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What are you coding?
Sounds fun!
Bug tracker. :P
nah, you don't need a bug tracker
It's not very usable yet. You can only file bug reports and view them.
here, I'll track all your bugs: "your code".
Bugs taste like bugs. p:
Status: by-design
Priority: very low
I forgot to buy food.
Why do you put those IDs on screen?
It only hurts the eyes usability.
Why is ID a 32-bit number.
Handy while debugging this shit.
I can see those commit messages.
Fixed #as6a8s76da68d67asd68ad86ad5as.
@CatPlusPlus A 32-bit number? You mean, a 32-byte number?
I don't know, I didn't count.
Me neither, but a 32-bit number sounds perfectly acceptable.
You know, like an int.
That's 12 octets, IIRC.
How many bugs do you expect to file?
I mean, your code can't be that bad.
In C++11 you can also do int a{1}; with curly braces :) — FredOverflow 1 hour ago
yay curly braces
If you look at most software, having 79228162514264337593543950336 bugs is pretty common.
Not having them filed.
@RadekdaknokSlupik You'd need 96 bits for the number of errors then.
It's a bug tracker, not detector.
This isn't legal, right?
char *values[] = {"even", "odd"};
Deprecated in C++03 though?
You mean because const?
That's what I thought
@R.MartinhoFernandes auto str = v ? "0" : "1"; is even simpler ;) — FredOverflow 1 min ago
@FredOverflow ... and wrong.
I'm going to claim mine is simpler since it didn't force me to think to avoid this mistake.
@RMartinhoFernandes How is it wrong?
It gives "0" when v is 1, "1" when v is 0.
@Pubby According to C.1.1 char* p = "abc"; is illegal in C++ now.
@RMartinhoFernandes lol stupid mistake, unit testing would have caught it :)
auto str = v ? "49" : "48"; to be correct. — d_inevitable 1 min ago
Someone misunderstood the question. Such misunderstanding is somewhat understandable.
@FredOverflow um, meta?
Yesh Markdown works.
Damn, I made the same true/false mistake again :)
@FredOverflow See, mine's simpler :P
Java does auto-stringification like that?
Somehow it irritates me that true comes before false. Have been doing to much Haskell lately, apparently.
@RMartinhoFernandes Actually, only if one of the operands is already a string.
Wow, never noticed. But then I'm not in the habit of concatenating strings.
K, pop quiz, which is better for true, 1 or -1?
@CaptainGiraffe In C++? true. In C? 1.
@RMartinhoFernandes That does not fit in an integer. Or did you mean 42?
@FredOverflow OOB answer is going for the ancient greek Law of the non third.
@CaptainGiraffe What is OOB? Object oriented BCPL?
Out of bounds.
@FredOverflow Yep, started my own.
@CaptainGiraffe Incidentally, it seriously doesn’t matter. Lots of languages implement booleans just as efficiently as objects.
@CaptainGiraffe Did you quit your band?
data Bool = False | True
@FredOverflow … Or a discriminate union, yes
@KonradRudolph Is there a union against discriminated unions? ;)
> If you look at the documentation for the JDK class ThreadDeath, you will see the following comment : "The class ThreadDeath is specifically a subclass of Error rather than Exception, even though it is a "normal occurrence", because many applications catch all occurrences of Exception and then discard the exception." This means that this poor programming practice is so common that, in an unhealthy feedback loop, it has affected the design of Java itself. Grunt.
The design process of Java sounds awesome.
@RMartinhoFernandes Awesome comment.
Java's approach to exceptions has always baffled me. Errors, Checked Exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions... who needs this distinction?
It's just painful.
@FredOverflow Well Errors are mostly, This device is extremely unhealthy, please pull my cord.
In C++ I can throw everything, even an int.
Is that good?
@RMartinhoFernandes At least it's orthogonal. I can pass ints as parameters, why shouldn't I be able to throw them as exceptions?
@RMartinhoFernandes If you are Marvin it is situation normal all fucked up.
