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and that's it
and the incredible overuse of exceptions and run-time inheritance where some proper compile-time polymorphism would do instead
@PiotrLegnica They use Java to teach you algorithms? For several years, I had to teach C++ to poor damaged minds that had been tortured with Java in the first two semesters of their CS major. I had one semester to undo as much of the damage as possible. 12-15 lectures and as much lab time to go from "Hello, world!" all the way to template-meta programming. I bet some of those still hate me with the hot blue fierce of a thousand suns.
Heh, we have trouble at my company with graduates that don't really understand how to write a memory manager.
sbi: hehe, I bet they do. Template meta programming is fun.
Is it common for linked list implementations to also store the number of elements?
@sbi that's how you know you've done your job properly ;)
Nils: I'd say, given the cost of counting them. It depends how light the implementation is.
or needs to be.
@TimLutherLewis It is, but TMP only was one session at the very end, just to twist their brains a bit, and I always made it clear that all I wanted to know from them n the test was what it was good for, and its (dis)advantages.
@DeadMG worse than that, there is an arbitrary line that divides Objects from primitive types, and the decision on where to place them is based on that
@jalf LOL!
David: Absolultely, bugs the crap out of me and gets in the way of writing tidy code.
@TimLutherLewis So if you need to convert it into an array you need the size anyway. In case the size is not stored, you need to iterate over it twice, correct?
@Nils Some do, some don't. STL lists are not required to do so, but it is suggested that size() be implemented in constant time
Yes, you would. Unless you've stored it.
@TimLutherLewis <meta> You need to properly @address people so they'll get notified of your replies to them. There's a bold link named newbie hints on the right. Read it. </meta>
@nils: It really depends on how you're going to use it.
@sbi: understood
classnamer.com <-- best site ever?
Meh, everyone knows best classes are called SomethingManager.
@thecoshm: hehe
better would maybe count the items when they are added or removed..
"SimpleNotificationPanel" doesn't sound too stupid to me
@Nils. Computational Fluid Dynamics? Fun.
sure it is
@Nils. I guess that if you have to use what they're providing then you don't have much choice. Is it a list deriving from a virtual interface?
I think so.. not completely sure
"intrusively doubly-linked list"
@Nils: I only say that because I see ISomethingOrOther and that's a naming convention I use for interfaces.
why intrusively?
@Nils sounds like it requires the data type to provide the linking pointers. Not sure, though.
@Nils. My guess is that the double linkedness is dependent on the class that you're making the container over, if that makes sense. I'd have to see the source to be sure.
Intrusive containers usually leave bookkeeping (next/prev pointers) to stored objects.
@sbi yes
@Nils: I think we're all saying the same thing then.
It's usually cheaper (in terms of runtime and, maybe, memory) to do that.
@Nils: out of interest are you using CUDA for your CFD stuff?
yes, I'll have to move particles from the CPU to the GPU
so I thought the easiest thing is to pack it into an 1d array, but for that I need to keep track of the size
ah it has a size
@Nils: Are you sure a linked list would be optimal for this, particularly if it has a virtual base? How does it allocate memory?
not sure
You mean a linked list on the host?
Well the idea is basically that you an do some lagrangian (particle) operations on the gpu. However since the rest of the code all runs on the host I'll need to synchronize after every timestep
@Nils: when you say host, are you refering to the CPU or Graphics card or a remote machine.. sorry, I don't know much about the archicture you're talking about.
Well in CUDA or OpenCL speech the host is code executed on the CPU, while the device is usually a GPU.
@Nils: When I've written particle systems, I've had to be very careful how I allocate memory - definately not off the heap for thousands of particles a frame. Usually that means a custom memory manager. Your library probably does that sort of thing internally though.
@Nils:Are particles dying/created often or is there a fixed number of them to start with?
Well first I want to do it with a fixed number of particles. But in OpenFOAM you can remove, add them however you like.
I imagine they've probably got some optimal way of doing that.
guess so.. but all I have is the source code, no paper about it or any docs
Nobody likes writing docs :)
I hate heisenbugs.
so whats new
I'd take docs over those any day.
@sbi: don't we all
@TimLutherLewis Guess I'll have to look at how OpenFOAM does memory management more in detail.. just out of curiosity what kind of particle systems have you worked on? (real time?, for graphics or computational science?)
