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@nwp turns out ... there is a typo in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
I didn't put # in front of psk
And now everything works?
sweet, I setup headless mode for the pi. Now I don't need an extra monitor, mouse or keyboard, I can just ssh into it
@TelautonomousKitty Good stuff!
For headless set-ups that need occasional offline maintenance, I use USB->RS232 converters to get a console without needing network or monitor/mouse/keyboard
2 of the pins on the PI serve a RS232 Serial Terminal (Shell)
wot? my $500 drone didn't come with propeller??
Oo, there is a second layer down the bottom
2 hours later…
if you put it on backwards, it becomes an impeller
Tried do some C++ while on the airplane, sadly the airplane outlet would turn off every-time I tried to build my code.
still have to install the gimbal and camera
Got a job offer on SO from a company that I did not apply for.
The company has its homepage with some fancy-looking office pictures.

Searched a little, found not much information about it, and no feedbacks on Glassdoor.
Does this happen often here to you guys? or is this some sort of a...scam?
Not a low self-esteem problem, but why would any company come to me first?
All the ones I received were easy to find companies, mostly startups.
@Mikhail easy to find companies?
When I looked them up they were real
different geographic region probably
Why me though, smart people like this guy, @Rapptz could perform better.
job offer or invite for an interview?
I asked if there'll be a coding interview, and they said none.
A Skype conversation is required though.
lol, what a high bar to meet
So it will be just a chording interview.
with my voice.
3 hours later…
@Mikhail A backward propeller should become a conpeller, shouldn't it?
@RobertTroipartrois it’s not ded yet
#%$^^!!! 100+ menu for this all manual drone
2 hours later…
I managed to fly the drone by like 10cm off the ground >_<
it's hard to balance with a camera
and I would rather not break the drone
still have to get the camera working
flew to 3 meters high ... then crash landed
@LucDanton ._. I want to believe
At this point they should just get rid of worlds really
Make a single big world where, you know, guilds fight? As advertised in the game name
On peut perdre une bataille mais ne pas avoir de guerre
4 hours later…
Hey there
Is @Rapptz still a frequenter here?
@VermillionAzure mostly on 'cord
I forgot we had a discord...
I remember I don't like going there because I felt that it was like shunning any new people like me coming in
@VermillionAzure not at all
@Ven So? How have you been?
@thecoshman What do you mean "not at all?"
we don't shun new people at all
I thought we didn't make it very explicit that people should join there
our caption is "Astrology 101" and not a link to the discord lol
We spent about three months trying to keep the link alive, but got tired of it
@VermillionAzure Tired, but fine.
@thecoshman ...Waht?
The lounge doesn't shun new people? lol
I'm staying later and later
@thecoshman add it to the rules page?
@Ven So... how about I play "newbie"
@VermillionAzure You don't need to play newbie since you're a badlet
@Ven Hi, my name is Cinch!
Is there a way I can stay in contact with people live? I'd love to lounge with you guys
@Cinch I hear we have a discord but I dunno where the link is
@VermillionAzure Well I can't find it on the rules link
@Ven You see what I mean here? @thecoshman
@Ven Also wtf is a badlet?
Bad ... but less important bad person ... like a side kick :p
@RobertTroipartrois fry.pcf
@ratchetfreak vOv who ever can edit it can add link sure
@VermillionAzure youareabadlet.com
@thecoshman I don't know the link or I'd make a pull request: github.com/LoungeCPP/loungecpp.net/blob/gh-pages/_the_law/…
@LucDanton GW dying :(?
@ScarletAmaranth no more than before
a bad game and a dead game
Good evening gentlemen.
Do you think it's a good idea to name a subsection of "Skills" in a CV something like "Hands-on or limited experience" to place stuff that I have used, but have no profound knowledge of, into that section?
