For machine learning there is something called TPU.
Also I have compulsive disorder, instead of getting paper work done (some of them are a couple of months overdue). I keep on insisting finishing this A.I. book first. My buddy told me it's a reference book. My compulsion made me reading the whole thing :'(
Me: This book is not well written, some sections I need to read twice to get what it means. One Buddy: Only twice? Another Buddy: It's a reference book, nobody reads it from start to the end.
@JerryCoffin Basically math operations only then? I have a program that does a lot of code scanning, parsing, serializing/deserializing etc. operations and I'm wondering if I can use attached GPU for help
@DemCodeLines Math (especially things dealing with, dense matrices) is certainly one of the most obvious applications, anyway.
As far as things like parsing, serializing and deserializing go, I suppose it could work out, but it's not immediately obvious (at least to me) that it's at all likely to. Those mostly tend to be fairly linear, and for a GPU to help, you need something you can do in parallel.
@JerryCoffin Does this paragraph/sentence make any legal sense?
> ENTITY may use this software commercially for technology reviews provided that ENTITY does not produce, manufacture, or otherwise holds economic interest in the product(s) and/or service(s) that are being reviewed.
@Mysticial Sounds like it's trying to say somebody can't publish a review of the software if they have a conflict of interest because they have a vested interest in what they're reviewing.
Calling it badly written is a pretty serious understatement though.
@TelKitty An FPGA is a basically a big collection of re-programmable logic gates, so you can program up digital circuitry of your choice (up to some limit on the total number of gates). Programmable logic generally only allows fairly slow clock speeds, so it's only good for cases where you can do massive amounts in parallel.
@ABuckau 8-9 years, given 5% interest rate if the operation runs smoothly. Land is not used in the calculation, only the panels, labour and various fees. But land is usually appreciating asset and generally going up in value given long enough time.
In 9 year, all the capital used in purchasing the equipment and labour for construction, plus various fees and permits, including interest accrued should be paid off. Although the calculation has a lot of variables, including electricity prices, company tax rates, insurance costs etc.
Solar farm is still on the schedule, but it will be smaller in scales - the land we are interested in is small (3-4 hectare), power line does not support very large current. But it's closer to Sydney and easy for management. I am not comfortable taking too much risks for the first solar farm project. There is always room for expansion if this one is successful.
So I gave my laptop a long overdue processor upgrade and it left me with a spare Intel Core Duo T2300E processor in perfectly working condition. So I am thinking maybe I can forgo the standard Intel (or nVidia) chipset and slap an FPGA to it and begin using this assembly like something on the lin...
I finally did it. I've been coding for years, and I used mutable in actual code. I had a setting that involved a lot of computation, and I realized I could "cache" the computation. But for aesthetic reasons I wanted void getSetting() const
fuck, I can just calculate the parameter in the constructor
part of the problem is that when you include something, you have to expend mental effort to figure out what the relative path is, which is a waste of time and drops mental context
another part of the problem is that it makes it hard to copy/paste includes
and another part of the problem is that if you move a file, you have to change all the includes as well as all the includes referencing it
and the includes referencing the file don't take a fixed format either so you cannot simply grep for them
broadly, changing the include path based on the path of the current file is just pointless, unnecessary, and makes everything more complicated for no benefit
@Puppy Another advantage of your suggested solution instead of my earlier one could be that if you do #include "header.h" instead of having a path based on the root of your project like you said, you don't know where is that file, if you want to open it
So there's this guy who for the past month has been running probably half a dozen VM instances on MS Azure in an attempt to sweep the records table (including Pi). But he doesn't know what he's doing. He keeps saying his computations are "stuck", and "not moving", or some unrelated errors. And then complains that it's costing him $7000/month.
@Mgetz So I finally told him that he doesn't know what he's doing and that all the records in the past 50 years have been done by people with either programming or IT experience.
That's probably true given that he can spin up an Azure instance. But the fact that he can't file a useful bug report other than, "it doesn't work", "it's stuck" is really telling.
@A.H. @Puppy For example if you were to define a template in file.hpp and then implement it in file.cpp one could do in the main file: #include "file.hpp" and #include "file.cpp"
you could do that, but it would be pointless since you're effectively defining it in the header but in a way that makes it harder for other people to figure things out
firstly, unity builds are very rare, so not including that case is having an opinion but a very, very small one
secondly, unity builds are usually done by advanced users, so they're more than capable of taking care of themselves, further decreasing the size of your opinion
it's not so much having an opinion as just supporting it not really being worth the time
if you wanted to support unity builds you could do
@Mgetz I can't disclose the details of this, but there is another (big) party involved that interested in pulling off a Google-like stunt to advertise their product. And the proposal that's going around (which I've seen) basically has resource requirement calculations for various potential targets.
The other thing is that because there are now multiple parties interested in using my program to generate publicity, I'm thinking it's probably time for me to drop the hammer and start charging them.
Yeah, there's no minimum bandwidth requirement. The program doesn't care what your bandwidth is. But it will obviously affect the speed of the computation.
It's actually kinda ironic to say it, but the program doesn't care about "performance". Regardless of how slow the hardware is, it'll still run. So it's not like a real-time network application that'll drop packets if the connection is too poor.
@Mysticial did you explain to the guy that would be subantially cheaper to build a single white box? You can set the record in three weeks with a 15k jbod style storage node.
@Mikhail The guy can't be helped. I also don't generally recommend custom building a machine to people who are using the cloud unless they show competence in actually building computers.
Because if you don't know what the hell you're doing in terms of building hardware, don't count on being able to build something to set a record that way.
You should reconsider. The guy could own a system for 2 months of compute time. Building a server isn't too hard, and knowing what your doing doesn't help when you have a problems. People that are pros rely on proven configurations and cargo cults to get their job done. It's pretty easy to build a jbod array.
