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the main trouble is that the education won't be of any value
@Puppy I guess you mean by that work on software day and night
@trilolil solving NP-Complete problems with better brute force techniques basically, hypergraph transversal by odometers
so you have to be very aggressive about spending your free time programming if you want it to count
@Puppy I spent countless hours outside of work advancing my skills ~
@roscoe_casita is that cryptography and stuff?
@trilolil it can be applied to it, if you can solve one NP-Complete problem, then you can solve them all.. you just need to transform the problem appropriately
meh TED talks
^^ this talks about "grit" , that success is directly correlated to GRIT
seems like most of them are just "This great thing anecdotally happened this one time!"
eh, some are hit, some are miss, at least they have people trying to do it ~
they're never "This great thing can happen to you if you try and here's my scientific study proving it and detailing the technique for you to reproduce at home"
@Puppy next you have to be able to spot something you can your knowledge for and turn into profit.
@Puppy um... actually,.. thats what this one is ;()
only 6 minutes too =)
@roscoe_casita Well okay I will watch it
@Puppy did you follow that road? ie being agressive about spending your time programming?
on a side note, regarding cpp: my GUI's always look incredibly ugly. Is there some usual setup or something you use to have a good looking GUI?
I didn't study art or stuff, yet I believe it is important to have a good looking GUI when developing one.
@trilolil Apples billion dollar GUI development teams says yes... there is style and art to GUI design.
hmm looks like I m screwed
@trilolil Yes
@Puppy did you start a company or become a freelancer?
@roscoe_casita Actually, I watched it and it's better than most but certainly not reproducible
@Puppy And they even say so, and that we don't really know how to teach GRIT. but its essential.
@trilolil Currently I am still an employee, but I'm only on my 7th-8th year.
@roscoe_casita That's not what I meant. She never mentioned the results getting published even a single time or any peer review, and some of her success metrics seemed rather selection biased.
@Puppy My guess is that you are not very young... I may be wrong. Did you have a business in the past or are you planning to?
e.g. which students finished military college, well seems to me like maybe some of the leaving students made the right choice to leave
@Puppy gotcha, yeah, well... its also a TED talk, as you've noted ~ they arn't exactly the worlds greatest scientific proving ground, BUT alot of people do watch them.
@trilolil I'm 26.
@Puppy if you start with the assumption that they believe they were making the right choice by going there ~ ./shrug
and also from 20-24 I was quite severely ill
@Puppy didn t expect that
soft sciences are all squishy and subject to opinion
@trilolil Why not?
@Puppy Hope everything turn out okay
rude to pry ~
@Puppy one of the reasons: the dog.
@Puppy I thought you were atleast 50
it's not my dog
it's my parent's dog
they got it when I was just about starting making that distinction ;p
@Horttanainen same
@roscoe_casita You can feel free to ask what you want as I can always tell you to fuck off or kick you out if I choose
@Horttanainen Too much exposure to the many members here who are that age ;p
Usually people who sound like *ssholes on SE imho, are senior dev and aren t that young any more :p
yet they usually know their shit
well some of us who sound like assholes are senior dev and are that young still ;p
a variant which I didn t consider
being an asshole on SO is primarily caused by being on SO, though
after you've answered 10,000 questions but nobody else will commit to your repositories and they keep asking the same dumb incoherent questions over and over again, you grow somewhat bitter about the whole thing
@Puppy just remove asshole: "Being on SO is primarily caused by being on SO!" THE TAUTOLOGY IS COMPLETED!~
@Puppy "commit to your repo", you expect other people from SO to invest time in your open source code because you have invested time in answering their (stupid/intelligent) question?
If yes, I call that wishful thinking
not sure I'd say that I expected it
certainly not from most people
but I probably expected a couple
as opposed to zero
@Puppy There is no link to your github account from your stackoverflow profile :)
regardless of what I expected or did not expect, the reality was that I was putting time in and helping other people for nothing
after a while you realize your time is not free and infinite and that simply becomes an unacceptable proposition
Alright, interjection time: new fire staff is epic and amazing, the weight... i can do all kinds of contact work I couldn't do before!
@Puppy at that moment, you should realize why noone is contributing on your project, I hate to say. I wish it wasn't true.
because I dropped it a couple years back?
