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So, I'm back to thinking about how to write a code that manipulates vertices in a 3D space for annotating 3D volumes. Really don't want to roll my own stuff. Does some game engine have most of this functionality? Like the user interaction between 3D points in volume view?
2 hours later…
Waiting for barge to get on an island.
5 hours later…
@Mysticial just finished the threadripper 1950x build, running ycruncher.
on 100% cpu utilization across all 16 cores, noctua aircooler is hovering around 67 degrees
playing witcher 3 on full graphics also is pretty good on my reference 1080
Running BKT: Passed  Test Time:  120.005 seconds  ( 2.000 minutes )
Running BBP: Passed  Test Time:  127.659 seconds  ( 2.128 minutes )
Running SFT: Passed  Test Time:  120.008 seconds  ( 2.000 minutes )
3 hours later…
@wilx laffo
when will people finally stop using C++
Seeing cppcon and the recent efforts going into C++ I don't see people stopping with C++ any time soon.
ah damn there's a difference between ListP [x, WildP] and ConP x WildP
@BartekBanachewicz once a viable alternative that doesn't have crap features gets enough steam
And even if they did stop C++ would become undead for a while like COBOL.
I really wish C++ was a nice usable language
especially given I'm moving to a team when I'll be using it again
no illusions tho
@Puppy dunno it looks nicer than manual APIs
Which part makes it unusable? Can't be arsed to watch out for UB?
@nwp it's the sum of parts I'd say
That sounds rather vague and unfixable.
the ever-growing complexity, the still lacking ecosystem, build times, annoying compilation errors, failures resulting in hard to debug cores
and the syntax which was fine 10 years ago nowadays is just clunky
still no ranges, need to repeat members 6 times in ctors
also it's just hard to get the code right the first time, there's a lot of hidden caveats and outright traps
and then the whole touted template codegen which ends up really annoyingly underpowered
now not to say they're not fixing it
Meh, I don't even care about syntax anymore. It's things like not being able to pass overload sets that gets me.
fold expressions are nice, some efforts at package management, etc.
but it's still too little too late
@nwp also the unexplicable lack of static reflection
Yeah, that one sucks too. And it's really difficult to work around.
I've been thinking about that one language I wanted to create
but making languages is so much effort :(
I really wish Terra took off quicker so I could justify investing more time in it
but it's still moving very slowly
hmpfh damn I really knew what I was writing in that comment two years ago
There is that one weird trick to make your language take off: Make it compatible with another widely popular but limited language. Worked for C++.
@nwp I wanted to target C (as well)
my language can be summed up really quick I guess - ultra-low-level C replacement aimed at correct and expressive code
so including both ADTs and pattern matching and strong type system, but also compiling everything to raw memory
and with static guarantees like rust's borrow checker that allows e.g. convenient port mapping for hardware
and some form of powerful codegen like Terra
foldr (\par pat -> ConP '(:) [par, pat]) WildP listOfPatterns
sweet :3
this is how C++'s templates should look like
want to make an overloaded function? Just fold over a list of types
To me this is gibberish.
@nwp It's a simple fold, where the folding function is "Constructor pattern" of a datype ":", which is a list.
so given a list of [pattern1, pattern2, pattern3], the result will be
(:) p1 ((:) p2 ((:) p3 WildP)))
in infix form, with WildP replaced by _, it gets to:
p1 : p2 : p3 : _
so a typical Haskell list matching pattern
the folding fun is a bit weird because it takes a list
so the AST for it is (:) [p1, (:) [p2, (:) [p3, _]]]
but that's because ConP is generic enough to work with any data constructor, not just the binary ones specifically
What is "pattern" here? That seems to be different from "type".
@nwp it's a part of a function definition
f :: [Int] -> Int
f (x:xs) = x + f xs
f [] = 0
In the above, (x:xs) is the pattern, and so is the [] for the 2nd definition
Template Haskell operates on pretty much direct AST, so you get control of every single element you generate
(And before you say that C++ templates are nicer because they use direct language syntax, TH can do that too with quasiquotation, but that's not very useful when generating code from a list like here)
I think `f :: [Int] -> Int` means "`f` is declared a function that takes an `Int` and returns an `Int`". With weird syntax but good enough.
