So, I'm back to thinking about how to write a code that manipulates vertices in a 3D space for annotating 3D volumes. Really don't want to roll my own stuff. Does some game engine have most of this functionality? Like the user interaction between 3D points in volume view?
In the above, (x:xs) is the pattern, and so is the [] for the 2nd definition
Template Haskell operates on pretty much direct AST, so you get control of every single element you generate
(And before you say that C++ templates are nicer because they use direct language syntax, TH can do that too with quasiquotation, but that's not very useful when generating code from a list like here)
I think `f :: [Int] -> Int` means "`f` is declared a function that takes an `Int` and returns an `Int`". With weird syntax but good enough. `f (x:xs) = x + f xs` seems to be an overload and a definition that takes 2 variables of any type separated by `:`. Very weird separating a list of stuff with `:` but ok. `f [] = 0` is the base case definition which makes sense. Did I get any of that right?
It makes me wonder what the point of the first line is. It doesn't seem to do anything that is not covered by the other 2 lines already.
data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)
f :: List Int -> Int
f (Cons x rest) = ...
f Empty = 0
The example above is pretty much identical to the builtin list, it's just the builtin list has that special syntax
You're probably not gonna like it, but just like functions, data and type constructors can be "operators", meaning being made out of special characters and used infix
The [] can't be user-implemented though, I think, it's just compiler magic
I still don't understand anything from foldr (\par pat -> ConP '(:) [par, pat]) WildP listOfPatterns. foldr should take a list of stuff and a function that takes 2 stuffs and returns 1 stuff, but I can identify neither the stuff nor the list nor the function.
(\par pat -> ConP '(:) [par, pat]) -- folding function
WildP -- initial value
listOfPatterns -- obvious
The folding function is a lambda taking two arguments, par and pat, and returning a new pat passed on to further invocations (like you'd expect from foldr)
And WildP is the initial value of pat used for the first element of the list
the ConP '(:) [par, pat] is probably the most advanced part of it all. It's a specific Template Haskell node for a "data constructor pattern'. It itself is a data constructor for a type "Pat" (or pattern), taking two arguments - the pattern data constructor name, and a list of arguments you want to match for in that pattern.
Again, it's probably easier to look at it from the very end, so the result:
This is the end goal we want to achieve, as this TH Pattern will compile to something like this:
-- or simply
(Note: read after you understand the above only: Of course there's a slight simplification here. 1 isn't a value of type "Pattern". There's a difference between the value of "1", and a pattern matching "1" literally; the latter would be LitP (IntPrimL 1), or "a pattern matching a literal, specifically an integer literal of value 1")
Phew. That explanation took more than writing that code :) @nwp
I suppose it all gets easier to understand once you understand foldr really really well when used on regular values. Template Haskell values are regular values, it's just tricky to think about them that way.
I keep running into the lack of overload-set/template passing in C++. Someone had Thing(std::vector<int>) and expected std::make_unique<Thing>({}); to compile which it totally should but doesn't.
also the lua internals have shifted from stack based to register based (and the native code would only use the stack/register for getting params and setting the result)
@Mysticial I haven't overclocked it yet, but seems like it's overclocked to some degree out of the box
during y-cruncher it appears it ran up to 3.8 Ghz
or is that a turbo-clock, or whatever it's called?
It's good! It took me a while to pick out all the parts but it was totally worth it. I installed windows 10 and going to partition to 200 GB for windows and 800 GB for arch linux
Most people with Ryzen/TR are reporting that there's almost no point in trying to overclock it since you lose the XFR.
And that there's no headroom.
But overclocking the memory is still worth it.
My original 1800X would do 3.9 GHz easily. But I had to give up the 4.1 GHz XFR. Had to RMA it because of the segfault bug. And the one I got back won't even do 3.8 GHz. So I ended up just killing off the CPU overclock.
What's your workload/usecase for the TR box? Compiling?
@OneRaynyDay There were plenty of protesters walking around already and surrounding city hall. At least that's what I heard. I can't actually see city hall from our building.
@OneRaynyDay Good luck--from everything I've heard about them, you'll probably need it (either that or some liquid nitrogen, which beats luck pretty dependably).
Meanwhile I have something of a conundrum. I have three machines, all with LGA 2011-3 sockets and Haswell Xeons. Is it worthwhile to upgrade them to Broadwell, or just leave them alone and eventually upgrade everything?
@Mysticial Nope. When my former employer shut down, I got to buy some for $60 apiece, so I decided to pick up 3. If I'd though carefully, I'd probably have gotten even more (each included a fairly new 500 G SSD, and at least 16 Gig of RAM).
@Mysticial Actually, that's the one I'm typing this from right now. Funny part is that it's what I currently use at work, because the machine they supplied me with was an HP Pavilion with such a low-end AMD APU that it routinely had 10+ second lags just typing code into VS Code.
@OneRaynyDay Depends on the file system. With zfs, it's something like zpool add, but unless you're actually running zfs, that's probably not very helpful to you.
@Mysticial I'm not sure I believe that. Years ago I had a girlfriend who snuggled up to me to keep warm, even though I'd gone drinking and was pretty wasted.
@CaptainGiraffe Seems fair. Multiplication and division (especially) can benefit a lot from algorithms that take more chip area. Simplest version produces only one bit per clock. Chip area varies roughly quadratically with the bits per clock.
@CaptainGiraffe Poorly, I suppose. Rarely goes very well regardless of age, height, weight, etc. though.