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@sbi who was that comment directed to?
@refp *&x is the same as x in C99. Does that explain the mass illusion? :)
Who is editing all my questions?! Wait.
@RadekSlupik I think I've fixed all the spelling errors by now. (I have a hard time typing tonight. I suppose that's because it's so cold here, I am almost shaking.) It was, of course, directed at the guy who asked the question.
@Drise Strangers.
@Drise You can see that in the revision history.
"Account is not allowed to suggest edits". WTF?
@sbi Hmm okay. I thought for a moment it was directed to me because you talked about starring things.
Oh, BTW, @R.Martinho, I finished reading Snuff last night. A Vimes one. And a good one, IYAM.
19 hours ago, by FredOverflow
If anyone cares, I'm working on a second answer to "Can anyone please explain move semantics to me?". I guess I'm 80% done, and the answer is already 3 times as long as the first one :)
^ I made great progress today, I think I'm gonna post it tomorrow.
@RadekSlupik From my understanding, this could lead to spamming of reddit. This question does not sit right with me. – 8 mins ago declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it <--- Bullshit!
Also, when did the chat switch to requiring punctuation withing @adressing?
one little voice is (calling me, calling me)
@sbi There was a chat update earlier today...
@FredOverflow I have a few hours tonight to kill, wanna race? ;-)
@JimNorton Oh. What else changed? Is there some list somewhere?
@refp No, I have to go to bed soon. But feel free to post your own answer, I won't stop you :)
@sbi Good question, I don't know.
@FredOverflow pff..
It's already 10pm in Germany, and I haven't played Solitaire yet!
@sbi A changelog? Next you'll think things should be beta tested before public release...
@FredOverflow you haven't given me any feedback on the answer to your question "Implicitly treating returned lvalue as rvalue", was it good or bad?
@Drise Are you not allowed to edit anymore?
Steam sale needs to end quick
Before I'm broke
@JimNorton No, I'm not. Meta doesn't seem to have anything useful.
@refp I don't know; I'll have to check the standard. My gut still says that only return result; should work, but sometimes my gut is wrong.
@Drise Wow! Did you get an explanation or anything?
@sbi you meant binge, a glut of drinking, a bilge is used as in bilge pump, to pump out water from the bottom of a boat
@JimNorton The edit link is disabled, with the tooltip stating that.
@Drise Sorry to hear that...
@Drise is the question closed? reload the page
@Drise That's a lot of edits... I've been doing the same thing, yet I can still edit.
A: Do rejected suggested edits affect the users ability to make future suggested edits?

kiamlalunoWhen some edit suggestions are rejected, the user cannot suggest any further edits until a week has passed. You should not accept a suggestion just to allow the user to suggest more edits. If the edit doesn't contribute to make the question/answer clearer, then you should not accept it, or at le...

@JerryCoffin I have once asked "Why can't SO release updates the way other companies do it?", and it got closed by Jeff within mere minutes, because "Have you stopped beating your wife?"-questions will be closed. My comment elsewhere to him, that, if someone keeps beating their wife, this is a leggit question, was, of course, zapped, too.
@thecoshman Ah, thanks. I shoulda known that, really. Hangs head in shame. Makes a nice pun, though, doesn't it? Shows smug face.
@sbi Yeah, big surprise there!
@MooingDuck From my understanding of it now, I'm banned from edits for a week.
That is a legit edit.
@sbi For what it's worth, enough rejected edits will automatically suspend someone from making suggested edits for 7 days. — jadarnel27 Jun 26 at 18:28
@Drise so answer questions, and/or wait a week
@sbi You should drink to forget about that.
When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die
@Drise yeah, I dislike that "edit is too minor" reason. Lots of valid edits are minor. They should not have rejected.
@EtiennedeMartel Drinking is the only remedy against the shame that results from being a drunkard.
@MooingDuck Where can I protest this? Meta?
@sbi I'll drink to that.
@Drise I'm looking on meta
Q: Reject or aprove suggested edits for "removed clutter"?

ZuulThere have been many, many, many suggested edits with the sole purpose of removing expressions like: Thank you. Thanks in advance Thank you, Sean and so on, while many other aspects of the question are left without any intervention. I noticed in the past days that this type of suggested edit...