@Puppy noone will every use the Quack compiler I wrote, or look at it, or even use it to learn from.
@Puppy I supposed I don't know the repo you wrote, what is it?
regardless, the why is immaterial
@Puppy no, it makes a difference.
there are open source projects that solve enough peoples problems, that people contribtue
or the project is 'easy enough to just use' when they install it the first time, that by the time they find the bugs, they are willing to fix them, because they have already commited
@roscoe_casita certainly doesn't
@Puppy How old is the youngest of your colleague senior developers?
@Puppy I m referring to your colleagues
do not know their ages offhand
but at least 8 years older than me
@Puppy thx :)
> I respectfully disagree and then call you all sorts of disgusting, filthy names due to your opinion.
@roscoe_casita would you suggest to take images from the camera in the mainframe and update the gui this way, or create a separate thread to only get the frames and pass them to the mainthread?
@trilolil I would do all i/o on a seporate thread
kk thx
@trilolil that include reading from video, examining frames, etc. You want to take a final frame and pass it to the gui
then the gui just takes the frame and puts it on the screen
this is how the gui remains 'responsive'
@roscoe_casita what bothers me is that I have to create a class for each of those threads....
This is how I proceeded last time:
void MainWindow::startTimerWorker()
    myThread = new QThread(this);
    workerObj = new workerTimer();
    connect(workerObj, SIGNAL(changeLabelMainWindow(int)), this, SLOT(updateTimerLabel(int)));

    QSignalMapper* signalMapper = new QSignalMapper (this) ;

    connect(myThread, SIGNAL(started()), signalMapper, SLOT(map()) );
    {signalMapper -> setMapping (myThread, 1000) ; }

    {signalMapper -> setMapping (myThread, 3000) ;  }
@trilolil yes, each worker thread is a type / they accomplish a specific task
Hey, what do you guys think of this color theme I made for C++? github.com/CrazyPython/iconalas-red
@roscoe_casita ok well if that's normal (creating a class for every thread) I ll just try to do that :)
@trilolil depends, a group of tasks that are similar should have inheritance ~
OK I'l ltry
or at least modular functionality, so your not writing the same things again, if that makes sense
like if EVERY thread that will process a video stream... then well, it kind of makes sense to have a base object that has a video stream object / input output, or stack whatever that it can read/ write to.
@trilolil Jesus fuck can you say awful bracing style
@Puppy hahah why should i split this:
{signalMapper -> setMapping (myThread, 3000) ;  }
on 3 lines? I think it is fine like that
who said anything about 3 lines?
@Puppy elaborate plzzz
@trilolil I would just run a reformater over your code so I could read it
    signalMapper->setMapping(myThread, 1000);
would be fine
except for the part where the variable names are awful
or even just
@Puppy you would do it this way because the if statement just contains 1 line?
if(ui->rdBtntimer1s->isChecked()) signalMapper->setMapping(myThread, 1000);
is fine
@trilolil Yep
@Puppy why are they awfull, they are sufficiently self explanatory for me
@Puppy this is usually against most companies coding policy.
if you have an IF you have {}
@roscoe_casita That's because most companies are a bit thick
@roscoe_casita indeed
@trilolil No, I don't really think they are. You just don't notice because it's a small program and you basically know everything about it all the time.
@Puppy no, that is correct. I've found multitudes of bugs because some hackjob though one line if statements are okay
@Puppy exactly. hack job. companies fail if that person leaves. hence why they enforce coding standards.
@roscoe_casita You've found multitudes of bugs because they thought one line if statements are OK and they failed to write any kind of tooling to check that they were used appropriately and they hired a bunch of people who in fact could not use them appropriately.
@Puppy if they thought one line if statements are okay... they don't know how to write tooling ;)
I think they're totally fine and I know how to write tooling
@Puppy perhaps not today then, but one day... you'll change your habits and ALWAYS add {}. They are cheep, explicit, and never unclear.
actually my company also has such a coding style ;p
@roscoe_casita I think so as well, many coding standards want them actually
@Puppy aye, usually they are not enforced at all.
we do
trust me, I found out the hard way that if you leave out the braces you get grumpy comments from your colleagues
@Puppy yes. because they can't follow the code
I would take long variable names, with to many {}, over short names with no {}
it's because they're afraid of making dumb mistakes a tool could easily catch for them ;p
who said anything about variable name length?
