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It's kinda weird though, that I was contacted with HR representative from Romania for a job in Poland :P
anyway, her english is perfect, so it's not a big concern
I like to personalize my responses! :) — kmdent Jul 7 '11 at 18:32
Like what the fuck
@DeadMG What do you mean "each" film? They never made any sequels. Sadly.
No. You do not personalize your responses. This isn't a forum. You don't have a "signature". Leave all your bullshit in your head where it belongs.
I was speaking purely hypothetically
@BartekBanachewicz Where are you applying?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see :p
We're impressed by your “c++” tag answers on Stack Overflow. We appreciate your contributions, and would like to invite you to create a professional profile on Stack Overflow Careers 2.0.
Wait, why did you just send this to me SO?
public ListNode(int item, ListNode next) {
    this.item = item;
    this.next = next;
Top 30% for c++
I've a function isDelim(uint32_t) as pure virtual. I want to pass it as callback to std::find_if
Blarg... If you dabble in Scala for a couple of weeks and return to Java, suddenly Java feels like "the C of the JVM languages", if that make any sense.
Can I do it by using std::ptr_fun ?
Oh hey, look at me, I'm above average.
@Drise I've always wondered what the selection algorithm for that invite is...
I got mine from the tag.
@Drise Is that good or bad?
@Drise median*
> “I was riding my motorbike and I saw her,” he said. “I said hello, and she thought I was harassing her and started cursing at me and spat in my face. I mistakenly fired my gun, and a passer-by told me the bullet hit a wall. We thought the girl was afraid and fell on the ground, but then people told us that the bullet hit her. I never meant to kill her.” - egyptindependent.com/news/…
And now I'm out to meet the ape. Later.
I am trying boost::bind(&isDelim, this) whihc is giving compilation errors
@FredOverflow the company is called Misys
@NeelBasu one closing paren too much at the end
BTW, nice kitchen tip for those of us who cook : Instead of putting spices into meat into separate bowl, mix it all on the frying pan. works great
@FredOverflow YaThat thing I copied from an if
@FredOverflow It says invalid use of non-static member function
@R.MartinhoFernandes >several stopped to argue that women brought the problem onto themselves with their immodest dress.
@NeelBasu You probably have to say &YourClass::isDelim if isDelim is a member function.
@FredOverflow Yes actually Its preety long std::find_if(last, end, boost::bind(&gcl::parser::AbstractLineDelimTrait::isDelim, this))
...when will you start posting your actual code so we can finally help you with your actual problem? :)
I included the namespaces to. So I stripped them out while posting
I'm trying to help my roommate out, but I keep getting stuck in a circular dependency problem.
You have 4 objects, a simulator, a gameboard, a boardcell, and a doco.
@FredOverflow std::find_if(last, end, boost::bind(&gcl::parser::AbstractLineDelimTrait::isDelim, this)) is my actual code. and gcl::parser::AbstractLineDelimTrait::isDelim is pure virtual
the board needs to know about the doco, and the doco needs to know about it's surroundings (parts of the board). How can I stop this? (my brain is hurting).
> A master degree in computer science or equivalent work experience
Bah, seriously?
For a "junior programmer"?
@Drise it's post-graduate, in theory
@BartekBanachewicz I am happily employed, thank you :)
@FredOverflow I doubt you would be interested in junior position, either ;)
I don't even know what this means. Making coffee? :)
Does each Doco need a reference to the vector<vector<cell>> gameboard;?
@FredOverflow Fixing the build when somebody breaks it.
Ew, working in a team :) I don't think I'm cut out for that.
@BartekBanachewicz >Strong C/C++ skills (including OO and STL)
Are they seriously using STL? :D
Not this argument again, please.
Do you have something against the STL?
Don't say boost 4evrz, or I will cut your penis off.
@Drise you probably had different standard library in mind
Q: What's this STL vs. "C++ Standard Library" fight all about?

PieterSomeone brought this article to my attention that claims (I'm paraphrasing) the STL term is misused to refer to the entire C++ Standard Library instead of the parts that were taken from SGI STL. (...) it refers to the "STL", despite the fact that very few people still use the STL (which was d...

