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Yeah, going full auto after a squirrel is probably not a good idea.
Especially with a weapon that might recoil in your face.
@CatPlusPlus Still, not a bad one.
The solution is of course to nuke it from the orbit.
@CaptainGiraffe I'm well aware that that's their primary function, I merely wished to point out that it's not their sole function.
@CatPlusPlus It's the only way to be sure.
@Chimera Even then, I don't understand why anyone would need guns. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian and therefore not constantly surrounded by fearful nutjobs with twitchy fingers.
Also, stop making me remember Prometheus. :(
@EtiennedeMartel A rhino in the living room? Is that where the idiom "crashing on my couch" comes from?
@EtiennedeMartel Sport, hunting...
@EtiennedeMartel What about bears?
@sbi No, that's about whales.
@Chimera How many people hunt or shoot at targets?
i looooooooove guns
@EtiennedeMartel A LOT in the US.
I wouldn't necessarily classify hunting as good thing.
Target shooting doesn't need deadly ammunition.
hunting and sport no way justify the human or economic cost of the damage those guns do to other humans.
@Chimera Last time I checked, it wasn't that much.
@DeadMG I understand you understand, but weapons are horrific in a really poor country.
@Steve Then you're in bad company here, as it seems.
thats too bad :(
And AFAIK, no automatic guns in sports, either.
@CaptainGiraffe Like the US?
@EtiennedeMartel THe majority of my friends visit shooting ranges on a reqular basis and do hunt.
No, no, the number one argument I see against any form of gun control law is that guns are necessary as a mean to defend oneself.
@CatPlusPlus We aren't talking about automatic guns here.
No? I'm pretty sure we were at some point.
@sbi well (3/4) powered to the eight but yes.
@CatPlusPlus Not anymore.
@CatPlusPlus Actually, that was me.
Well, okay. No live ammo in sports needed.
@Steve Careful with that, many people here are anti-War.
@Steve Steve I have hunted Bird twice.
I've hunted with my dad. Took five shots, killed four rabbits.
You can be pro-war with a straight face?
@R.MartinhoFernandes aimbot.
@EtiennedeMartel what did he say?
What the fuck.
@CatPlusPlus Those who don't risk their lives on a battlefield?
@EtiennedeMartel We want impressions and opinions
@CatPlusPlus Who said anything about being pro-war?
@rubenvb He fought in Iraq.
@SamDeHaan When the bird season came, I took about twenty shots, hit none.
@EtiennedeMartel oh. I thought there was more.
@Chimera Good grief, try to keep up.
@R.MartinhoFernandes low quality aimbot.
2 mins ago, by Steve
i've only hunted deer twice unfortunately :( but i hunted human a lot in iraq :) pew pew
@CatPlusPlus That doesn't say he is pro-war...
Keep up!
I pity everyone who fought in Iraq. Did they get their sewage infrastructure at the end or not? I forget.
@Chimera See my reply.
Hmm, I have posted more than 100k messages in this room.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Time to drink!
No, that says he likes to kill people, which only makes him a psychopath.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Congraturations!
But thanks for good advice.
Psychopaths are people too!
lol it does?
@CatPlusPlus Ummm, no it doesn't say that either.
@CatPlusPlus He didn't say that, but it's easy to assume so by looking at the smiley face.
exactly his point. Don't nag about friggin' details.
@Steve You made a huge sacrifice to go to the war. For which you have respect.
Welp, not from me, that's for sure.
thats okay, you don't have to respect me for that, i respect that decision
I have a nothing against the soldiers who fight. I don't have any respect for those who order the war, though.
@EtiennedeMartel You got me straight in the nads.
Especially in Iraq. That was hardly justifiable.
@CaptainGiraffe Well, well.
i dont think the war was right or wrong
I feel that anyone willing to die for something they believe in is something to be respected, even if you can't respect the act itself
in different aspects it was right, and in a lot it was wrong
@CaptainGiraffe You ordered the Iraq war?
