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Its Friday night. Anybody working on anything cool?
I'm trying to compare two derivations. If I can figure out how to play the derivation metagame, I'll have mastered all skills required in a research setting.
The problem with the derivation meta game is that you can say "hey move that term to the right" and nobody gives a fuck, then somebody else says "hey move that term to right" they are, apparently, contributing. Ultimate battle of perception, as the formulas are most certainly wrong.
When using SFINAE on a constructor that doesn't use the type in the signature I ended up with something like this:
  template <class T_ = T, class = IsDefaultConstructible<T_>>
  explicit array1d(size_type size)
      : size_{size}, storage_{std::make_unique<T[]>(size)} {}
But... people can actually lie about the type to use this way by explicitly passing a template parameter.
Sure, they may get a compile error when we try to make T[] but I feel like maybe I'm missing part of the idiom or something.
Maybe throw on a std::is_same<T_,T>?
@CaptainGiraffe stalking seals from beneath the ice
1 hour later…
@LeviMorrison the caller cannot pass an explicit template argument to a constructor template, this is the right way to do SFINAE
1 hour later…
@Mikhail Nope ... continue my current mission as a maintenance personnel ... not a developer ... but a maintenance personnel, fixing holes and gaps (in building or apps) ... and correcting leaning fence.
Sometimes I am almost apologetic about my whining habit - it's like I whine, then I forget about it in 2 minutes and happy all over again. Anger is this steam within and complain vents it. Leaving me all happy over again ...
By learning and practicing new things (and loving it), I am guaranteed to become one of the oldest newbies in some field someday (unless die earlier). Come with it, the thickest and most enduring skin of them all. I love it! There will be no difficult situation that suck a stocky, unabating skin can not tank through! Old newbies, unite!
@LucDanton if you don't know about it, I found this site, which can tell you which skills duolingo thinks are below 100% since the new design doesn't show you automatically
@jaggedSpire is that the right link?
I can’t figure much out, outside of all the HoF stuff
you can go to your own profile, or view your progress
got it, the progress page is well hidden
indeed, it took me quite a bit of poking around to find it :)
now you’ve got me reading about the crown level system which is supposed to supersede the old system
you don't have it yet?
I do, but I wasn’t paying attention to it
I started with my phone, which had it, then got tired of fighting autocorrect and moved to desktop, which didn't have it
and now I have esperanto autocorrect on my phone and the crowns system on desktop
a little from column A/B, a little from column Q/A
How do kernel stack overflow occurres?
midnight cabbage
Where can I ask questions about Linux kernel?
@CaptainGiraffe No but the implementation is self-contained and under the Boost license
I've got a modified implementation that avoids UB and adds proxy iterators support
@AsafFisher what's your question.
@Mikhail how does a kernel stack overflow happen, I do believe.
how about overclocking?
Oo you can overclock android kernel, but you have to get the right kernel ...
@StackedCrooked It's my most-viewed YouTube video by a long shot, for some reason.
@CaptainGiraffe skorbut has no C++ support.
@fredoverflow I liked it as well. Many people think writing a parser is too hard for them. But you show that it's actually easy and straightforward.
heart melts
I was recently struggling with it as well.
the problem is that people massively overcomplicate it
@fredoverflow You should do a video that can deal with parameters/variables, like ($1 + $2) / 2.
@Puppy Seems so.
@Puppy How? Parser combinators? ;)
no, I mean, just trying to deal with any kind of formal parsing/language theory
it's useful to have an understanding of but when it comes to actually writing your code, it's best to focus on the code
most people don't need anything more complicated than "Production? Write function."
Ah, you mean the whole LL, LR, LALR family kind of theoretical nonsense?
@Puppy Do you also write lexer by hand?
Then I feel in good company :)
when you want to have some code that does a thing, there's no substitute for writing some code that does that thing
DSLs or code generators are very, very rarely worth it
But, but... what about abstraction and libraries and frameworks and code generators and "don't reinvent the wheel" and stuff?!
none of them are capable of describing the parser I need in an adequate way
@Puppy but... compilers are code generators to assembly and loosely taken (programming languages) are DSLs!
code generators that generate code you could have written by hand are an admission that you, or someone, totally fucked up
Welp. I tried to use bison today.
the code output is terrible
It crashed when I added a second expression test. Was not able to figure out why.
I think I'll stick with Fred's approach :)
Must be horrible to parse C++ though.
@fredoverflow You started by implementing the innermost parse function and worked your way up. That was the main lesson for me.
I had tried before to approach it from the top down.
Which overwhelmed me and I didn't know where to start. So I didn't bother.
Now I'll bother again :)
3 hours later…
Suppose a car factory can produce 50 cars per day. Then an engineer comes along who discovers an inefficiency in the one of the stages in the assembly line. He's able to fix it and now the factory can produce 70 cars a day. Has production improved 40% (70/50)? Or was overhead reduced by 28.6% (1 - 50/70)? Which is the metric to use when benchmarking?
I'd report it as an improvement 40% of course :)
@Morwenn I noticed that I don't understand this part. Why would you pass a stack buffer and then call a function with it? The function already has the stack pointer. May as well find an implementation for std::pair<void *, std::size_t> get_available_stack_space(); inside the function and not make the caller implement that.
@StackedCrooked Depends on what your baseline is. Overhead reduced doesn't work well because you don't know how much overhead you have, so using the current performance as the baseline is more reasonable.
@nwp That is a good point.
It doesn't really matter though, you only need to keep the baseline consistent so you can meaningfully compare the numbers.
That makes sense.
1 hour later…
@Yvette yo
@nwp In memory constrained environments (the ones where std::inplace_merge allocating heap memory is a problem), people tend to initialize everything at the beginning of the programming, including big stack buffers if needed
@TelKitty hi love
hello folks
performance experts forward >>
Q: "Perf top" sorting doesn't appear to sort at all