@Puppy YES. they have admitted they are human, and failable.
hence, its easy to implement a standard / checker / and then ~
I have no problem naming my variables p but only for small scopes like objects.Where(p => p.IsChecked)
@Puppy time is money, let s just do it correctly from the beginning rather than writing code while knwoing we are using them braces incorrectly and praying for the tool to afterwards fix everything.
@roscoe_casita The tool that catches it for them is not.
@trilolil If by "afterwards" you mean "when you run the build".
you know, that thing that you have to do to run your code even one time
@Puppy yes for example
@Puppy And when it breaks? and doesn't autofix the code because the license expired or something stupid?
and then when it gets ported over to a new system, and it doesn't support the old tools? ~ now I have a fragmented code base?
well that can totally happen but it's pretty rare and not really any different to your compiler miscompiling your code or anything like that
if your tooling is injecting {} for you...
@Puppy if you had your own company, wouldn't you ask your employees to follow this policy just to avoid any unwanted situations afterwards?
@trilolil exactly, this has been so throughly nailed, I'm suprised its even acceptable now.
@roscoe_casita Who said anytihng about injecting it?
@Puppy you mentioned tooling to fix missing {}
er, no
the tooling does not inject braces for you.
it simply checks to see that you did not use the single-line statements in a particularly dumb fashion
like if (x); blah;
what about IF (X) blah; blash;
so, if I compile this same code
frankly blah; blah; should be an error regardless of whether or not it's preceeded by an if
it works. on a different build system
so one I have to buy or build a new tool system; the other I only have to enforce a policy of coding standards.
replacing your build system will have so many pains that this barely registers
but more importantly, you're thinking about this the wrong way around
"In one case, I put in effort this one time and it's done, and in the other case, it requires constant manual human intervention"
I don't think that #2 is the cheaper option here.
@Puppy software lives over 80% of its life in maintenance mode. Thus, building software for maintence mode is really the job. It is much faster, and easier to not design for that. Maintaince of code with all {} is easier.
I know
don't really see how that changes the balance here
@roscoe_casita I disagree that maintenance with all braces is easier. You still have to perform the same manual human intervention for every change, and you can fit less relevant code on the screen.
and furthermore
you don't know for sure that it's even followed
you have to be on the lookout for in case a few examples sneaked by code review
certainly happened a few times for code written by me at my company
every fuckin dev at my company has to deal with one-line if statements regardless of the company policy.
and that's not even including one-line if statements in third-party code
you cannot escape having to deal with things that don't meet your coding standards so really they are mostly pointless
@Puppy you miss understand me. You are trading technical debt for solutions today.
@roscoe_casita No, I think that's what you are doing.
oh? how is adding clarity debt?
you are just throwing in a few braces every now and then and then just hoping that's enough instead of actually checking that it's true
you have no idea if your coding style is actually what's present
and your employees, when they encounter code that doesn't meet it, which they will, will have no idea what to do
?????? I'm totally confused as to what you are saying. Coding standards include {} for a reason, for every if, while, for, etc. If you want to understand why, then I suggest you make efforts to do so, instead of trying to tell me why we wrong to implement coding standards.
what I'm saying is you're making a human do a machine's job.
you're wasting your human time doing something you could pay five bucks for a CPU to do for a decade.
and it won't get tired, it won't make mistakes, and it won't not notice that thing in the corner.
@Puppy I think you've missed the point. The reason for {} is for maintaince.
and your humans can go do things that CPUs cannot do, like give variables meaningful names that express their meaning
@roscoe_casita The reason why doesn't matter in the slightest. Even if for some reason you decided that was true, you should still have a tool that enforces that it is followed.
