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Cyber crime created a billion dollar industry, cyber security created another billion dollar industry. Aren't humans really good at create real values?
2 hours later…
A.I. is a bit misleading, IMHO the name 'calculated desicion making' suits most of the so called 'A.I.' more.
Also talking about ethics of A.I. is like talking about the ethics of knives. Put it in the hands of wrong people, you will have problem. But 0s and 1s themselves do not evil and knives are handy tools if you know how to use them well.
A picture is worth a thousand words. In training ML model, the reverse is true - a thousand pictures are trained to match a word (tag), thus, a thousand pictures worth 1 word (tag). -Telkitty™
2 hours later…
Fuck, NVCC keeps ICE-ing
Fuck, I keep making one of my header files smaller and it starts compiling again
2 hours later…
Looking at my Travis builds after a few improvements, I'm not sure I can make them faster anymore
Most of the time when a full rebuild isn't needed is now spent into starting the VM
parallelize the builds
Already done
Conquered C++ run-time performance only to be defeated by compile times. RIP
Some builds take only 1min30 on Travis and 1min is the startup time of the VM, it's quite fast
Well, full builds are slower
And Valgrind builds take forever
And still I managed a few seconds off the VM setup too
Would it run faster if you did two tests for each vm startup :-)
other strategies include running really fast so that the build appears to be faster from your frame of reference
I don't like asthma
A more relevant criticism is that the change in the flow of time is only obtained in the direction of motion
@Morwenn complain to whoever created the vm that the startup time is too slow?
I could make the OSX builds faster by using a version of CMake so old that I don't have to perform brew update, but that's not something I'm willing to do
what about taking a snapshot of the vm in a ready-to-build state and boot straight to that?
and do a weekly update of that snapshot instead of update every build
I assume you have 150 tests, and 8 PEs, so you really don't more than 8 VMs? I don't see why you need a separate VM for each test.
I've got ~1400 assertions in there ~540 test cases
It's different VMs for different build configurations
I'm surprised by the amount of people who don't seem to realise that cmake --build is a thing
Terrible by association.
@Mikhail (picking up from few days ago) I have implemented a thread safe push function for a queue class, but now I'm trying to implement the assignment operator. I'm having issues because the mutex is deleted. I can guarantee that only a single thread at a time would be using the assignment operator so no race conditions are possible. What's the best way to overcome this issue?
Why would the mutex be deleted?
Either it's copy assignment in which case you lock and copy and unlock, or it's move assignment in which case you just steal the pointers and don't do anything with the mutexes.
mutex should not move along with the backend data structure. Instead the copy and move assign should lock mutex on both (using std::scoped_lock(this.mut, other.mut); to avoid deadlock) and then move the data.
@nwp how exactly do you copy a mutex? mut = rhs.mut;gives error "use of deleted function: std::mutex..."
@northerner you don't, you leave the mutex right where it is tied to the object itself, not the data
@ratchetfreak wait a sec, in C++ does a class constructor still get called before an overloaded assignment operator is called?
for example in ` Foo x=y` would the constructor of Foo still be called?
and if so would it be called by x or y?
@northerner the copy constructor gets called in that case
where you can create a new mutex for the new object, clear the data and then pretend you are in the copy assignment.
rule of 5 and all that
Ok, thinking about it again I need a copy constructor, not an assignment operator. Will refactor.
you need all 4, copy construct, copy assign, move construct, move assign
Rule of 5 or Rule of 0 are the sanest options
@thecoshman So, how many porn's does Lion watch every day?
@wilx That's the question to which you must answer
1 hour later…
anyone up yet?
yes, I'm hungry
i have a small problem....regarding boost thread...can you help/
@quidstone Wrong room, go here.
@wilx It's a random ID you make up and ping to pirate so he can tell it was you and not someone who put "wilx" in the form.
@nwp OK.
Well, chances are low I would come anyway.
@wilx o_0 you realise the idea was that you basically just put any number there, and then ping it to me, to make sure that you actually are you submitting the vote
@thecoshman I have to ask every year. So, no. lol
Why is everyone so stupid?
Because we like being stupid :3
Can't even blame it on people not reading instructions, because the key to understanding the question is to ignore the given instructions and do something else.
@thecoshman thunking ish herd
Huh yeah... I don't really make it clear what to do really, do I
I've just copied it from the last form for the last few years
I don't know, I didn't read the form x)
You also didn't respond :v
Chances are that I won't have time to come anyway, so I don't want to influence the place & time
If only there was a field to say how likely you are to actually come :v
I've updated the form... hopefully it's harder to fail to understand shit
You would have to make complex computations to take the results into account, the perceived likeliness of people probably depends and i the end nobody would be happy x)
Ultima Thule trolling space scientists with an improbable shape: youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=1WUd2brm8XE
I was thinking next year I might change how the voting is done. Instead, you get like 5 points that you give to cities you want go to. So, if there's only one option for you, you can give it all your votes. But if there's like five you would be happy with, give each of them one point
> We have never seen an object with such a shape and have no idea how it might have formed.
@thecoshman next year you visit me, easy
7 hours later…
Tried to read some book in park in the evening, but almost get carried away by mozzies. The problem with too much vegetation and a creek close by.
There goes my mountain hermit dream - I don't want to become mountain mozzies primary food source in summer. Also my wildness survival skills might not up to it.

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