@wilx Two students leave the company after tomorrow, so they prepare Asian food + my brother comes back from South Korea, and I was supposed to eat fat shit with him.
@Suhaib I'd reiterate others' advice that writing code is the main path forward. But it's not just about writing the code--if you care about performance (for example) you probably also want to profile your code and/or look at the assembly code it generates to get a better idea of what's really happening. I'd tend to avoid pointers to functions as a general rule. They frequently inhibit inlining. Where possible, it's often more efficient to use an object that overloads its operator().
As a severely visually impaired person, I use a white cane in the public and unfamiliar shops for identification purposes and as a mobility aid. I regularly encounter sellers at bakeries or fast food restaurants who would like to give me my entire, usually smaller purchase, for free. I always ref...
The link was a .edu so I figured it was somewhat legal
I see :P There's honestly not a lot of results that pop up when you search for both distributed & C++ surprisingly. But if you suggest it, then I'll read through the first few chapters :)
@OneRaynyDay Possibly. Like I said, just be careful
@OneRaynyDay I must have read it in a stage where I wasn't ready to "absorb" the gravitas of it all. And now-adays I will probably have trouble motivating for a re-read. I think I'd favour some heavier-duty text on distributed and/or graph databases.
@OneRaynyDay There's always MPI (which, from the little experience I have with it, I dislike)
@LucDanton Too soon for Cotton Eye Jokes. The grounds are still wet
Gotcha, thanks for the heads up. And for some useful context: I'm trying to create a library, from some barebones stl and sockets that allows me to distribute an operation graph, i.e. (x + y) + (a + b) = z and parallelize x+y and a+b on two different computers. This is just purely for practice and I also think if it's implemented well it has some future implications
Not sure if the added context changes anything, but ACE book still on top of the priority queue
And, @milleniumbug, I've looked at the wiki page for MPI, and it seems like it's an extremely powerful library. But a very general library must sacrifice a bit of performance for generality
Note that I still don't plan to have it run any faster than MPI by a mile, I'd be happy if it was within 1 order of magnitude
@Anon001 If you're not cheating, there is no reason to hide your questions afterwards. If you don't want to get caught asking those questions, you're almost certainly cheating. — Mad ScientistAug 21 at 10:59
@sehe In the ML community I think we call it a computational graph. It's not necessarily a tree
Expression trees are for parsing, no? Might be slightly different. I'm going to do some operator overloading and ride on top of the expression parsing in C++, so won't touch that part