The guy is basically a help vampire on SO. 1. Doesn't know what he's doing. 2. Doesn't know how to debug. 3. Can't explain things clearly. 4. Ignores advice. 5. Gets triggered when told what he doesn't want to hear.
At work j recent had the cloud vs no cloud discussion. Anyways the cloud is a rip off. Amazon gpu instances are $3 an hour. The break even point is about 400 hours. But after you break even you actually get to keep the hardware.
@Mikhail Break-even depends on a lot on whether you're thinking in terms of the cost of just the hardware, or a team of IT people to maintain it. Also depends (heavily) on opportunity cost (how much profit you could get from investing that money some other way).
@Mysticial I doubt it. Compare what you know of templates to what you did five years ago (just for one obvious example).
Yes. What Ive been noticing is that most people's break even points somehow don't inckude that you actually keep the hardware. So really the break even point comes much earlier.
@JerryCoffin I meant that I didn't figure out that the guy had 1 year of experience x 20 as opposed to 20 years of experience.
@Mikhail I wouldn't underestimate the maintenance part of it. For example, my hard drive towers - which I thought I've built pretty well get a lot of random dismounts. It's not often enough to disrupt my workflow, but it's enough to jeopardize something like a world-record Pi attempt if I were to run one on it.
And TBH, I don't know what the cause is. And therefore I don't know how to fix it.
IOW, I'm not sure I'd consider myself capable of building a custom machine to set a Pi record.
Throwing it on the cloud is an expensive solution to more-or-less not have to worry about hardware reliability. Though even that doesn't escape it because we had one in this 31.4t run.
Now if I had a lot more money, I could get multiple drive controllers, different types of HDs, different mobos, different SAS cables, etc... and then track down the problem from there. But these are additional costs not counted in the raw hardware cost of what you'd normally spec out for a computation.
Cloud services already do this. And once they find the right combination of shit that's reliable, they can then scale it up. And that's a big part of what you pay for on the cloud - the research aspect of getting a reliable combination of shit to work together.
So, I've been running a system for 3 years that has had "1 random" dismount, and I think that was become somebody accidental pulled the power plug. The alarm goes off when it "dismounts".
But really the argument to not use the cloud is about specifics. Its about calculating that at a 10x premium you're better off doing it yourself. Perhaps at a 2x premium we'd reconsider.
The real issue I've had is that sometimes builds completely fail. For example, I have 4 Norco JBOD builds (24 bays) and one of them keeps eating data, and I have no clue why. The rest have almost perfect uptime. If the cloud was a 2x premium I'd have little problem moving to the cloud, but at a 10x premium it makes sense to count one system as a total loss and move on.
According to my "math" you pay around a $2k premium for them to assemble it. The only thing I don't like is that they use software RAID so the performance isn't great.
Most of the people who don't know what the fuck they're doing just do some system or hardware RAID of JBOD, don't adjust any of the settings in the program to compensate, and run it.
IOW, they just leave the program's swap settings at default. (1 path with default buffer and default bytes/seek tuning)
But anybody who actually reads the documentation will either know to test the program's own RAID-layer or to at least ask about it.
@Mysticial So, you need to do what I did, where you contact them for a quote. In my case I offered to move my RAM so it didn't effect price. They also have a 10% education discount.
Yeah, so its pretty easy from a technical perspective to get massive performance. You do what we did for high-speed ballistics like cameras where you're connected to a SSD storage node. The real problem is $. I'd be somewhat interested in the cost effectiveness of the computation, although obviously Google doesn't want to talk about that.
@Mikhail This actual GCP computation was obviously not efficient. But it can be optimized down to under 100k without any changes to y-cruncher itself.
100k is still absurdly expensive though.
There's also going to be a price/time curve.
Since you're limited by the network anyway, you can go with a smaller compute node which will be cheaper. But the smaller node has less memory, so it requires more disk/network access - thus increasing the run-time.
1) its also not obvious how you'd optimize it to cost less. It would probably go slower. 2) So, that money is lost, but if you build a computer, you could ostensibly use the comptuer.
I'm not going to read the question, but basically there is a case where you typdef a reference and when you use it as a argument (aka void my_func(const my_typdef& item) the const does nothing. The compiler or static analysis tool will warning you the const does nothing useful. Personally, I've been coding for years and still can't produce a cogent statement as the origin of the problem. Because if you do my_func(const std::vector<int>& something), the static analysis tool doesn't warn you.
Underlying issue is that we want the actual data held by the vector<> to be const, rather than the internal structure of the container.
I have a byte array. How can i convert it to tapestry upload file.
private UploadedFile file;
void setupRender() {
String str = "PANKAJ";
byte[] byteArr = str.getBytes();
file = byteArr; ???
Life is sometimes fantastic. During the public/oral evaluation of the course most of it was 5* . During the confidential part I have 3 people accusing me of discriminating against them, reasons ranging from religion, sexual orientation to ethnicity.
@CaptainGiraffe I believe you're discriminating against me for being a deity, by not sending me virgins as I've repeatedly pointed out is the duty of any moral person!
I know my pointing that out probably doesn't make you feel any more comfortable--I apologize. Unfortunately, my pointing it out or not won't change facts.
@CaptainGiraffe Yeah--and their purpose is most likely to protect your employer, not you.
Well, if push comes to shove, I have about 1000 previous students of mine downtown, 50 of who are in a managerial position that would happily pay me twice my current salary.
Always nice to have a fallback, of course--but obviously preferable that you never have to use it. OTOH, as I recall, you've been teaching a long time. Maybe a change of pace would provide new challenges and some fun.