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@Cicada I was joking btw with that one :P
@als oh ok, then sorry again!
I'm gonna implement my idea. Whoa. Haven't been doing that in ages.
What's an idea?
Probably a new programming language.
@CheersandhthAlf hehe enough of he sorry's :)
@thecoshman Ok, deleted.
@Pubby Oh joy, glad to see that got starred.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Who needs another programming language?
@Cicada woah, you didn't need to do that :S
@Neil If it's humiliating, it gets starred. That's how the lounge works.
Your mother.
I'm going to eat.
@RMartinhoFernandes Don't star that please.
^ I'm not sure, is this fish, fowl or meat?
@CheersandhthAlf Yes
I'm so awesome.
Now I'm hungry.
@CheersandhthAlf fish is also meat.
@CheersandhthAlf Fish.
Why do people say meat when they mean to say beef?
@Neil see, it worked.
Not like we don't have a word for that.
@Neil Pork is meat too.
@Neil because beef is just a type of meat
I heard an interesting discussion the other day. Apparently the english language doesn't have a non-scientific name for the species name for a cow
I enjoy salads.
Meat is people too.
Cow is technically the female
C++03 y u suck
Beef is fucking tough.
@Neil Cattle?
@Neil what? we do, 'cow'
@Fanael C++03 sucks because it ain't Haskell.
Cattle could be any kind of livestock
Cattle (colloquially cows) are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collectively as Bos primigenius. Cattle are raised as livestock for meat (beef and veal), as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products, and as draft animals (oxen / bullocks) (pulling carts, plows and the like). Other products include leather and dung for manure or fuel. In some countries, such as India, cattle are sacred. From as few as eighty proge...
@Neil it's the same as with dogs, bitch is female, dog is male, dog is species
@RadekdaknokSlupik you're doing it wrong
@RadekdaknokSlupik C++11 ain't neither yet it sucks less.
Species is canis domesticus or something
@Neil Usually not though. See Wikipedia
So one cattle, two cattle.. that doesn't sound right
@Cicada canis lupus.
Dogs are wolves.
@RMartinhoFernandes Canis lupus familiaris.
@Neil Two Catsle – no, it’s a species, hence collective noun
Cattle is a group of cows or possibly bulls
@Fanael That's a subspecies.
But it's not the name of the species.
@KonradRudolph What's a catsle?
@Fanael less, so it still sucks.
@RMartinhoFernandes Canis lupus familiaris wikipedia says.
Closest thing to it is bovine I think.
A cat pretzel?
@Neil in UK English at least, Cattle would be like the plural. You normally don't say one cattle
@RadekdaknokSlupik Haskell is Haskell yet it still sucks.
@RMartinhoFernandes Plural of “cattle”, built by extrapolating from the rules for “cat”
@RMartinhoFernandes Who cares?
@thecoshman I just dislike beef. I want pork, chicken and human flesh.
@thecoshman Right, that's what I meant. The name of the species isn't usually plural
@RadekdaknokSlupik try cooking it right. If your beef is tough, you are cooking it wrong
Human flesh is the sweetest meat
@RadekdaknokSlupik Beef is the queen of meats. If your beef is tough your cook sucks
@thecoshman Tell my dad who likes his food dry as hell without any fat or salt.
@Pubby because we are lazy feckers
@thecoshman Yeah, sometimes I eat a chunk of my leg instead of going to a restaurant
@RadekdaknokSlupik I'm so sorry for you. But at the same time, struggle to understand how you could still like any food
@Pubby it's cheaper too
I'll cook some beef soon myself and try it.
I'll leave ALL THE FAT in it. :P
Two cannibals are chomping down on a clown they spotted wandering the jungles of africa. One turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?"
But I'm going to eat. See you guys.
@RadekdaknokSlupik get your self to a butchers, ask for a well matured fillet stake. Fry it on a super hot pan, turning plenty, like ever 30 seconds.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Bon apetit
@Neil that's so bad I think my father in law needs to hear it
ape tit, lol
well, in norway we have a saying about a cannibal who came home but was met with a cold shoulder
i guess the english language doesn't have anything about cold shoulders
so it's sort of flat?
@CheersandhthAlf we know the phrase 'cold shoulder', to be shunned (sort of)
Come to le France. We have osom meat.
well there's another that's similar, but it's english, about a girl who was only a fisherman's daughter, but she lay on the slab and said "fillet"!
that was sexits. dinner
did you hear about the world's best scarecrow? he was outstanding in his field!
