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@thecoshman T would have to be the type of the vector components (so, int or double or whatever).
If vertex was a template (e.g. template <typename TComponent> struct vertex) then you could use a std::initializer_list<TComponent>.
Note, however, that if you have something like a vertex and it is just an aggregate, you can use the C initializer list. You can initialize a struct vertex { int a, b, c; }; using vertex v = { 1, 2, 3 }; even in today's standard C++.
A: combination and permutation in C++

Howard HinnantI decided to test the solutions by dman and Charles Bailey here. I'll call them solutions A and B respectively. My test is visiting each combination of of a vector<int> size = 100, 5 at a time. Here's the test code: Test Code struct F { unsigned long long count_; F() : count_(...

@JamesMcNellis Three 'random' downvotes and nobody bothers to let me know why my solution is wrong. Grrrr.
@CharlesBailey Yeah, that really sucks. When I saw your post I just assumed it was correct; I did a small test to try to understand why it worked, but forgot to look into it; I just remember I thought it was cool.
@JamesMcNellis I honestly assumed I was getting random downvotes until the third appeared and I decided to go and check out what I had written.
Only then did I see comments in other answers addressed to me.
I still like my solution for small n.
I forgot that "permutation" is overloaded.
Anyone to give me a good reason to start C++ ?
Already familiar with C but quite hesitant regarding the OO part of it... :(
@sokratisg It is one of the most flexible, most fun, most useful, most awesome languages in which one can program?
@JamesMcNellis I am pretty sure it is, otherwise all these smart people in here would be mad to use it :). I have already read code samples here and there but I am not so sure it worths the time. As I already wrote, I am quite familiar with C, Java, PHP and a little bit of Python. Do you think C++ is something to turn to as a next step from C ?
@sokratisg I don't know. What do you intend to do with knowledge of C++? What kind of programs do you want to build?
@JamesMcNellis My main concern is that a lot of new OpenSource projects are written in C++ (let's not discuss the also famous usage of other interpreted languages as they suck big time in performance). Do you have any good book to propose ?
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkProvide QUALITY books and an approximate skill level. Add a short blurb/description about each book that you have personally read/benefited from. Feel free to debate quality, headings, etc. Books that meet the criteria will be added to the list. Books that have reviews by the Association of C an...

@JamesMcNellis Thanks a lot for your help, really appreciated :)
Sure. Good luck!
In terms of performance which is faster? I assume ANSI C due to simpler structures in the heap ? After all, all these objects in OO do consume and use memory in a more complicated way. Is this correct ?
7 hours later…
@sokratisg no. C++ objects are "free". There's no overhead associated with them. An object with no virtual functions won't have a vtable or other metadata. And if it has virtual functions, then a C struct would have to store extra pointers as well to enable the same functionality.
@sbi I've gained 67k rep by "answering a few questions". I've never really cared about the rep race tbh. It's been an interesting number to watch, but I've really just answered questions because I liked doing it, and tried to do it as well as possible
there needs to be a [necromancer] badge for chat as well, for responding to old comments :D
I faqified the following question:
Q: Proper stack and heap usage in C++?

AlexanderI've been programming for a while but It's been mostly Java and C#. I've never actually had to manage memory on my own. I recently began programming in C++ and I'm a little confused as to when I should store things on the stack and when to store them on the heap. My understanding is that variabl...

Is there a better one on the subject? If so, feel free to retag.
@jalf It might not have been clear from the way I said it, but I was pulling @Dead's leg. I, too, answered because I liked to do so (which is probably because I'm answering a lot less since I hit the chat: I can socialize here now).
Also, I voted to close this old question as a dupe (of a different question):
Q: C++ stack variables and heap variables

TonyWhen you create a new object in C++ that lives on the stack, (the way I've mostly seen it) you do this: CDPlayer player; When you create an object on the heap you call new: CDPlayer* player = new CDPlayer(); But when you do this: CDPlayer player=CDPlayer(); it creates a stack based objec...