STL == STandard Library, simple.
@Drise Technically, the STL is a deprecated library from the 90s that never made it into the C++ standard in its entirety, but nobody cares about that in practice.
If your search for "STL" or "Standard Template Library" inside the standard, you won't get a single hit.
@FredOverflow, the problem with term "STL" is that it leads newbies to cplusplus.com
@FredOverflow dammit... I was gonna go next
STL usually comes right along with C/C++
I want lol back.
i.e., attitudes and terms from 1995
@DeadMG Yeah, I'm totally using the STL in C!
@Mysticial Just bin it. Abuz da powur
@FredOverflow, he meant usage of "C/C++" term, I think.
@Griwes we should turn it into FAQ of some form
Anyway, I love "it's not called stl" flame wars that arise from time to time on ##C++ @ Freenode ;D
We all know that C/C++ sucks. But I'm cool because from now on, I'll be coding in C++/C!
@Griwes So change their hosts file. Or block the site by any other means.
"why people yell at me for using "C/C++"
I code in C/C++. :)
Because C/C++ is undefined behavior in both C and C++ :)
I prefer CC++/.
@Fanael, it's easier to just call it "standard library", for the same reason we for example don't call member functions "methods", because standard has no notion of it.
Are most of the high-rep users who rage-quit mostly C++ people?
it's easier to call it Standard Library because otherwise I'd also have to type "Template".
STL can mean: (1) C++ standard library; (2) the library Stepanov designed; (3) the parts of [1] based on [2]; (4) specific vendor implementations of [1], [2], or [3]; (5) the underlying principles of [2]; (6) The parts of [1] only in C++03. So the term is highly ambiguous, and must be used with extreme caution. If you meant [1] and insist on abbreviating, "stdlib" is a far better choice.
@Griwes um. I do call these field and methods. Should I feel bad?
I've only heard of a few, but they all seem to be C++?
@Mysticial You probably just haven't noticed the non-C++ers
@Griwes Easier? Bah, "standard library" is longer.
@Fanael use "stdlib"
What is the way to create quote here on chat?
@Fanael, stdlib.
@DeadMG I'm getting this from meta.
Still too long.
Tomalak was C++.
@BartekBanachewicz Not unless you call them member functions and data members in Delphi
Ideally it should be "".
@Mysticial link?
@Mysticial wat
Roger Pate was C++ I think?
@Mysticial So was Neil Butterworth
What about neil?
yeah, but that was a seriously long time ago
@MartinJames what the fuck is Delphi? Is it edible?
Roger Patel was gone before I even arrived, IIRC.
@BartekBanachewicz, method and field are both undefined by standard, so let's stick to not using them :P
plus, I believe that C++ makes up a disproportionately large number of the high-rep users
btw, link to that meta thing?
@DeadMG There isn't a single meta post.
then where are you getting it from?
@DeadMG well, top 10 is C# anyway
@BartekBanachewicz It's ... err... It's not Java! Is that close enough?
I just notice a lot of references to Neil, Tomalak.
Anyway, Tomalak was away from ##C++ for few weeks, as well. Maybe he'll return to SO as to ##C++ ;d
Less for Roger Pate though, but enough for me to notice.
@FredOverflow use lws?
@FredOverflow FredOverflow y u ideone
@BartekBanachewicz Delphi is Borland's turbopascal derivative if I'm not mistaken
Indeed it is.
@Fanael Because I can post links to ideone here.
@BartekBanachewicz, some people just don't iron their clothes by themselves and fail to understand such basic thing ;D
@Griwes I was trying hard to not be that precise - Bartek seemed to be hungry and a gobfull of Delphi is pretty indigestible to C++ developers.
@Griwes I don't iron my clothes at all. I let them straighten on me. Gives me more IT-ish look
@MartinJames I'm half into my chicken right now, anyway
forgot to make instagram of it #firstworldproblems
@BartekBanachewicz The last iron I handled was when I wrapped it for a wedding present.
@MartinJames lol
what would you call something that generates sound waves at the given frequency/amplitude for the given duration?
@Ell Are you looking for a good function name?
@FredOverflow I am. Can you point me to a good function name generator?
How about generate_sound_wave? :)
@FredOverflow No, a library that will do it, or application, or something I can test my arduino headphone thing
sorry, i should have specified. I need to google something I can download