You'll probably get turned down.
@MooingDuck Yes. That policy prevents anyone without full editing power from fixing a typo.
I still think that's horse shit. Some approve, some don't. Yet Jeff even says he does this.
@Drise Equine excrements.
@Drise do you at least see the reasoning behind why they're rejecting?
@MooingDuck Yes and no. I see the "edit is minor", however, the rest of the post looked fine.
@Cheers, have you already heard that Jon lord died?
Jeff Atwood on April 07, 2009

Editing is the backbone of Stack Overflow, and probably (along with the reputation system) one of the single most important distinctions between Stack Overflow and “just another forum”.

What’s so special about editing? You might as well ask what’s so special about editing on Wikipedia? Uh… everything?

As it says in the FAQ:

Like Wikipedia, this site is collaboratively edited. If you are not comfortable with the idea of your questions and answers being edited by other trusted users, this may not be the site for you. …

deep purple i guess
So I guess just removing "thank you" with no other edits is considered in poor taste.
@Drise So that the "active" tab can see all edits, but won't get flooded by minor edits. IMO it needs to be split into "active" and "edits"
Even though salutations is not liked in questions.
the death i learned about most recently today was of Alexander Bartolich
The Big 8 Management Board is sad to report we have learned that B8MB
Chairman Alexander Bartolich died suddenly of a cardiac event at his
home in Austria last weekend.
> To be very specific, I would discourage editing a post solely to remove salutations like “hi” and “thanks”. That’s just adding an unnecessary edit on top of an unnecessary set of salutations. I completely agree that salutations add little to a question or answer, but if you’re going to take the time to go in and remove salutations, fix the whole post while you’re at it! If there’s nothing else to edit, then don’t bother.
Alexander donated a great deal of time and resources to Usenet and his
loss will affect many users and systems.  He operated Albasani.net,
providing free Usenet access to people around the world.  (Albasani.net
was number 59 last month in the Usenet Top1000.)  The Albasani.net news
server peers with a number of other servers in the Top1000.  Alex also
provided free hosting to many moderated newsgroups with his Huhu
moderation software and server.  In addition, Albasani operated one of
the moderation relays.
Me karma-whoring:
I do fix the post if there is anything left.
Because now you’re violating the grammar rules of C++. -> must be followed by an identifier, not an expression. That’s still the same as in mathematics. Otherwise you get joke equations like this one: i.imgur.com/JLPF2.jpgKonrad Rudolph 43 secs ago
it's a bit like for SO, if Jeff died
i guess
@Drise Same here.
@sbi Interestingly, my father just mentioned this sadly via chat (but I’d already read it before …). My father, who I’ve never heard listening to Deep Purple …
Q: Reject or aprove suggested edits for "removed clutter"?

ZuulThere have been many, many, many suggested edits with the sole purpose of removing expressions like: Thank you. Thanks in advance Thank you, Sean and so on, while many other aspects of the question are left without any intervention. I noticed in the past days that this type of suggested edit...

Hmm, in SO "review tasks", we have 74.8k Low Quality Posts, 57.9k Close Votes, and 0 Suggested Edits. Interesting
I'm tempted to go to Meta with this, but I feel I will be shit on even more.
that question was about me... I did a lot of "removed clutter" edits
@JimNorton I try to make it more specific, "Removed "thanks!" from the end of the post" etc
@Drise Well, those "thanks" etc have been called "clutter" on meta....
Like this one. This post is acceptable to my eyes, minus "Please aid!"
@JimNorton Indeed. Why do you think Alf changed his user name?
@sbi Who is Alf?
@Drise From what I've read, that edit should be allowed. But it appears to be confusion all around on this matter?
@JimNorton Alf P. Steinbach, whose user name here is: "Cheers and hth. - Alf"
@JimNorton The guy whose name is, you know, "Alf"? There's only two in this room who have that name, and only one of them has it in his user name.
@JimNorton confusion and debate.
Sometimes I end my questions with "You're welcome" just to throw people off — Ben Brocka yesterday
I think it's crazy on the one hand to say, "A question is best without Hi and thanks" but on the other hand dismiss edits that remove them
@JimNorton It's no about dismissing edits that remove them, but about dismissing edits that only remove them. If you have substantive edits to do too, you might as well remove those at the same time. If there's nothing else worth editing, it's better to leave it alone.
What's wrong with using thanks in posts?
Q: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

GEOCHETI edit a lot of posts every day. I often run across posts with 'Hi' and 'Thanks' on the top and the bottom of the post respectively. I also run across things like: --User Should these items be removed during the editing of the post by an editor?