@Cicada osom meat?
@awoodland hay, it's in his jeans
@thecoshman osom as in awesome
@awoodland A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks him, "Why the long face?"
@Cicada oic
The horse does not speak english
He runs out of the bar
Kicking over a few tables
@Cicada Thank you semantic girl.
@Cicada You have osom food, full stop.
osom totally ought to be the SI unit of awesomeness
/me is jealous
A man walks into a bar, ouch
@Cicada such as...
@KonradRudolph Oh we do have amazing food. However the French lack the British class/style/humor and that's pretty sad.
@Cicada care to swap?
food, or funnies... what do I want more...
@Cicada Quite.
@awoodland +1
But Eddie Izzard once did a whole show in French
so that’s good
@KonradRudolph Yes! I love it
@Cicada really? the French think the English have style?
I’m quite impressed by this guy’s penchant for foreign languages, he’s a credit to his country
@thecoshman shut up, you dirty Irish farmer
@awoodland How big 1 osom is?
@thecoshman From a foreigner point of view - I used to live in south america before France - I find the French grumpy, whiny and uselessly negative about almost everything
@thecoshman I was confused by that unless it's a reference to toffs
@KonradRudolph hey! you take that back! I'm just fucking Irish! I'm English damn you
@awoodland Isn’t that the instagram?
The English have a je-ne-sais-quoi that makes them awesome.
@Cicada you've never been to England have you :P
@thecoshman errr … is “fucking” a verb in that sentence?
Their food sucks, however.
(in which case, kudos!)
@thecoshman I've been. Almost got raped by the way.
@KonradRudolph some context, my GF is irish :P
@thecoshman s/England/Poland/
@Cicada Their food is actually better than its reputation now, thanks to a lot of foreign influences, especially from the old colonies
@Cicada <trying to handle matter delicately> Are you connecting the two...
A drunk obviously irate after an encounter with a lawyer, stands up at the end of the bar and pronounces, "All lawyers are idiots!" To which a man stands up and says, "Hey, I take offense to that!" The drunk asks, "Why? You some sort of big-shot lawyer?" The man replies, "No, I'm an idiot!"
I have a feeling of déjà vu.
@Cicada Oooh, they are. Fuck those frog-eaters. But whereabouts in South America were you?
@Cicada our native food is mostly offal and left overs true, but we have really got a hang on eating 'funny' food :P
Lame jokes get starred, yeah!
@KonradRudolph Well um. I've been to London and a town in Ireland which's name I can't remember and the food really was horrible for a French girl (no, really)
yay, I made a lame joke. :)
@thecoshman Hey, left-overs gave us ratatouille, stew and pizza. Don’t knock left-overs
@KonradRudolph I used to live in Ecuador
@Cicada You just have to avoid the veggies, take a foreign-sounding dish and add lots of salt
@Cicada I would ask where in Ireland, but that's a moot point :P
(The people are really nice though. Simply put, we don't have the same habits. At all. I mean, do you seriously party everytime there's sun?)
@KonradRudolph stew is not left overs
@Cicada all three days of sun a year!
@thecoshman But that’s how it started, no? Wasn’t it that the farmers had all these bad parts of the meat which were totally sinewy and basically un-chewable so they stewed them for hours to make them tender?
but yeah, the English and Irish do have a serious problem with binge drinking
I wish I had a flamethrower.
@EtiennedeMartel Pour brûler tous ces angliches ?
I think I'm wining.
@KonradRudolph yeah, but that's not left overs. That's just making the most of the fact that lords have have eaten everything on the animal other then the guts and feet
@Cicada Har har.
@Cicada :(
that's mean
Honestly I have absolutely nothing against Anglophones.
(Me neither)
@Cicada Lucky I’m a kraut then
(I just like pretending being a hater)
(It makes things fun)
(C++ sucks, for example)
@EtiennedeMartel Anglophones? I know what you are meaning, just never heard that phrase
@Cicada (That's just the truth)
@thecoshman First time I heard that word in English was in a speech by Stephen Fry. So I assume it's correct.
@Cicada by the way, you have 'parentheses' mode on
@KonradRudolph I'm not sure the word lucky is the most appropriate
@thecoshman (Ssssh, it's the stealth mode)
@EtiennedeMartel do you mean 'Anglophiles'?
OMG, Lisp invaded the lounge.
