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I can't sleep! That operator < is wrong!
I can't sleep because python is throwing random IO failures on my network drive
Python was a mistake because some random bullshit happens over the course of a week long data processing run that kills the program.
upgrading numpy helped get rid of one category of error but I still got more
like wtf is this shit, OSError: 1207632000 requested and 0 written while robocopy is moving data to that drive
i'm sick :(
notice the spikes in september
actually that's bullshit, flu season isn't until October
somehow I'm pretty sick, also
3 hours later…
i wanna be sick too
When far away, people might mistaken crows that soaring in the sky to be eagles ..
So many crows in the Grand Canyon ...
@Telkitty where are you from?
I mean which country were you born in?
1 hour later…
Although K&R C had a fortran keyword reserved for this, which no compiler ever used. — Davislor Jul 4 at 2:35
I am sick too.
omg what is it with everyone and sicknesses (I also don't feel too good)
@Ell I am Chinese so ...
My left eye is irritated, but I wouldn't say I'm sick.
@milleniumbug It's the season to be jelly
@Ven hi
are you sick too? XD
no, why
@Ven we r all sick
i don't do c++ anymore
@milleniumbug I'm just got a runny nose...
I am not sick, I am just slightly sunburn
Once I was "just slightly sunburnt" too, then a few days later I could effortlessly remove huge chunks of skin from my legs.
@Morwenn ew
My feet were swollen like potatoes.
I couldn't bend them all the way anymore because it tried to stretch the skin too much.
Walking was painful, using stairs was painful, just sleeping with even the lightest sheets on my feet was painful.
But it was years ago, so whatever ^^
@sehe Couldn't they have reused the for keyword for that purpose? :)
that would have been too PC for the time
On an unrelated note, totally valid C:
static int r,a,n,t;
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: We're all sick of C++ [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++17] [c++-faq]
@fredoverflow ,**p
@sehe isn't it time to refactor those tags :P
on a more serious nore, what about the earlier versions?
Those who pretend there was a time before C++11 shall be purged.
We're not interested in them. will do
C++99 or bust
I've just created a PPA for libc++ v5 on Ubuntu. Combine with clang v5 to get coroutines TS support! http://ow.ly/5ooi30f3wgT
@thecoshman C99
nah, C03
So, don't say that then :0
@Ven I don't get it.
like regular C++ but twice as fast to break
@sehe so I'm flying to Eindhoven on Wednesday
and staying around till Sunday
The « Вugs Found » right panel of the PVS Studio website looks like a project-shaming list x)
1 hour later…
Press the two play buttons. Should be on the left hand side.
Actually, I like this better: desmos.com/calculator/ajceax2jqh
@Mysticial haha you got a response developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/107204/… . That response is so bad it hurts my head:(
@Froglegs wtf lol
mechanical turk
> Could you provide a screenshot of the error message for me?
Like, really?
the guy just utterly misunderstood what the issue was,
I think I'll buy an old Tenere
just for shits and giggles
What do you call a manager class when you can't use the term "manager" due to cargo-culting that "manager classes are bad"?
@nwp changing its name won't make it better
so the proposed solution path is entirely wrong imho
@BartekBanachewicz applying?
@sehe applying what?
for jobs?
I could have phrased it as an open question. But then again, if you didn't want me guessing, you'd probably have mentioned the reason yourself.
Is it another concert instead?
@nwp Scheduler, Planning, Dispatcher, Instantiator, w/e, depending on what it does
@sehe One too many would be dix-concerting.
Ça aurait plus à @LucDanton, ça, peut-être.
@sehe yeah, it's the concert
in Tilburg on Friday
that's well the one this year
@Ven Aneuf is a neuf!
@BartekBanachewicz See - it popped into my mind just there. Eindhoven is not exactly known for culture nor airport. So, I was grasping.
@sehe actually the tickets to eindoven were much cheaper than to AMS
and direct
last time we really took the circular route
I'm not saying there isn't an airport :) It's just a very rare incoming hub IME
oh well. anyway, we have a couple days to hang around
we're gonna see things
Bring extra plutonium for the return journey.
@Borgleader - Appreciate the edit, but are the wisecracks necessary? — StoryTeller 17 mins ago
My humour is nowhere near perfect but I still think he made too much of a fuss over lets be honest, a typo comment...
@Borgleader yeah I do put humour there sometimes as well
you could instead do clickbait edit reasons, to really piss people off
'Which one?' 'I dunno, it's your house. Just check each object.' 'Check it for *what*?' 'Whether it looks like it might have touched a paper towel at some point and then forgotten to let go.' '...' 'You can also Google to learn how to check which things are using which resources.' 'You know, I'll just leave the towel there and try again tomorrow.'
