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They are punny, but only to a puny degree.
Puny Punniness. Respond punitively!
poor thing, gets blamed for everything ... rofl
There's Paint3D though
I think that's the replacement
I am still on win 7 so it doesn't concern me
2 hours later…
Huh, two of my (otherwise well rated) questions got downvoted.
someone's thirsty for vengeance
has anyone used any of these from this list (link). Its a list of Virtual WiFi Router Software to Create WiFi Hotspot. quertime.com/article/… there's so many going to try the first one Maryfi . I've been using OSToto Hotspot there's so many others now.. anyone prefer one over the other?
> He couldn't uncover a bed.
then people will gift their wealth to their children/grand children when they are alive
@wilx or worse still, a lot of hardworking people will choose to be bums
@Telkitty Yeah.
Back in the true communist days, more 30 million chinese starved to death.
china is actually a capitalist country nowadays
you might say they've leapt towards capitalism
worse still, china is at capitalist's first stage
australia is a lot closer to communism
with social security and healthy net that even the poorest can afford food, housing and health care
There was an article joking about china's first leader, the only contribution he made, was that he died. If he died earlier, china could have prevented a lot unnecessary death.
Personally I think he's as bad as Hitler, by the amount of people he killed directly and indirectly
...is Mao's grand experiment in '58 not called the Great Leap Forward in Australia?
and yes, I agree. His death toll is truly, spectacularly awful.
@jaggedSpire It certainly should be--that's a fairly literal translation of what Mao (and company) called it. In Chinese, it's "大跃进" ("大躍進" if you prefer traditional Chinese). If you really wanted a different translation, you could use synonyms like "big jump forward", but there doesn't seem to be any advantage to doing so.
it's just Telkitty completely ignored the pun
@Telkitty :V
Mao's body is still in beijing, like some 40 yo preserved, frozen pork meat
one day he shall rise and duke it out with Lenin
@jaggedSpire s/ignored/missed/?
@JerryCoffin wasn't sure which one
@wilx I call BS. This isn't (even the forced version of) communism. This is finding a group of people who can't defend themselves, and robbing them blind. It's outright robbery; nothing more and nothing less. Getting the government to carry out this particular robbery wouldn't change the nature of what it is at all.
@JerryCoffin Robbery is MO of communists. How do you think they convinced farmers to give up their land and stock?
@wilx At least in theory, there's a basic difference--communal ownership doesn't necessarily mean anybody's really losing anything, it just means a larger chunk of land (and equipment, etc.) is owned by a group. Now, it's certainly true that it was nearly always mismanaged to the point of being a huge loss for everybody--but it can work out when managed correctly (e.g., many religious communities practice communal agriculture without problems).
This, however, doesn't even pretend that the person "contributing" the wealth retains ownership of even part of it.
Hello loungers
@Rerito EHLO
Slacking off listening to the Aqualung album
It's hardly 9am here and I'm already tired and demotivated :D
@Rerito Some might blame the album--despite its merits, it's not exactly a particularly positive or motivating album. Silly side-note: Ian Anderson got so frustrated with people calling it a "concept album" (which he didn't consider it at all) that he basically wrote Thick as a Brick as a rather sarcastic reply--a completely over-the-top concept album.
@JerryCoffin Personally I don't care about the labels people want to attach to music. I just enjoy the album regardless of its "classification" :)
@Rerito Fair enough--I just found it humorous when I heard that was how things had happened (by which time I'd long since listened to both many times).
I prefer Aqualung over Thick as a brick though!
@Rerito I dunno--I haven't listened to either enough to notice in years now. I've just heard them so much I've lost interest.
That doesn't happen with everything (by any means) but in the end, I just don't find as much depth in Tull as I do some others.
Oh I'm just going through a 70s phase or something at the moment
@Rerito I went through my '70s phase in the '70s. :-) Though I certainly still listen to some '70s music...
> Gers : un homme qui ne s'exprime que «par grognements» identifié
@JerryCoffin Doesn't look like robbery to me- it's just a regular (if unusually high) tax
@Luc tu es en vacances ?
@Puppy I don't think you're looking very carefully then. In particular, with a regular tax, there's normally at least a pretense that I derive some benefit (however indirect it might be) from paying it. In this case, there's not even a pretense that I could possibly benefit from paying it. By the time I pay it, I'm dead, so there's no possibility at all that I might benefit in any possible way.
@BaguetteGarlique j’ai des disponibilités
@LucDanton Articule, enfin !
