@TelKitty You're accusing me of sexism eh? You're the accuser, show us the evidence. It's one thing to claim real discrimination over a category such as gender, race, etc... But it's another to explicitly use it to play victim when no such discrimination exists. People who do that deserve no simply from me or anybody else.
@YvetteColomb You've met Telkitty right? Is she really this kind of a person in real life? Or is it just an "internet thing"?
2 hours later…
@Mysticial I know TelKitty very well in real life, she's highly intelligent and a good friend. I'd have to read back over the transcript to catch up with what's happening in here. In real life she's really likeable, online I think it's really hard. There's so much pressure online and things are misinterpreted. I'm being totally neutral at this point, as I really haven't caught up with this chat thread. I'll do it later if that's ok, I'm exhausted. So anything I say will not come out right.
To put it this way. @TelKitty knows my horses really well and brings them treats, she loves my dog and chickens. She's kind, she is direct (which I like) and has a great sense of humour. I reckon you'd like her if you met her. It would be hard not to. I think if a lot of us met we'd all get along so much better, as we'd understand how each other is talking a lot more.
@YvetteColomb The context goes back quite a few years. So you won't be able to pick it up from a day's worth of chats. So you'll need to ask the other moderators for her past history.
@Mysticial ok. I will. I'm extremely exhausted right now though. So can I pick this up tomorrow or Monday?
@YvetteColomb I'm not sure how much record keeping is done for things not directly tied to an account (such as an annotation or a suspension). But here's some more context: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/88646/3-12 https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/90084/2015/9/19
Oh no, I didn't get my free diversity apple conference ticket. I am so sad, what I am going to do with the $6000 I set aside for macbook iphone upgrade etc. I guess I just have to use it on the Canadian holiday instead.
Never assume the solar farm thing got no backing. A couple of million dollars might be a very small amount to some people. Also solid ties, more solid than colleague or normal friends.
I need to stop putting things into my bucket, I am busy as it is and that's when nothing is burning. If more than 1/3 of the things I am managing need urgent attention, I might be in trouble.
@Mysticial thanks, I will get back to you probably on Monday. I'm also discussing it with the other mods.
@TelKitty I didn't ask for your suspension this time. I want no part of whatever happens at this point. Yvette wanted some context, I gave her some pointers. That's it.
@YvetteColomb At this point, I don't really expect action to be needed. And I apologize for whatever affect this may have on your relationship with Telkitty. But there is a clear ongoing conflict that pops up on a regular basis. And all I can do is provide you the context for it.
The SBA states that only 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during the first 10.
This statistic sounds harsh, I wonder how it improves even with corporate backing ...
Oh gosh. I am wasting my time again.
I need to go for a jog and spend a few hours reading this A.I. book.
For some reasons, jogging makes me extremely happy again. It's weird. Also I suspect the occasional stayings in harsh environment breeds my arrogance - if you are not afraid of hiking & camping in the snowy wildness or take a 30km hike when it's steaming hot, you should not be afraid of any human imposed rules that's designed to benefit the few. After all, what's the most you could lose other than your own life?