@Mikhail That is very similar to ECSs, but those are probably all bad and definitely hand-rolled.
> boost-1.66.0-vs15\files\boost/asio/io_context.hpp(857): fatal error C1001: Internal compiler error. (compiler file 'd:\a01\_work\6\s\src\vctools\Compiler\CxxFE\sl\p1\c\PackExpander.cpp', line 2503) To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
MSVC is telling me that get(const std::string &) and get(std::initializer_list<string>) are ambiguous, but I can't reproduce it on godbolt. I should just have stayed in bed.
I'll give you 20 bucks if you write conan recipe for skia that works on mac,ios,wasm/emscripten,linux and windows, each with enable gpu acceleration :P
it is mostly composition, but you keep all components of type A in one place, of type B in another place. Also, you usually get some tools like "give me all entities that have components A and C, but not B"
Why bother write some small piece of script yourself in 2 hours? When you can instead search some random thing online that does about the same thing, start tinkering with it without doing a sanity check. Then waste 6 hours debugging your changes, after which you realize it did some wacky stuff and the error was in their script