In C++ you can throw function pointers. :D
@RadekdaknokSlupik Maybe that would be useful for the continuation-based exception approach? :)
Errors are what Eric Lippert calls fatal exceptions. Checked exceptions are exogenous exceptions, and unchecked exceptions are boneheaded exceptions. And vexing exceptions in Java are doubly vexing because designers somehow think they should make them checked.
Pretty sure continuation-based is not the right term. C++ decided on the "abortion" approach. What was the alternative?
Oh yeah, "resumption", IIRC.
try {
  throw std::function<void()>([]{std::cout << "Hello, world!\n"});
} catch (std::function<void()> const& f) {
Throwing lambdas? I think I'm having a mental orgasm.
@FredOverflow Why can't I template catch statements?
Use polymorphism!
try {
} template <typename T> catch(T const& t) {
    // blah!
@RMartinhoFernandes What would your intention be?
@RMartinhoFernandes Because you cannot have "template code blocks" in C++?
No idea.
@CaptainGiraffe Being silly.
catch (...) {
  // blah!
... must be one of the funniest C++ tokens there is.
You cannot use t anyway if it's from a template.
... has five meanings.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Why not?
@RMartinhoFernandes What type would it be? You need to know that at compile time.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Still waiting for static ... which will probably have a dozen meanings.
Bjarne talks warmly about doing main(){ try { theApp() } catch(...){}
@FredOverflow Variadic functions, variadic templates, sizeof..., expanding packs, catch all.
@RadekdaknokSlupik It would always be std::exception_ptr, obviously.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Isn't sizeof... kind of the same thing as/related to variadic templates?
@RMartinhoFernandes Then why not use ...?
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@CaptainGiraffe Being silly.
I've seen at least two talks by bjarne where he advocates a catch all in main(). Not really related to R. but I was surprised.
@FredOverflow related to. It yields the number of template arguments. template<class... Ts> struct variadic_count { static constexpr auto value = sizeof...(Ts); }.
@CaptainGiraffe Which talks were that?
void f(T......);
@CaptainGiraffe What's wrong with catch-all in main?
@FredOverflow One is KeyNote going native
Catching std::exception is more useful.
Especially with Boost.Exception .
  catch (std::exception const& e) {
    std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
#ifndef NDEBUG
@RMartinhoFernandes Not sure, really. just surprised me.
I always do that in main.
@CatPlusPlus Yes, I usually catch(std::exception) use boost.exception stuff, and return 23. But I also catch(...) and return 17.
catch (...) is last last resort.
The going native talk is an unusually nice talk.
@CaptainGiraffe Which one?
@RadekdaknokSlupik its from 2011, trying to find it...
> The User class represents a user.
GN was last year?
> The C++ programming language introduces an optional mechanism for checked exceptions, called exception specifications.
> An empty exception specification may be given, which indicates that the function will throw no exception. This was not made the default when exception handling was added to the language because it would require too much modification of existing code, would impede interaction with code written in another language, and would tempt programmers into writing too many handlers at the local level.
thank god
> In the recent C++ language standard (C++11), the use of exception specifications as specified in the preceding version of the standard (C++03) is deprecated.
The wonderful "I have to write something here" style of documentation.
thank god (again)
@FredOverflow God just keeps on giving.
@FredOverflow y so low quality?
@FredOverflow Not the one I was thinking about.
@CaptainGiraffe I like all talks by Bjarne I have seen so far.
@FredOverflow =) Me too
@RadekdaknokSlupik I find the ability to read YouTube comments more entertaining than high definition video ;)
I like Bjarne's example in his slides.
@RadekdaknokSlupik That shot of Bjarne looks like he is using make up around his eyes. Or maybe he is just tired :)
@RadekdaknokSlupik Sry Fred, this is the video.
@FredOverflow :P
@CaptainGiraffe Why sorry? It's the same video I've posted, only better quality.
@FredOverflow Like "Hi Guys. I need to Contact with C++ senior programmer, Thks"?
@RadekdaknokSlupik lol std::run_time_error.
Bjarne doesn't know his standard.