@Puppy sure... there is no other way
you should have a program that checks every file, every line of all your source code and fails the build if it finds any violations
@Puppy aye, exactly
so the only difference between {} and not is that a) you're less dependent on it and b) the tool does a very slightly more interesting job
@Puppy ~ there are multitudes of facets to the {} debate. When you get bit hard enough from a missing {}, then one day you will change your mind. I did.
or maybe you wont ~
@roscoe_casita I won't get bit, because my build will fail and tell me if it ever even slightly looks like it's facing in this direction
christ you lads still going on about those braces, lol
don t you have some babe to wine and dine instead?
actually, no
@Puppy You can have mine
it's a real advertisement for her the way you want to giver her away ;p
sharing is caring
I sure hope you don't care about me
I do, bro
should contact a professional about that
k after the wine and dine session
@roscoe_casita Dude, you literally get a compiler error if you have multiple statements that look like a block but aren't, unless you're intentionally bad and don't enable -Werror
But I believe that not enabling all reasonable warnings and making them errors should be a crime so
@Fanael I think the same... I think we are all in VIOLENT AGREEMENT!
@roscoe_casita if I want a thread to never finish, in my case I want it to continuously return camera frames to thte main frame, should I then use a while(1) loop inside the function it is executing? And then violently finish the thread (from the mainthread) when closing the GUI?
I mean, is that the correct way to proceed?
I never really saw while(1) loops in OOP
@roscoe_casita My two cents worth (i.e., essentially worthless opinion): there's basically only one case in history where lack of braces arguably carries part of the blame for a real problem. By contrast, adding unnecessary braces adds distraction and visual noise to everything, all the time. It's roughly equivalent to deciding that healthy people should always wear helmets and padded clothing, just in case some previously unknown condition arises and they have a seizure.
At least in theory, that clearly would add some safety--but the chances of my having a seizure are small enough that I think I'll stick with jeans and a T-shirt.
I always use braces. I don't think it's noisy.
braces !=brackets
@StackedCrooked Hey/Hallo I see on your profile that you specialize in cross platform dev
You probably have a good solution for the situation in which I currently am
@StackedCrooked I certainly do (but such is life, I guess).
I am currently writing some cpp code using Qt, the goal would be to be able to run my application on Android.

Now... what happens is that the initial code, which contains the real algorithm of the application, I wrote is in python (the libraries are in python and cpp and you have to interface with those libraries using python). I am currently trying to write cpp software in Qt because we need a GUI *and* the execution speed when using Python is too low.

So, so far I have a gui doing calls to python scripts (that use python libraries, cpp libs, and some lua scripts) and I d like to run th
@StackedCrooked What would you suggest regarding cross-platform compatibility?
I am now able to do that on Ubuntu, but not sure things will go that smoothly on Android.
Dunno. It's a weird situation.
My experience with cross-platform means writing C++ applications that work on Windows, Mac and Linux.
If Python's execution speed is the issue then you'll need to rewrite those parts in C++.
Also, it's easier to call C++ code from Python than vice versa.
@StackedCrooked yhea I know, but I'd like to wait with that because that would mean rewriting an entire framework... Why do you think calling a python script from cpp mght be (more) difficult?
@StackedCrooked Actually it is not that weird I think. The framework I use forces me to communicate with it using python. I now want to add a cpp gui in order to afterwards gradually convert everything (the python code) to cpp.
And it should work on Android in the meantime as well.
Hello Lounge
How are you doing?
@trilolil So wait, how are you calling your cross-language code?
Additionally, you still do need to bootstrap into the JNI right? So how is your project going to handle cross-platform builds?
@VermillionAzure my scripts are in python. I am writing the C++ Gui now and am looking at what possibilities there are now to call the python scripts from the Qt GUI
taking into account that I will have to do this on Android later
@trilolil No. How is your C++ directly interfacing with Python?
What binding or framework as you using?
@VermillionAzure so far I am looking at PythonQt
@trilolil Sounds interesting. What type of app is this?
@VermillionAzure mine or PythonQt?
@trilolil Yours
@VermillionAzure AI related
@trilolil That doesn't tell me much
That's anything from deep learning to starcraft AI
Also, are you sure you NEED Qt?
I'm also assuming that since it's on Android, do you need to have it all be on Android? What about developing the client and server as completely different applications and keep the model in common?
@VermillionAzure well it is very broad and tough to summarize in a few words. I think the most correct summary would be: object recognition (using machine learning) and tracking
@VermillionAzure Looks like the person wants the software to be able to run on Android OS. I offered to put two OS's side to side and use a shared partition to share data between both OS's but that isn't OK.