> Un chevreuil fou attaque des personnes en Dordogne
> États-Unis : elle tue son mari et se fait dénoncer par son perroquet
@BaguetteGarlique j’ai – des – dis – po – ni – bi – li – tés
@BaguetteGarlique on voit tout de suite le biais des médias, quand un chasseur tue un chevreuil est-ce que lui on le traite de fou ?
I got that &
@JerryCoffin You benefit from all the other peoples' inheritance tax money all your life. And then you are dead and have no need for money anymore, so it gets passed on to people who do.
@nwp So your benefiting from other thefts somehow makes another "okay"? Sorry, but I can't see this as anything other than "I want what you have, and you can'st stop me from taking it." It's victimizing the most defenseless--and that's exactly what a government of the name needs above all else to stop.
@JerryCoffin Why theft? It's tax. Everyone gets taxed the same and it benefits the general public. I don't see anything wrong with it. (besides the argument that it makes rich people spend all their money before they die so company owners destroy their company instead of passing it on)
We are talking about the 100% inheritance tax right?
@nwp No, we're talking about disguising outright theft as if it were an "inheritance tax." How anybody can fail to see this for what it is escapes me, but such is life I guess.
In theft the money goes to a small group of individuals, in tax it goes to the government that redistributes most of it. Inheritance tax seems to fall into the latter category.
(by the government)
not theft ... more like robbery
done right in front of your eyes
> Brest: il badigeonnait d'excréments les claviers de distributeurs bancaires
Encore @Morwenn qui se fait misgender
@BaguetteGarlique Where do you find these gems?
Either just Google news aggregator or r/France
@Ven The intraday TTF is not a good idea IMO
@BaguetteGarlique Haha, good luck misgendering me x)
@Ven 10/10 good troll
I like proposing great ideas that I will have a hard time implementing at work...
@Morwenn welcome to the club!
	private boolean areEqual(MetricDescription d1, MetricDescription d2) {
		if(d1 == null && d2 == null) {
			return true;
		if(d1 == null || d2 == null) {
			return false;
oh fuck you too java
Yay, apparently in-place super scalar sample sort is license-compatible with my library.
@BartekBanachewicz Why do you even Java?
@Morwenn that's what our server is implemented in
@BartekBanachewicz that's (d1 == null) == (d2 == null) :p
@Ven it has actual comparison below
those two ifs are redundant
@BartekBanachewicz Condolences.
everything here is redundant in this code
@Ven It's « explicit ».
I love that explanation.
With StackOverflow I can feel like a real professional!
this java code is essentially callback hell from js
but worse
fuck google and GWT
why are you writing Java?
@sehe nice, although the music a bit too... 'chromatic' for my taste
(just had to replace that last comment with something else)
Anyone ever had to make a bin packing algorithm?
I'll try to implement it by sorting box by height and try to pack them by level. But if someone can give me some heads up before I reimplement the wheel I'd be happy
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix is optimality important for you?
because first-fit is often very good
hey @fredoverflow we Kotlin question for you... just want to double check I'm thinking about this right. I want to have a function that will modify an object, use it to send a notification, then return the modified object. so... fun modifyAndSendNotification(obj: T) = obj.copy(...).apply { sendNotification(this) }
@thecoshman that doesn't modify an object :c
Well, it makes a copy of it with a certain modification
that's what I meant :P
so you can use like val newObj = modifyAndSendNotification(oldObj)
@orlp I'd like to say « there's no such things as "too chromatic" », but I've played contemporary classical music at some point in my life.
@orlp My guess optimality isn't much important. It's supposed to be used for shipment from a stock warehouse. Since it will be packed by human I believe optimality shouldn't be the target otherwise they won't be able to pack things
32 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Morwenn that's what our server is implemented in
I had an other idea, Which was to try to pack things in bin in a shape that can be splitted equally, think of it like A3-A4... paper format. So I can pack smaller objects into virtual bins that can be easily packaged in bigger virtual bins that can then be packed in bins
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, I saw that before I wrote my replacement comment.
@BartekBanachewicz Sounds more like they tested that if both are null they are equal if one of them is null they are false, otherwise they can proceed with actual comparison without null pointer exception
it's a bit weird that they are expecting null values thought
@Bartek I don't like how enum's work in Java.
If you never pass null values you could remove both ifs probably otherwise you're better not touch it unless you want to wake up the NullPointerException demon
@Morwenn I'm not sure at that point I'd still call it chromatic. Chromatic loses its meaning if not relative to diatonic, for me. Anything beyond is simply dodecaphonic.