`f (x:xs) = x + f xs` seems to be an overload and a definition that takes 2 variables of any type separated by `:`. Very weird separating a list of stuff with `:` but ok.
`f [] = 0` is the base case definition which makes sense.
Did I get any of that right?
It makes me wonder what the point of the first line is. It doesn't seem to do anything that is not covered by the other 2 lines already.
@nwp The 1 and 3 are correct, the 2 is totally off
[1,2] == 1 : [2] == 1 : 2 : []
f (x:xs) is sometimes written as f (h:t), h for head, and t for tail
@nwp The first line is an optional signature. It can be inferred from the definition, of course, but often you want to make it explicit.
Right, (Head:Tail) makes much more sense.
x:xs is just another convention I guess
head and tail are actually functions in Prelude so you can't use them
and variables can't start with uppercase, that's reserved for types
Why is it f :: [Int] -> Int instead of f :: [Int...] -> Int though? Or whatever the syntax for "any number of" is.
@nwp a list already implies it can be any number of Ints
Oh, so the [] is part of the list syntax, not part of the function declaration syntax. That makes sense.
err, it's both
f :: Int -> Int would not be valid?
[T] in type context means "a type of a list of T". [t] in the value context means "a list with one element t"
@nwp It would be valid, and it's then a function that takes an int and returns an int.
I mean when you say "a list of Ints" you can be talking about a type of a list of ints, or a value of a list of ints.
Both things exist and are distinct.
if you create your own type, it's kinda similar, but maybe more readable for you?
The list syntax seems fine to me. Just have to know that.
data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)

f :: List Int -> Int
f (Cons x rest) = ...
f Empty = 0
The example above is pretty much identical to the builtin list, it's just the builtin list has that special syntax
You're probably not gonna like it, but just like functions, data and type constructors can be "operators", meaning being made out of special characters and used infix
The [] can't be user-implemented though, I think, it's just compiler magic
Cons is basically an std::pair?
@nwp In the above example? It's a custom data constructor.
It does indeed hold two values, analogous to std::pair<a, List a> or just (a, List a)
Cons a (List a) looks equivalent to std::pair<T, List<T>>.
yeah, it's just it's a separate constructor. It's like your own special pair
so then the type of the value Cons 5 Empty is specifically List Int, and not (Int, List Int)
data constructors can accept any number of arguments (including 0)
and again, in true Haskell spirit, (,) is a data constructor
(1,2) == (,) 1 2
I still don't understand anything from foldr (\par pat -> ConP '(:) [par, pat]) WildP listOfPatterns. foldr should take a list of stuff and a function that takes 2 stuffs and returns 1 stuff, but I can identify neither the stuff nor the list nor the function.
  (\par pat -> ConP '(:) [par, pat]) -- folding function
  WildP                              -- initial value
  listOfPatterns                     -- obvious
The folding function is a lambda taking two arguments, par and pat, and returning a new pat passed on to further invocations (like you'd expect from foldr)
And WildP is the initial value of pat used for the first element of the list
the ConP '(:) [par, pat] is probably the most advanced part of it all. It's a specific Template Haskell node for a "data constructor pattern'. It itself is a data constructor for a type "Pat" (or pattern), taking two arguments - the pattern data constructor name, and a list of arguments you want to match for in that pattern.
Again, it's probably easier to look at it from the very end, so the result:
listOfPatterns = [1,2,3]

ConP '(:) [1, ConP '(:) [2, ConP '(:) [3, WildP]]]
This is the end goal we want to achieve, as this TH Pattern will compile to something like this:
-- or simply
(Note: read after you understand the above only: Of course there's a slight simplification here. 1 isn't a value of type "Pattern". There's a difference between the value of "1", and a pattern matching "1" literally; the latter would be LitP (IntPrimL 1), or "a pattern matching a literal, specifically an integer literal of value 1")
Phew. That explanation took more than writing that code :) @nwp
I suppose it all gets easier to understand once you understand foldr really really well when used on regular values. Template Haskell values are regular values, it's just tricky to think about them that way.
Maybe I'll learn haskell properly some day. For now there is too much syntax guessing for any understanding to hit.
Yeah, it gets easier when you understand the primitives properly and build on top of them
otherwise it can be really hard to see what's what, what's a type and what's a value and what's an operator and what's builtin syntax
and TemplateHaskell isn't really a beginner-friendly topic
2 hours later…
I hate this idiom where you swap the operands of == to prevent bugs in case of writing =.
