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I wonder whether the north pole glaciers melting would lessen the global warming. I mean if the glaciers melt, it would bring up the water level - higher water level, the bigger the area covered by water and water generally reflect more than landmass.
@TelKitty more than snow-covered land mass?
I believe the word is..albeido (?) Or similar.
Good question.
But Arctic is already all ice/snow/water anyways.
Maybe optimum point is when arctic is still covered by thin snow/ice, but more of earth surface is covered by water?
I'd have to check a dictionary, but there are grass plains still. In summer*
Albedo () (Latin: albedo, meaning 'whiteness') is the measure of the diffuse reflection of solar radiation out of the total solar radiation received by an astronomical body (e.g. a planet like Earth). It is dimensionless and measured on a scale from 0 (corresponding to a black body that absorbs all incident radiation) to 1 (corresponding to a body that reflects all incident radiation). Surface albedo is defined as the ratio of irradiance reflected to the irradiance received by a surface. The proportion reflected is not only determined by properties of the surface itself, but also by the spectral...
2 hours later…
I don't quite understand why someone would message me almost every month, year after year, even without receiving a reply most of the times. But when I swing by and being asked whether wanting to meetup, gives the excuse not be able to take time off ...
2 hours later…
@TelKitty Automation.
Shouldn't you be protesting?
Where can I find that chat?
it moved to Discord apparently
Also hurt when the questions room was separated from the main chat.
I mean, this would still be alive if we still had interesting discussions x)
I love when I update my compiler and get anew SFINAE-related error for free
looks like instantiation rules changed between GCC7 and GCC8, otherwise I can't explain
Stricter rules when using templates
` Ill-formed template code that has never been tested and can never be instantiated should be fixed or removed. ` seems rather strict, because you don't know this information in every compilation unit.
I am kind of used to this chat now. It's cool the way it is.
More != better;
If someone has not mentioned, I almost forgot about old regulars who don't come here anymore.
All I see is less people.
Less messages, but that's about it.
My code had no problems commpiling and it broke my test suite though xD
Now make it build with msvc
it may be linked to the CWG defect report about template instantiation time
which makes it more eager than it used to
oh, I fail hard at memory: the defect report I was thinking of was about less eager instantiation of constexpr functions >.>
what actually makes thsi tight_pair
it's an "improvement" over std::pair as explained in the README
but it's fairly useless
I wrote it then let it be
but that was before someone opened an issue because of the failing test suite x)
Most of my codes crash NVCC+MSVC2017, so I had to downgrade to NVCC+MSVC2015. Its been pretty rough.
Somehow thrust + debug symbols kills the compiler.
most of my code doesn't even try to compile with MSVC at all
I've got a single project which does
I would need to learn to use appveyor to make sure it still compiles though
1 hour later…
The post-San Diego mailing still isn't out T_T
I can't wait to see how C++20 features will be abused to do random unexpected things *-*
Breaking news: After templates and deductions guides it turns out the C part of C++ is turing-complete too!
CTAD already allows some nifty tricks
__VA_OPT__ can surely be abused but it is there to replace other preprocessor abuses x)
but between concepts, contracts, designated initializers, improved lambdas, user-defined non-type template parameters, operator<=> and improvements to CTAD there's surely a way to get nice new abuses :D
> There was an error building your site! Check our docs for troubleshooting tips
Do facial recognition and thumb print unlocking mechanism on smartphones post security loopholes? I mean you are supposed to change your computer passwords every 3 month. How do you change your face or thumb print, like ever?
What if someone uses your professional network profile picture to unlock your stolen phone?
@Mikhail That is impressively bad.
50% of the links don't work, but it didn't stop them from getting real clients like IBM, Google, ACLU
Maybe they had people come over and show something that actually worked.
Although that seems more like wishful thinking. Looks like they just shipped the terribleness.
What is the music of architecture?
“I'm particularly interested in the way that architects create a sense of rhythm and dynamics in the build environment.”
Anyways, I have cancer now, peace
1 hour later…
Hiya o/ Round two of my noob questions: any idea why this stops printing after a while? It still seems to run (at least I'm not getting any crash logs). Debugging isn't getting me anywhere, but when I stop at breakpoints, it seems to print the output. std::cout.flush() didn't work though, so I'm not sure what it is.

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
Oops. Sorry ^^"
@Mikhail oof
how even
@BartekBanachewicz how considerate of you, cleaning up those old issues like that :P
Wait, is he no around here any more?
@thecoshman Ordnung muss sein
I've installed WSL
and it looks mostly like a VM
@BartekBanachewicz more docker
Windows kernelspace and linux userspace
I mean usability-wise
no idea, didn't install it
I do know it's not a VM per se
@Mgetz I just did
I have to say that debugging Linux stuff from VS looks promising
@BartekBanachewicz I saw that, I can read
@BartekBanachewicz que?
the header download functionality doesn't seem to work though
it copies some folders, but no actual headers
oh well I just copied them by hand
would make waaay more sense to simply symlink them or something on WSL I suppose
I want to convert a disjoint graph into a binary tree, any DS recommendations?
1 hour later…
I just realized I like the villain characters in some TV series very much.
The Man in the High Castle, both the Japanese secret police and the SS Ober...something, they play it well.
2 hours later…
so, I'm trying to learn c++ for anger purposes. The last time I learnt I knew some stuff, but I forgot mostly all of it. Any resource where I can learn about it like this? codepen.io/towc/post/examplejs-1-1
I'm kinda picky, I don't want to keep getting in and out of links to see the code, like in various other sites I found. They're still ok, but I thought it might be worth asking about
@towc No. Buy a book.
@towc you're learning C++ for anger purposes!?!??
you know how people say "in anger"?
I mean in that sense, not as in "oh hey mom, I can write c++"
I want to be eased into what people in the industry actually do
I'm also just angry
@Borgleader Sounds about right.
I like this guy
ok, here's my first pickle:
running time node aoc-1.js shows ~12s, while compiling with g++ aoc-1.cpp and running time ./a.out shows 25s
is this because of crazy optimizations happening in javascript? Should I be using some more g++ flags to see similar performance?
also for Advent of Code people, day 1
idk what the default opt level for g++ is
but i doubt its maxed out
try adding -O2
oh, that took 4 seconds
i think theres a -O3 but i doubt its much faster than -O2
it doesnt help your non-optimized builds that you are passing containers by value
bool isIn(int x, std::vector<int> xs)
should that be a const int& x?
same for the vector?
int doesnt matter, thats a pretty cheap op
const std::vector<int>& xs would help though
let's see
brings it down by 1 second
yay, thanks
Probably just mmaping the file would be the fastest way to read it
Also your order of algorithm is wack, you don't need to constantly search the array in the "isIn" function

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