@AgainstASicilian SO community has voted (many times) that we don't want that on the site
@AgainstASicilian This is a FAQ website, not a help website. As such, "thanks" does not make sense for the questions.
I've included "Thanks in advance" myself in all of my earlier questions, still seems kinda rude not to do it
@Prætorian You the same guy who plays online games, or a different praetorian?
@AgainstASicilian Xbox games, if that's what you mean
@AgainstASicilian praetorian is hardly an uncommon thing
@refp: You misinterpreted the part about the constexpr conditional operator
I figure as such
Praetor () was a title granted by the government of Ancient Rome to men acting in one of two official capacities: the commander of an army (in the field or, less often, before the army had been mustered); or, an elected magistratus (magistrate), assigned various duties (which varied at different periods in Rome's history). The functions of the magistracy, the praetura (praetorship), are described by the adjective: the praetoria potestas (praetorian power), the praetorium imperium (praetorian authority), and the praetorium ius (praetorian law), the legal precedents established by the praeti...
Are there people here who don't play online games, except perhaps the ape?
@RadekSlupik I am not an online game! (Also, I have played Diablo II online with some friends.)
@RadekSlupik I haven't in a while, but when I do it's steam something or other
ah curses, I downvoted enough stuff on meta that I can't downvote anymore. Stupi dmeta
@RadekSlupik I'd guess @JerryCoffin and @jalf, but I wouldn't know for sure.
Oh, and alf maybe
The... seasoned generation. :)
@RadekSlupik I do a bit once in a while, but it's fairly unusual.
Q: Editing posts that contain salutations

DriseThere are numerous posts on meta about editing questions with Thank you. Thanks in advance Thank you, Sean Please help me!! im such a noob sorry for takin ur time and many of them seem to conflict each other. In my opinion, these edits are not too minor, even if that is the only thing wrong...

I don't play many online games very much either, sometimes Minecraft.
I prefer software development over video games.
@Xeo What, now @jalf is listed among the older folks? You are quite rude, young man.
@RadekSlupik I was worried before that edit
@sbi I think I mixed something up there
@Drise Nice, let's see if the answers / comments aren't just a rehash of what's happened before.
@Collin what edit?
@Xeo I prefer a more polite term, like "old fart."
@JimNorton no it was a joke. You're ok ;-)
@Xeo Yeah, it seems so. Also, I think jalf is a gamer. I wouldn't know if he dislikes online games.
bad joke, thinking back.
@RadekSlupik Maybe I just read it wrong the first time, "sometimes Microsoft"
@rubenvb Lol ok,,,
@Collin I didn't even edit that message! There is no pencil in front of it.
@RadekSlupik so there isn't.. guess it's time to go home then
My day is apparently done
I need a hug tracker to count all the emos I'll meet next week's Saturday.
@rubenvb Even if I am the lone Conservative American here. :-)
<-- ducks head
don't force it :)
In Time is a good film
@DeadMG I enjoyed it greatly!
Anyways, I just had some reaaally good fried noodles with giant shrimps. 'twas delicious. Nom nom shrimps...
American PHP programmers are conversative.
A: Editing posts that contain salutations

Daniel Fischer In my opinion, these edits are not too minor, even if that is the only thing wrong with the post. They are not too minor particularly if that's the only thing wrong with the post. If you fix all there is to fix in a post, that pretty much by definition is not too minor. If there's more wro...

@JimNorton Yeah, there always seem to be so few of them among intelligent people. Makes you wonder, you know.
A: Too minor edit reason can sometimes be a little contradictory

kiamlalunoSuggested edits that fix just a small part of what should be fixed are sometimes rejected. The reason is that, if you are going to edit a post, you should edit as much as you can to make the post more understandable, without changing its meaning. Imagine the situation we would have, if the same p...

