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I have this app with 1 star rating from 1 user whom I suspect it's one of my online enemies. This prompt me into thinking: how do I capitalise on my online enemies? Surely if I could sell them, I would have done that. But such work is not always so straight forward.
Anybody here having experience with os development?
a little whats the question?
Implementing a non echo read using bios interrupt
Idk why i don't even set it to teletype mode just using 0x16 to get input and storing in a variable but it gets printed for no reason
uh seem like got it nvm
2 hours later…
@JerryCoffin She's had some absolutely terrible takes though haha
4 hours later…
@JerryCoffin Morwenn is right, before engaging in a crush with any celebrity you must first know their name, height, date of birth, their best friend's favorite color, social security number, coffee or tea drinker, thoughts on Java vs Kotlin, how many siblings they have, what is their bedtime, what town did they grow up in, who was their 6th-grade bully (then hunt them down ~joking~), if the thoughts you have about them is a Freudian thing ~mmm~, and most importantly are about their terrible takes.
@CupOfJava Let's see. She's French, so I'm pretty sure social security number wouldn't apply. This must have been around the late 1970's, so probably Java (skinny French woman--probably drank coffee). Don't know of anything that existed at the time named Kotlin, anyway.
I did know her name, and probably height. Pictures showed her well enough I probably could have guessed her weight pretty reasonably. But I'm still not quite sure what "terrible takes" really even means.
> ces autochtones ayant gardé leurs gènes de sauvages encore imprégnés des coutumes ancestrales, des traditions barbares qui sont leur souche
Speaking of people of La Réunion
Roughly translates to: "those locals have kept their savage genes, still impregnated by ancestral customs, barbaric traditions that are their roots"
Called them degenerates too
And cannibals
for good measure
@Morwenn See, if she'd just been about my age, and met me at the time (~40 years ago) she would be a better person who'd never have said such things, and the world would be a better place. :-)
2 hours later…
Brigitte Coffin
@JerryCoffin Was she French, or a CIA agent ~mmmmm~. I'm don't feel like going point by point XP
I will say that I'm glad I looked up kotlin before 1970 because I found some cool articles on 'soviet kotlin class destroyers' that I think I'm going to read.

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