@Cicada sounds like (a) lisp
damn too slow
@thecoshman No, I mean "Anglophones". People who speak English.
Anglophiles are English pedophiles, right?
@EtiennedeMartel huh, new word to me then
@RMartinhoFernandes sure, why the child fucking hell not?
@Cicada Eh, our kitchen sucks and nobody speaks our language but everybody is appropriately afraid of the blitzkrieg and we have enough money to spend on good food, good comedy and nice weather elsewhere
I'm going to regret saying that, ain't I
@thecoshman looks like an anglicisation of Francophone
@KonradRudolph Don't forget the beer.
@KonradRudolph Germany... good comedy? Ironically, I laugh at that
(are (all you) (being silly just))
@KonradRudolph I never really tried your food so I can't judge - closest I've been to Germany was Strasburg. Also people my age do keep on learning German (for some reason) to steal your jobs.
@EtiennedeMartel mmmm, beer
@thecoshman The “child fucking hell”, is that the special place in hell reserved for pedophiles and people who talk at the theatre?
@thecoshman No, we can afford it. Meaning, we buy it from the Brits
my memories of German food is meat, pate and cheese for breakfast which gets a definite thumbs up
@EtiennedeMartel True, but I haven’t had a German beer in months and I slowly get used to ale
@KonradRudolph you're welcome :D
@Cicada Come to Quebec instead. We have plenty of jobs, and you don't even have to learn a new language.
It might take a while to get used to the accent though.
Wow that food tasted like crap.
oh, there's a good mix of countries represented here. Cereal for breakfast, just a child's thing?
@EtiennedeMartel I want to visit Canada indeed. Your accent is both a) osom and b) hilarious.
@EtiennedeMartel I'd never come across prefix-ophone with any prefix other than franc
@RadekdaknokSlupik you're doing it wrong
@thecoshman Indeed. I should have gone to the KFC instead.
@RadekdaknokSlupik what did you have?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Oh god, I almost said something bad
@thecoshman Mi.
@Cicada Why?
@RadekdaknokSlupik ?
@RMartinhoFernandes I doubt it
I just god damn missed the bus
@thecoshman Like bakmi but smaller.
damn y'all being too fun to talk to
@RadekdaknokSlupik what's bakmi?
@Cicada Tabarnack.
@thecoshman Like mi, but larger.
@thecoshman thick, short, Chinese spaghetti.
Mi is the same, but thinner.
@Cicada Nourong
Amateurs y if u photograph food it always look like crap!?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Because it's a real job to do it properly
@RadekdaknokSlupik so thin short Chinese spaghetti?
The guy behind cplusplus.com told me this:
> The tutorial generally focuses more on what can be done in C++ rather than on what should be done (by focusing on the language syntax rather than on the standard library).
Why would you ever want to do that?
@thecoshman well yeah.
@Cicada AFAIK most 'food' photos are not that tasty IRL due to the crap tone of staging
@RadekdaknokSlupik If you're a tool, yeah.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Because they don't use Instagram.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Because all professional food photographs are done with special lenses, special lightning, and boatloads of sugar water on top to make it glaze
I want to bitch slap this star whoring person!
@RadekdaknokSlupik because giving people the tools to invent new good things to do is a good thing?
> You have fully used your vote allowance for today
See? That's why I want a flamethrower.
@Pubby SO IT'S YOU!!!
@awoodland why? If you want to teach people C++, teach them C++. Not C with Classes.
@thecoshman I think he means to congratulate you.
Nature is wonderful. I'm looking at a bee hive and I can't think but fuck, this is pretty damn optimal
@thecoshman I am not a crook
I am not a cock.
@RadekdaknokSlupik teach people the language and if they're smart they'll find the good things/bad things to do and some new ones too
@Cicada bee vomit is damn tasty
@thecoshman I starred your messages about there being too many stars - it was just too tempting
@Cicada Fucking a bee hive is the last thing I would do.
@thecoshman It's not vomit, it's saliva.
@RMartinhoFernandes is that so?
to wikipedia!
The entropy of this chat is too damn high.
@RMartinhoFernandes When the difference between a bee's stomach and a bee's mouth is practically nil, it really doesn't matter anymore.
@Cicada +1
@Cicada it's not entropy
@Cicada And that’s why I studied bioinformatics
> Honey bees transform nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation
entropy |ˈentrəpē| a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.