Oh gods, I miscalculated volume of pasta vs volume of plate and half of it ended up on the table.
I'm so terrible at this.
@sbi Makes me wonder..
@CatPlusPlus Practice. All you need is practice. Do this for a decade, and it will all be fine.
@JimNorton I was afraid you'd say this.
I've prepared meat and it's not poisonous, so I consider this operation a success anyway.
@sbi Are you calling me stupid or something? :-)
@JimNorton Me? Why do you ask that? Wasn't it you who said you're a Conservative?
@sbi Thanks for the answer. I don't consider ( Conservative == STUPID ) == TRUE
But of course liberals might.
That's a stupid expression.
Don't compare to true dammit.
@CatPlusPlus You know, everyone was trying to swallow that, and you must go and blurt it out!
@JimNorton Nor do I, but I have yet to meet a conservative person who could back up their views with rational thought.
@CatPlusPlus It's not meant to be code. Why the fuck are you always on my ass? I can't recall the last time you said anything nice to me.
at least, the limited number of views that I ever discussed of them
Easy there, 'twas a joke.
@JimNorton Well, most of my philosophy comes from "the government shouldn't care", not conservative or liberal. Unfortunately, there is not one side that fits, so I typically choose conservative.
@JimNorton calm down, he's not nice to anyone, he's a cat on the internet
@CatPlusPlus But really, all you do is put me down in some way... I've noticed it.
@Drise Ah, so you're a Merkin, too, huh?
y'know, I wonder
@JimNorton Ah, "liberal". Such a weird word. In most places in the world, it generally refers to those center-right parties. In the US, it's "anything that's on the left of the conservatives".
@JimNorton he's just like that, don't take it personal
why is it that people are like "The government should do less!" and "The government should do more!"
@MooingDuck Ok, noted.
why don't people just say "The government should do what needs doing that neither individuals nor corporations can do"?
@MooingDuck He's nice to me. Or at least he is when I'm drunk.
@DeadMG Well the main reason is that we have a Constitution that is supposed to limit the power of the government.
@DeadMG It's a complicated issue that boils down to individual vs. societal safety nets and freedoms
I'm nice to everybody. :(
blah blah blah
“The government should do everything” is the stupid Dutch mentality. Still, best country in the world.
nobody who wrote the Constitution had the foggiest what our world is like.
and secondly, the people who authored it cannot defend their positions; thus appealing to it is an appeal to authority fallacy.
@DeadMG That's why the Constitution can be modified.
@CatPlusPlus You're a cat. You're only nice when you want food.
It's hard to modify, though.
@AgainstASicilian we modify it all the time
@EtiennedeMartel That would be "always" then, no?
@CatPlusPlus We're not "everybody", though.
@AgainstASicilian Probably as it should be. But my point is that instead of changing the Constitution our government prefers to not follow it.
@sbi I'm not drunk when I'm at work.
This is the complete list of the ratified and unratified amendments to the United States Constitution which received the approval of the United States Congress. Twenty-seven amendments have been ratified since the original signing of the Constitution, the first ten of which are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. The procedure for amending the United States Constitution is governed by Article V of the original text. There have been many other proposals for amendments to the United States Constitution introduced in Congress, but not submitted to the states. Before an amendment can ta...
@RadekSlupik Standard issue social democratic structure. I love it.
Nothing is hard to modify with enough power, i.e. money.
@MooingDuck We change minor things all the time, typically, yes
for example, you can't just rewrite the second amendment overnight
@EtiennedeMartel So you say.
Huge portions of that are still in place even though they were made with different societal context in mind
The heck? The 27th amendment took 203 years to go through. Maybe that's a little harder than I thought
@RadekSlupik Or with a big enough stick.
I guess I should say it's hard to make significant changes to the Constitution (just my opinion)
I think it's funny though how people throw back to the Founding Fathers as if they are somehow beacons of perfection/flawless planners/decision makers
Of course they are, "Founding Fathers" begins with capital letters.
I want to write a one-way function, but I suck at CS.
It sounds like Ubuntu edition.
@RadekSlupik How being bad at Counter Strike has anything to do with that?
@RadekSlupik Take an NP-complete problem.
@RadekSlupik bignum modulo a prime
@CatPlusPlus sorry, I'm not into pokemon
like, I dunno, generate a large list of random numbers which are very large, and spew out their sum.
@MooingDuck What.'
And the Constitution has to be important, it also starts with a capital letter!
@CatPlusPlus xkcd
@MooingDuck that's not a oneway function, since you cannot reverse the modulo operation.
@RadekSlupik I... thought that was the definition of a oneway function
One way function is something that can't be reversed
@sbi bwuh?
@RadekSlupik Are you on crack?
"In computer science, a one-way function is a function that is easy to compute on every input, but hard to invert given the image of a random input."
also @xeo
@jalf Don't ask me. I just noted it.
@jalf Hai?
@MooingDuck all one-way functions can be reversed, but reversing them is hard.
by "one way" I imply a many-to-one flow
someone said something about me being old and/or a gamer? Or something?
you can find x modulo n but finding the original x requires some number theory and (usually) several possibilities
@RadekSlupik several of the examples on the wiki page for one-way functions use modulo
@jalf Why don't you just follow back the references and read it yourself? If I were to repeat it to you, I'd have to do that, too.
@RadekSlupik en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… "The function f takes two positive integers x and N, where N is the product of two primes p and q, and outputs the remainder of x2 divided by N. " "The function f takes a prime number p and an integer x between 0 and p−1; and returns the remainder of 2x divided by p. "
@sbi indeed, how very dare you have the bare faced cheek to fail at a foreign language in a trivial way :P and yes, I suppose it does make a rather nice pun. Do we get some of prize for the slowest conversation in chat?