@BartekBanachewicz I rarely put something there, but if I do, it's always snark, admonishing or just jokes
Good question. I just checked and the C++11 specs say the same. en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/shared_ptr/atomic I'll ask for assistance in the loungesehe 6 secs ago
Anyone here have a clue?
@Froglegs WOW, I've never seen so much incompetence from MSFT before...
they seem to have some pretty clueless people scanning the bug reports, to filter for the compiler team, but this guy didn't understand your post at all:(
damn, he had no clue what he was doing, wtf
@Borgleader I certainly found it amusing... :-)
@Froglegs I think I'm gonna need to ping someone inside MSFT directly.
ya who knows what "cheney" is going to do
@Mysticial Probably. Kind of reminds me of some of the comments on SO....
@Mysticial It is interesting that he (claims he) managed to compile the code in x86 mode. I'd have thought the intrinsics would check the mode and throw an error if you tried to use them in x86 mode.
@JerryCoffin They work in x86 mode.
@JerryCoffin Ty
@storyteller Ok then: Yes, that wisecrack was clearly necessary. It described the edit clearly and was short and to the point. It woukd be much better than a less wisecrack alternative like "fixed spelling", because it both expressed that and provided information about why the editor thought the spelling was wrong. It was an effective bit of poetry. — Yakk 6 mins ago
@StephanTLavavej Can you forward this bug to the vectorization team? (https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/107204/msvc-fails-to-use-all-32-avx512-registers.html) The person who reviewed this... #AVX512
So did this person apparently
^^ Let's see what that does.
@Mysticial I s'pose I should have guessed that.
Who knows--thinking about it for a second, I suppose they might even be useful in some 32-bit code.
@Borgleader Yakk may not chat, but he's definitely a pretty smart guy anyway.
@Mysticial Could hardly hurt, and it certainly seems like STL would know what it's talking about anyway.
I wonder what's gonna happen to the prototype T7s
will they put them in some museum or plainly destroy
prototype vehicles don't usually keep riding right
winter is coming
@Froglegs hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
@Fanael I don't even know if I'm supposed to laugh or shake my head.
I don't even...
@Mysticial Why not both?
@Mysticial Neither. You're supposed to by a round for the Lounge.
In fact, you are morally obliged to do so.
I look about as much like Bluto as you do like Flounder, so the advice clearly applies here!
@Froglegs This seems to be a compiler equivalent of ISP support's "have you tried restarting your computer/router?"
While you are suggesting that they should fix their routing tables
The fact that a dozen of us here understand the problem better than that guy means we're all qualified to be Microsoft employees right? :P
that'd be good, but I personally don't want to be at his position
@Mysticial drink
@login_not_failed It's one thing to not understand the bug. But it's a completely different level to not realize it at all and respond thinking you do.
@Mysticial you're probably right, but the guys is just like every other helpdesk dude
@login_not_failed Right. But they should be able to recognize that they don't understand the problem and give it to someone else.
@Mysticial interns
@Mysticial I mean, I'd probably not qualify as a programmer at Microsoft :D
at least, right now
The guy in this case clearly has never heard of "AVX512" or perhaps even "registers". That's fine, I'd expect the same from any other non-technical person as well as developers who have never touched the back-end. But at the very least, they'll say, "what's AVX512?" - which indicates that they know that they don't know something.
wouldn't argue with that, I was intrigued by your suggestion that loungers can qualify as MS employees
@login_not_failed That was tongue-in-cheek. But TBH, only half so. The majority of the regulars are probably good enough at C++ (and programming in general) to land a position at some major tech company. (including Microsoft)
@Mysticial BTW my Pentium III is back in action
Now with more RAM.
Lemme guess, all of us 10ks here were just staring at that flagged gif and scratching our heads.
I wasn't awake
@Mysticial Did I miss something :)
what's new?
@sehe This got flagged:
in PHP, 24 mins ago, by Fabor
https://i.imgur.com/mELJ2QF.gif .
The flag lasted exactly as long as it takes to play the gif.
@Mysticial hilarious
@Mysticial thanks
Oh ic. It was flagged because it was a 100MB gif.
anybody know how I can make Cortana shut the fuck up?
it's been badgering me for the last few days about installing a shitty Cortana app on my phone
@Mysticial tongue in cheek is already 'half so', I think
@Puppy Removing Cortana is the best way.
I turned off everything I could
@Puppy You can already shut her up during the installation of Windows 10. Did you do a fresh install, or did you do the Creator's Update?
Okay, in that case I don't know the answer.
One trick that I use to disable Windows features is to boot up in Linux and rename/delete the associated binaries.
You can't do it in Windows because they're always in use and/or heavily locked.
But you can do whatever the hell you want in Linux.
Doesn't Windows recognize missing files and repair them?
