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@DeadMG MG for king.
@Mysticial I think you'll get nice residues too
@DomagojPandža What is it with people and showers?
By the definition of "sorted" it would have to be faster. If an array were not sorted then by definition it would be slower.
@DeadMG What, you don't take showers?
they're too hot, they put water in your eyes, and then you freeze to death when you get out afterwards
I hate the actual act of taking a shower, but the effect afterwards... Mother of god.
@Mysticial As infrequently as I can manage.
@Xeo I definitely hope so. :) The question has 1k votes - that's in the top 15 all-time list. (The "Questions" tab defaults to 15.) So it should be a lot more visible than the other 2.
@DeadMG That is horrid, indeed. But you can't say it doesn't feel good afterwards. :Đ
they're unpleasant to experience through and through, and cost significant electricity and water.
@DomagojPandža Why not? It doesn't.
the only thing it feels like is "I could have been spending this time on something productive"
@DeadMG I think you're doing something wrong
@DeadMG You had 9 hours and said yourself you didn't achieve anything
I don't think 10mins for a quick shower hurt there
@Xeo Heh, highly true. But at least I enjoyed it. Besides, I could have spent that time on something productive if I wanted to.
Put a garbage disposal in your shower and then you can make salad while you shower
It always takes me half an hour to actually get in the damn shower. I have a motivational talk with myself in the mirror, we discuss C++.
I've been pushing myself too far on Wide
need to put my sleep schedule back together and take a break
Me too, I don't know when was the last time I didn't have to emulate darkness for sleep.
also, I should really visit a doctor
probably multiple of them
That you should. But first take a shower.
it's time to get my hands dirty with Wide
write some implementations of the Standard libraries
Always fun to do that.
A: Strange C++ Memory Allocation

Domagoj PandžaData alignment and compiler padding says hi! The CPU has no notion of type, what it gets in its 32-bit (or 64-bit, or 128-bit (SSE), or 256-bit (AVX) - let's keep it simple at 32) registers needs to be properly aligned in order to be processed correctly and efficiently. Imagine a simple scenari...

What's up with people and pictures?
I'm such an artist!
@DomagojPandža oooh...
@DomagojPandža +1 for pictures.
I have a couple screenshots of the first few hours of the branch predictor question.
That was before a mod purged a bunch of comments.
There so many "+1 pictures".
Mods are partypoopers.
to give lazy in-place evaluation of algorithms, or eager copy-based evaluation?
@DomagojPandža No, they were very careful with cleaning up that question.
They didn't delete anything important.
@Mysticial I'm referring to something from the meta today, perhaps you were here (elaboration comments on downvotes)
@DomagojPandža Oh, that, lol
It's meta...
But it is hard generally to write up an answer which won't come to bite you in the ass. You try to simplify by limiting yourself to 32-bit registers, you still have to fight off all the stalking fiends who want to pick on details. And you have to qualify every damn statement such as: "what it gets in its 32-bit (or 64-bit, or 128-bit (SSE), or 256-bit (AVX) - let's keep it simple at 32) registers"
I'm still waiting for someone to come in and demand me to show an example on implementing a math library with SSE to validate the answer. xd
@DomagojPandža Yeah, I know what you mean. Putting <sub></sub> block disclaimers will work.
Damn, that answer was so nicely put it deserves 18.6k rep.
I always find it funny when people say things like "why is my compiler needlessly allocating more memory than it needs"
As if they assume the compiler writers don't know what they're doing.
@DomagojPandža Speaking of which. I was completely surprised when Tim Post commented saying that the mods promised to keep my answer out of wiki status.
It is arrogant, to say the least... You have a bunch of irritating schmucks who read 5 tutorials on a language and one on "memory management" and they think they understand everything.
"Why is the char c taking up four bytes? sizeof(char) returns, of course, 1, so why is the program allocating more memory than it needs?"
The next question is of course why you think 1 byte is all it needs for char c?
Apple published their WWDC 2012 videos
need to see what they've got on OpenGL
If I don't get my MRTs, I'll be angry.
wtf, somebody has a render technology that doesn't support MRTs?
for hardware released in 2011?
