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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Morwenn Supposed to?
@wilx Two students leave the company after tomorrow, so they prepare Asian food + my brother comes back from South Korea, and I was supposed to eat fat shit with him.
@Suhaib I'd reiterate others' advice that writing code is the main path forward. But it's not just about writing the code--if you care about performance (for example) you probably also want to profile your code and/or look at the assembly code it generates to get a better idea of what's really happening. I'd tend to avoid pointers to functions as a general rule. They frequently inhibit inlining. Where possible, it's often more efficient to use an object that overloads its operator().
@Morwenn Well, good luck. :)
I won't even ask what is fat shit. :D
@wilx Thanks ^^'
@wilx Moar fried chicken, lots of cheese, préfou, etc... + beer.
@Suhaib Being obsessed helps.
Tagging stackoverflow.com/users/85371/sehe since they appear to answer most boost-graph related questions I've seen here — Jim 3 hours ago
Should I tell him...
1 hour later…
Q: Refusing free goods as a blind person

Carolina WinterAs a severely visually impaired person, I use a white cane in the public and unfamiliar shops for identification purposes and as a mobility aid. I regularly encounter sellers at bakeries or fast food restaurants who would like to give me my entire, usually smaller purchase, for free. I always ref...

/cc @CaptainGiraffe more blind people woes
@Luc played a bit, so many things changed
@AdebayoAdelabu where did you go, what did you do?
old maps, I could be wrong but they seem to be a lot more vertical now
@AdebayoAdelabu nah they have barely changed
did gendarran fields change?
I don't remember some mountains
Iron Marshes is the one that bears the most marks from LS2, kinda like how Kessex Hills had the Nightmare Tower for LS1
@AdebayoAdelabu should be the same
everything old is new again!
Am I missing something again stackoverflow.com/a/45970800/85371
@sehe, today you pinged talking about this book, correct? redacted
@OneRaynyDay Yes
What's your opinion on it? What does it cover well and what it lacks
Honestly, I don't remeber
The link was a .edu so I figured it was somewhat legal
I see :P There's honestly not a lot of results that pop up when you search for both distributed & C++ surprisingly. But if you suggest it, then I'll read through the first few chapters :)
@OneRaynyDay Possibly. Like I said, just be careful
@OneRaynyDay I must have read it in a stage where I wasn't ready to "absorb" the gravitas of it all. And now-adays I will probably have trouble motivating for a re-read. I think I'd favour some heavier-duty text on distributed and/or graph databases.
@OneRaynyDay There's always MPI (which, from the little experience I have with it, I dislike)
@LucDanton Too soon for Cotton Eye Jokes. The grounds are still wet
Gotcha, thanks for the heads up. And for some useful context: I'm trying to create a library, from some barebones stl and sockets that allows me to distribute an operation graph, i.e. (x + y) + (a + b) = z and parallelize x+y and a+b on two different computers. This is just purely for practice and I also think if it's implemented well it has some future implications
Not sure if the added context changes anything, but ACE book still on top of the priority queue
future implications is what the daily coroutine is made of
@OneRaynyDay so, MPI
@LucDanton You mean the OS coroutine/subroutines?
And, @milleniumbug, I've looked at the wiki page for MPI, and it seems like it's an extremely powerful library. But a very general library must sacrifice a bit of performance for generality
Note that I still don't plan to have it run any faster than MPI by a mile, I'd be happy if it was within 1 order of magnitude
It's just practice :)
@leaanthonycymru @mrb_bk @tjholowaychuk Syntax Error
@OneRaynyDay operation graph? You mean expression tree?
@Borgleader And more:
@Anon001 If you're not cheating, there is no reason to hide your questions afterwards. If you don't want to get caught asking those questions, you're almost certainly cheating. — Mad Scientist Aug 21 at 10:59
@LucDanton I nominate you for the role of vice-lounge-cryptographer
@sehe In the ML community I think we call it a computational graph. It's not necessarily a tree
Expression trees are for parsing, no? Might be slightly different. I'm going to do some operator overloading and ride on top of the expression parsing in C++, so won't touch that part
Ok, I was thinking of the AST indeed, since you showed an expression as text. Carry on
@OneRaynyDay Compilers do parse, though, so you'd still have an expression tree (these are popularly called expression templates)
But I take that you mean the expression represents an operation graph. That's ok by me.
All's good :)
Fucking A+
Trump still got a bigger turnout after the hurricane, either way.
@sehe I stole that
also its hilarious
@TonyTheLion imgur.com/gallery/5szYE sauce
Also, hi, wow, a Lion
@GeorgeTakei Trump: "Yeah, but can he sell a hat during a tragedy? I don't think so." #resist
how's the bear been keeping?
I'm okay. You? Still UK?
I'm good. Yes still UK
not been kicked out yet :P
How does he do it :)
En de pootjes?
oh they still hurt, when I decide to use them too much
/me Resists improper joke
My comment was sarcastic. :P
Trump went to Texas, and said ‘What a crowd, what a turnout.’
I noticed. Back when the footage was still mainly live and people were trying to be positive about him going there
I should try the same strategy at work.
"Look at all these support tickets. People must love our product."
"They absolutely cannot get enough! People are keeping direct phone numbers just to be in contact. It's crazy!"
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