@Steve how can you not have an opinion?
Call me a hippy, but the very fact that armies exist and soldiers are following those orders and wars are fought makes me uncomfortable to live in this world.
@CatPlusPlus I always knew you were a commie.
Commie Cat.
@rubenvb Can't he have a middle ground opinion?
@sbi I really hope my CS teaching did not do that
@CatPlusPlus Well then don't live in this world. Got a gun?
@rubenvb It's not all black or white.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sure, but I fail to see anything positive about Iraq.
@CatPlusPlus War is not unique to our times.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Here? Fuck no.
@CatPlusPlus There's a solution for that.
Pussy cats
@CatPlusPlus that's true, but humans have never existed without conflict, moreover, no species has ever existed without conflicts...
@StackedCrooked Didn't say it was. I'm questioning the need of it in supposedly modern world.
well, bush went there because the thought saddam could have given those terrorists weapons, that was a right decision. I've met iraqi's with scars all over their body from saddam torturing them, and they thanked me. That was a right decision, but at the same time we killed what? 100k civilians, destroyed their infastructure
@EtiennedeMartel Da, comrade.
@CatPlusPlus I can't think of anything more natural to evolution than death :/
I still remember the last Great Amoeba War.
so both good and bad came from the war, saying it was wrong, or good isn't looking at the whole thing
@Chimera Coercing to suicide on Internet? How original.
@Steve I still think oil was the main reason to start that war.
@cereallarceny No relationship has ever existed without conflict. That doesn't mean all spouses have to kill each other, though. There are diplomatic conflicts, too, you know?!
Dammit those green plinks.
@CatPlusPlus Nah, just offering up a solution to your dilemma. :-)
@CaptainGiraffe I don't think I'd say so, it certainly doesn't justify war or armies, but it is natural
it could have been the oil, we used to roll in there with tankers and steal it during the war without telling the iraqi's, that was a bad decision.... but history shows everytime there is a disturbance in the middle east an oil spike follows, followed by a depression
@EtiennedeMartel The war wasn't "started" it was continued...
so did that really help us? who knows
Without war there would be no computers!
@CatPlusPlus Why assume the right people would be you? You don't have what it takes to be an Evil Overlord.
@Chimera Ah, yes, forgot about that other one.
@Chimera That doesn't fix the problem in any shape or form, so your solution is shitty and invalid and you're really not funny and I might just flag a mod to take a look at you.
@sbi no, it just means that people argue in relationships, doesn't mean that all relationships end in murder :)
recession, not depression*
@Chimera Resumed :P
@Steve The guns the terrorists have came from the US.
@CatPlusPlus Go right ahead......
@R.MartinhoFernandes Huh?
I don't want to run the world, that's a lot of work. :<
so was the iraq war right? Nope. Was the iraq war wrong? nope. It had good that came from it and bad that came from it
@StackedCrooked Without war Turing would be a flaming happy gay guy..
@Steve Waitaminute. Bush said he went there because he thought Saddam could have those weapons. That's a difference, you know, and an important one, too.
@Drise Really, what the fuck.
@Steve What good came from Iraq?
@CatPlusPlus Not being serious. It's something I've heard before though, and I thought they were just as crazy.
@sbi And the previous administration and other countries also reported they believed Saddam had WMD's
@cereallarceny See. Conflict is not an excuse for murdering each other. So "people had have conflicts for ever" is not an excuse for wars.
i've had iraqi's that shook my hand thanking me because saddam tortured the shit out of them, even if we killed 100k, we also liberated a few million
@sbi yay, backup!
@sbi I'm not justifying war at all... I'm just saying conflict of any degree is natural
@sbi I'm on your side here :)
Wait, we're taking sides?
we took out a dictator, who murdered his own people, thats good
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: ITT humans are vicious bastards. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [fun] [nsfw]
@Chimera And many others said there's little evidence, and that excuse is thread-bare. And they turned out to have been right.
