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posted on January 12, 2022 by Scott Meyers

This is part 2 of my series on metadata for scanned pictures. The series starts here.   Image metadata is a field that loves abbreviations. A good entry point is the names of the three most important standards: Exif (often written EXIF) was developed by camera manufacturers. It primarily addresses low-level information about a digital picture, such as the make and model of the camera use

8 hours later…
I am getting increasingly agitated hearing another 'meta' related word.
A herd of software engineers/computer scientists/entrepreneurs are so innovative. Such oxymoron ...
NASA needs to work on their communication technologies, because a short clip of high resolution videos from the outer space would be so interesting ^_^
I did say outer space, because it's not a space race when you can not even get to the moon.
I am just agitated recently for no apparent reasons.
3 hours later…
@nwp Indeed. Celebrate the shallow victories!
@Nils Looks awesome. restrict FTW, nice model railway setup and shame about the "simple C99" dig :)
@Test You deleted the other question, you were *this* close to getting the solution you wanted. I posted it chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/240991/rotating-boost-polygon with an explanation. Please undelete the post so other people can benefit from that too? — sehe 21 secs ago
Sigh. Social norms. Spend considerable time to help someone and then they take their ball and delete the question. Why.
Can't admit you needed someone else's help. That would show weakness.
Looking at his profile that's not their problem I think. It's just selfish frustration and not having the stamina to wait for enlightenment
It could also be that after changing some stuff he no longer need the solution, so he deleted the question so people don't waste their time on it. He couldn't have known you were working on it.
Fucking pronouns
Just remove them from the language. Deprecated this year, removed next year.
@nwp It, using it!! It would all alright ~_~
Person *it;
It's a person iterator.
struct Women{} women; Not only did I objectify women, I also refused them privacy.
Why? Do you only hang out with empty, no classic women?
At least my women will be trivially constructible.
They are also trivial?
@sehe thx :)
> shame about the "simple C99" dig
Well I agree with the micro decisions those can drive me crazy.
Anyone :) It's a balancing act. Almost like life.
I maintain the biggest source of friction in C++ is its "C compatibility" heritage
Both sides of the same coin
@nwp Also, the whole pronoun thing on stackoverflow (meta?) isn't for women. Just that you know (which apparently you don't).
@TelKitty It was independent of the SO drama. I just started with "they", then saw that sehe used "he", then spent way too many edits to change the "they"s into "he"s. That should not be necessary. Just use the same word for everyone.
@sehe For me it's the relevance of performance. It feels like everyone spends most of their time microoptimizing whereas I don't care about performance at all. It's simply not relevant, and when it is it's because someone put a 1 second sleep into a loop or uses timeouts.
It's not that common that people recommend to write i >> 1 instead of i / 2 "because division is slow", but most C++ programmers' brains seem to revolve around such tricks.
@nwp I think the absolute opposite. The whole point of C++ is so that you can write your intent, in expressive ways, and the compiler may emit the optimal form of it.
I use C++ for its expressiveness too, but that seems to be the minority of people.
The "i >> 1 instead of i / 2" correlates very very strongly with the "gamedev" crowd that actually writes "C/C++" (ugh). They just don't understand the value of the higher level paradigms IMO
@nwp Just look at the C++ communities here, includec++, cppslack: times have changed. If someone comes with those dated attitudes they will quickly be informed to learn modern c++.
How long have you been in the field? Perhaps you're letting your vision be coloured by veterans who didn't keep up.
I guess it hasn't reached the Discord C++ communities yet.
Oh. I wouldn't dare look there (though Discord Lounge<C++> is undoubtedly a good counter example)
Discord seems truly the Facebook of community chats, and the HackerNews of news fora.
@sehe Nah, it's mostly beginners who do that, but the experienced people seem to agree. I talked to someone who could not at all understand why anyone would write C++ if performance wasn't a concern. Also "You write C++, so you must at least somewhat care about performance" is common and commonly unchallenged.
Eh. Yeah. There's a spectrum to that too. In literally all the jobs I've taken in the last decade I've recommended moving away from C++ for a large part of the codebase.
It's not that you can't use C++ for "normal projects", but in practice it turns out to be a productivity drag and a hiring bottleneck
I trust myself to use C++ for everything.
I guess that's true in general, but not for me. Even if C# or whatever was easier, the learning overhead would make that not a good deal.
For a C++ programmer the learning overhead of C# is non-existent. I say that as an experienced pro in both.
TypeScript is the only other language I really like and whatever slowness that implies, I have never noticed.
The real cinch is in deployment/configuration management (as with everything). However, the "devops" revolution and .NET Core have significantly helped managing that (creating other social problems in corporate culture, but hey)
@nwp No computer language can be truly slow. That's because computers are millions times faster at basic tasks than humans. However, like Python, you always stand on the shoulders of native libraries for anything beyond the code you write in TypeScript (e.g. rendering media, networking etc)
And that is, in my opinion, how things should be.
The compiler that ANTLR generated in TypeScript is plenty fast 🤷‍♀️
ANTLR generates compilers now? w(°o°)w
Fine, compiler frontend. Parser. In my case the rest of the compiler is trivial.
Like I said, the difference comes only at scale. When you compile C++ for example. Or when you do neural nets classifiers in real time
@nwp That. And 99% of the worlds code is - and should be - like that.
Surely there are applications that need all the performance they can get, such as whether forecasts that can always divide their "air blocks" to become more accurate. But people write text adventures and worry that they may or may not unnecessarily allocate an extra std::string.
for 99% of what I do I could do in python
I use C++ because I like it and I'm an idiot
Aren't you the one who tends to say "Check if it can't be done faster on the GPU"?
hell it would probably be faster in python
@nwp python has libraries for that
@nwp My point is: all applications do. Just always at specific points (you wouldn't want e.g. all your crypto implemented at the TypeScript level). The balance.
Well, I just never encountered a situation where I had to optimize code. Maybe that's just a consequence of using C++, but still.
> But people write text adventures and worry that they may or may not unnecessarily allocate an extra std::string.)
Yeah that's the problem. People don't know when to. However, fostering good habits (e.g. taking std::string_view when you can) is helpful. Because things can grow, and that naive text processing function might turn out to become a bottleneck (e.g. in your transport layer or the logging code etc.
@nwp It's the prevention paradox. If you know what to look for, you can write good code everywhere. I wrote excellent code in VB6 once. And I wrote very performant code in C#. It's just a mindset that keeps you from doing the wrong thing.
I agree that merely /learning/ C++ can help one get that mindset.
@sehe and here I am swapping out DX12 for DX11 because MS says "Hey... if you don't need DX12 features for your app using D2D, please just use DX11"
TBF it cut the memory usage from 512MB to about 47MB
4 hours later…
@sehe uint8 + uint8 => uint32/uint64 :-/
@nwp circlejerk material
@Mikhail No doubt making a point. But I can only hear the whoosh over my head.
3 hours later…
Why are people renaming their master branch to main?
presumably because it doesn't really matter much and some people have some aversion to the term "master".
2 hours later…
@Nils In particular, African Americans are reminded that their ancestors were slaves. I think it's dumb, divisive, distracting, and counter productive to actually addressing racism in the USA.

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