@sbi ah ok :)
Oh wait, it isn't a dupe :)
I was too fast to close again :(
Can I take my vote back?
@jalf Nevertheless, most of us do not rejoice when some newbie thanks us, but doesn't vote up and accept. And while SO has a lot of interesting properties besides rep (like good questions being voted up), the rep is one incentive to be here. Otherwise we could be answering questions in other places.
hi everybody
can somebody help me a bit?
@FredOverflow You could replace your comment with one saying you thought wrong, so it won't be closed in case it gets floated up to the front page.
depends on the kind of help you need
i want to include boost library into my c++ program
btw @sbi, I'm not sure why I answer less than I used to. I was constantly answering questions while writing my masters thesis. And after that.... Not so much. I leave plenty of comments, but don't actually often write answers
but the complier throws me some errors and i dont know why
Just copy the boost include directory into the include directory of your compiler.
@omnosis which errors?
Most boost stuff is headers only. (There are exceptions, for example regex.)
@jalf Let me guess: Once you got passed 10k, there isn't much more to gain. :)
this is my make command:
g++ -Ic:\libs\boost_1_46_0\ -Lc:\libs\boost_1_46_0\lib\ -lboost_thread-mgw45-mt-1_46 -o try1 try1.cpp
and the errors
@sbi nah, I crossed 10k ages ago, and that didn't stop me (I don't think the 10k privileges were even added until I had 30-40k)
I was around 55k when I handed in my thesis, and then my answer rate really started dropping off, even though I suddenly had more free time
C:\Users\FEHERG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ccB46To7.o:try1.cpp:(.text+0xe9): undefined
reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6thread4joinEv'
C:\Users\FEHERG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ccB46To7.o:try1.cpp:(.text+0x120): undefine
d reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6threadD1Ev'
C:\Users\FEHERG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ccB46To7.o:try1.cpp:(.text+0x138): undefine
d reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6threadD1Ev'
thread18interruptible_waitEm[boost::this_thread::interruptible_wait(unsigned lon
so this is the error. sorry for that long but i cant short this :S
you need to link to the boost thread library
i did it.
well, properly :D
I'm not sure why that doesn't work, looks ok to me. But it doesn't
the errors are because the linker can't find the stuff from boost.thread
yes i thought so
actually, do me a favor, and post this as a question on SO. I ran into the same issue with mingw and boost.thread a week or two ago, would love to see a proper explanation/answer. :)
but the bjam build the library (tollchain=gcc, multithread) and there was no errors
Q: g++ including boost library

omnosisi builded my boost library with bjam, and then moved all the .a files into c:\Server\libs\boost_1_46_0\lib if i want to compile my program there is some error: the compile command g++ -Ic:\Server\libs\boost_1_46_0\ -Lc:\Server\libs\boost_1_46_0\lib\ -lboost_thread-mgw45-mt-1_46 -o try1 try1....