I like that // look I'm a Java programmer! comment.
@RMartinhoFernandes No, more like this:
> I'm still waiting for Linus Torvalds to dislike this video. :)
@RMartinhoFernandes Although Java programmers probably wouldn't use curly braces to call the constructor.
@RadekdaknokSlupik brainfart on my side, sorry
@FredOverflow :don't be silly, he still needs to write a converter for youtube->tmux. The antialiasing is still a little bit shoddy.
I want to write a C++ compiler in HQ9++.
I stopped reading after "I want to write a C++ compiler". Nobody wants to do that.
But HQ9++ is object-oriented!
@RadekdaknokSlupik not web scale.
@CaptainGiraffe not Turing complete either.
HQ9+B is ℒ-complete.
And it's Turing complete, so I can use it.
Just use bra*nfuck.
(Ignoring the 30000 byte memory restriction.)
@RMartinhoFernandes BrainFuck is a subset of HQ9+B.
That's why I said to just use the bra*nfuck.
The HQ9+ features are worthless.
lol :P
A C++ compiler in Brainfuck is possible, but really undoable.
A C++ compiler is really undoable.
@RadekdaknokSlupik So? Being object-oriented and being good are orthogonal.
@FredOverflow You know that I'm joking, right?
But being orthogonal is good, right?
@RMartinhoFernandes Dunno, I was looking the other direction.
@RMartinhoFernandes Having perspective is always better.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm not sure being orthogonal to "good" is such a good idea ;)
Having perspective and being orthogonal are orthogonal.
@RMartinhoFernandes I agree with the meta, but not in this instance.
That's orthogonal too!
Lemme know when this becomes an overly-long gag.
@RMartinhoFernandes We are climbing mountains here!
C++ y u no custom, compile-time query-able annotations.
What do you want them for?
Attributes are not for metadata.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Traits?
Of fucking course! :P
Didn't think of that.
Oh wait you can only use those with types right?
Not with functions.
Or can you?
No, not with functions.
What did you want to do?
I want to add a string to a certain member function.
And what are you going to do with that string?
Add a string to a function? I'm lost.
@FredOverflow check if it equals to another string.
At runtime.
@RMartinhoFernandes template<typename Fun> void add(const std::string& str, Fun fun); ;)
@EtiennedeMartel Bin it!
@RadekdaknokSlupik Thats JavaScript
GIFs and shit.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hmm?
So you have a class foo with a bunch of member functions. I want to find the member function whose string equals a given string which is determined at runtime.
What, GIFs are forbidden now?
I guess I'll have to use an std::map<std::string, std::mem_fn>.
@EtiennedeMartel They're annoying if oneboxed.
@EtiennedeMartel See the newbie hints, newb. It says something about gifs.
@RadekdaknokSlupik I still don't see why you would want to do that.
@FredOverflow Routing.
Ah. Sorry about that.
@RadekdaknokSlupik And there is nothing wrong with that.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Obviously. There is no way to get a list of member functions anyway.
@RMartinhoFernandes Unfortunately, there isn't.
That's why I'd like to have compile-time introspection with these kind of things.
To do stuff at runtime?
Macros are the only option, but I rather stick to the std::map<std::string, std::mem_fn>.
Oh, to build the map.
@RadekdaknokSlupik I read a proposal that gives you the ability to query an object for a tuple containing its data members. Maybe you can extend that proposal to include member functions? ;)
There's a proposal to add a members_of thing that gives you a tuple of the members of a class.
@FredOverflow frist1*
Or just go JavaScript, Node.js works pretty sweet.
Fuck JavaScript I want C++.
fuck productivity, I’m buying the Humble Indie Bundle now
@KonradRudolph Totally worth it.
@KonradRudolph 2 hours ahead of you. =)
@RMartinhoFernandes I’m scared of the games though … I’m home alone ^^
Amnesia and Limbo are awesome.
Amnesia rocks pretty hard
@KonradRudolph Do the games included in those bundles typically run on Linux?
@FredOverflow Windows, Linux, and Mac.
