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1:13 AM
Took awhile... but finally built my own reference to most system-defined Windows API events.

Yes I know these exist:

- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/about-messages-and-message-queues#system-defined-messages
- https://wiki.winehq.org/List_Of_Windows_Messages
8 hours later…
8:53 AM
I wonder, whether there is any correlation between prolonged low oil/gas price (low demand) and lower global temperature?
1 hour later…
10:17 AM
1 hour later…
11:28 AM
1 hour later…
12:52 PM
Seeing these:


I feel that the Windows API is a mess
1:32 PM
@Lapys The politically correct term for "mess" is "legacy".
1:50 PM
"organically grown" is also acceptable
1 hour later…
2:57 PM
The last message was posted 3 centuries ago.
@TelKitty They look like asteroids.
3:41 PM
A post was mis-tagged . I tried to correct it
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
8:20 PM
@Mikhail What aspect of it precisely do you consider as being garbage?
@Mikhail Epoll has only 1 issue AFAIK, ie the fact that epoll_wait returns when an event occured on an fd and that you afterwards still need to figure out on which fd the event occured. epoll_wait should ideally return the fd, so you don't have to search
But besides that I don't know what issue you re having with epoll
@Mgetz I think you typically have multiple threads in the kernel for a driver for instance. Here is a very generic approach which I believe to be widespread: WHen a hardware interrupt occurs, data is copied to a common buffer and a semaphore is incremented. Now that that semaphore has been incremented kernel thread 2 gets unblocked and reads the data in that buffer and it can be obtained in userspace via a syscall.
The fact that upon IRQ data got copied and so on, is I believe asynchronous by definition.
so Linux is asynchronous right there
8:28 PM
Since when does the Linux prohibit DMA usage?
@Mikhail static code analysis does have quite some limitations
@Mikhail static analysis vs. ecstatic analysis
@Mikhail Linus has worked on that since September 2018: lkml.org/lkml/2018/9/16/167
"I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to
understand people’s emotions"
8:38 PM
@Mikhail so apparently you PhD guys lack writing skills and do not explain the way you should be explaining:
I don't totally get his point of how to explain in the "valuable" and "persuasive" part. To me you re still explaining...
A pitty because those 2 minutes of his talk really sound interesting, but am not totally getting his point
8:55 PM
@traducerad What part did you not understand about the video? For me it is clear. Feel free to ask. How I understand this: It just matters, what has value to the ones, that decide what valuable is. E.g. there are interesting topics, but it matters if you can sell the idea like sell it to a company / market / public. In other words -> money rules.
Crosspost (from C++ Questions and Answers):

Hey, guys, I am new to C++. I know Java and PHP quite well and I have a basic understanding of C also. Now I wonder how hard it is to write a very simple compiler (sounds a little controversial). I guess it would make sense to write it in C++ or C. I know more or less how to do the tokens- and the grammar design. Do I have to write a Lexer and Parser from scratch really or what would you suggest? I don't think I am at the level to write it efficient enough.
Also, I would be interested in sources that show best practices for c++17 onward. I have found a lot of discussions about topics such as "explicit keyword" or whether or not to use "[[nodiscard]]" ... stuff like this is super confusing coming from Java. It is oftentimes controversial - some say "use it" others say don't. Should I implement these, or should I just focus more on the basics?

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