@iksemyonov nah, just say you have it as a skill
if you know enough to talk about it, you know enough to say you use it etc.
@thecoshman I want to mention familiarity with certain tech but at the same time not to create a false impression of knowing it so as to fail at work later.
Hmm okay
Just slap it on the CV
you can talk more about it during interview
Well let me give you an example: I know GDB CLI much better than WinDBG. Then, I can navigate threads, memory, breaks, stacks etc.in windbg. But the interviewer might say that there is a ton more to it, that I've no clue about. See where I'm going?
what's the issue
you know something about a topic, they ask you some detail you don't know, so you say you don't know that part
@iksemyonov Although you have to sort of expect that they're going to be somewhat inflated, I've seen people self-rate their level of proficiency in various areas, and I think doing so is fairly reasonable.
There's a line though. I know some Spanish, I wouldn't say I'm a Spanish speaker, and whilst I'm a long way of perfect with my English, I'm obviously good enough to say I speak it
@thecoshman That would mean, perhaps, a rating of 1 or 2 in Spanish. Realistically, unless you'd say you rate at least 3 out of 5 (or something on that general order), it's normally not worth mentioning on your resume. Enough people took at least one class in some foreign language that unless your proficiency is higher than most, it would be about like including the fact that you know how to tie your shoes.
@JerryCoffin basically yeah
I couldn't hold a conversation :P
@thecoshman You might consider visiting America. Living in San Diego, you pretty routinely see tourists who aren't going to let their lack of proficiency slow them down. Even with my extremely limited Spanish, I sometimes catch some pretty laughable errors.
@iksemyonov I don't recommend putting anything that you're not fluent with in your resume unless you need it to take up space.
Someone reading your resume 10 min. before the interview will look for the skills that are needed for the position. And if they find them on your resume, you're going to get grilled on it.
In fact, just last weekend my wife and I had dinner at a Mexican place where a guy at the next table was trying to order a "caballo piedra blanca", which I guess works out to "white stone horse", or something on that order. I was pretty impressed with the waiter though. He asked the guy to order in English because he'd just come here from Mexico and needed to practice his English.
Though admittedly, this is more of the mindset of the specialization industries. I think in general tech, it matters less.
@Mysticial It really depends, especially with e.g. newgrads. It's expected they'll have all their school bullshit on their résumés.
@Ven "school bullshit" is a very good description. :)
@Mysticial I'd know, I regularly teach :P.
@Mysticial "school bullshit" is redundant.
@Ven It depends on the school. If someone said that about my school, precisely a university, I'd get offended, not without a reason. Though I understand what you mean.
So what if you get offended at "school bullshit"?
Just because you paid 75k$ doesn't make the projects you did there not-bullshit.
Oh, I live in Russia..
@iksemyonov By "school bullshit", we're referring to the last section in everybody's resume that's always there but nobody ever looks at it.
Guess it's slightly different here. At least the 75K part. :)
@Mysticial Well, I see. But thew stuff I did at school including the master's thesis has gotten me a few offers..
@iksemyonov This is not at all about that.
This is about listing e.g. Prolog and the Lisp you used to create a REPL in your résumé.
@Ven Now I see. That's very limited experience, typically.
For me, it would be Java and Scheme as well as python.
ah the "used once in class" list
@iksemyonov See? :P
Yeah, that would be the better definition.
Everyone has those
@JerryCoffin sounds not fun :\
Q: Are Instanced APIs a Problem in a C Interface?