@FredOverflow I think so
@KonradRudolph I suggest you try SCP-087-B then. It's a free horror game and it's scary as fuck.
They make a point of only adding games that run on all three.
Dang, then I have to think about buying it, too :)
@FredOverflow Wrong. You have to buy it without thinking.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Scarier than Amnesia or LIMBO?
On kubuntu they run perfectly, I had to yank the cable of one monitor though.
@KonradRudolph MUCH scarier.
but I hate horror!
@CaptainGiraffe Was it too scary on two monitors?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Scariest game of all time was Silent Hill 2, or so I've heard.
way too scary
If you die in SCP-087-B, the game quits itself. xD
I could never play AVP …
@KonradRudolph Is your computer too old?
@FredOverflow No, the atmosphere was too scary
but I generally suck at FPS games since I can’t bear being shot at, I immediately panic …
@RadekdaknokSlupik Sounds like any roguelike.
the SDL engine does not play well with two monitors, fortunately KDE seems to hotplug my monitors so it is quite simple.
@KonradRudolph not a shooter, and you being scared is the entire point, now give them your money!
@KonradRudolph By the way, the first AVP wasn't that bad I think.
@KonradRudolph Imagine the shots are template error messages. Does that make you feel better?
Alien vs Predator
@RMartinhoFernandes Alien vs. Predator
Oh that. I didn't know there were games.
I strongly dislike the movies.
The first game is from the nineties. It was released on the Jaguar or something?
Alien vs Predator is a video game developed by Rebellion and published by Atari Corporation for the Atari Jaguar console in 1994. Based on the Alien vs. Predator franchise, the game allows the player to play as one of three characters: an Alien, a Predator, or human Private Lance Lewis of the Colonial Marines. Gameplay The game is a first-person shooter which takes place on flat plane environments with two-dimensional sprites. Each player character has its own scenario, weapons, and abilities. When playing as the Alien, the player's objective is to rescue the Alien queen, who is being h...
@RMartinhoFernandes Not the Alien movies, surely?
@FredOverflow ATARI! =)
A 64-bit console from 1993, how awesome is that? :)
@KonradRudolph Alien and Aliens are two of my favourite movies ever. The other two not so much.
almost OK :)
Alien 3 was legend ;)
> The system was initially marketed only in the New York City and the San Francisco Bay areas, under the slogan "Do the Math",[4] claiming superiority over competing 16-bit and 32-bit systems.
@RMartinhoFernandes yes, so did everybody. The director got heavy flak for that decision
@FredOverflow 64 bits doesn't mean it's better. The N64 had a 64 bits processor, and it's still the worst hardware in the whole fucking fifth generation.
But I wouldn't say it's bad.
@RMartinhoFernandes I just watched them two days ago :) I think the ending of Aliens is a bit too long, but apart from that, very good movie.
Resurrection OTOH... well, I'd rather it didn't exist.
@RMartinhoFernandes Never watched it, never will :)
@FredOverflow Oh gosh, I hope I removed the spoiler on time.
@KonradRudolph That's the best choice.
I have high hopes for Prometheus. Hope I don't get disappointed.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's okay, I have known all Alien movies for many years now. And I never liked that person hat was killed, anyway ;) But yeah, it makes the ending a bit pointless.
Dinner time. Afk.
lol, I’m a tool … I don’t have enough free disk space
weeell, time to delete a few genomes
@KonradRudolph Genocide? :)
How big is your hard drive?
128 GB, it’s an SSD
That's a solid statement!
@KonradRudolph How about buying an additional non-SSD?
That's a horrible pun!
@FredOverflow As in, external? I have that.
I thought about buying an SSD, but I don't have AHCI, and honestly, my computer is fast enough as it is for me.
Internal – no space, I have a laptop
Oh. I think SSDs make a lot more sense on laptops.
Do MacBook Pros already ship with SSDs?
ok, why the fuck is the Torrent so slow, I’ve got a 60 Kbps connection
> 500GB or 750GB 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive; optional 750GB 5400-rpm hard drive, 750GB 7200-rpm hard drive, or 128GB, 256GB, or 512GB solid-state drive
Hmm. Nice.