Well, iOS has MRTs but they're filled out one by one, in multiple damn passes.
lol wot?
So, kind of kills the point of it all. ._.
And I have to battle damn apple_ extensions.
can you name "hideously inefficient"?
@DomagojPandža iOS supports MRTs? For what?
OpenGL, deferred rendering, but not sufficiently. It's a hack
@nil Writing in reference of [this post](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/4332554#4332554) I think whatever wrong happens in SO and chat is just and only because of you, You are the person who does all the rule breaking.

**If we cant respect someone, then we should not atleast spread rumours**
What is vote-fraud?
@DomagojPandža What he's referring to is the little upvoting rings people set up to increase their reputation.
lol, that desperate for reputation?
Well, some folks are. I'll be glad as long as mine stays below 10k.
@DomagojPandža Hi, If someone is answering the Questions all day and get upvoted and accepted then also if people who dont know anything and get Jealous of it..
Then also they call it "vote-fraud"
It is not for me to judge anyone personally, nor do I say you had anything to do with it. But the concept makes no sense to me
It's just a Q&A site.
Yeh That's What I like, The Concept is to Q/A..why people keep bulshitting around in chat rather helping People on main site...
@RadheMohan If you've got a problem with something, complain on meta. I doubt this is an appropriate place to do it.
Yeah, Lounge<C++> is the source of all grief on SO.
"Game Developer Kickoff"
Dive into the multiplayer capabilities of Game Center, check out the shared experience of AirPlay, discover the incredible effects of Core Image, and much more.
@nil Yeh you are right, But actually i am busy in helping myself and other, so I just ignore this little craps arround.
Apple is composed of a bunch of schmucks who don't understand games are a multi-billion industry.
"incredible effects of Core Image"
@RadheMohan I haven't got a clue what you said, but okee dokee then.
@DomagojPandža What's Core Image?
Core Image is a Mac OS/iOS framework, if I remember right.
Or maybe just iOS..
At any rate, I'm pretty sure it doesn't do effects...
Core Image is a framework for developers which ties in somewhere between OpenGL and Quartz, on iOS and OS X.
An Objective-C framework at that.
Ha Ha Ha, Man who can get who is behing vote fraud just in a while, couldn't get me, My English is sooo good.
Sure you're not thinking of QuartzCore/Core Animation?
It's a quote from Apple's WWDC site.
They like to "simplify" things for developers so they can produce even more crap
without understanding anything.
Pardon my ignorance, I don't program for the iDevice so I have no idea about the state of development there
I like Obj-C/Apple frameworks, but it's best to ignore their introductory crap/text.
I hate the AppStore shit the approve.
Standards have to be uplifted, by a factor of 100.
is it even advisable to allow both lazy and eager evaluation of algorithms?
Not sure, cannot really think of an argument which would support both.
@DeadMG Not sure. I can't think of a situation where it can makes sense.
Use a coin toss.
You can use both? For some reason I thought that caused problems.
@Pubby Well, I can write one function which supports lazy evaluation if possible, and eager-evaluation otherwise.
@Pubby Precisely, XOR.
@DeadMG Oh, that could work... Maybe.
@DeadMG Is the lazy/eager thing something the user can choose between?
@DeadMG How is that different from just lazy evaluation?
@Insilico Because it supports eager evaluation too if your types don't support the necessary functions.
like if you have a move-only container, but an lvalue, you can still call the algorithm on it and it works
@DeadMG I see.
but arguably, the difference is only in performance
@DeadMG How do you specify lazy algorithm?
and I think that lazy algorithms can scale better, for some of them at least
@DeadMG How much different in performance?
@Insilico Depends on the use case.
Is it just traditional lambda method or do you have special syntax?
@DeadMG Then it should be an option exposed to the user, I think
@Pubby It's the same syntax both ways.
Barely two presentations on OpenGL, mostly concentrating on GLKit and sticking a dick to noob developer's mouths so they can feel important.
@DeadMG Show example?
"Advances in OpenGL" - Hah.
@DomagojPandža Apple doesn't care much about GL unless it's on iOS.