@melak47 In my defence, I did wrap a 50€ note round the handle for their honeymoon, but until unwrapped, it was pretty much obviously a smoothing iron:)
@Ell The hardware is called "Function generator", which is funny enough ;)
> SingletonGirlfriendManager
@FredOverflow apparently I can't access it. Down just for me
I swear it was the first result!
OMG, new South Park episode, I totally forgot!
@Ell Signal Generator
@FredOverflow CryptographicPixelComparator
@Ell Tone Generator
thank you :)
I just wasted an entire hour looking for a Linux alternative to Palatino Linotype :(
@Ell just call it "Beep"
@Chimera Strictly speaking, you would need some sort of electro-acoustic transducer as well.
that's what the winapi function that does the same thing is called :p
I need one for linux
darn I didn't label my wires :L
beep_linux :p
cat /dev/random | /dev/snd
generates nice white noise
/dev/snd would be your sound deivce.. may not be /dev/snd
@Chimera zsh:1: is a directory: /dev/snd
@Fanael Yeah, that's why I stated that it might not be /dev/snd it might be something else
I've got no stars on the board now.
I'm getting divorced in two days!
@Fanael Try this: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio
@Chimera File doesn't exist.
@Fanael it will be dependent on your system. /dev/random and/or /dev/urandom should exist. Your sound device file might be different.
@MartinJames did you give your wife an iron for her birthday, too? :p
i r le sleepy
@melak47 Good god no. Anne wouldn't have the patience to unwrap it and find the cash inside. She'd hit me with it first:(
my circuit doesnt work o.O It used to work. I put it aside for a while and now it doesnt work
any bugs on it? :)
nay :P
@Ell How is it constructed? Could a wire have come loose?
I need a large breadboard really, alls I have is a mini one and its annoying
also i only have jumper wires so there are big loops everywhere, I need some real wire so I can cut it and arrange it nicely
Breadboard: Re-seat all the wires...
how about a slice of bread? should work just as well, no?
maybe toast it first to eliminate any moisture :)
@Ell Is it smaller than a breadbox?
@Ell Did you let any magic smoke out?
ahh it's okay I fixed it
the pushbutton was in the wrong way round. Not sure how it magically changed itsself o.o Maybe I remember it working when it didnt
Oh wait, I have Palatino Linotype on my Vista laptop :) Haven used that one in a while.
a finger of fudge is just enough to give the kids a treat
A finger of fudge? :)
@Ell 'the pushbutton was in the wrong way round'? Isn't that like 'the fuse was the wrong way round' or 'the wire was the wrong way round'? <g>
I mean it was in the wrong orientation - so the pins weren't in the right place
wires can be the wrong way round?
@FredOverflow I'm eating fudge :P
but now it still doesn't work o.O Something wrong with the code I think this time
Bah. Now that you failed to copy the full sample into the question, a link to the actual source code online would have been only reasonable examplesehe 3 mins ago
@Ell Hardware and software problems on the same day? Welcome to my world :(
"As for setting variables outside of eval.c I found no function that weren't static in eval.c. [...] Is the lack of variable operation outside of eval.c a feature?" - Bram Molenaar: "Main thing is that the typval_T is not used outside of eval.c. [...] eval.c is getting really big now, thus splitting it up in pieces is becoming more attractive." mailing list, Sep 25, 2005sehe 50 secs ago
^ Sometimes an impossible question is a bit of a challenge /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
yay I fixed it :D
@Ell You fudged it, you mean?
nah fudging it is fucking it :P
@DeadMG And suffering mental decay
@sehe He finally fingered the problem.
@MartinJames Not a problem in my set of logic clauses
hmmph. A classmate of mine has just made a status on facebook about a family friend being rejected funding from cancer care. She says it is appalling. Do you think it can be appalling to be rejected charity? Do you think it is fair to behave as if you are owed charity?
@Ell Nobody deserves to be given charity. But I can understand being upset...
@Ell Most charitable organization have guidelines that determine who to give charity to.
@Ell What's appalling is that you can be rejected to have your cancer treated.
healthcare in the UK isn't charity, you pay taxes for that shit
A: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