Realtime and for games so nothing that has to simulate anything real, just look pretty :)
@Nils: what about you?
nothing with particles so far, did some smaller things with openfoam
I have just waited for a test to finish that takes ~10mins (with DebugVerbose) just to realize afterwards that this wasn't the test that I wanted to run...
that kind of sucks
Ha! Nailed the heisenbug. (`twas a pretty lame one for heisenbugs.) Now off to the one I actually was after...
@sbi: was the cat dead or just not working on this phase of the moon?
@TimLutherLewis Pratchett once said that Heisenberg must have never had a cat. If you lock a cat into a box, and open it later to look at the cat, then there's two staes that cat could be in: either dead, or bloody furious!
(I'm working on a distributed system, with several machines (physical and/or virtual), several processes on each one, each process with many threads, data traveling back and forth between the machines. That setup has plenty of room for heisenbugs, and I suppose in the last 12 months I have been slaying more of those than I had in the ten years before that.)
@DeadMG What actually happens when you say Object o = i; is Object o = Integer.valueOf(i), not Object o = new Integer(i). For small values of i, this prevents unnecessary object creation thanks to pooling mechanisms.
@sbi that must be an interesting adventure. How do the processes talk to each other?
if they even do
the point was that I had to manually state one, last time I checked
not the actual mechanism
soooo I have to go and drink beer
@DeadMG Java has autoboxing, does it not?
@FredOverflow what language is that?
I thought that it only had manual boxing
and the last time I used it, I had to use manual boxing
oh Java... I'm not a fan personally
whereas C# had autoboxing
C# I can live with
AFAIK they added some autoboxing stuff in Java 1.5
Vector<int> v = new Vector<int>();
v.add( 5 ); // this requires autoboxing
@DavidRodríguezdribeas that because 5 is a constant?
no, just because it is an int
yea but you've created a vector with ints in it? how is that boxing?
what am I missing?
because it can't actually have ints in it
only Integers
@Tony it's a java vector, not a C++ vector
infact, Java generics cannot be passed primitive parameters for this kind of reason, I believe
@jalf ah I see, that's what I was missing
@Nils Correct, Java has had autoboxing since 1.5
didn't know Java had vectors
a std::vector has no add method
@DeadMG can't they? I thought they just made the boxing implicit
God damn people marking me down when I haven't said anything false... he's 5k... it's like rich people punching the poor for kicks.
@DeadMG yes you're right
@Tony Some .NET stuff I hadn't been involved in. I think it boils down to passing data directly between threads, per named pipes between processes, and using some TCP/IP protocol between machines.
@TimLutherLewis which answer?
I'm pretty sure that Java generics can't be passed primitives
because of the backwards compatibility issue
@sbi ah I see
when .NET introduced generics, they threw out all the old bytecode, but Java kept it
and the trouble with that is
Uh. Oh. The heisenbug is back. Or it's a different one... Dammit!
a java.whatever.List<T> must be implicitly convertible to the old list type, which is effectively java.whatever.List<Object>
A: behaviour of tiny c++ structs

Tim Luther LewisIf you start adding virtual functions, it will increase by 4 bytes on most systems/compilers (and an extra 4 bytes for every interface you include). Generally speaking, the struct should be the same size as the contents unless the compiler has added extra padding as Aviv said. Have a look at #pr...

@sbi fun fun. I'm happy to report I haven't had any heisenbugs all week
but a list of something that doesn't inherit from Object cannot be converted that way
Just saying that it'll the struct will definately start to grow once you add virtual functions.
I'm glad I haven't had any heisenbugs in the system I'm writing, hope they don't come
but you never know
@Tony: I find that making sure you don't have any global complicated objects helps. Non pointer complex objects have Heisenbugged me to hell in the past.
with threading you never know whats gonna hit you next
@Tony: I miss determinism.
@TimLutherLewis I try not to have too many shared objects at all
I have one or two
@TimLutherLewis wish threading could be deterministic
@Tony: You usually find you need a few global singletons but not many.
however that's never gonna happen
Debugging threads is fun.
I asked about that once on SO
Debugging threads with corrupted memory doubly so.
Singletons are not my friends
I'd rather pass the objects I'm sharing around
@PiotrLegnica: You have a strange idea of fun there
yea, pretty odd
You never "need" a singleton
@jalf I couldn't agree more
@Tony: I do that for practically everything other than my class factory.
@TimLutherLewis I played Dwarf Fortress.
@TimLutherLewis I fail to see how a singleton in a multi-threaded environ could be practical
@PiotrLegnica Dwarf Fortress is brilliant
And help develop a similar game.