OpenGL sucks. I don't want more OpenGL, I want a 3d API that doesn't suck.
I'm talking about iOS, OS X is a sad failure when it comes to games.
On iOS, it's pretty well supported. On Mac OS, you're something like 3-4 years behind.
right now, my semi-pseudo-code is pastebin.com/WXV1aHhN
@nil Apple doesn't care much about GL anything unless it's on iOS. FTFY
@Insilico Pretty much.
The only reason they sell their computers is because iOS succeeded.
@DomagojPandža Implying that iOS devices != computers. :-P
And if they were to change OS X hardware requirements to envelop PCs in general, they'd get an even bigger boom.
@DomagojPandža But Apple refuses to allow Mac OS on non-Apple machines
Which interestingly leads to situations where people run Windows 7 on MacBook machines.
But not the other way around.
@Insilico Ignoring Hackintosh, of course.
My old machine could run OS X on it.
@DeadMG I don't understand enough to see what's going on
But this one can't because of the HD6990s
@DeadMG Of course. Everything I write comes with a footnote: "except for exceptions"
I tried "convincing" it they were just a 6970, but no deal
Q: Clamping a value to a range (sort of)

MiloI have a slider that returns values from 0.0f to 1.0f. I want to use this value and clamp it to MIN and MAX, but not exactly clamp. Say min is 0.2f and max is 0.3f. When the slider would be at 0, I want 0.2f. When the slider is at 0.5f, I want 0.25f, and so on. It's just so that the effect of ...

Not a bad question, but it seems to me that every programmer should be able to answer this, including the OP.
That guy has 847 Questions. It doesn't surprise me that he doesn't know that.
@Pubby Well, if the arguments are both copyable or movable and rvalue, then lazy evaluate (the bit I haven't written yet). Else, eagerly evaluate.
I mean the question is a bit harder than FizzBuzz, I'll give the OP that, but it's on the same level IMO.
AHAHAH, 847 questions
@DeadMG What prevents eager from always happening? Also, what about the cases where lazy/eager give different results?
@Pubby You could always eager if you wanted to. It just can be less efficient. Also, there are no cases.
if you lazy evaluate, then the algorithm always takes ownership of the source range (either by copying or moving if it can) so even if you then mutate it, you won't get a different result
@Pubby Actually I thought the opposite. A person who's coded long enough to come up with 847 questions never came across a situation that required a bit of math (or even just a bit of thinking)?
@DeadMG Bottom would give a different result (well, no result for eager)
@Insilico I dunno. LERP, for some reason, just never worked for me. I could never get the algorithm.
conceptually it's so simple
Never came across a situation interesting enough to require that kind of math, I guess.
but I could never get it straight in my head
@DeadMG Well, in the OP's case, apparently LERP haven't even crossed the OP's mind.
@Pubby Well, I guess that actually, of course, the two branches have different return types (whoops) so they really should be two different functions separated by (the equivalent of) SFINAE
@DeadMG I still don't really understand, but the order can also change.
@Pubby What do you mean?
if lazy evaluation is used, then the algorithm has a hidden internal range, equivalent to the state of the first at the time of call, which cannot be mutated by the user.
Well if I print something in the function then it would only get printed when the thunk gets evaluated
@Pubby Very true. But as far as I'm concerned, any impurities in the thunk are your problem.
"Programmable blending"
a new feature
From the guys who brought you copy and paste
in 2009.
@DeadMG You should seperate your lazy/eager stuff into two functions so the user decides the evaluation method
@DomagojPandža The hell is "Programmable blending"?
@DomagojPandža I think programmable blend functions are actually pretty interesting.
@Insilico Well, programmable alpha blending. Protip: Even D3D8 (and possibly 7 and earlier) could do this as part of the fixed-function pipeline.
Are you familiar with the general notion of a graphics pipeline?
@DeadMG This.
Especially considering this isn't part of what OpenGL ES is supposed to support.
@DeadMG Why didn't they just call it that?
@Insilico They did? Programmable blending.
you know, ranges are surprisingly difficult to code
@DeadMG I thought that was some kind of stupid programming design fad.