Jon TopperBecause Chuck Norris doesn't conform to web standards. Web standards conform to him.

@Chimera I can understand being upset by it of course, but I just don't think it's right to believe you are "owed" charity
@Ell I agree. Does this person not have health insurance?
@Chimera well she is unfortunately terminally ill, but I'm in the UK so everyone get's healthcare. I think cancer care money goes to making people's lives easier although I'm not sure
@Ell So she is receiving at least palliative care?
well i don't know really
it was more the tone of the message which made me wonder if I was being cold, or if other people agreed with me
can I get some drive-by link love?
> Evalutation of method System.Exception.get_Message requires information which is not present in the minidump you are debugging. If you are debugging a minidump without heap, you may be able to fix this problem by collecting a new minidump with heap and evaluating the expression again.
What the hell is an evalutation?
@Ell Was this ever self-solved? It's been ~3 months.
Q: Access Of Object From a Game State

EllAt the moment, in my game in progress, I have a class called Client which contains an std::vector<State>. Basically each state has a startup/closedown, update/draw and pause/resume functions. In these functions, access to the camera, scene manager, input manager etc. is required. I have a f...

@jornak nope, was another project I gave up. Still don't know the answer really
also I look like a noob in all of my questions :L
fuck yea. Google Drive for iPad finally has edit features
the answer is, having explicitly separated game states is silly
"Get the camera/other objects via a string identifier and singletons. I'm using Ogre which supports (encourages?) it but I wouldn't like that because I lose some static typing benefits and it just seems ugly."
what even are static typing benefits? :L
performance, correctness
pretty much everything you could ever want, ever
in this context
singletons are still statically typed
the simple point is
why do you even have a State class?
I don't even know, this question was ages ago :P
also what would this (current_time = millis()) yield? would it be current_time after it's assignment?
assuming current_time is not of some type T that overloaded it's assignment operator with some dodgy semantics
yeah it's not
I want to resume work on my old 3D simulation project
but man, a decent UI lib is so hard to come by
@Griwes It can also mean "Stephan T. Lavavej" :)
@Xeo Or even St. Louis.
@DeadMG For the right string class, for which "so hard" == "impossible, really". About the best you hope for is "halfway decent" instead of "hopelessly awful".
@DeadMG it is :/
CEGUI has been used in commercial products
but I don't like it personally
@JerryCoffin Indeed.
You know what the world needs? A proper Back To The Future game.
I could steal the robot's Unicode string class :P
@Ell It's a Singletonfest.
WxWdigets doesn't seem that bad... in theory... but I couldn't get a simple sample to compile
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd like to meet you, but I guess this weekend is bad timing, since I travel to Oberhausen on Monday morning (I wake up at 4am) and I want to learn a bit more for the "political" questions (aka study the Company's background). When are you going to leave again (if ever)? :)
Ah, dd if=/dev/zeroing over a Vista partition feels sooooo good :)
then there's the "You must do everything with me" Qt, and stuff
maybe I should just drop Unicode support :P
@DeadMG I tried WxWidgets for a couple of weeks, and it worked okay-ish.
honestly, I don't need a super-duper UI lib
all it has to be is basically object-orientated and plays nice with DirectX and Unicode
What kind of UI do you need anyways?
@Xeo heh
@Xeo Simple text controls, the odd button and slider- nothing more.
Why bother with a UI lib at all and not simply paint that stuff yourself? If you need windows, listboxes, etc, ok, but for just this much?
mostly because if I want to have a Unicode textbox, it involves a whole bunch of font and glyph hit testing and stuff
@DeadMG Have you messed around with SFML or FLTK?
erm, wait. "glyph hit testing"?
@DeadMG Have you looked at fltk? It's at least fairly small and lightweight. It does its drawing via OpenGL, but doesn't require that you deal with OpenGL at all (and does support your doing drawing via DirectX).
@Xeo How else are you gonna, say, move the cursor when the user clicks on the text?
Oh, you want to support that. :/
unsigned int data[150]; //Should be enough
@JerryCoffin I didn't realize that really existed, rather than just being a toy Bjarne dreamt up.
But wouldn't that still just require the glyph BB and a check against that
@jornak SFML is worse than Qt. If you want to use SFML everything is SFML.
You can use SFML and Qt in combination fairly easily iirc
It's more about DirectX and SFML/Qt/any other lib
@Xeo Maybe. The Windows DirectWrite library does provide such hit testing anyway.
@DeadMG Yeah, it really exists. I've used it a bit. Biggest shortcoming (at least at that time) was that it didn't try to look or work like native GUI at all, unless your idea of native happened (apparently) to be something like OpenLook. Works all right, but especially on Windows, looks pretty foreign to most users.
Ew, FLTK does have some ugly naming.
fairly light tool kit?
what most surprises me is that, I mean, a UI library for a game is hardly a unique use case for me, I'd have thought it was more adequately addressed
maybe most developers just roll their own in-house
or maybe I should just not bother with Unicode :P
@DeadMG Probably, since they use their own graphics engine too
as do I, although calling it an "engine" would be kinda like comparing a single MOSFET to an i7
hmm anyone here knows anything bout slideception in powerpoint? :$
(slide in slide)
don't think it's possible? what for anyway? maybe there is an alternative?
I want to have a background video which plays all the time on all slides :P
there are extensions but I don't want to pay 150 bucks
for something i'm gonna use once in a year XD
wxwidgets ships VC6 project files and contains notes about compatibility with VC5
powerbullet doesn't seem to support videos..

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