btw how did you solve the problem?
When I setup boost, I don't think I needed to build it my self. I either had a prebuilt lib to include or it was just a case of including the source it self.
@thecoshman i downloaded a source only boost, and i builded it with bjam.
@omnosis I didn't. That's why I'm hoping you get an answer ;)
@omnosis ah, well I must have just not bothered to build it into a library and just included the source into my own projects
Mingw is only my secondary compiler though, just use it for additional testing and portability. So I just switched back to MSVC and been working on other things instead snice then
i hate msvc. i dont use this only mingw
Using only one C++ compiler is quite dangerous.
@omnosis Are you aware that there's a mailing list (with NNTP access via gmane.org) where boosters would help you? It's likely that the guy(s) who made boost's threading library will see your question there. I'm not trying to discourage you to try SO for help, but maybe you might get faster results there. (If you do, please relay the results here as an answer to your own question.)
@omnosis What's to be hated about it? Recent versions are quite standard-conforming, it's fast, creates reasonably fast code, and comes with a lot of other bells and whistles.
Another n00bish question: I have a function which returns a reference to a value, how can I copy the value of that reference into a new variable?
good morning everyone, btw :)
 type val = f();
I'm not sure if this answers your question. It seem unlikely someone would ask that.
error: no match for call to ‘(Blah) (double&, double&, scalar&) the identical constructor exists, but just w/o the ampersand after the type argument
I'm not sure weather I understood it correctly
@Nils Does Blah have a copy constructor?
If it doesn't, copying cannot work.
@Nils Constructor?
Can you show us some code?
I just need to know something off-top: I asked a question on stackoverflow and it was closed by few people on the grounds that it was too broad. do I just create a new question (better worded) or what do I do
sorry, I know this is for C++ but if you could help thanks
You might want to give us the exact call that fails.
ah I guess it doesn't
@aurel Give us the link to the question.
@aurel Please post a link to the question.
@FredOverflow :)
1 sec
@aurel Passed already.
@sbi I was about to write the exact same thing ;)
Q: Videos on how profesionals work

aurelWhen ever I watch web design tutorial videos I almost always learning things that are not worth do to a tutorial on but that I find important as I did not know them. So when ever I see this videos I get tips on how these profesionals work, how they do some things to make their work faster and so...

@Nils Can we see the function?
@FredOverflow This time I made it! :)
The constructor?
@Nils First, I want to see the function that "returns a reference". That's how your question started, right?
Well I haven't written that
@Nils Which line fails to compile??
@FredOverflow The function is defined here foam.sourceforge.net/doc/Doxygen/html/VectorI_8H_source.html vector::x()
It fails here:
@Nils Show us the code that calls that function.
    scalar x = Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].x();
    scalar y = Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].y();
    label z = Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].z();

@aurel in general, "questions" that just ask for "where should I go to find resources on X" get closed pretty quickly on SO. They're not really the kind of question the site is intended for
Maybe programmers.stackexchange would be a better fit? I'm not sure, I've only visited it a couple of times.
@Nils What is the type of Ufv_?
Where inletRnd_ is defined here: mcParticleGenU inletRnd_;
@FredOverflow I think it returns a vector on accessing it with []
