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if-else-if statements on lines 82-89 are redundant a) We dont have line numbers, b) that snippet is 49 lines long c) i dont see any nested if/else — Borgleader 32 secs ago
and mapped pages which are freed aren't "garbage" from the OS perspective
@Borgleader epic fail
@Borgleader It contains only one if/else ladder. And technically, yes, those are actually nested.
@JerryCoffin Really? Ive always heard it referred to as a chain or a ladder
never nested
@Borgleader Think of how it would look if you used braces everywhere: if (...) then {...} else {if (...) then {...} else {if ... and indented accordingly.
if (foo) {
else {
    if (bar) {
    else {
        if (baz) {
Of course, even the people who otherwise insist on using braces on all controlled statements don't (at least normally) in this case, but logically that's how it works out--each if is nested inside the else clause of the preceding if.
@JerryCoffin I know how it can be structured, because (and heres where I get shamed...) I'm pretty sure actual nested if/else's cant always be represented as a chain/ladder (unless you resort to gotos or overly complicated boolean expressions)
Also, as I mentioned in the comments, considering the snippet was shorter than advertised it was possible the if/else in question was accidentally left out of the question.
A: If-Else nest redundant?

seheIndeed, all the conditions are redundant: use an algorithm :) Live On Coliru #include <iomanip> #include <map> #include <iostream> namespace { using Threshold = unsigned; using Rate = double; static Rate constexpr BASE_COST = 10.0; std::map<Threshold, Rate, std::greater<> >

I have a git question. Is it possible to sync local git repository with a UI like GitLab (running locally)?
So, it's official. Christopher Pisz is what we call "East Indian Deaf" - he only hears what he wants to hear:
Sigh. It's ok. I'm glad the problem was solved, and your question is much better without the code I reviewed. Did you catch my message the other day? I'll delete my answer soon since it interests no one. — sehe Oct 30 at 15:46
I'm going to delete the answer now. I reckon Q&A processes will filter out the problems.
Sorry, I meant hook up the local repository to a UI (something like GitLab's UI). So say if I commit something in my repository, I should be able to see it in that UI.
Did you really mean to ask for a git GUI/web interface?
Ok, never mind.
I'd rather not browse my repository's history on a terminal
That's a fantastic semi-affirmative non-answer. I don't know how you dodged accidentally answering.
I closed my linkedin account, lol
maybe I should close my twitter account as well ...
No, keep twitter. It could train you do stop overusing ellipses.
I'm honestly not sure what you're asking. Instead of putting stuff up on GitHub, I decided to keep the code local. But at the same time, I wanted to make use of git to version control my changes. I'd just like to be able to have an interface to my repository, kinda like the one github.com gives.
it would be nice to know my footprints on the internet
so I can remove all the traces only leaving the ones I want people to see
@DemCodeLines The "But at the same time, I wanted to make use of git to version control my changes" is ridiculous. Git IS that interface. apt install git, done
If you want a GUI, just install one of the many.
That's what I am asking about, I was looking for a specific one: GitLab. But it looks like that's a complete suite in itself and requires me to push changes to its server (instead of just picking up changes from git directory and displaying them).
gitk, giggle, gitgui, gitweb, gitkraken, vim-fugitive, eclipse-egit, etc. etc.
@DemCodeLines "it's server" can be your machine, if you want (I wouldn't). Looks like gogs is a nice candidate? gogs.io
Picked it from the list here slant.co/topics/425/~best-git-web-interfaces
Look! I can install it on my desktop, ubuntu 64bit from binaries, just fine:
(Installed mysql first)
No clue why that's in dutch, though.
Nice competitor to GitLab. I was looking for something that didn't require its own server/database and could just read off the ".git" inside the repository folder, but I guess no GitHub/GitLab/gogs - like thing exists for it
4 mins ago, by sehe
gitk, giggle, gitgui, gitweb, gitkraken, vim-fugitive, eclipse-egit, etc. etc.
I really mentioned the tip of the ice-berg. What about sourcetree etc.
Why don't you ... google "Git GUI"
Unfortunately, none of them offer an interface as "convenient" as the ones GitHub and GitLab provide.
Thanks for the suggestions, I do appreciate it
How on earth did you find out so quickly. There's even Github desktop application for windows.
Oh well. Gogs looks surprisingly good, so thanks
i vote for SmartGit
Why not just use GitLab?
IntelliJ for all your coding needs
what's up
@DemCodeLines it's bloated, prolly. If you have a spare machine, ok
@Code-Apprentice He doesn't know how to create a repo without it, I suppose
@sehe without what? A gui?
@sehe Hey so can I link to you my code?