I did read a bit of it, but can't be bothered to read the entire discussion. So if it was important, let me know. :)
otherwise, I'll assume it wasn't
@MooingDuck what? The existence of one-way function proves that P != NP, so that problem is solved?
x^2 = q modulo p, say p is a prime of form 4k+3, then there are two solutions to x
@RadekSlupik no, they are only thought to be one-way.
“Following are several candidates for one-way functions (as of April 2009). Clearly, it is not known whether these functions are indeed one-way; but extensive research has so far failed to produce an efficient inverting algorithm for any of them.” :P
@RadekSlupik so they are exactly what he wanted then
is there a probabilistic answer for P = NP in terms of consensus or do people still take the sort of hard-agnostic approach to it
@AgainstASicilian say what now?
But they might not be one-way, because that's unknown.
Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.
@jalf Sbi feels that having his whipper snappers around is reason enough to not 'bilge' drink. He learnt the meaning of the word bilge and binge... I probably could of just kept that to my self...
e.g. "We don't/possibly cannot know, but odds are..."
@AgainstASicilian beats me if there's a consensus.
well, I'd better get some sleep
@thecoshman That's is not what @jalf was asking about.
@sbi you just don't want anyone drawing attention to your bilge drinking ;)
@sbi ah yes, I just looked back that one. Some one called some old, boring
Dang it, does anybody have an image of @FredO's old avatar flying around?
@Xeo Google's cache?
@Xeo ask Fred?
Hm, he linked us once to his companies website... gotta find that
Also why do you need it? :p
Because @thecoshman's avatar keeps irritating me because I'm mistaking it for @FredO's old one
The thumbnail looks so similar..
@Xeo would you prefer it
if I
in threes
or fours
@Xeo tough
@Xeo ah, glad I'm not the only one mixing them up
@Xeo is he french? A google search for FredOverflow profiles finds a gamer with several French sites
@FredO's German
it's super annoying. You guys should just pick a picture of an animal like all the rest of us
@thecoshman I don't think so. I do remember being laughed at here for answering, a day later, and with "no", someone's claim I'd be one who commonly answers questions a day later.
@Xeo Not a lot of differences if you ask me.
@jalf > all the rest of us
@Cicada you're a cicada, that's halfway
@sbi you are definitely the most determined to respond to any and all possible messages to you :P
@jalf Humans are animals. I pwn.
@MooingDuck how is that half way? and insect is a type of animal!
stupid ducks
@RadekSlupik What? No. Read the Bible, you fool.
@thecoshman have you seen her avatar?
and a pirate is definitely an animal, both literally and metaphorically
@Cicada I consider myself not being a fool by not reading the Bible.
Cicada is so strange :$
@jalf I got a frumpy cartoon dude.
@MooingDuck sadly, yes. your point?
@DomagojPandža She's like a quark.
@thecoshman > it's super annoying. You guys should just pick a picture of an animal like all the rest of us
@EtiennedeMartel that's close enough
@Cicada what? you fool. No Read the bible - FTFY
Humans are just animals, some of them having a higher IQ than the average non-human animal.
@EtiennedeMartel has a charmed twin?
@thecoshman I think it more foolish to dismiss it after not having read it, than to dismiss it after having read it
@RadekSlupik good enough :P
I broke 1k!
@DomagojPandža lolwut
@Drise don't downvote
You already lost the game by participating.
|theorized = Murray Gell-Mann (1964)George Zweig (1964) |discovered = 1968 |symbol = |mass = |decay_time = |decay_particle = Up quark |electric_charge = – e |color_charge = Yes |spin = |num_spin_states = |weak_isospin = |weak_hypercharge= }} The strange quark or s quark (from its symbol, s) is the third-lightest of all quarks, a type of elementary particle. Strange quarks are found in hadrons, which are subatomic particles. Example of hadrons containing strange quarks include kaons (), strange D mesons (), Sigma bary...
@Cicada As disappointing as it might seem to you, @jalf's statement isn't untrue just because you're not part of the rest of us.
@RadekSlupik No they're not. Clearly you must believe in evolution.
@MooingDuck I have 6 downvotes lol.
@CatPlusPlus Fuck you. I lost.
@sbi And I never claimed to be.
Also, "untrue", nice word.
@Cicada evolution is at least logical.
@MooingDuck It's animalic, isn't it?
I meant SO game, not the silly one.
@sbi I think the debate just shifted to if Christians believe humans are animals.
Again, assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups, and the existence of a god can only be assumed.
@CatPlusPlus I lost the game :(
@MooingDuck Who cares?
Good for you.
@RadekSlupik you can't get through life without assumptions, don't be naive
@MooingDuck What I want to know is, do they believe animals are humans?
oh lord!
dun dun dunnnnnn!
I enjoy using C++ lambdas so much more than C# because they don't pollute the heap. That and the cryptic syntax just makes it fun
@MooingDuck :P
those things must be awesomely tasty!
@thecoshman Jon?
Haha you sillies. Animals are animals and humans are humans. The end.
And humans are animals. Your statement doesn't exlude that.
@EtiennedeMartel but is it not paired with the charmed?
No. That's like saying tomatoes are fruits.
Which obviously, they aren't.
@Cicada and bananas are fish
Great example.
@thecoshman Maybe. Oh.
@Cicada humans are classified as animals because of their cell structure.
@RadekSlupik by atheists
Haha. Bullshit.
Athiests are dumb.
Well, humans are part of the kindgom Animalia.
@Cicada ¬_¬ I hope you are just trolling here...
It's about time you noticed, really.
well, some things are just too stupid to even be worth trolling about
@thecoshman Are you drunk?
@thecoshman she is
Pizza is a fruit.
@CatPlusPlus I thought it was a vegetable?
@sbi it's been a long time since I afforded the 'drunk' level
ah curses. My computer failed to connect to itself 50 consecutive times :/
@EtiennedeMartel No, that's silly.
Could not resolve host name localhost
Well that could actually happen.
@Cicada faultdesc=No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Your firewall sucks.
Or your DNS. Or both.
Reboot your start menu.
Don't reboot your cat.
posted on July 16, 2012 by vcblog