@Insilico No. It refers to the art of programming the function of alpha blending.
I thought we had programmable alpha blending since.... forever.
My ancient DirectX books talk about alpha blending
@Insilico That being the point that Domagoj is making.
So basically they're saying "we now support a feature every single non-stupid graphics card supports since the beginning of this century"?
Does programmable alpha blending include taking the last fragment (whatever that is in D3D) color and modifying it?
@Insilico They're saying that they added something OpenGL ES doesn't include in its spec.
@nil Yes, it's part of pixel/fragment shader.
And yes, they're still using the same old temple scene with the same old deferred shading jerk off based on multiple unnecessary passes with nothing new in sight.
@DeadMG K, had to make sure.
@nil Oh okay that's not as bad then
'Cause OpenGL hates letting you access the previous fragment color last I checked.
@DomagojPandža Except for competence, it seems.
@DomagojPandža AND APPLE TAKES 70%
(or whatever percentage it is)
It's 30%, same as all app stores so far.
@nil What on earth is the previous fragment?
Except Microsoft? (they take $99 per project)
@DomagojPandža For games?
@DeadMG The color last drawn for that location on the window/screen.
@DeadMG The pixel beneath, they call it a fragment because pixel is too shallow of a name.
Fragments are OpenGL's bizarro-world name.
I don't quite understand the point of charging developers to even allow them to make software for the platform.
@nil Well, AFAIK, sane people just render to an offscreen texture and then blend it in to the primary window, instead of reading the back buffer.
Anyone have a link to what 'programmable alpha blending' is in GL?
Or is that just the glBlendFunc shit?
@DeadMG Which is slower than just reading the backbuffer.
glBlendFunc is a part of the old fixed-function pipeline
@DomagojPandža It's still in 4.2 spec
It's the part they didn't deprecate for who knows what reason.
Probably 'cause they didn't think to let you just write it into the shader yourself.
@nil Not really. You can only store one image to the backbuffer at once, which is way not enough.
They are really hard on deprecating stuff, too afraid of legacy stuff.
@DeadMG That's fine though. You only want the color at the fragment's location, you don't need anything other than that.
I'm talking about making blending programmable. I don't really consider shadows part of that.
Is this what we're talking about?
Q: Why do pixel shaders not let us read directly from the framebuffer or the depth buffer?

HanneshLetting me sample the framebuffer or the depthbuffer in the pixel shader would be an extremely useful feature. Even just being able to know the depth or the color of whatever is behind the current pixel would be useful. Why does both OpenGL and DirectX not let me do this? I was expecting there t...

I don't really think so
I mean, consider the fact that you have to do a bunch of offscreen rendering anyway.
it's simpler to then put that and blend it all on to the backbuffer in one job lot than to do 999999 blending passes.
@Pubby Nah, that's more or less obvious.
It's always best to batch stuff, the more you can shove in one push, the better.
@DomagojPandža Well then how do you do 'programmable alpha blending'?
I think I'll go shower before my family uses all the hot water.
Oh and I just got out of the shower. :)
Did you use all the hot water?
No. It's a dorm. They rarely run out at night especially when it's summer and the dorm is half empty.
Well that ruins my "I hate you, dad!" line.
@nil Do you have an ancient hot water heater or something?
@Pubby Well, it's accessing data from the last pass. In the old days, you just sent it to a fixed-function when you were done with the fragment shader (which is highly parallelized. You can ignore that fixed-function and reconnect that in your fragment shader, gl_LastFragData[0]
and you can calculate the new gl_FragColor, as usual
but it depends on #extension GL_APPLE_shader_framebuffer_fetch
You can emulate the classic fixed-function functionality (hah!) or do some hardcore shit, it's all up to you.
And you can branch even this way
@DomagojPandža So gl_LastFragData depends on an extension? Any other ones besides the Apple one? (I'm talking about GL, not GL ES)
It is GL, yup. But yes, it depends on an extension.
gl_LastFragData, if you think about it how we do directional lighting
in deferred renderers by drawing a fullscreen quad
you can use it for a cheap postprocess
And it guarantees that it executes last, you can always depend on gl_LastFragData
Whats the extension that has it? I don't see it here: opengl.org/registry/#otherextspecs
It's not there
It's quite fresh, Apple depends on it in WWDC 2012 videos as far as I can see, they require it for gl_LastFragData
We could've really used that damn parallel fill up of render targets.
