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1:45 AM
2 hours later…
3:49 AM
Good evening Loungers
4:37 AM
Hows it going?
Oh, pretty fair. How are you doing?
4:56 AM
I can't complain, things are going pretty well
I'm learning scrapy right now. It's actually pretty easy compared to how I used to crawl webpages
5:45 AM
@CupOfJava sorry, had to make a quick trip to the store. I've heard of scrapy, but never used it, so I can't really comment on it.
6:32 AM
6:45 AM
@Mikhail I can remember a world without YAML. It had some good points, but it wasn't exactly paradise.
Your outlook on life is tainted by the sewage treatment language you wrote in your salad years.
@Mikhail Probably.
7:18 AM
@Mikhail Is it bad if I spent time looking for something horrible happening in the background of that image
not really, the only real horrible thing is yaml
7:35 AM
@CupOfJava The animals are taxidermies.
7:54 AM
That's pretty dark. Now I can't unsee the fact that none of the animals look like they're interacting with their surroundings.
8:30 AM
I rescued a turtle on the driveway today.
Telkitty- rescuing the turtles on the roads/driveways since 2019.
To be fair, I’m the only one who drives on that driveway nowadays so I rescued a turtle from myself.
9:32 AM
@traducerad You don't have to be famous to be severely spammed, you just have to have a very public contact method ...
9 hours later…
6:55 PM
I wonder if there is a static analyzer that can inform on passing small, register sized arguments, for example.
`chungus(const unsigned char& small);`
`chungus(const unsigned char small);`
Not sure, but cppcheck might do that.
In some dystopian future std::popcount provides logging support for std::queue
7:57 PM

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