@jalf so I should not bother re-wording it? thanks a lot
@aurel This is indeed very broad, although I'm not sure I would have voted to close. I see three possibilities: 1) reword it and lobby for re-opening it. 2) Create a new, better question. 3) Check the FAQ for what questions are allowed on programmers.SE and open another question there. I wouldn't recommend #2.
Okay so it returns a Vector<scalar>? Can you write scalar foo = a;? If that works, scalar has a copy constructor.
@Nils: Wait, is the error in the line scalar x = ... or in the line inletRnd_(...)?
@jalf: It seems I shouldn't watch NHK World while typing here. I miss too much.
scalar x = Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].x();
yes that works.. ah I'm not sure weather scalar is actually a class or just a typedef
@sbi thanks
@FredOverflow on the line inletRnd_(..)
well take care everyone I'm out
@Nils Does mcParticleGenU overload the () operator?
scalar x = Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].x();
In this expression x returns scalar&, but since scalar x is not a reference it will copy the content of the reference, correct?
@FredOverflow I don't think so
So what is inletRnd_(x,y,z); supposed to do?
You said inletRnd_ is an object of type mcParticleGenU, right?
@Nils Yes, but that seems to have nothing to do with your problem.
yes, ok
@FredOverflow ^
Again, what do you think inletRnd_(x,y,z); does? Is that code you wrote?
Humm I think the constructor of mcParticleGenU is the problem, I also cant call it with numbers like inletRnd_(1,2,3)
No I didn't write that
Please show me the exact line where inletRnd_ is defined. I'm still not sure whether it is an object or a type.
mcParticleGenU inletRnd_;
Okay, so inletRnd_(1,2,3) means inletRnd_.operator()(1,2,3). If there is no operator(), the code cannot work, of course.
Maybe the author intended to write inletRnd_ = mcParticleGenU(1, 2, 3)?
ah d'ouh!
lol yes sure, just move that from the initialization list to the constructor body..
@FredOverflow thx a lot!
What? Why did you move it to the constructor body? Initializations belong in the member initalizer list.
Well I need to fetch the values for the constructor first from a bunch of other classes and I can't do that in the initialization list, right?
Why not?
: inletRnd_(Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].x(), Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].y(), Ufv_[boundaryCellLabels[0]].z()) {}
yes but I also needed to fetch boundaryCellLabels first..
Of course this depends on Ufv_ already being initialized at that point, which means it has to be defined above inletRnd_ in the source.
Ah, I see.
Well, if inletRnd_ = mcParticleGenU(1, 2, 3); works, use it and be done with it.
I passed my digital image processing exam quite well w/o understanding exactly how fft works :D
oli paiting you mean artwork?
What do you mean with the size of a signal? It's amplitude?
No it can have a high frequency and amplitude at the same time
have to eat, cu
hi tina
heloo aprogrammer
it all depends on what your definition of small is...
A signal has high frequency if the emitted value varies rapidly with time. The power can be small or big, but the change has to be rapid.
Consider a wire where you are sending pulses of 1V in each odd second, and nothing in the even seconds: -_-_-_-_... If you change it to emit 10000V in the odd seconds and -10000V in the even seconds, the value and intensity of the signals have varied greatly, but the frequency remains the same
If you plot a graph with the signal, you can determine the period of that (how long it takes the graph to repeat itself), the period is inversely proportional to the frequency.
(Its been too long since I have used this for anything, so it might be that the period is exactly the inverse of the frequency :))
2 hours later…
Q: Is it ever "moral" to override a nonvirtual function?

