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Do any of you visit /r/learnprogramming
Okay. I'm trying to figure out who this guy is that helps with C++. I have him tagged as "retard"
We're not learning programming
@Rapptz Ask him?
Don't get me wrong. I like UDLs, and I have a set of them for std::strings and for std::chrono::durations, but I'm not happy that they're not #1 templatable, #2 composable. It's as if they were pushed into the standard in a hurry.
@sehe I'm learning programming :P
Learning a programings, FTFY
Never used UDL's
@StackedCrooked are you bored?
@StackedCrooked Oh god... someone's a little bored.
Tried to. Compiler didn't like the notion too good
Just a little.
@Rapptz Save my time, tell me who that guy is so I don’t have to find out myself
@TonyTheLion That's just a screenshot. He just fucked up a command line
@KonradRudolph What guy? You have something tagged, I'm sure that is something I can't see
> I've never understood how anyone remotely interested in programming cannot think of many projects they would like to implement, let alone one.
@Rapptz I globally search that place for the word retard. Didn't match. Who do yo mean?
I'm going to see The Expendables 2 tonight.
Oh, tags are only for my eyes. I meant /u/zabzonk
If I were a pointer I'd rather be a unique pointer than a shared one.
@sehe Well, but I can read his contributions
@KonradRudolph Whose contributions?
the troll’s
It's funny. Now that I know how to program there are way too many things I want to implement.
Ah. Obviously. Highly recognizable by the helpful tag 'retard' invisibly placed there by our friend @Rapptz
you’ve lost me
@Rapptz Retard, it that a French name like Gerard?
@sehe He linked to a comment by zabzonk.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's the opposite for me. I don't know anything to implement really. I get demotivated because someone would have probably done it better and before me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Aha. Subtle highlighting hint. Misssed it.
@Rapptz Write a neat interface for Boost.Asio based on packaged_tasks or some variation of them (so I don't have to).
8 mins ago, by Rapptz
Okay. I'm trying to figure out who this guy is that helps with C++. I have him tagged as "retard"
Invalid argument list. WTF
UDLs have a fixed set of allowed signatures.
and int as argument is not one of them?
@Rapptz Well, he does give some good beginner advice. Now, I can't speak about any more advanced stuff, though
const char*
unsigned long long int
long double
const char*, std::size_t
const wchar_t*, std::size_t
const char16_t*, std::size_t
const char32_t*, std::size_t
@TonyTheLion Because there's no reason to overload on "compiler-sized" integers.
There's unsigned long long for integers of any size, and long double for floats of any size.
And there's the templated form template <char...> int operator "" _blah(), that takes the numbers a variadic pack of chars (1000_blah would be operator"" _blah<'1','0','0','0'>(), for example).
well, this example that i found on Stack Overflow doesn't even compile
@TonyTheLion Due to -pedantic, there maybe UB there, I didn't read all of it
@TonyTheLion Could be based on old drafts.
LWS is really a bit restrictive. I don't remember but doesn't it use -pedantic and -Werror? Something like that
Also, binary literals suck.
I know a way that they don't really suck, but I'm not spilling the beans because I don't want to be the one justifying them :P
I was just seeing how UDL's work
I'm not going to use them any time soon I think
@TonyTheLion Syntax error, needs parentheses.
Well, bitset cannot be returned from a constexpr function, I think.
Oh, and there's a compound literal.
Oh right, but then it's another kind of syntax error. Needs alias.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It was the Accepted Answer
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think it's intended as a cast.
> error: taking address of temporary array
I don't know what to make of that tbh.
for an accepted answer, seems pretty terrible then
> error: functional cast to array type 'alias<char []> {aka char []}'
Oh, look, it even contains an argument for my crusade against binary literals.
When trying alias<char[]>("Hullo").
auto bits = 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101_bits;
Who the heck finds that nice?
some douchebag
I'm guessing 4.7.1 has some issues with temporary arrays then.
Seriously, this manga can be pretty depressing at times
@R.MartinhoFernandes That funny because it looks like a "hek" in Dutch. And you said "heck".
we don't care about your manga, we're talking UDL's :P
hek in Dutch means Fence
Fixed. I'm the GCC whisperer.
@TonyTheLion What!?
@LucDanton Hehe. Ugh.
The Wizard of GCC.
@StackedCrooked lol
@LucDanton oh, I don't even...
you guys understand C++ way too deep
It means he has a strong intuition about how GCC works. I think.
what does alias<char[]> actually do?
Maybe he just literally whispers at his computer.
T = char[] results in T being what?
@StackedCrooked well, I generally scream at mine
especially when it goes full retard
I generally am producing convoluted code frantically.
@TonyTheLion Well, you know how T { foo } constructs a T out of foo? E.g. something as simple as int { 42 } results in an int.
Well, you can't easily do that with arrays. char[] { foo } is wrong the same way that char[] f; is: the [] need to appear at the end. And the language doesn't provide for char { foo } [] (thankfully).
@TonyTheLion It's only needed because C++ grammar says no to int[]{1,2,3}
Why is rand() so bad at random numbers.
So I need a little workaround when it comes to arrays.
@Rapptz To make it predictable.
@LucDanton so it would result in char* no? cause char[] decays to char*
@TonyTheLion No.
It's the same as doing char f[] = initializer;, save for that fact that the result is an unnamed temporary. So there is actually a size to that array, which is deduced from the initializer.
ah I see
Are you sure? :P
@LucDanton Are you looking? It is in one of the robot's blog posts (Alias<> trait)
Yeah, get your act together man.
Btw, I'm accepting suggestions of what to write about next whistles
@sehe Err, he used that. He was just saying why it was needed.
@StackedCrooked closed as off-topic
@StackedCrooked Well, I guess I can use pony instead of foo next time I need a meaningless example.
I thought everyone liked ponies.
Ponies are awesome :)
just like cats
and Lions :)
You can start saying "shared pony" and "unique pony" only to spite Sutter.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm sure that I could think of something for you to write about, there's plenty I haven't found a decent explanation for.
@sehe Looking where?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Better result_of + invoke?
@Xeo ok
ownership semantics? @R.MartinhoFernandes
@LucDanton Oh, yeah, is_callable floated around my mind the other day.
@LucDanton You had it, of course. I hadn't checked the backlog
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have lived under a rock it seems :/ Never seen that

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