Part 2 of my third video lecture series (covering the C++ Core Language) is now available.  In this part, I took an hour to explore template argument deduction, including what "non-deduced contexts" are - and how they can be used to your advantage!  For reference, here are all of the links to my video lectures, plus my GoingNative 2012 presentation:   [STL Introduction] Part 1

Sleepy. Good night and may Our Lord Darwin be with you.
@MooingDuck a self loathing computer?
^ the webdesign and tone seems like something @DomagojPandža woudl enjoy
@CatPlusPlus my OZ cousin was over in England a few years ago. We were out front, whilst he had a smoke. As we stood there, a kitten came onto the little front patch of the town house, and he lured it over. When it came close enough, he grabbed it by the scruff of the neck, and flung it a good 20 meters down the quite side road the house was one. Needless to say, I was rather stunned by his reasoning, you just have to make sure they know where they can't risk taking a shit. Sweet dreams tonight
@Cicada our dark lord :P
@sehe I object to how they list books about non-existing languages such as “C/C++”. The website is written by a noob.
@thecoshman The cat is still taking revenge by walking across your keyboard when you wink a millisecond
@RadekSlupik ...
@RadekSlupik oh I see what you are getting at, and may I get equally pedantic about the fact you should have said 'that website', not 'the website'.
@thecoshman ?
@Cicada /etc/hosts should have an entry for localhost
@JimNorton redirect it to meatspin or something?
lol meatspin
(meatspin is not safe, do not google)
@MooingDuck yeah that would be wonderful indeed.
I'm at home. I will google. :-)
If you ever need a shock site, ask me. :P
@JimNorton what part of "do not google" was confusing to you?
If you keep watching it for a while it'll tell you you are gay.
@Xeo hmm, in what way?
@MooingDuck I should have heeded the warning.. My eyes are bleeding.
@Jim they aren't.
@JimNorton there's other shock sites if you want a list of things to avoid. tubgirl, goatse... (I havne't actually seen them, I learned ahead of time)
oh the famous goatse
I'm swinging, blue waffle, special fried rice, jarsquatter, 2g1c…
now to change the subject
Blue waffle is sooooo sick....
Bottle guy. :P
Okay, I'll stop.
@MooingDuck Tubgirl is a Photoshop. Google it.
@RadekSlupik I'll trust you on that

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