@Steve I'd shake your hand with pride. I won't shake Bushs hand though.
@Steve and left a bunch of rubble behind.
yep, we did
@sbi No, Saddam had plenty of time to move them around.
IMO the Iraq one is a bit undecidable
like i said, the war was bad too
Saddam was a vicious bastard who deserved everything he got.
My point is that Bush didn't make the decision in a vaccuu,
but the justification used by the West in terms of WMDs was not accurate.
there was a big scandal over here in the UK when it was suggested that the government overstated the case for WMDs, and again when none were discovered after the invasion
@Chimera Yeah, time he had. He hadn't had the things to move around in that time, though.
@sbi Nobody knows that.
@Steve a removed dictator never makes up for the casualties of war.
@Chimera Are you pulling my leg?
Everyone knows he moved the thingies around but forgot to move himself.
@sbi No, I believe it is entirely possible he moved them around.
saddam killed over 100k of his people, we killed under 100k, whats to say he wouldn't have killed another 500k by now if we kept him in power
@Chimera Moved them to where?
his government collapsed in an extremely short time.
I know for a fact that Saddam's WMD could never have been a threat for the US, nor Europe.
@DeadMG Sympathetic countries.
you dont know, i don't know -- its better that he's out though
the UN inspectors concluded after the invasion that there was no evidence he had any WMDs in Iraq for years.
@Steve That's the problem, you think you are the one that can decide to keep someone in power.
@Chimera And I said it's would have been possible, had he had anything to move around in the first place. But since it's now clear he didn't, it's also clear he wasn't able to use the opportunity to move the stuff around.
@Steve it's pure engineering and physics aka common sense.
@rubenvb if you see a guy raping a girl on the side of the road are you going to stop him?
Pretend there's a bad joke here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no.
Honestly, I think the whole Bush administration was a conspiracy. The whole 9/11, the whole Iraq war... Just my two cents.
TBH, I think the US is worse than Iraq, by a large margin.
I'm going to guess yes. But WHY? You aren't the police. The answer is because you're sticking up for the weak, you're doing whats right. Just because the US does the same thing doesn't make us the world police
at least Saddam was never a serious threat to anyone except his immediate neighbours and his own people.
@Drise Steel is stronger than ice. The Titanic was fake.
@Steve well, in the Iraq case (and I dare say Vietnam), it does make you the self-elected world police. The UN was opposed against an invasion of Iraq, remember?
> The best part might be that somewhere in the Google+ code is a little comment to future engineers about the redirect, noting “Don’t take this out, we’re fucking with The Oatmeal.” — techcrunch.com
@rubenvb I have to agree with this.
@rubenvb Then they went against there own rules and sanctions against Iraq.
I propose we abandon this trainwreck and change the subject to something nice.
Like Haskell.
So if you're with a bunch of friends while you see this girl getting raped, and they want to join in, and you help her. does that make you the police yet?
@CatPlusPlus You suck at this.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know. :( I'm bad at game of tanks, too.
Maybe we should use singletons as a way to bridge the topic.
right is right. wrong is wrong. it doesn't matter how many take the side of wrong.
Can we stop talking about rape?
And game of spaceships.
And pretty much all the other games, too.
@Steve What's definitely wrong is pushing your own views over everyone else.
@R.MartinhoFernandes In dutch rape ("rijp") means mature.
@StackedCrooked Can we stop talking about maturity?
@Steve "right" and "wrong" might be shared by most people, but there's some variance in cultures
@DeadMG That's funny coming from you Dead
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've honestly never heard that before. I don't know what to think about it, to fight for or against.
how am i pushing my views on everybody else? i said the iraq war was neither right nor wrong
well, OK, I'm not suggesting that you, personally, pushed your own views over everyone else.
oh, sorry misunderstood
what I am saying is that claiming that the Iraq war was some righteous crusade is quite analogous to doing such a thing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes But the ice was really cold you know.
i never suggested it was a righteous crusade, it was both wrong, and right, depending on which part of it you look at
@Chimera I never push views, I always push facts.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll have to take a look ta it later.