It looks so damn ugly
This idiom has been obsolete for 20 years already at least
sane people enable compiler warnings instead
But Millenium we can't expect everyone to have decent compilers.
Hello Turbo C++.
@SombreroChicken yeah
@SombreroChicken what
I find it rather weird that pretty much entire Lua's standard library is implemented in native code
while realistically it could be implemented in pure Lua
I kinda dread implementing the entire thing as a stack vm
might as well run source translator on all the C code and call it a day
because it's gonna be pretty much identrical horrendous imperative code
I keep running into the lack of overload-set/template passing in C++. Someone had Thing(std::vector<int>) and expected std::make_unique<Thing>({}); to compile which it totally should but doesn't.
I wish someone would fix that.
fixing that would probably break dozens of other things
@nwp This is a syndrome of C++ fixing one problem while introducing two different smaller problems in process
@BartekBanachewicz there are quite a few things that cannot be implemented in lua code without some serious perf problems
also tables are the only native data structure and need to be implemented in native code
yeah but there's a lot of stuff like "type", "assert" etc
type would have to be native
@ratchetfreak hmm okay
@OneRaynyDay Oh nice! Like it so far?
@BartekBanachewicz frankly looking at lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#6.1 I don't see all that many that can be implemented in pure lua
string processing is native because of immutable strings+GC
also the lua internals have shifted from stack based to register based (and the native code would only use the stack/register for getting params and setting the result)
@Mysticial I haven't overclocked it yet, but seems like it's overclocked to some degree out of the box
during y-cruncher it appears it ran up to 3.8 Ghz
or is that a turbo-clock, or whatever it's called?
It's good! It took me a while to pick out all the parts but it was totally worth it. I installed windows 10 and going to partition to 200 GB for windows and 800 GB for arch linux
@ratchetfreak really? when?
@OneRaynyDay Yeah, that's the stock behavior.
Most people with Ryzen/TR are reporting that there's almost no point in trying to overclock it since you lose the XFR.
And that there's no headroom.
But overclocking the memory is still worth it.
My original 1800X would do 3.9 GHz easily. But I had to give up the 4.1 GHz XFR. Had to RMA it because of the segfault bug. And the one I got back won't even do 3.8 GHz. So I ended up just killing off the CPU overclock.
What's your workload/usecase for the TR box? Compiling?
@Mysticial Interesting, thanks for the pointers :) when you say overclock memory, at what MHz do you mean?
My cards are already at 3200 MHz
Is it a 1:1 w/ the clock speed of cpu?
And my workload is scientific computing on arch / playing games on windows
I have >20 TB's of market data from bloomberg.
@BartekBanachewicz 5.0, the C-api is still the weird hybrid stack/register style though
wow, cinebench multithreaded tests for 2990WX is 2x better than 2nd place
what's next, 256 cores on a single die?
@OneRaynyDay "cards"?
@Mysticial sorry, wrong term maybe? The DDR4 RAM
@OneRaynyDay DIMMs (though yes, they are small PC boards with edge connectors).
Ah, got it
1 hour later…
Looks like Chicago won't go up in flames today.
Is it raining?
Had about a gazillion warnings both from work and at my apartment that the city might go up in flames depending on the verdict of the Van Dyke trial.
what was that about?
(for those too lazy to google...)
White cop shoots and kills black person. Cop goes on trial.
^^ Yeah, one of those.
@Mysticial would it really be relevant in the area you're working at?
Seems like that's maybe problematic for south
@OneRaynyDay There were plenty of protesters walking around already and surrounding city hall. At least that's what I heard. I can't actually see city hall from our building.
ic; just got home from classes, going to try and overclock my tr into 4ghz
@OneRaynyDay Good luck--from everything I've heard about them, you'll probably need it (either that or some liquid nitrogen, which beats luck pretty dependably).
@JerryCoffin running ycruncher right now as we speak
Speaking of which. Been experimenting with a new feature that may be able to refresh some interest in the program from mathematicians.
OK - my cpu temps went all the way up to 92
nevermind, I'd like to not buy another chip in a week
The program hasn't really gotten any non-computer-related improvements in the - holy shit - 10 years since I've started working on it. lol
Nothing new on the math side.