I want to see what you think
my parser/lexer stuff
@sehe Not sure if you're referring to me, but I need GUI for viewing information quickly. I can use terminal for git operations just fine.
@DemCodeLines Have you ever tried using git log --oneline --decorate --graph and git add -i and git diff --cached?
no, but will try next time
@DemCodeLines GitKraken is supposed to be okay. I understand the aversion to the terminal interface especially with really long diffs. But the patching and rebasing mechanisms are really quite good with the command line
But yeah Git doesn't have a lot of things
As I said, it's not really about the git commands. I'd be using the terminal to commit, push, branch etc. anyways, just felt a UI would be quicker and easier when trying to quickly view file history, commits, logs etc.
@DemCodeLines Interesting. Wish there was more research on this that I knew about
@DemCodeLines Are you new to this room btw? I don't remember you as a regular so much but then again I've been tapering off
@VermillionAzure I used to be here on and off a while ago, but haven't been able to visit in quite some time :|
I see. Work? School?
@DemCodeLines in that case any of the GUIs at all should suffice.
@DemCodeLines Mmm I see
@sehe ?
since when Nikon makes lenses for glasses?
Nikon makes cameras, lenses for cameras
@VermillionAzure just send it :)
another day, another news about amazon will conquer australia ... same news for 5 years ... ffs, pregnancy only takes 9 months, building a house usually takes a year
@Telkitty the Nikon ad I had on youtube 5 min ago would prove you wrong
I didn't say nikon doesn't make spectacles
May be it has something to do with the factory they closed recently because compact camera aren't worth producing anymore
besides lenses for glasses and lenses for cameras work fairly the same way - both about focusing the light
"The same" in Kitty universe.
Yeah autofocus on glasses is really nice
Of course, they're conceptually the same, but - not being an optician myself - I can anticipate the cringe of people who do work with those
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Not really a lense feature (though it creates constraints for the lense)
lenses for camera are way more complicated
Don't confuse lense with objective
I'm no photographer, but I knew that one.
Indeed, the constraints make me suspect that camera lenses are far more sophisticated, if only for material choices and precision
well lense is often used to talk about objective
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Not today. Because we were talking about lenses for glasses :)
> atmosphere
uhoh cuteness detected (+1 for expressive naming for starters)
I was just joking because objective have a lot more than just lenses
@sehe It matches the names of the BNF rules from the technical standard
@VermillionAzure You're absolved
@sehe And then here's the one that constructs the List data structure for the MacroExpander: github.com/VermillionAzure/shaka-scheme/blob/pull-request-Lexer/…
But yeah cutting lenses is fairly complicated thought I don't believe lense have seen a revolution in many years
Glasses, also known as eyeglasses or spectacles, are devices consisting of glass or hard plastic lenses mounted in a frame that holds them in front of a person's eyes, typically using a bridge over the nose and arms which rest over the ears. Glasses are typically used for vision correction, such as with reading glasses and glasses used for nearsightedness. Safety glasses provide eye protection against flying debris for construction workers or lab technicians; these glasses may have protection for the sides of the eyes as well as in the lenses. Some types of safety glasses are used to protect against...
@VermillionAzure I'm going to continue later. 4:35am
@Telkitty sounds like english speaker stole the word from french while attending a spectacle... they were given glasses to look at it.
@sehe Cool. Thanks polar bear!
Is @ThePHD around any more? There's a new Sol2 question: stackoverflow.com/q/47088264/179910
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Depends on what you think of as "many", I guess. There have been some fairly revolutionary developments in the last few decades.
1 hour later…
Playboy cover material
> Has Samsung ever made explosives?
it does make one of the most expensive explosives, yes
2 hours later…
@Columbo The proposed change in ADL name lookup, is it your child?
@fredoverflow nice, thanks. Have you looked into Ktor yet? Sounds like it's worth a peak at least
> Base class copy and move constructors should not be inherited
1 hour later…
I'm back to the living! Or virtually living. Or whatever you call it when you finally got a replacement power adapter after stupidly leaving it in some bus.
@nwp back with power?
Yes. 2 weeks of not abusing new shiny features has left me motivated. It'll probably last about a day.
@sehe what do you know, here’s another one
although to be fair this time it’s from a beta website
@LucDanton KDE?
@fredoverflow yeah... ktor looks really nice... I have a wee porject I started using spring boot... I'm going to migrate it over
Ktor just seems so much more intuitive and built for the way web services are used today
@iksemyonov yes
Oh, Catch2 is finally out /o/
With the new command line parsing library
@sehe What does that specific one actually change?
Nothing. Mainly its existence
yet another getopt then
But modern c++! And composable!