> If I had my druthers, I’d fap it out before going on any date. — @thefuckingword explaining the word "druthers"
@DeadMG Ah yes, silly me.
@Steve What's an endemic problem with the US isn't the Iraq war.
@Steve hence "righteous crusade" == "right wrong"
its american arrogance
it's the way that they pathologically ignore the wishes and laws and interests of other nations.
the problem of americans thinking everything we do is automatically right, no if's ands or buts
for example, the US won't give up control of ICANN and some other internet regulator bodies.
it's the fucking global Internet, the only suitable place for ICANN is the UN.
i don't know anything about that
i can't comment
unfortunately, I do.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, Maddox.
the more I read about US foreign policy, the more I'm inclined to agree with Al Qaeda instead of Washington.
not that I'd ever take up violent means
This guy is awesome, but if I meet him in real life, I would probably punch him instead of shaking his hand.
anyway, thanks for the chat :) even if i disagree with you, you have my respect
@EtiennedeMartel He would probably agree.
@Chimera bullcrap. Full out invasion is something entirely different than economic measures. The UN is not the world police, that's the point.
> As VS12 hit RTM, here is comparison of C++11 support for GCC4.7, Clang and VS12 http://bit.ly/OdHG07 #cppAlex Zakharenko
Going through the Twitter backlog, I see.
I got ReSharper 7! It's sooooo cool.
@rubenvb You need to acquaint yourself with the UN Resolution that provided the right to attack Iraq.
@EtiennedeMartel jelly
I also think the recent events in the Middle East (bombings of Libya) are doubtfully "right"
Libya is in the Middle East?
I thought it was near Italy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It took one week between the moment my boss said "okay" and the moment they sent me the license. Damn red tape.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I spend three days in the garden, and I dislike following links on my phone. So I favorite stuff I am interested in as a "read later" marker. I am going through those now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes, the middle east is from marocco to Pakistan
From Morocco to Chile.
the Middle East is south of Turkey and at best, including Egypt.
Ah, you'll never get the reference.
it certainly doesn't include other North African countries like Libya.
The Middle East ( Persianخاورمیانهor Mideast) is a region that encompasses Western Asia and all of or part of Northern Africa, depending on the context. The term is considered to be Eurocentric and used as a synonym for Near East, in opposition to Far East. The corresponding adjective is Middle-Eastern and the derived noun is Middle-Easterner. The largest ethnic group in the middle east are Arabs. The history of the Middle East dates back to ancient times, and throughout its history, the Middle East has been a major centre of world affairs. When discussing ancient history, however, ...
"all or part of North Africa"
Depending on whether you're wrong or right :P
Seriously, Morocco in the Middle East? Where's the Near East then?
@rubenvb And that's just Wikipedia. But it does seem that the term isn't used consistently.
Q: SQL Injection ethical hacking

sofloverThis is not a programming question but I have no idea why I did it. Yesterday, I was going through a tutorial about ethical hacking and found a tutorial about SQL injection. It says, find an admin login.asp site and enter as follows: Admin: Admin Password: ' or '1'='1 I really don't know what is...

@R.MartinhoFernandes never heard of the near east.
The Middle East is in the middle of the Near East and the Far East.
Duh :P
"Middle East" means for me the non-Oceania islamic countries + Israel.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lolz
well, IMO, you've got to be west of India and China, south of Russia, and East of, say, the Egyptian mainland.
@Chimera there is no UN resolution that gave any country the right to invade Iraq.
@rubenvb Do some research. You'll find it.
@Chimera None exists or indeed, ever existed.
That's a nasty tactic.
I'm not convinced of any legal means by which to say the war on Iraq was warranted.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not going to do other peoples research.