anatolygI have used the following C++ rule of thumb for a long time: If a class overrides a function in its base class, the function should be declared `virtual` in the base. I think i have come across an exception from this rule. To judge whether this is justified, or points at a flaw in my design, i...

Is that really a FAQ?
well I have never seen it asked before. It also seem like a rather loose and fluffy question, it's basically asking for peoples thoughts, their is no right or wrong answer to this
it's not a very good question, and it's not very C++-specific
ah what the hell, I'm retagging it. If anyone thinks it's a FAQ, go ahead and put the tag back :)
Q: How to convert a number to string and vice versa

Armen TsirunyanSince this question gets asked about every week, this FAQ might help a lot of users. How to convert an integer to a string in C++ how to convert a string into an integer in C++ how to convert a floating-point number to a string in C++ how to convert a string to a floating-point number in C++

Just setting up a virtual machine for win7. Installed OS, updates, installing VS2010, and drive usage is already up to 19 gig! Am I the only one who thinks that is an ludicrous amount of disk usage? I know HDD space is dirt cheap now days, but still!
@thecoshman I've settled for giving my Windows partitions 35GB. Is the lowest amount I've found that doesn't cause any problems
that's just for Windows, not \Program Files or \Users or any of the other standard dirs
Well, Windows plus the C:\ root, which is where all the broken installers in the world check for free disk space, even though you're installing to another partition. So I need to have enough free disk space to fool those. 35GB does the trick
but yes, it is absurd
ugh, it's such a shame the STL settled on names like accumulate instead of fold or reduce. Feels like you're abusing the function when you don't use it for accumulating some compound value
@jalf yer the STL names are strange. Things like the binary tree being called a red black tree, I am sure their is some reason behind it, but it just seems so strange. map as well, the name just doesn't seem to relate to the function they provide.
@thecoshman RB tree isn't a C++ thing specifically, it's a general name for a specific kind of binary tree
after all "binary tree" just tells you that each node has at most two children. A red black tree is ordered, and has a specific algorithm for inserting new elements
map makes sense too. It maps from one value to another. That's what map usually means (in the mathematical sense). A std::map provides a mapping from one set of values to another. But yeah, there are some other unusual names
@jalf Are "map" and "function" synonyms?
std::map is different from std::function
@FredOverflow oof, you should probably ask a proper mathematician that. But I don't think so. I guess it depends on your definition of "function". A think a mapping has to be deterministic, at least. Each value in the input domain must map to exactly one value in the output domain
But I'm not the right person to ask. I just know enough to recognize the reasoning behind the std::map name ;)
@JohannesSchaublitb heh, well spotted ;)
> A function can also be called a map or a mapping. Some authors, however, use the terms "function" and "map" to refer to different types of functions.
seems like that tells us absolutely nothing, other than that "it depends on how you define the two terms" ;)
ooh, I thought map was like a graph structure. but like I said, there is a sensible reason behind why they are called what they are called
so does anyone know the sensible reason behind std::accumulate?
@jalf Can you give an example of a function that is not "deterministic"?
I guess that the reason behind transform is that map was already taken
@jalf Maybe C++ committee did not like functional programming (terminology)? :)
@FredOverflow rand()?
That's not a function in the mathematical sense.
why not, exactly?
or, what is the mathematical sense?
Because there are no side effects in mathematics :)
You cannot write rand() in Haskell without resorting to monads.
there doesn't have to be a side effect. Abstractly, all rand does is "return a random value"
Actual implementations will have to rely on side effects, sure, but the abstract concept of a "random" function doesn't need side effects. In fact, it isn't a true random function if it does ;)
You cannot replace the expression rand() by its result, hence rand is not a function.
why can't I?
I just need to know what its result is
Because if you did, every "call" to rand() would give you the same result. Not very useful.
which is kind of tricky, of course, but assuming I know it, I can replace it just fine
Functions without arguments are basically the same as constants in mathematics.
then how about add_a_random_number(int x)? ;)
anyway, sure, if you define a function to mean the same thing as a map, then they're the same
Why don't you program in Haskell for a week and then come back here ;)
my point was simply that I wasn't sure if the mathematical definition of "function" required determinism and a unique mapping
What does Haskell have to do with anything? I thought we were talking about mathematics a moment ago ;)
What is "unique mapping"?
@jalf In Haskell, functions are mathematical functions.
can't remember the proper mathematical term for it, but that each input produces only one output. In other words, determinism ;)
But it is okay if multiple inputs give the same output?
@FredOverflow by whose definition? Are you saying "a mathematical function is defined as follows: "It is something that can be implemented as a function in Haskell"? I'm pretty sure most mathematicians would object to that ;)
@FredOverflow yep
think of abs()
@FredOverflow I am trying, but it is not that simple :)
Let's just say that in mathematics, functions and maps are basically the same thing. In programming, however, we tend to think of functions as code that executes and maps as data.
