence that no one knows how to continue. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Look-and-say_sequence
Currently eating sandwich with cheese
Well, I don't know about you, but I don't prefer eul in my macaroni.
bacon a-la chef
deadroom style
@GamErix I didn't die. Yet. Just so you know
@donbox "Why did things break?" "Because the XSD validation failed." "Why do we do XSD validation?" "Not sure. So that things don't break?"
@R.MartinhoFernandes erm... what was that all about? I don't follow what it refers to - assuming it was on twitter as well
@chris 0
@sehe I'm not entirely sure.
But it was in a playful mood, so I'm not worried.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I got that. I wasn't worried. I was just curious - twitter being all public and stuff :)
@chris i
Hmmm, cake.
Q: C++ Should I fully qualified my variable type?

David AndreolettiI am trying to write lines of code fitting under 80 columns maximum. Thus, I wonder if fully qualifying my variable type is really mandatory ? Assuming the following implementation: //Baz.h namespace loggingapi { namespace attributes { class Baz {}; }} // namespaces // Bar.h namespace loggi...

^ Best practice questions always interesting -- but no good debating facilities on SO. :(
It is becoming apparent that reCaptcha has been partnered by googe streetview to more accurately identify house addresses ^
reCaptcha sucks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mmm. I think it is fine. Not sure about effectivity, but I guess it still works. If only to preventively moderate discussion threadds :)
Still works? No, it doesn't. I often need to request two or three new ones to get a solvable captcha.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mmm. I have that too, but not with reCaptcha. Some sites (don't remember which one now) used to drive me nuts.
Or, we could all just use 'Orange' - hehe
@EtiennedeMartel this could explain an interest in japanese anime. but one possibly relevant fact seems to be missing: translated in France, to what language?
@sehe My own success rate at deciphering captchas has dropped to 1/3. Guess I'm a bot.
morning all
@R.MartinhoFernandes can variadics be captured in lambdas ?
Specificly, this works:
                         static bool logicOr(bool a)         { return a; }
template <typename... B> static bool logicOr(bool a, B... b) { return a || logicOr(b...); }
But this doesn't (gcc 4.6.2):
                         static Predicate logicOr(Predicate a)         { return a; }
template <typename... B> static Predicate logicOr(Predicate a, B... b) { return [=] (int x) { return a(x) || logicOr(b...)(x); }; }
Should work.
Wait, the recursive call is missing the first argument (a).
@R.MartinhoFernandes a(x) || ?
Oh... you mean I need another formal argument to pass explicitely as the first on recursion? Lemme try
Oh, wait, the bs are predicates too?
Hmm. Thoroughly confused now. For a second I thought you meant
template <typename... C> static Predicate logicOr(Predicate a, Predicate b, C... c) {
    return [=] (int x) { return a(x) || logicOr(b, c...)(x); };
Gosh, I'm silly.
Well, what are the errors?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yup. I stooped low and went with typedef std::function<bool(int)> Predicate; as a testcase
|| functional_sets.cpp: In lambda function:
functional_sets.cpp|27 col 118| error: parameter packs not expanded with ‘...’:
functional_sets.cpp|27 col 118| note:         ‘b’
functional_sets.cpp|27 col 119| error: expansion pattern ‘((const logicOr(Predicate, B ...)::<lambda(int)>*)this)->logicOr(Predicate, B ...)::<lambda(int)>::b’ contains no argument packs
Can you try on 4.7?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mmm. I do have gcc-snapshot. Lemme see
gcc version 4.7.0 20111010 (experimental) [trunk revision 179769] (Ubuntu/Linaro 20111010-0ubuntu1) - same error
Looks like a bug to me.
Oh hey, clang eats it, didn't link yet, though :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Might be right. I'll draw up a minimal example and show it to you before I file a bug report :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes liveworkspace.org/code/af212a20d790f6d32e3838c16804aa8f, interestingly, it adds a new compiler message upon on attempted 'use' of logicOr<>:
source.cpp:12:5: error: using invalid field 'logicOr(Predicate, B ...)::<lambda(int)>::__b'
Yeah, seems like GCC can't capture packs.
gcc compiles and runs it
"You're wrong, because ..." - "How rude! It is not welcome!"
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's a pretty big bummer. I wonder how Bartosz Milewski did this when he did his 'functional style combinators' talk recently. You reckon he avoided variadics in general? He likes to use MSVC...
(I can't be bothered to actually watch talks by Bartosz M.: Believe me I tried, but I fall asleep around the third sentence, which usually comes around the 2" mark :))
Can an instance of std::array be changed into a parameter pack?
Indices trick.
@sehe I also tried.
@StackedCrooked johannes posted some subtle code for packing/unpacking parameter packs
here on SO
in some answer
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh hey, unsurprisingly the bug is known as gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=41933 (among others)
incomplete patch: Here's the beginning of work to implement this. A lot more will be needed. Jason Merrill 2012-04-16
@sehe Workaround is good ole function objects.
A local one should do.
OLE technology FTW, yay!
now microsoft happy :-)
hm i remember from the early 1990s, someone made a comparision of "Hello, world!" in stages of programmer sophistication, ending with an OLE variant of 120+ lines or so.
I fucking love getting emails about the email system having problems
@sehe Yeah, he has kind of a slow way to talk
meta emails
It's interesting content, but the presentation itself..
Yay, my "check if a function exists" answer is slowly rising.
@Xeo how's the job hunt?
14 hours ago, by Xeo
Okay, so, the offer I got from the Funatics guys is 1.9k gross, 24 vacation days.
@Xeo oh :)
did you accept?
Currently writing the mail that says so. :)
:) Congrats :)
I hope you have fun :)
Yay yay.
You get more than I did on my first job :)
@Xeo Congratulations. Hope they turn out good employer!
I hope so too.
Something like sqrt would most likely be implemented using CPU intrinsics right?
@TonyTheLion My first job paid €700 a month.
@TonyTheLion yes. as i recall it is with msvc. probably with g++ too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Woah. Where I live that would be below minimum wage.
Q: Implement double sqrt(double x) in C++

Josh MorrisonImplement double sqrt(double x) in C++ without using std library. This is a facebook interview question I saw here. http://www.glassdoor.com/Interview/Implement-double-sqrt-double-x-in-C-QTN_87210.htm Any other good idea about this?... !!!Edited.!!!(without using std library.)

found a question on it
Wages I suppose depend a lot on the cost of living too.
Next Tuesday, bitbucket gets a Google Code style code review feature. Awesome.
In the UK the cost of living is fairly high, so wages are higher too. Go work in London and you get some insanely high wages, but the cost of living is extreme too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ohh nice
Inline commenting on diffs is super neat.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf There is indeed a assembler instruction on the FPU called FSQRT that does this.
@TonyTheLion that's a maths question
You guys are boring. Entertain me.
@TonyTheLion London is exceptionally so
@thecoshman it may be, but it gave me the answer I needed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes reddit.com
or tvtropes.org (ohhh I'm evil :P)
Reddit is boring.
TVTropes is very well-mapped now.
I have nothing to talk about
I'm trying to make sense of the maze that is the code base I'm going to have to make changes to soon.
it's mind boggling
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I figured... sigh. Sucks a bit though

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