Goddamn Apple schumcks.
They're satisfied it runs at 30 FPS.
30 FPS is for pussies who are blind and can't feel how slow it is.
+30 ms per frame, lol.
16, no more.
Everything else breaks the illusion
@Insilico Not ancient, but old enough
My one is a 10 seconds from cold startup to boiling hot waterz.
Also agreed on 30 FPS sucking.
Personally, I hate vendor-specific extensions, so I try not to use them.
I take advantage of them where it's easy to do so.
If I can respect DirectX for anything, it is that it doesn't suck a lot of dicks around to get the job done.
So like back when you could lock vertex arrays with an nvidia extension, I'd do that 'cause it's an easy check
There is nothing more irritating than getting an NV_ extension failure on an HD6990
People who don't check for extension availability when using them should probably be drawn and quartered.
I mean, honestly, it's so easy to check for, just do it.
it's a pity that I can't do something like template<typename T, typename F = decltype(args.begin())> void f(T&& args);, say.
but oh well
Damn, them templates are ugly.
They're ugly but in a charming sort of way.
oh well
written five simple Standard algorithm eager implementations, and added about 11 things on the todo list :P
no wait, make that 12
oh yes!
the main difference between eager and lazy evaluation is that it can change the access categories of the result.
if you lazy evaluate, you limit your traversal category quite nasty but increase the range of access categories, whereas eager evaluation has the reverse effect.
@nil what was all the mess with that guy on vote-fraud?
@DeadMG Want to play some BF3? :P
hmm, I can only play for a couple hours, after that I'mma need to spend at least a couple more hours cleaning my place up fore the landlady shows up
but apart from that, I can handle some BF3 :P
My ingame callsign is Radiosity
Derived of Origin crap
Yup, there you are
You really have a lot of time to play, huh? :D
game came out at the exact time at which some significant holiday started for me, IIRC.
here, you can be party leader and pick a server
also, did you expect anything else, really? :P
Can your system handle 64 conquest air maps? :P
Or do would you like something smaller? :D
it can most definitely handle a 64player Conquest
Operation Firestorm is the best, IMO
Same here. Caspian Border got a bit dry for me and I can eat some Kharg Island every once in a while.
whoops, don't go there :D
Kharg Island is pretty good too
so is Gulf of Oman
Karkand's not a bad map either
yeah, there's not much activity at this time of morning
best thing for productivity, but bad when you want to get a game :P
There's one Kharg Island, US server
that'll do
shouldn't be too bad
@DomagojPandža He had an answer with 15 upvotes that consisted entirely of a block of unexplained code that would make no sense at all to anyone looking for an answer to the same question.
So I said he was probably in some upvoting circlejerk or what have you.
Moreover, it was an answer to his own question, so it just seemed amazingly suspect.
15 socks?
No, just one cracker.
yar, damn russians
26-12 for me, 5-11 for you
I always try to go for the planes, I don't know why. I disable them, destroy them... But mostly those bastards just eject. :(
I know, it's really frustrating
Operation Firestorm is up <3
time to start cleaning soon
The landlord is going to enjoy himself when he gets to you :D
Squeaky clean
by the way
I've been thinking about introducing an "arbitrary-professor-restrictions" tag
for those idiotic questions where they say "Arbitrarily, all good answers disallowed"
then we can add it to our ignore lists and not have to deal with said
That would be mighty useful, less nerve damage.
you know
I should just start cleaning now
the sooner I start the sooner I'm done
My mother comes around usually, sees the mess, can't stand it, fixes it.
Although she said she'd never do it, always does it when she's around.
threw my Shogun 2 DVDs on to the pile of "To keep"
then I remembered I don't have a DVD drive
I can't get my ass off to bed, it's 10:49am, saturday.
My girlfriend is going to slaughter me if I sleep through again.

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