Jonathan MeeSo an Instanced API is one that behaves like an object. So for example: foo* GetInstancedAPI(); void MemFuncSetter(foo* fooThis, const int arg); int MemFuncGetter(const foo* fooThis) const; This is as opposed to a non-instanced API which would depend upon look-ups: int GetInstancedAPI(); void...

@thecoshman Depends on whether you're involved, or just watching...
@RobertHarvey what's the issue or concern?
It got loungers to participate. I think that was the desired effect.
@Mysticial Now I think I'll just put this kind of stuff into the "used tech" section under the relevant job experience entry. That makes sense, doesn't it. And when put that way, it means just that: I successfully used the tech to solve a problem.
A: Program to parse CSV and use bidirectional BFS to find the shortest degree of connection between the actors

seheIt looks like you found a pretty nice approach there already. A few general things stand out: Using globals Magical constants and unsafe C-style arrays/raw pointers: static vector<uint64_t> *movie_map = new vector<uint64_t>[1200000]; static vector<uint64_t> *actor_movie_map = new vector<uint64_t

Overdoing the overdoing
1 hour later…
@iksemyonov Thesis could go in the projects/work experience section
am I the only one who doesn't like the fact that you can't have line like this: auto size = size("array size test"); ?
(the variable name of the same name as function being called)
yes, you are the only one
also, if you had used explicit namespace qualification that would be, auto size = std::size("array size test");
thank you, that's the trick I hoped to get, just in case :)
in fact, don't use using namespace std;
it's likely to break your code
@milleniumbug At least IMO, the way they defined using directives is unfortunate. What they should have done (that would prevent 99.99% of potential breakage) would be that a using directive would (in effect) create a scope surrounding the scope in which the directive is placed, and it would be as if a directive that works like a current one were placed in that surrounding scope.
For example: { using namespace std; /* code here */} would become equivalent to code like: { using namespace std; { /* code here */ }}`
This way, everything from namespace std becomes visible, but if you define something by the same name in your code, it takes precedence and there's no conflict between the two.
yeah it's unfortunate
also the #min and #max defines in "windows.h"
This would get a little tricky in the case of something like multiple using directives in the same scope (but I'm pretty sure it could be dealt with, probably fairly easily.
@Mikhail It's been there for a year already. :p
> also the #min and #max defines in "windows.h"
@Mikhail That's easy: simply expunge macros from the face of the earth! (oh, but I have this really cool idea for how to make variadic macros more type-safe that they should really add...)
@ratchetfreak Star bait accepted. You sir, are clearly a master baiter!
most of the people that I know that use win32 directly create their own stripped down version of windows.h
@JerryCoffin inb4 modules
@ratchetfreak there's a library which provides that in a friendly way somewhere
@ratchetfreak Or just keep <Windows.h> out of any header files.
I'm always compile-firewalling windows.h
@ratchetfreak Worth noting that windows.h itself supports being stripped down considerably. Unfortunately, it's an opt-out situation, where it includes everything by default, and it's up to you to add #defines to remove remove the stuff you don't want (and even that doesn't remove the #define CreateWindow CreateWindowW stuff).
On a similar note, the Intel SSE/AVX intrinsics are getting to the point where it's starting to be a performance issue.
There's just so many of them.
Using the wrong ones?
@Mikhail No, the header is so large that it's becoming a performance issue during compilation.
^the main reason people create their own windows.h
So Intel added an option in their compiler to do away with the header and let the compiler treat all the intrinsics as natives.
Well software many libraries like Qt don't create their own windows.h, I certainly don't in my own stuff. If you need COM/ATL its already included for you.
if you can speed up your iteration time by a few seconds it can be worth it
it should only take an hour or 2 to create a stripped windows.h and you recompile a lot during dev...
So, Qt's header's include windows.h and likewise COM/ATL. I'm not changing Qt or COM/ATL.
@Mysticial Treat the intrinsics as if they were intrinsic? Heresy!
@Mikhail You don't need to. Just tweak your include paths so that your windows.h is found and the normal one isn't
@JerryCoffin yep!
@Puppy In the case of Qt, I'm pretty sure it uses most of "windows.h" for legitimate reasons. there are a bunch of things like #define VC_EXTRALEAN that can be used that basically strip down "windows.h" and I feel is a more paradigmatic approach compared to rolling your own OS header.
the thing is, you got in this position in the first place because the paradigm is shit.
so I wouldn't be overly concerned about being paradigmatic
When I write programs with GUIs I actually need a lot of windows.h :-)
but still only a fraction of what's actually in there
Idk, I actually spent some time benchmarking this, things like #define NOKANJI have almost no effect on compile time...
a lot of the time is spent just reading all the nested includes from disk
I dare you to check out the preprocessed output from just #include <windows.h>
dump out the #include directives as well while you are at it
@Mikhail At least if memory serves, VC_EXTRALEAN is for MFC. Perhaps you meant WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN? Though if memory serves, when you define VC_EXTRALEAN, the MFC headers then define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN before they include windows.h...
well it doesn't
@BartekBanachewicz got basic build up for woofington-temp.. gonna push it when my boss gives me permission to borrow this 100loc from work
I did have Wide set up at one point to build on Travis and push the build artifacts to S3, would be interesting to see about something like htat again
maybe commit build output to GH pages
1 hour later…
also C++ needs a pure keyword for auto memotization
more like a keyword for auto monetization :P
I'm tempted to do it with a #define, but I don't like it when code yells at me
Why is this obviously too broad and completely unclear question not closed, upvoted and a hot network question?
@nwp Definitely unclear. I don't see a C++ tag on it. So new could refer to other things.
And it's almost unavoidable in Java.
@Mysticial That's my point. "Is using this keyword in any language bad?". Which makes it unclear what is being asked. Any attempt to define that in an answer would be too broad.
And in C++, I would say that newing into an std::unique_ptr is common enough to not be an exception. Especially in cases where you can't use std::make_unique because of a custom deleter or a private constructor*.
*The private constructor can be crudely worked around with the PassKey idiom. But it's still ugly.
I don't appreciate you giving constructive feedback to my rant. At least pretend to write "Yeah, everything is garbage".
Ok, everything is shit.
lol, what if he really was asking about Java?
That's more like it. I feel validated now.
@Mikhail Then everything is shit.
I don't think anyone misspells Java "regardless of the language".
IOW, everything is shit.
frankly it sounds like he is fishing for an answer like "use DI for everything"
especially the bit about unit tests
@Mikhail It often doesn't, but a quick check on the Microsoft web site seems to indicate that in this case it did: "VC_EXTRALEAN can only be used in MFC projects, but WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN can be used in any project." (MS KB Q166474)
@nwp Dixeras
@milleniumbug what is std::size?
@sehe ?
@milleniumbug helpful! TIL
@nwp it's a slightly altered take on the more common (lel) dixerat.
I meant it to let you receive your words back "You said it".
@RobertTroipartrois did you care about mesmer? anet’s also rocking that boat
That reference seems to be completely lost on me. Lack of latin lessons, meme interest or sleep.

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