@RadekdaknokSlupik But of course.
I'm buying one in September; I need it for school.
Can't wait till I can go to school again.
Oh, SSDs are only 1€ per GB. I thought they were a bit more expensive.
@FredOverflow That’s expensive enough, thank you very much
But they do consume less energy than HDDs, don't they?
@FredOverflow Please let me weigh in on this. I just got an SSD for my T60 it is amazing.
@CaptainGiraffe I almost though that you had a 60 TB SSD.
Yep, more battery, no waiting. It's a 180GB ssd
@CaptainGiraffe I have been thinking about getting an SSD for my X61.
If I were an SSD manufacturer, I would define a byte as one bit instead of eight. Hey, as if I care what architecture you use!
@FredOverflow By all means do!
I almost never use my laptop, and I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on an SSD just because booting is a bit faster.
@FredOverflow My laptop is mostly my work computer, so YMMvary
@RMartinhoFernandes One thing I never understood about the Alien movies is how the hell they grow up so fast. They get from an embryo to full-blown Alian in just a couple of hours.
amasci.com/amateur/whygnd.html Everything makes sense now.
@FredOverflow It’s not only booting, everything is noticeably faster
you don’t realise how much IO is a bottleneck before switching to SSD …
@KonradRudolph The theoretical speed up is incredible, but in practice, it's more like 2x, right? I simply don't think that's such a big deal.
@KonradRudolph Everything. It's a new machine.
@FredOverflow Seriously, they have acid for blood.
@FredOverflow It wouldn't be as scary if it was realistic.
@FredOverflow Nope, it is a new experience.
@RMartinhoFernandes Does that explain the growth? Or do you mean the acid part is even more unrealistic? :)
@FredOverflow The actual factor isn’t that important (and there is no fixed factor, but it can be much more than 2x), it’s the felt improvement. It’s a User Experience feature
@FredOverflow I'm trying to say it is artistic license.
> Creators are allowed to be inaccurate if the inaccuracy serves the story better than accuracy would.
Drug addicts have acid in their blood -- of course it's not unrealistic.
it’s simply that operations that caused a delay (and hence friction) before are now seamless
@FredOverflow I think this TVTropes link is actually relevant: Rule of Scary.
@KonradRudolph I've read horror stories about using SSDs without AHCI (gradual performance loss due to garbage accumulation or something, can't remember). That's also why I'm hesitant when it comes to buying an SSD.
@FredOverflow First generation SSDs
@EtiennedeMartel Oh, that one's better.
Alien is an horror franchise with a sci-fi backdrop.
So using a modern SSD without AHCI is fine? I was thinking about getting this one:
Anyway, if you think Alien: Resurrection was bad, you haven't read the script William Gibson (of Neuromancer fame) wrote for Alien 3, but was rejected: awesomefilm.com/script/Alien3.txt
> Why the maniac has a hockey mask, where he got it, and how it survived a shotgun blast to the face are irrelevant. All that matters is that it creeps you out.
@RMartinhoFernandes Luckily, that book sucked
@KonradRudolph Never read it.
But it's supposedly a classic.
@KonradRudolph What? No.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm not gonna read that thing. Can you explain why it sucks?
There's a summary on Wikipedia.
Alien 3 (styled as Alien³) is a 1992 science fiction horror film, the third installment in the Alien franchise, and the debut of director David Fincher. It is a sequel to James Cameron's Aliens. The story begins with an ejected pod from the Colonial Marine spaceship Sulaco in Aliens crash-landing on a refinery/prison planet, killing everyone aboard except Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver). Unknown to Ripley, an Alien egg was aboard the ship. It is born in the prison and begins a killing spree. Alien 3 had a difficult production, with various screenwriters and directors getting ...
The aliens become an air-born virus.
Instead of reproducing to the well-known facehugger-chestburster combo, now they reproduce by osmosis.

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