Johannes Schaub - litbI wanted to inspect some metrics of a buffering queue and sort entries shown by perf top according to the number of items queued in the buffer at any given trace point. However, when I specified the number-of-items field as the primary sort key, it didn't sort according to this key at all. As a...

why do I have to log in to watch road rage videos?
@StackedCrooked Are you aware of craftinginterpreters.com ?
and another page goes on my "read later" bookmarks list... why would you do that to me :(
@JohannesSchaub-litb 389k, holy moly! Have you always been the most famous Lounger? ;)
@fredoverflow dunno
it's mostly unfair because i got the points when there weren't many concurring writers :p
I get most of my "pension points" from "What are move semantics?" these days :)
the semantics are that reputation points are moved to fred's account
@JohannesSchaub-litb Yeah, what would we do without our precious, imaginary Internet points? :)
my colleagues couldn't brag anymore on how one in their team is a "stackoverflow pro"
Pro? Professional? You can make money on stackoverflow?
not really :p only imaginary
So, you're into these days? Have you rewritten everything in Rust yet? :)
no, it rusted away
@fredoverflow dunno much of Rust :(
yeah trying to use perf in various scenarios and loving it
2 hours later…
@LucDanton Thanks.
1 hour later…
@thecoshman new suspension fluid - check. Handles way better now
I think this is all I'm gonna do to it at this point
Well maybe check the valves
It's a funny little thing I have to say
Don't underestimate small motorbikes and the fun you can have on them
have they merged the rooms? I can't find the questions one
@VioAriton I think it was decided not to in the end
@BartekBanachewicz nice stuff
I went to try to sort out learner permit, but the queues at the place were crazy long
for a bike? yeah summer is coming up so a lot of people will be getting their mid life crisis fix
I've got more and more random algorithms from research papers in my library .__.
is Fanael dead?
@VioAriton Still there
@jaggedSpire is that a real question ?
I think it is.
3 hours later…
@Mikhail I certainly don't know
it seemed like it was asked in earnest
@jaggedSpire each thread gets its own stack. More or less same as userspace.
In the future inlining will render the stack obsolete and compile time will replace runtime.
But compile times will be so large and code bases so long that only the five richest kings of Europe will could afford C++

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