@trilolil That sounds weird and unrealistic IMO
I'm not an expert by any means but if you want to be running something computationally heavy, shouldn't it be going out to a server?
@VermillionAzure my solution or the one "ordered"?
@trilolil Also, why do you need Qt and Python?
@VermillionAzure this hardware will not have any issues running the algorithms ;)
@trilolil BTW I'm a complete noob who's still in college so I'm just shooting up ideas
@VermillionAzure python because, as stated, the libraries being used require a python interface
Although I have some design experience
@trilolil How far along are you in development?
Qt because that's how I make GUI's
@VermillionAzure backend is done
(the actual AI and stuff)
Isn't the Python part of the back-end?
@VermillionAzure yes
@trilolil So why do you need PythonQt?
@VermillionAzure ... to link the frontend and backend
@trilolil Hmmm, not a front-end expert...
Best way is to go straight C++ Qt (this is the selling point of Qt)
@trilolil Listen to @Mikhail I think he's an expert
@Mikhail could you elaborate?
@Mikhail yes but on top of that I have to do python calls (which on their turn do other c++, python calls and execute lua scripts)
Do you think that by using Qt I can wrap all that up to one single "exe" and get it to run on Android out of the box?
@trilolil Did you buy the license? Because from what I remember LGPL requires dynamic linking at runtime
@trilolil I'm not sure. Android's deployment is APK from what I remember and it has its own system for managing that stuff
@Mikhail should know, right?
And is it just Android? What about web and iOS?
@VermillionAzure god didnt think about all that other stuff...
None of my business, yet
@trilolil What part of the product do you have ownership on?
@VermillionAzure what exactly do you mean by "ownership"?
@trilolil What are you in charge of in terms of features?
And you're working for a contractor, I'm guessing, right?
@VermillionAzure I have "carte blanche"
@VermillionAzure yup
@trilolil Cate Blanchett?
@VermillionAzure google.be/…
@trilolil Is the client stable? Or do they not know what they want and they just have an idea?
@VermillionAzure stable, but that doesn t solve my issue :)
@trilolil Well doesn't that influence how much you want to spend on the durability and future-proofness of the system?
@trilolil While certainly possible, I don't know how to distribute python on Android. The release engineering sounds too difficult compared to just using C++. You can probably get away with doing Android -> NDK for the tensorflow parts
But going between three languages sounds like a nightmare, mostly because I don't know how to do Python on mobile.
@Mikhail I started learning python a week ago :)
Well Android had good Java bindings to image processing libraries like OCV or tf. I don't see why you would need python.
The only reason to use C++ on the front end is to share code with a desktop client via Qt.
@Mikhail because I can t start learning every freakin programming languag ethat exists, py is what is/was needed for this
nvm guys
@trilolil there are like 3, suck it up
thx :)
@Mikhail there are only 3 programming languages, okay....
4 if you count Kotlin
oh yes ofcourse Kotlin
@Mikhail actually 5 if you count LOLCODE
@trilolil Looks like there's QPython?
I can't think of many good ideas for Python on Android... But CPython is C and should be embeddable into the JNI somehow. I'm sure environments exist
Now, embedded -- the one I know of is Boost.Python but I'm not sure how well that'll do for you here on Android...
Folks, it s okay thx
A haiku: Trump is a nightmare Nothing could be worse, really Not even Mike Pence
@VermillionAzure py++ or something is apparently better/more modern
I've heard. Not used.
I want to write Shock eventually
And then I can write an IDE called Awe
So that the standard setup becomes ShockAndAwe
Ever wanted to declare differently typed local variables in a for loop initialization? https://wandbox.org/permlink/9hpgCo20aqXAnDjP… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/894890673786073088
This is pretty clever. The sample pushing it slightly, but still a very illustrative use.
@VermillionAzure There's bound to be a correlation between longevity of projects and the cutesy-pantsy rating of their names.
@sehe lol
@sehe But seriously I do want to write my own language and tooling
A project usually undertaken by large companies and or communities
@sehe or single men
that's hardly "usual"
@sehe lol jk
@sehe It's ok. I am no man

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