@TelKitty Ties are a way for managers to bring others to their own level of intelligence (by choking off the supply of blood to the brain, killing the brain cells of those too intelligent to be managers).
Mountain lion, puma, cougar, panther—this cat is known by more names than just about any other mammal! But no matter what you call it, it's still the same cat, Puma concolor, the largest of the small cat species.
There's a well-known paper in academic circles that features a rediscovery of the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration by a medical researcher:
“A Mathematical Model for the Determination of Total Area Under Glucose Tolerance and Other Metabolic Curves”, Mary M. Tai, Diabetes Care, 1994...
@wilx Problem is the framing. The paper isn't a bad blog post. It notes there are better ways to calculate the area under a curve compared to existing methods. Its more shameful that everybody was using shitty way to calculate areas under a curve.
If they had said they're using the trapezoid rule, it would have been a reasonable low impact paper :-)
This is why I'm not in academia. I tried to publish an paper on my Pi stuff. And a couple of reviewers gave me a bad time and made me feel bad. So ragequit academia.
CS academia is insulated from many of the problems of wet lab biology, including an order of magnitude less requirements to publish and the need to do actual science (aka discover things)
I've always had bad grades - from preschool through grad school. 3 years into the Ph.D program, I failed the qualifying exam. I did terribly in the section where the profs asked me to recite stuff from a random stack of about 1000 pages of publications. (I've always been bad with memorizing things.)
On the 2nd qual attempt, the same thing happened, but instead of failing me, they "conditionally passed me" - conditional on getting straight A's.
Yeah, I also had bad grades. Always got the same score on an exam. So in quantum mechanics 70% was a A, but when I was competing against "the Chinese national team" in core EE classes my GPA was closer to 3.4
They made a special exceptions for me based on my publication count (or otherwise good looks) to get my recent fellowship
@Mysticial Academia is horridly broken, I know quite a few people that got wholesale kicked out because they did research that the university and journals thought was useful but weren't a tenured Ph.D. in the department
@Mysticial You played the game wrong. I spent most of my qual distracting the PIs by talking about their research, or my research. After 45 (of 60 minutes), one of them said "we need to start making him write stuff on the whiteboard" , but it was too late. Failed the first round because my PI didn't let me take it.
@Mikhail I had a professor that pissed off the rest of the department by not starting his CS1000 (the equivalent of 101 at CU) with C and instead using python
it was hilarious since he was tenured
and had more research money coming in than the rest of the department as a whole
The department agrees on a curriculum, some ass hole fucks it up by teaching business majors a language which is used to make operating systems and embeded devices
@Mgetz Funny thing is that the journals kept chasing me down for years after I left. And kept telling, "Dude, wtf. The deadline for submitting a revision was August 2012. It's is now 2017. Why are you still following up on this? I'm dropped out of school years ago. This doesn't matter anymore."
So I told them, I submitted once. The reviewers didn't like it. I withdraw it by not resubmitting by the deadline. And they chased me down 5 years afterward.
The stuff in the paper is long out of date now. That Hypergeometric Series paper was about my pi program. And almost all the shit in it is out-of-date.
@Mysticial I also find it hilarious that your concern is that somebody actually did peer review, when typically the biggest criticism is that nothing is peer reviewed.
@Mikhail I simply didn't give a suit. I never had the academic attitude. So I really can't blame the university for forcing me out.
I gave no fucks about publications. I suspect part of that is because the Pi world record stuff gave me enough publicity that I had no fucks left to give.
@Mikhail I did want the Ph.D though - since I was trying to follow my dad's footsteps. But I failed at that. Now, I don't have any fucks to give for that anymore.