@Tony: It would have to be made very thread safe, true.
if that is an object that many threads access a lot, you'll only slow things down
I like my minecraft
@jalf I know. Except the horrible, horrible UI.
and it has an interesting definition of fun
because now it becomes an object accessed serially
@Tony: exactly, I don't call my class factory much.
You know your UI is brain-dead when players need a separate utility to play effectively.
oh, I have to do some GUI stuff soon; not looking forward to it
only on startup
@TimLutherLewis ah ok
@Tony: I like GUI programming but only when it's my GUI!
@PiotrLegnica true. But at least such a separate utility exists
I can just about tolerate Qt.
oh, I've been doing C++ nonGUI for a while now and that really suits me
And the excuse that the game is not finished, so dev would have to rewrite UI several times is very, very, very, very bad.
however sometimes I won't be able to avoid GUI
can't help thinking how much pain it'd save people if he made the game as a library with an api people could hook up against to develop proper frontends
as long as they don't expect me to make it look nice
With the right library, doing UI is not so bad.
I like code design better
objects, classes, struct, data structures... that's my ball game
I also don't really like UI
not radio-buttons and windows
I like making a complete program.. I like holisticness
my experience of UIs is that you get some functions that do things completely different to what you think a function with that name should
and that they're difficult to effectively work with
@DeadMG yea, it's just impractical if you're no good with graphical stuff
I coded in MFC: I have scars.
Coding UI from the very scratch is pretty tedious, but with e.g. Qt I usually don't even need WYSIWYG, it just works like it should.
@TimLutherLewis when I was about 13 I started learning C++ with MFC... that was hell
the only UI code I've worked with that I managed to get working without too much trouble with WPF
but I can't get it to integrate with my own DirectX based rendering
@DeadMG Actually, List<Object> and List are different types :) List is more like List<? extends Object>, because you can bind a List variable to any kind of list.
@DeadMG now WPF can be fun though :)
Qt is the GUI library that MS couldn't write. I hope they don't destroy it out of spite now that they're in bed with Nokia.
the thing is, I'd rather write the majority of my application in native code
but all the MSDN samples seem to assume that I originate from managed code
I'd much rather do, like, native app w/ WPF UI layer
not managed app w/ DirectX-based 3D rendering
@DeadMG what's wrong with DirectX?
I'm not much home in graphical stuff
I had a hard time finding UI lib targetting SDL. Agar is pretty good, if you ever need one.
Even though it's C.
If I have to learn data structures I'd prefer using C++ to learn them, not Java
or algorithms for that matter
@Tony: That's true. I only like java because its cross platform and compiles fast. It gets in the way of itself so much though.
@TimLutherLewis C++ is as much cross platform as Java is, if not more
compile times in C++ can be rather long however
if the project is big enough
thats why you compile on a fast machine :)
@Tony: kind of, I've always had more luck getting java working on any machine. My applets always worked on whatever I tried them on. Unfortunately, most of my C++ code is in Visual C++ and I've never managed to get it all to compile in GCC so no cross platform C++ for me yet.
I understand that LLVM compiles nice and quick. I'm going to give a go some day.
lame... in the three house since I got home from uni, I have booted into windows, opened my VS project, said "fuck it" restarted into Ubuntu to just do some report writing and instead watched some tv... and now feel like I cant go on unless I have some dinner. I do not have the time to be this shit at getting work done
Some days it's better to just relax, read a book or have a beer.
I got back 10 hours ago and still haven't done anything. I'm lazy.
I haven't left yet... just long compile times so I'm in here.
I found a way to reproduce the bug with logging set to verbose, and now I was able to even get a call stack on the damned thing. It's now officially not a heisenbug anymore. :)
@TimLutherLewis problem is, "Some days" is is happening all to often
@sbi sounds good!
@sbi: nice.. one less heisenbug means our victory over their kind is closer.
@thecoshman you're not the only one with that problem, believe m
@Tony Only now I still have to find out why it happens...
Writers block applies to coders too
> If a bug crawls in the woods...
@Tony I'm sure I am not.
@sbi that's always the challenge
It's a kind of feed back though, the more days I spend not working, the more pressure I have to get the work done, which makes me more likely to snap and not work at all
Get a good night's sleep, that usually helps.
the worst time debugging something I had was with COM accross proc boundaries... pff that was horrid
@Tony: was reference counting involved?
COM was involved, that's scary enough.