There are so many command line parsing libraries; it's like there's a new half-decent one every month or so
docopt was the funniest one to me :D
We need one called roflcopt
now if only there was a good one so we didn't have to keep reinventing that wheel over and over
@sehe and notallcopt
@ratchetfreak The problem is that "good one" will depend on many things :p
I liked the "write your documentation string and let the library handle the rest" approach x)
not to mention that options can be difficult to manage, especially once you get into incompatible options
inb4 compile-time command line parsing
Apparently we already have time travel debugging, might as well add time travel compiling.
Also compile-time threads
I should try to speed up my CI builds
Catch2 + ccache sound like a good start
@набиячлэвэли what
@jaggedSpire Simple quostian -- Why not try RUST ??
> Pointy Bois
It has Pointy Bois
> Compiler screams
A cute Crab
And a cimploler that'll scream at you
> Piano arithmetic
1 hour later…
Q: Passing array values from a function back into a struct

AshI am currently working on a program that requires a function to figure out array values and then stores those values in arr1[], which has an unknown size and is calculated within the function. It then passes back the entire array along with the size of the array back to the main function. Using...

Beena while since I've seen the empty array at end of struct trick
I like this question. The things that people come up with to make stuff "work" is amazing.
m_ownersManagers = new A3DTopoItemOwnersManager *[m_cacheSize]; "In java it looks like it would be ok to me."
Java doesn't have stars so it wouldn't
Well, it has been adapted to compile in C++ by a Java developer.
> First of all, we need a SuperBase from which all the classes shall be derived
SO is on a roll today.
@nwp Huehuehue
1 hour later…
Yesterday I tried to make an etchant with vinegar + salt + peroxyde. Not sure yet how effective it is but the reaction is pretty fast. Yet it still didn't eat a 30cm copper wire of AWG10 in 24 hours
One thing that would be cool is to use conductive paint to copper coat a PCB instead of etching it
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix AWG 10? That's many times thicker than any PCB trace.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I've wanted a 3D printer to do PC boards for years, but nobody seems to make them.
Yes it is, that's why I'm not too worried, I'll have to test on an actual board. I'll try to salvage something for tests
@JerryCoffin Actually a simple 3d printer should work. I've seen graphite filament
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix just get an edding pen
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix the filament has horrendous resistance and it's not really useful for real circuits
you could print your pcb with graphite and the board with a different filament
also, to print it, you need a steel or otherwise hardened head because it's abrasive
@JerryCoffin there are mills, but they work meh
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix anyway, I've been doing some etching lately with quite a success overall
@BartekBanachewicz I can't remember exactly how bad it is but the resistance in graphite is much less than copper so
also the filament is expensive af
for home use, thermotransfer + regular etching works just fine
Yes, the method that just works
@BartekBanachewicz you're using ferric chloride as etchant?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix nah, sodium persulfate
@thecoshman I haven't looked into any specific Kotlin libraries yet, I even use plain JUnit for testing.
Hey all
is there a function in algorithm to create a vector from a vector of indices into another vector?
I suppose transform but
Would be indices.map { data[it] } in Kotlin ;)
std::copy into the destination vector if your input list is given by iterators.
nah I kept ints
but I've changed it already
now the problem is there's no std::min_index :/
I suppose I could keep iterators.
there should be an std;:min index, aka std::min_element
@Mikhail there's none
Do you want the min value or the min element?
std::vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9};
std::vector<int>::iterator result = std::min_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v));
std::cout << "min element at: " << std::distance(std::begin(v), result);
@BartekBanachewicz Since they're into a vector, converting an iterator to an index only requires on subtraction.
@fredoverflow the username
@BartekBanachewicz Yo man
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix lol
>>Static builds of Qt with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (through Update 2) do not work and will likely crash at runtime. This is believed to be a compiler bug and therefore an update from Microsoft is required. See
I want my build time back
By the time Qt with LTO is compiled, MSVC will release its next update
@Shoe yo
@Mikhail the index of the min element
@JerryCoffin can you actually do that?
@Mikhail That's not a long time. They do a fucking update like every other day.
Every since VS 15.3, Intel hasn't had a working compiler since they have a longer release cycle than VS and the primary goal of VS is to make sure ICC doesn't work with it.
@Mysticial Like most people, I use ICC with MSVC 2015
>>heuristics for constant initialization
everything in that reply is shocking
@Mikhail Even ICC 17.5, which they've advertised as working with VS 15.3 does not actually work with VS 15.3.
@Mikhail It's probably gonna be a while before ICC will ever "work" again. It's clear that MS and Intel don't talk at all. And now that MS has sped up their release cycle so much, Intel's game of catch-up which they've played for years isn't going to work anymore.
