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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Hahahahahahahahahahahaa P6 is so awesome
@Froglegs Bryce Canyon national park, Utah
     3,280,643,226      cycles:u                  #    1.074 GHz                      (40.06%)
     1,365,094,578      stalled-cycles-frontend:u #   41.61% frontend cycles idle     (39.94%)
     5,064,062,084      instructions:u            #    1.54  insn per cycle
                                                  #    0.27  stalled cycles per insn  (40.08%)
All these stalls are register read stalls.
Pentium 6?
@Puppy P6 is the name of Pentium Pro, Pentium II and Pentium III's µarch.
ah ok
Fuck, its like winter started early. Everything is gray.
@Mikhail It's what's left of hurricane Irma.
probably because of where you are - border of Utah & Arizona on I-15 was like 90+ °F two days ago ...
@Fanael Why does it stall on register reads? Shouldn't that be the fast thing?
@StackedCrooked Because that's how Intel CPUs before Sandy Bridge worked.
P6 could read 2 registers per cycle, PM, Core and Nehalem 3.
Note that that's the number of permanent register file reads, operands that are not yet retired and still are in the ROB are forwarded from there for free.
Sandy Bridge lifted that restriction and can read so many physical registers per cycle it's hard to determine what the limit even is (it's certain there is one, because a CPU that could read infinitely many registers per cycle would take up infinite space).
@StackedCrooked Heeft ge het reeds gefixed?
Can't reproduce the issue..
@Fanael Everything before Sandy Bridge didn't even have a real register file anyway. Operands were copied into the ROB.
@StackedCrooked It's gone for me too. But it was rather persistent over at least 6 attempts spanning at least 30s
Hm. I was running the server with logging redirected to stdout at that time. And it's process was also detached. After that I quit the terminal while the process was still running and printing to stdout. Maybe that caused the problem.
When you reported the problem I rebooted the server, so after booting it ran in normal mode again.
Never experienced problems like this before though.
But you do, since you're probably Coliru's biggest user :P
@Mysticial If you've got an innovative license-compatible SIMD sorting algorithm, I'm ready to steal it xD
@StackedCrooked Ah. In BOFH speak "je zat in het systeem te stinkvingeren" :) Caught in the act
@StackedCrooked Do an IP volume trace :)
@Morwenn I don't. But you can use _mm512_mask_compressstoreu_epi32() and popcnt() to split entire vectors of data across pivots.
Actually, you don't need popcnt.
Since everything is either below or not below the pivot.
@Mysticial I've got everything to learn about SIMD instructions, I never got to use them :/
You can probably find some papers on the topic of SIMD sorting.
Mmmh, it's more about GPU sorting these days
Funny how an int is still 4 bytes in many peoples minds. stackoverflow.com/questions/46206527/…
@CaptainGiraffe It is 4 bytes in my mind as well.
Me too
it's infinite in mine
uint32_t* data = ...;
uint32_t pivot = ...;
__m512i vpivot = _mm512_set1_epi32(pivot);

uint32_t* below_pivot = ...;
uint32_t* above_pivot = ...;

for (... ; ... ; data += 16){
    __m512i vdata = _mm512_loadu_si512(data);
    __mmask16 below = _mm512_cmple_epi32_mask(vdata, vpivot);
    __mmask16 above = ~below;
    _mm512_mask_compressstoreu_epi32(below_pivot, below, data);
    _mm512_mask_compressstoreu_epi32(above_pivot, above, data);
    int count = _mm_popcnt_u32(below);
    below_pivot += count;
At least I'm allowed not to give a fuck about integer overflow in Python ^^
Each loop iteration takes 16 32-bit integers and puts them into two arrays below or not-below the pivot.
That's pretty cool.
Actually, there's a typo in the code, should be "cmplt" instead of "cmple". Anyways, the concept still applies.
Wouldn't that make a quicksort with O(n) extra memory though?
Unfortunately yes.
But you might be able to get away with doing it in a localized manner.
That's what I was thinking about.
The other I was quite impressed because some guy managed to slightly improve a merge algorithm with SIMD while merging is inherently sequential.
I recently implemented quicksort for fun. The pivot often needs to changed a few times in the same partition step before we can recurse. I didn't know this before.
Or maybe I just implemented something that is not actually quicksort :P
@Fanael Yes, but just having infinite physical registers would already take infinite space. The obvious answer would be that it has a switch fabric that lets it read up to (and including) all the physical registers every cycle.
@JerryCoffin My guess is that each of the 8 execution ports have up to 3 read lanes to the register file. So that's at most 24 sets of ~200-to-1 muxes.
A 256-to-1 mux is only 8 levels. Each one is up to 512 bits large. But only a subset of the ports actually have the full width.
Area-wise I don't see it being that bad. At least not compared to the shuffle unit itself or an 8 x double-precision FMA.
I think the difficult part is figuring how to drive all those muxes in a power-efficient manner.
I don't see much room to power-gate a mux tree unless you split it over multiple cycles. (which they're probably doing anyway)
@Mysticial That would certainly make sense (and fit well with their attitude toward FMA4).
@Mysticial ...other than leaving the whole tree shut down in cycles when it's not needed, of course.
Actually, I think it's possible to do an N-to-1 mux by powering on only O(log(N)) transistors at once.
Rather than having an exponentially decreasing mux tree that "pushes and selects" each bit towards the output, you have the destination "fetch and pull" the data.
It walks the tree backwards flipping on the gates on the path that it picks.
Latency will be 2x higher though.
I should coin the term "writer's ennui"
So, I gotta write a description of how my software works for a grant proposal but I think I contracted HIV from describing how a producer-consumer queue works in an MS Word document
When are we gong to shoot all the non-technical people?
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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