@TimLutherLewis Doesn't really atm, the misses has been back with her parents to avoid the 'pleasant' state our house gets left in by flat mate. So sleeping makes me feel lonely, which coupled with painfully cheap bed means very little sleep
Time to cook dinner, and hope that I can fart out some magical hours of work :/
Heh, I get like that whenever the wife is away. It's all 'yay, house to myself' followed by 'this place feels rather empty'
I'm off home. Nice talking to you chaps.
@Tony I do that all the time. I have a breakpoint in the executable I start, when I reach that I attach to the other processes needed. VS actually makes that rather easy. Remote debugging isn't really fun, though. Whenever I start that on a machine I hadn't done before I need forever until I have the rights setup so I'm allowed to attach from remote...
joy ¬_¬ pre cooking washing... sharing a house is great
I only have one flatmate and it's not bad
@DeadMG yer me to, He's not that bad. It's just he see's nothing wrong with collecting plates in his room and doing like a weekly wash. That and his 'clean' is not the same for me. It's get to my misses more, so she's gone home for a while
my flatmate's idea of "clean" is also somewhat dubious
she's somewhat anal about sides, floors, etc, but when it comes to washing up the plates, the result is often suspect
Had much worse flat mates mind. in my second year, was with a flat of about 6, my misses and me sharing a room. three of them where friends. constant state of mess every where. loud all night every night. not fun one bit
I could not live without a dishwasher.
dishwasher? really? I might agree with you if I had one that was able to wash thing properly with out demand I do half the work first.
As long as I have music... loud and usually metal, I can cope
Works fine for me. The dirtiest plates may need some presoaking, but no manual scrubbing or anything. Usually it's just fire and forget.
never had a dishwasher that I had to pre-soak anything in
just give the plate a simple rinse and make sure you don't try to double the dishwasher as a bin for excess food
@thecoshman Wait till you have a herd of kids. I used to look down my nose on people who had dishwashers. Now I wouldn't want to trade mine for a bag of gold.
@DeadMG Yeah, that's what I meant. Bad wording. :P
Well thank crap for that, back home.
@DeadMG that's what I mean, having to pre-rinse stuff
@sbi well, kids = dishwasher
I only ever had to pre-rinse stuff if it was full of excess food
apart from that, the dishwasher could cope
but when its just two of us, hand washing is faster. unless some one decides to come down, wash a dozen plates badly and thus leave you to either re-wash them, or eat of dirty plates
I built a robot slave to do all that stuff out of a game boy advance, lego and an old printer.
@TimLutherLewis Not true, printer wouldn't cooperate, they never do.
Since my misses has been in Ireland, i have re-learnt how awkward it is cooking for one. half my meals are a previous days heated up again. well... less then that when you factor in the lazy dinners
at least you have a missus
@Piotr: it was an old HP b&w printer. Very reliable. The missus wanted to chuck it out so I stripped it for parts and built robots.
@PiotrLegnica during my placement year, was an IT techy at a school, about every three weeks had to replace the ink cartridge in ARTs A3 ink jet. Every time, I had re learn it. Was such a pain in the ass to do, always something wrong with it. I love lasers, you just drop the new cartridge in, done
@JohannesSchaublitb erm... chat room?
@thecoshman You need to employ a pipelining strategy: Put the remains in the fridge. The next day you cook again, and again put the remains into the fridge. The third day have a lazy meal. On the fourth day you eat the remains from the first day, the next day from the second. That prevents you from having to eat the same thing for two days in a row. :) If it gets boring, then cook meals that won't keep for three days. Then you need out-of-order processing to prevent a stale cache...
@thecoshman When I had only two or three, I wouldn't see the need for a dishwasher. Only after fourth I gave in. I, too, appreciated a chore that kept your head free. I had some of my best ideas while doing the dishes.
My wife laughed at me when I interrupted while doing the dishes and went, hands still dripping, straight to the computer, because I absolutely had to test whether this meta function would help which I thought of while doing the dishes... (She did insist on me going back to do the remaining dishes, though. Being married is not all fun, you know.)
Urgh.. the wife is watching the social network. 5 minutes in, I have to leave the room. I don't know any coders who speak like that.
Can't get worse than CSI.
@TimLutherLewis I thought it got better later on. Less pseudo-programming talk to make you cringe ;)
@PiotrLegnic: ENHANCE!
Gah, StackOverflow is harsh. I'm having a bad day of questions.
@PiotrLegnica Like that: youtube.com/watch?v=hkDD03yeLnU? (Yes, she really said "I’ll create a GUI interface using Visual BASIC, see if I can track an IP address.")
@TimLutherLewis What is that?
@sbi Exactly that.

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