They will need to find a way to integrate with MSVC without being broken on every single update. And it's clear that MS is not going to help them at all.
@Mysticial Well they'r also bleeding CUDA developers for the same reason. Not clear if its strategy or incompetence.
AKA CUDA breaks every MSVC update
Perhaps STL wants us to switch to MinGW?
@Mikhail Both. There is definitely nothing to lose by getting rid of potentially competing products that rely on MSVC anyway. Secondly, the state of their compiler is so bad that they arguably want to fix their own shit first before they care about others.
For the past 5+ years, I've had relatively little issues upgrading GCC and ICC. But MSVC seems to have significant breaks and performance regressions on every other release. And now these breaks are happening between updates as well.
IOW, they probably don't test their compiler anymore. They just push out every change and an update and wait for the users to tell them what's wrong with it.
This also means that there will never be a stable version of VS on this new release cycle.
Alternatively their code is actually fucked. Their product lead said they test against popular C++ programs.
And when the users report those bugs, they just defer them as "not high priority enough".
I think all the bug we've seen have been of the form, it builds but didn't build correctly.
@Mikhail They advertise having a code generator that generates hundreds of millions of test code samples to test against. Clearly the test coverage of it wasn't very good.
Since I manage to break it with an existing 500 LOC program. And broke it in about 7 different places with my 400k LOC pi program.
(its also broken for many popular libraries, like Qt)
@Mikhail They probably just did this:
21 hours ago, by milleniumbug
bool ValidParameter(void* buffer, size_t size, RequiredAccess intent) {
  __try {
    TouchMemory(buffer, size, intent);
    return false;
  return true;
Probably refocused their developer efforts on re-writing VS Code's infamous blinking cursor?
fuck I need to get back to work
I've just realized you can run 32 bit apps on a 64 bit system if they don't need more than ~3 gigs of ram and it will actually save you memory
@BartekBanachewicz you can't really have a 32bit app use more than 4Gb.
You can, you just need some funky swapping.
Would be more interseting to have a 64bit app run on a 32bit system if it doesn't use more than 4gb
@nwp I could be wrong but does swapping really count as "ram"?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Sure, swapping/paging is a normal thing for ram.
@nwp Can't. Because you run out of address space.
you'd need a special allocator that can allocate on 64bit
I believe there is was pretty decent support for 16 bit code to support more than 64kb. No reason this cannot be applied to 32 bit code.
So the only way for a 32-bit app to use more than 4GB of total "memory" would be to either emulate 64-bit pointers, or use the filesystem.
think of the __fastcall!! also look up the X32 target
@nwp Looks like 16-bit x86 used the segment registers to extend the address space.
the X right?
EAX didn't exist on 16-bit x86. Just AX.
anyway that would be slow
x86 is pretty:
They're missing a few of them.
80-bit register?
I'm surprised there's a non-power-of-2
XMM and YMM16-31
@nwp you can't access it all at the same time, but sure
@Morwenn The x87 FPU.
Oh, the thing generally behind long double?
I see now, thanks ^^
Ugh, Catch2 broke my build...
Is long double the same as double if instruct the compiler to use the SSE FP ops?
Depends on the compiler.
On MSVC long double = double.
On everything else, long double is 80-bit.
Turning on SSE is irrelevant.
Hmmm, so it uses x87 only for long double on these compilers
@Mysticial also all the MSRs if you want to be extremely nitpicky
@Mgetz Those are separate from all the CRs?
@Mysticial don't think this is true on clang or gcc on x64
@Mysticial yes... there MSRs for a ton of stuff, quite a few of which are shared on all modern x86 processors
everything from the GPT to the cacheline controls
I expect they didn't include them because 99% of them are irrelevant to user mode
@Mgetz I guess that also includes all the ZMM registers too. lol
@Mysticial nah they are just irrelevant to 99.9% of current software
not even sure that the video decode libraries use them
I know that windows favors using DirectX based decoders so it can just do a swap in video ram
Speaking of ram, I think there's somebody (or group of people) out there just scalping all ram. Sure, there's a ram shortage, but there can't be that many people after the $2000 high-end enthusiast ram...
In any market, the highed "enthusiast" pays for a larger part of the innovation power. That still goes even in a stressed market, I think
Also, slow-down everyone.
@milleniumbug With MSVC, long double was 80 bits on the 16-bit versions of Windows, but they switched to long double being 64 bits as soon as they went to 32-bit versions of Windows.
so ... what's the effect of suddenly drop a 30 story building in a suburb consisting mainly houses from traffic and public facility point of view?

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