Honey () is a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees (the genus Apis) is the one most commonly referred to and is the type of honey collected by beekeepers and consumed by humans. Honey produced by other bees and insects has distinctly different properties. Honey bees transform nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation, and store it as a primary food source in wax honeycombs inside the beehive. Beekeeping practices encourage overproduction of honey so the excess can be taken from the colony. Honey gets its sweetness from the monosa...
What does that have to do with this room?
sounds more like vomit to me
@Cicada Goats are like mushrooms. If you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.
@thecoshman My father used to be a beekeeper. That's what he taught me.
@thecoshman the more honest name “honey puke” did not go well with the marketing department
the information content is also high therefore
@Neil Oh you. I know where you're from. The internets. But which?
Chat y u no let me use Emacs shortcuts to navigate and edit my message.
Mum's basement internets
It's supported literally everywhere but here.
It's funny to think that you can sort stuff without any algorithm behind it
@Cicada Not sure I understand the question.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Because they suck. set -o vi
@Neil lurk moar
@Neil She succeeded, then.
@RadekdaknokSlupik you wouldn't believe how many web pages I've saved by accident with C-x s
Oh boys, a mod commented on my answer <3
And didn't delete it. Wat.
@KonradRudolph irrelevant.
Chat intercepts control+K, which is annoying.
Though I don't think regurgitation is the same as vomiting...
@thecoshman Whatever helps you sleep at night. :Đ
@RadekdaknokSlupik Hell yes, why does it do that on OS X?! And why doesn’t intercept Cmd-K instead?
@DomagojPandža either way, honey is tasty.
@thecoshman Regurgitation is what you do at nice dinner parties. Vomiting is what you do at "get smashed" parties.
My only rule with food is that it no longer moves on it's own
@Cicada Now he did.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah. It was fun while it lasted.
@KonradRudolph it's even worse on WikiDot, where they also overrided control+A and control+E.
oh, no fun on SO
@thecoshman I quite like those fish flakes they put on some noodle dishes at Japanese places
@Cicada I flagged it, by the way.
Keyboard shortcuts on websites suck and must die.
@EtiennedeMartel For undelete? Or delete? Let it deleted.
@Cicada For delete. "Not an answer".
@EtiennedeMartel Well yes, seems logical. I won't blame you.
@awoodland never had them :(
^ I think that's something Indian
Stop it with the food pics.
@thecoshman they come out dried, but soak up moisture which makes them shrink and wriggle
@CheersandhthAlf Looks like diarrhea in a bowl.
Diarrhea is darker.
What about some pain?
Excellent point.
@RadekdaknokSlupik depends what you've been eating I guess
"Eat my pain".
@Fanael ಠ_ಠ bread
@thecoshman mi.
Doesn't have the same ring as "mange mon pain".
@EtiennedeMartel That pun.
Who was the guy that had a blog post on writing specs?
has somebody tried linux kernel 3.4 on sandy bridge yet?
Was it Atwood?
Or Spolsky?
@CheersandhthAlf looks good enough to bother cooking
@bamboon Why? Is it magic?
@thecoshman No, pain.
Would you like some boilerplate with that, sir?
@RMartinhoFernandes it was supposed to save about 5-10W in idle
@Fanael none yet. Bit tired though
@Cicada Pas de pain, pas de gain.
Unproductivity accumulator aka Lounge<C++>
Moar unproductivity!
Here, have some!
I really think I needed a 'mother fucker' back there
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Get your unproductivity here! [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@Cicada The fuck is that?
Waterotator with candy?
@DomagojPandža A self-stirring pan
@Cicada (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
^ That's better science.
:3887085 UTF-8 »¿3
@RMartinhoFernandes I'll take two please
is too mainstream.
er folks how do I link a lib file in Visual Studio ?
Guise you realize I should actually be studying this annoying relational algebra instead of being here. It's all your fault.
@KodeSeeker google
@Cicada Some of us should be working. So what?
@RMartinhoFernandes I have finals next week.
And I'm more and more inclined to think that the word final is appropriate for the situation (amirite @DeadMG)
I've actually made quite some progress today.
@thecoshman The number of people on my ignored people list just increased by one! :D
@thecoshman, tried to but ended in infinite loops
@Cicada you realise I should be home by now?! but no! I had to miss the bus because you (plural) are too funny
@KodeSeeker One doesn't simply link a lib file!
@Cicada Get cracking!

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