@orlp did you have preference for the one or the other mastering? This interests me as I'm biased
@Bartek why did your company choose to implement a server in Java?
Because they have paid support!
@sehe Eh, it's too subtle for me :/
@sehe are you referring to key progressions, or something else?
I'm confused
@sehe did you learn righfoldspeak?
@JohanLarsson no, I think he just has a high IQ.
@JohanLarsson Nah. Just music theory. Type theory is usually over my head.
@benardier probably because it's easy to find java developers
@benardier Diatonic system implies a tonal center, even without functional harmony (though /key progressions/ could, taken quite literally, mean progressions of modes, which are usually still diatonic but don't require a fixed tonal center ("key"). It's unusual to speak of "progressions" outside of functional harmony though).
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix the whole reasoning is dum
I mean if there's no tonal center NOR a hierarchy of pitches then we have dodecaphony
or a cacophony :)
Lounge<Music Theory>
@sehe Anyway, I learned something new. Thanks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2pwTP7g7xE chromaticism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEY9lmCZbIc dodecaphony
@benardier ^ see the Schonberg. I wouldn't call Weberns' Augenlicht a cacophony either youtube.com/watch?v=0RFeI9SpUI8
But on first impression, it can be quite "offensive" or (better worded) disorienting
tokyo embracing the Akira anime for the 2020 olympics
@sehe agreed. Shoenberg's piece was pleasant and demonstrates dodecaphony well.
even if it doesn't strictly follow a tonal scale like other music.
@sehe I'll need to listen to it later. I don't have headphones with me right now.
@sehe I'll give it another listen in a bit
1 hour later…
Kotlin.... when(obj) { null -> println("obj was null") } vs obj ?: println("obj was null") the later is more idiomatic Kotlin (I think), but the former reads more naturally "when this thing is null do this"
don't do side effects in ?:
Well... it's logging :P
<pirate-voice>It's doin' me side effects in !?:</pirate-voice>
@sehe and how do you pronounce !?
I don't
I have a branch with one huge commit with all my changes backed up
I wonder how to get it all to master
through another branch I guess but still
just undo the commit and commit things piece by piece?
@Ven i moved it to a separate branch
there's soooo much of this code
it's just giving me more and more arguments for writing more concisely
@BartekBanachewicz you misspelled "deleting"
@sehe that too
Pub tonight.
I should finally be able to drink decent draft beer.
pub tonight for me as well ._. but I want to patch the damn XML vulnerabilities!
@sehe the cleaned up version sounds better, if only because of the added reverb (which adds a lot to the 'dreamyness' of the piece), however both versions have a lot of noise, and clipping/too loud balancing on the high end
was the mic too close to the high end of the piano, or?
@orlp No clue. I don't really detect much clipping. Noise, yeah, not a good mic.
But the thing I wanted to know was whether you liked the reverb. I had the feeling many people would prefer it; I myself much prefer the dry variant and felt I went way overboard with the reverb effect.
It does confirm that my taste is biased (likely because I'm used to hearing the instrument "dry") a bit
1 message moved to bin
@sehe I gave it a small mastering go: clyp.it/ga2onmkh?token=a6762bf0700bdf094cd1751000872da5
from your original dry clip
Now I'll have to A/B :)
@BartekBanachewicz are you using FRP in your haskell game?
and if not, why not?
So I spent the weekend in Los Angeles. Was fun.
@fredoverflow Oh.The struggle is real. And then I tell him to come up with something else and it's "Little bits" (Oh, then you'll need the arduino studio...)
why use instead of the tag c++2a ? as if c++19 didn't shift to c++2a
At last! 'Adobe to pull plug on Flash after years of waning popularity '. No more attempts to install the McAfee malware upon updates:)
We've apparently reached the "sequence points" part of the summer semester...
Q: Why is the output of "++x << x++ <<++x" is 313?

m7mdabuodehWhy is the output of #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // your code goes here int x = 0; cout << ++x << x++ << ++x; return 0; } is 313 not 113? x = 0 ++x then x=1 and the first output will be 1 not 3 x++ will print x that equal 1 then will increase it to 2...

@BaguetteGarlique expansion sneak peek Tyria goes to space
omg, fml... the first time auto did not do what I wanted. I subtracted two unsigned values into an auto and that auto also became unsigned instead of int, which is why I got 429+ Billion. Because I didn't see that value before (only now that I saw it in the debugger the number seemed too familiar), it took me several hours to find the error. I think I'm done using unsigned for values that are obviously below 200 Billion.