@OneRaynyDay haha
Meanwhile I have something of a conundrum. I have three machines, all with LGA 2011-3 sockets and Haswell Xeons. Is it worthwhile to upgrade them to Broadwell, or just leave them alone and eventually upgrade everything?
Why 3 of them? Is this at work?
@Mysticial Nope. When my former employer shut down, I got to buy some for $60 apiece, so I decided to pick up 3. If I'd though carefully, I'd probably have gotten even more (each included a fairly new 500 G SSD, and at least 16 Gig of RAM).
... for 60 dollars?
I'll have 50 of them
@OneRaynyDay Too late! Actually, I doubt there were 50 to start with (quite a few people used laptops instead of desktops).
I'd say don't bother upgrading unless you're a fanatic.
@Mysticial I'm not a fanatic, but I do some fairly sizable builds at times. They're all quad-core, and we all know compiling wants MOAR COARSZ! :-)
quad core 2011-3? oh... haha
@Mysticial Actually, one of them is basically a Xeon version of an i5 (quad core and no hyperthreading either).
@Mysticial Actually, that's the one I'm typing this from right now. Funny part is that it's what I currently use at work, because the machine they supplied me with was an HP Pavilion with such a low-end AMD APU that it routinely had 10+ second lags just typing code into VS Code.
Is that even worth $60? :D
@Mysticial The Pavilion? Probably not (though I guess they cost a few hundred or so).
hmm... So I must admit I know nothing about how to mount SATA drives onto filesystems. Is it any different than the general fdisk -n thing?
I have a few barracuda 4TB's I want to mount.
@OneRaynyDay Depends on the file system. With zfs, it's something like zpool add, but unless you're actually running zfs, that's probably not very helpful to you.
ok I'm so sad
typo caused me to send my entire SSD into swap
and now my partition table is fkd
What did you have on it?
I had windows OS on it
so now in addition to installing arch linux(again), I have to reinstall windows first(again)
life sucks
Both on the same SSD?
is it bad practice to have it on the same SSD?
No, it just makes things more complicated and error-prone.
welp; I only have 1 SSD
And I didn't want to install my OS on my HDD
@Mysticial I have about 15 TFLOPS at my disposal =)
ok this is super sketchy but after mkswap I immediately unplugged the power on boot
and I reran and windows opened up fine
one day it's going to crash and I'll know
it's because of this...
@CaptainGiraffe So are you disposing of them responsibly? Have you done a careful study of the environmental effects of discarded flops?
@JerryCoffin I'm very environmentally conscious. I waste about 1kW at high load.
@JerryCoffin The discarded flops are handled in the greenest way possible.
@JerryCoffin It's not wasted when it's used as a heater.
@Mysticial I'm not sure I believe that. Years ago I had a girlfriend who snuggled up to me to keep warm, even though I'd gone drinking and was pretty wasted.
I'm disappointed that doubles are so much slower that a float
@CaptainGiraffe In what case?
@CaptainGiraffe Seems to match real life pretty well, Ever tried to run a three-legged race?
Or rather what context?
In a cuda core.
Oh yeah. Don't use doubles on a GPU.
...but that's all right. According to the CTO at my old job, single precision is enough for anything and anybody.
I asked here about a year ago, now many transistors for ieee doubles. You sais, what is the prefomance requirements
That was illuminating
@JerryCoffin I'm 7'3 how would that work?
@CaptainGiraffe Seems fair. Multiplication and division (especially) can benefit a lot from algorithms that take more chip area. Simplest version produces only one bit per clock. Chip area varies roughly quadratically with the bits per clock.
@CaptainGiraffe Poorly, I suppose. Rarely goes very well regardless of age, height, weight, etc. though.
I'm happy to be under 250 while over 200cm.
@CaptainGiraffe Helps when it's mostly neck...
Hi cod_saun. How are you today?
@JerryCoffin Neck and specks. The specks are about 20 pounds.
I'm missing sehe here.
Jerry, Mystical, I love you guys. Tell sehe I miss him.
@CaptainGiraffe Must be rough to wear specs like that--I thought my glasses were thick, but they're not nearly that heavy.
@CaptainGiraffe Haven't seen him that much lately either (but maybe it's because I haven't been on enough either).

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