> One trick that I use to disable Windows is to boot up in Linux and delete the associated partition
@fredoverflow I surprisingly haven't encountered that yet.
What the fuck is Windows Update doing when checking for updates?
It's read 12.3 GB of data from disk.
That's more than the size of the whole system.
@Fanael It sends all your files to Microsoft so they can sell it to the NSA.
@Mysticial I can send them to NSA myself and save them the effort.
@Mysticial Joking aside, it's a clean install, there are no "my files" yet.
@Fanael But then they don't make any money.
@Fanael They're scanning your hard drive for deleted files from the previous system so they can sell them to the NSA.
@Fanael How do you know that?
@Mysticial Good luck, I wiped the disk and overwrote it with zeros with dm-crypt under some throwaway key.
@fredoverflow Task manager?
Maybe it's just a rough estimate ;)
@Fanael At least they "tried".
@fredoverflow The NT kernel holds accurate per-process I/O stats, I doubt it's a rough estimate.
@Fanael it has to build the database for the first time, windows is supposed to do this straight off the disk (e.g. one already exists). There was also a bug with the anniversary update regarding this IIRC. Could have sworn it was fixed in the creator's update
of course if you're using win 7 none of this applies
@Mysticial you could just add/remove the feature too
@Mgetz You can't do that with Cortana.
I never had Cortana in any of my Windows 10 installations.
I have a script that I found on an overclocking forum for the purposes of competitive benchmarking. It manages to completely disable and delete Cortana. But it also completely disables search since the two are too intertwined with each other.
Use a polish version of Windows 10, cortana isn't supported there :P
Looks like Eric Brumer is the right person to reach out to about this back-end optimization stuff for MSFT.
Though STL isn't a bad first choice.
Holy shit Windows 7 is 8 years old already?
yeah, MS released two OSes in the meantime :)
it's been long enough for them to do that
Windows 2000 drivers still work in Windows 7.
...why is this starred
@milleniumbug 6, actually if you consider each of the windows 10 releases...
@juanchopanza It cant?Borgleader 3 mins ago
TIL this was UB until C++17
@Borgleader Technically an UB, but worked on all major implementations.
@Fanael Yes, hence my surprise.
I'm actually pretty sure I've done that before (in toy programs only though)
yes, it's UB.
Undefined Brexit
@Borgleader Unspecified, not UB?!
@milleniumbug So I could cancel them
@sehe Pretty sure it was explicitly stated that it must be a complete type, else the behaviour was undefined.
@sehe No, it was UB.
I'm pretty sure it was just never specified that shallow instantiation should be possible for incomplete types.
For a long time this was a selling point of Boost Container (among other things)
@sehe hence making it UB
@sehe Also a selling point of, you know, actual implementations of the standard library.
unlike UB, the standardese has to specify it’s unspecified behaviour in order it for it to be unspecified behaviour
I'm pretty sure only Hell++ didn't support that.
(Hmm. I get hung up on Unspecified/Undefined again. For something to be potentially implementation dependent, does it need to be explicitly named as "unspecified" in the standard?)
@LucDanton Ah. Thanks ^
@Puppy In that case you're right for the very reason I stated :) It wasn't mentioned as unspecified, so it was undefined.
Not every standard container was made to accept incomplete types in C++17 though :/
@sehe If something's intended to be implementation dependent, then it's explicitly named as implementation-defined.
@Morwenn Only vector and both lists (which are useless and should be removed from the standard), right?
@LucDanton I thought it was explicitly stated as UB, but doesn't really matter since we agree it's UB either way
@Fanael IIRC that's it
I like std::list, be it only for the strong iterator invalidation guarantees.
@Puppy well, for the sake of the argument
@Puppy It's explicitly UB as per [res.on.functions]
@Morwenn Agreed. I would not say that it is useless. Merely rarely useful
@Puppy Yeah. Not sure whether it's better than a stable vector though.
It's probably less memory-hungry.
not sure if there is such a thing
There is in Boost.Container
> stable_vector does not provide element contiguity;
ah, so it's not really a vector at all.
@Puppy It's more like std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>
which is not really vector<T> at all.
Yup, but it gives random access so vector_* everything x)
I'd rather it's not called stable_vector when it's really not a vector, since contiguous access is basically the only point of using one
Eh, I need to sleep anyway. I'll leave y'all to your pedantry ^^
Sleep tight
Thanks ^^
Why the down vote? Show yourself, troll. — ゼーロ 3 mins ago
if someone does not agree with me, that person must be a troll
I like modern day thinking ...
Actually modern day trolling comes from being too lazy to read the article
@набиячлэвэли IDGI
> squash some bizarre bugs that we could only reproduce under heavy load, like the one where Raptors would randomly show up in non-demo maps.
@Cicada another one for the books

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