@Chimera You said it existed.
@Chimera The burden of proof is on you.
And told him to look for it.
That's not fair.
Heck, if 4 of the 193 member states send troops, wtf...
@rubenvb I thought it was significantly more than that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just to be an ass: yourlogicalfallacyis.com/the-fallacy-fallacy
but maybe that was Afghanistan.
@DeadMG I'm not interested in proving it. I'm just telling you all what I know to be fact. If you want to dispute it fine.
@Drise You make farting noises when you speak?
@DeadMG Afghanistan was/is a UN mission.
@Drise I never claimed he was wrong. I just claimed he should be the one finding it.
@EtiennedeMartel Only occasionally, when no one is watching.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know, why I stated to be an ass
@Chimera Then we're all going to feel free to completely dismiss your suggestion.
@Chimera lol. Childish.
wait... that was childish all in itself, wasn't it?
@DeadMG Then do so. I'm not here to start an argument. I'm stating my belief on a subject.
I don't need your agreement... or seek your approval.
@Chimera Oh, now you're stating your belief on a subject you know to be a fact.
You are confusing.
@rubenvb I believe what I spoke is indeed fact.
There would have to be a bool stored in thread local storage for each std::thread. boost::thread actually implements this. The boost implementation was done to demonstrate that it is possible to implement. Nevertheless there were strongly held opinions on the committee that it was not possible to implement. On boost it is called interrupt for historical reasons. cancel became such a dirty word that you could start an hour long argument by simply walking into a room crowded with C++ experts and saying "cancel" in a loud voice. :-) — Howard Hinnant 2 days ago
@Chimera you can't believe in facts.
@rubenvb Just stop with pedantic bullshit.
You know what the fuck I meant.
We're still in the C++ room right? I have the right, no the obligation to be pedantic. But ... meh.
To be fair: I'm just telling what I know to be fact. and I'm stating my belief on a subject. are two different things.
@Drise those two sentences are about the same statement.
@Chimera Pick which one you are telling us, fact, or belief.
@rubenvb Like I said, I'm not getting into an argument here.
@Drise FACT
@rubenvb That's what I was pointing out...
@Drise Ah, I thought it was @chimera responding. Sorry. Same dark levels in the avatar.
@rubenvb Square vs. Circle? Lol
@Drise yeah... it's late here, give me a break :P
@Chimera If you're not here to debate the topic, then what are you here for?
@Chimera Don't get all snippy with me sir. I normally have your back on most things, so choose your battles wisely.
@Drise I'm not getting snippy with you, sir.
@Chimera All caps tends to imply yelling.
@DeadMG I'm here because I'm a masochist.
@Drise Was merrily making my point clear.
Speaking of arrays, I'm going to sleep.
@Chimera Yelling just makes you look foolish and obnoxious. Don't yell to make points.
@Drise Oh just stop it already. I already told you I didn't mean to offend you.
@Chimera Fair enough. I do wish to say that you are indeed getting snippy, but I'll hold off. Ignore this.
@Drise Believe what you will. I was not being snippy with you.
But if you continue to call me a liar then I WILL become snippy with you.
@Chimera Never called you a liar implied that you were lying.
@Drise I say I'm not being snippy, and then you go and say I am. How else do you interpret that?
> Oh just stop it already.
That was what I was saying you were getting snippy about.
There's gotta be something wrong with me. I have 4 tabs open, all to the SO homepage.
This is exciting. You're arguing about who's being snippy. Man, someone pass the popcorn.
Quiet you kids! I swear to god, I'll pull this car over
@Chimera You're good. I'm also being a small troll. Do ignore me.
@LuchianGrigore Lol
@LuchianGrigore +1
Better yet, pull over the damn spaceship!
Spaceship beats car. Always
@LuchianGrigore Yeah that was pretty ridiculous huh?
@Chimera Hey, you can still delete your multiple expletives in all-caps

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