anyway, if you can't decide on a strict definition of the term "function", and I don't know the strict definition, then it seems kind of pointless for us to discuss what a function is or isn't ;)
According to wikipedia in mathematics a mapping (shortened map) can be used as a synonym for a function, or is a particular function in that domain or refers to something conceptually similar to a function -- i.e. it is either the same, a subset or something alike
A function, in a mathematical sense, expresses the idea that one quantity (the argument of the function, also known as the input) completely determines another quantity (the value, or the output). A function assigns exactly one value to each input of a specified type. The argument and the value may be real numbers, but they can also be elements from any given sets: the domain and the codomain of the function. An example of a function with the real numbers as both its domain and codomain is the function f(x) = 2x, which assigns to every real number the real number with twice its value. In...
In most of mathematics and in some related technical fields, the term mapping, usually shortened to map, is either a synonym for function, or denotes a particular kind of function which is important in that branch, or denotes something conceptually similar to a function. In graph theory, a map is a drawing of a graph on a surface without intersecting edges (a planar graph); i.e., almost the same as a map in the ordinary sense. Maps as functions In many branches of mathematics, the term is used to mean a function with a specific property of particular importance to that branch. For in...
Interesting, it seems mathematical functions only have a single argument. Currying FTW!
> ... the argument of the function, also known as the input
@FredOverflow a single argument which may be a tuple ;)
doesn't mean that functions in the mathematical sense use currying.
Right, that would also work :)
The mathematical definition of addition is not "a function which returns a function". It's a function which takes a pair of values :)
But both definitions would be equally powerful :)
of course
LOL, "currying" is also known as "Schönfinkeln" :)
Currying (selten auch: Schönfinkeln) ist die Umwandlung einer Funktion mit mehreren Argumenten in eine Funktion mit einem Argument. Obwohl das Verfahren von Moses Schönfinkel und Gottlob Frege erfunden wurde, ist es nach Haskell Brooks Curry benannt. Verfahren Es sei eine Funktion gegeben, die n Argumente erfordert. Wird diese auf ein Argument angewendet, so konsumiert sie nur genau dieses und liefert als Funktionswert eine weitere Funktion, die noch n-1 Argumente verlangt. Die zurückgegebene Funktion wird anschließend auf alle weiteren Argumente angewendet. In Typen ausgedrüc...
we'll have to use that from now on
Moses Ilyich Schönfinkel, also known as Moisei Isai'evich Sheinfinkel' (Шейнфинкель) (September 4, 1889 Ekaterinoslav (now Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) – 1942, Moscow), was a Russian logician and mathematician, known for the invention of combinatory logic. Life Schönfinkel attended the Novorossiysk University of Odessa, studying mathematics under Samuil Osipovich Shatunovskii (1859–1929), who worked in geometry and the foundations of mathematics. From 1914 to 1924, Schönfinkel was a member of David Hilbert's group at the University of Göttingen. On December 7, 1920 he delivere...
> His paper also showed that functions of two or more arguments could be replaced by functions taking a single argument. This replacement mechanism simplifies work in both combinatory logic and lambda calculus and would later be called currying, after Haskell Curry. While Curry attributed the concept to Schönfinkel, it had already been used by Frege.
oh, I didn't realize Haskell was named after the Curry guy
Now you know :)
Here is an interesting video on the history of Haskell.
btw, in response to what you said before, I'd love to spend a week in Haskell. Just haven't found the time yet
I did manage to brush up on my SML recently though, which was nice.
@jalf Have you tried including <ctime>? ;)
been years since I'd used that
I'm going to schönfinkel a bit
@JohannesSchaublitb "Schönfinkeln" sounds like "beautifying" to me :)
@jalf And in this video, Brian Beckman explains that code and data are basically the same thing (in functional programming).
@FredOverflow I do know (and like) functional programming. No need to indoctrinate me like that ;)
It's just Haskell specifically I haven't learned
@jalf Ah, okay :)
Like I said though, it's next on my list. Seems like a lot of fun things are happening in it these days
Also from what I understand, it seems like practically the only language so far where software transactional memory has gained just a bit of traction, which is something I'm pretty interested in
was one of my main sources of inspiration when I started on my C++ implementation
Hey, did I just manage to shut @FredOverflow up mid-FP rant? Hadn't realized that was possible ;)
oh lambdas, you make code so much more readable
I <3 lambdas
i want to study c++ nad want to now improve coding standard. will somebody provide link to me to study STL and all these link.i dont want to read any book. but i can go through some good website
are you looking for tutorials or references?
@Raja sounds like two mutually exclusive requirements
if you want to study C++, read a book
if I want to make a blog, I have to give it a name
how sucky is that?
how about "" ?
don't think the blog site will accept tha
@jalf ..i know c++ but now want to improve my coding standards
@Raja: codereview.stackexchange.com
post some suspect code there
@deadMG i want some references
I use msdn.com as my C++ reference
@jalf Had to brush my teeth and stuff ;)
@deadMG ok. iwill go through with that
@Raja Sounds like a book on coding standards in C++ would be your best bet. :)
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