The values were also wrapped into an sf::Vector2u, which made them even harder to see.
What's up
@sehe "x = a & b + c * d && e ^ f == 7;" -Use parentheses, would maybe be number 10 on my list of complaints! =)
Sorry for being in the middle here, but All tests passed (17 assertions in 1 test case) Yay! Good night!
@kim366 nite
wow now lounge is ded
hm, how can I convert a gcc vector value to a single float? summing all the elements?
@JohannesSchaub-litb accumulate?
is there no other way than saying v[0]+v[1] + ... + v[n-1] ?
@VermillionAzure yes
@JohannesSchaub-litb std::accumulate?
i would prefer to do it without function calls
i mean a SIMD vector
@JohannesSchaub-litb I would assume you can do the loop unrolling thing with correct stride
Or you can use the intrinsics but that's messy
A dude wrote about this
i haven't found an intrinsic for this
@JohannesSchaub-litb It's not part of the standard library but they should exist
i can loop for(int i = 0; i<4;i++)s += v[i]; but I would avoid writing a loop. it's bad from a maintainance point of view (i'm sure gcc will unroll and vectorize this using pairwise accumulate tho)
@JohannesSchaub-litb I mean, what do you want? lol
i don't understand the question
C++'s typing isn't that advanced to the point where it has a standard way of expression stride and desired implementation unless it's a special function in or out of the standard library, or it's a compiler extension like OpenMP
You could leave a comment with a special // NOTE: or something
or put a Doxygen-style doc comment to highlight the issue
what are functions
@milleniumbug Sorry, procedures
Hi, long time no see
@VermillionAzure i don't seek to do SIMD programmng with the c++ standard library
@JohannesSchaub-litb So what do you want? Did you want assured use of a certain type of intrinsic that's also maintainable and cross-platform?
@VermillionAzure i have 4 partial sums and i want to do a final summation
vectorized the accumulate of 1000 floats with 128bit registers, so i ended up with a vector of 4 partial sums
but i want a single sum at the end
@JohannesSchaub-litb What are you using? (SSE, AVX, AVX2, AVX512?)
@JohannesSchaub-litb So you have a 4x250 matrix, essentially?
both SSE and neon
Did someone mention SIMD?!?!
@Mysticial Oh yeah, you should probably help this guy out
Mysticial is the wizard of intrinsics here
@Mysticial i'm looking for a convert_vector_to_sum_of_elements SIMD variant
and, convert_vector_to_maximum_element, and minimum aswell
ideally i would have fold_vector(v, op)
and it would apply pairwise simd max/min/acc until it reduced to one element
however I don't even see anyone mention this issue at all on the internet, so I must be missing something trivial
@JohannesSchaub-litb I don't know if something like that is possible from what I understand
@JohannesSchaub-litb So you want a SIMD sum-reduction for a vector?
@JohannesSchaub-litb SSE has an haddps (and AVX has roughly the same, but with different name and encoding). Intel's compiler names the intrinsic "__m128 _mm_hadd_ps". Microsoft calls it "_mm_hadd_ps". I'd have to look to be sure what name(s) gcc and Clang use, but I'd be surprised if they didn't have intrinsic support for it as well.
@JerryCoffin But he wants recursive summing until it reduces until one element, if I understand correctly. Is that possible?
@Mysticial yes exactly
@JohannesSchaub-litb I believe GCC can already auto-vectorize sum-reductions as long as they're not floating-point.
@VermillionAzure If memory serves, you have to use haddps twice to get a single sum, but that's about it. Not sure how that works out with intrinsics though.
@Mysticial ah, I see. however, I'm also using explicit vectorization in another code snippet.
how would the auto-vectorize work, when given a vector input and a float output requirement?
will gcc automatically sum, if i do scalar = vector; ?
@JerryCoffin Oh that's interesting
@JerryCoffin The catch is that the horizontal instructions have never been efficient.
@Mysticial Does that C++ <algorithm> automatically try to use SIMD in optimization?
@Mysticial True, but most of the time you don't care much. You're only doing two of them at the very end of the summation, so unless you need to do a lot of separate summations, their speed is almost irrelevant.
@JohannesSchaub-litb Fundamentally a reduction is just logarithmic reduction tree. So there's plenty of parallelism. If you want to vectorize it, you do say 4 at a time in a SIMD vector and then further unroll that. Then in the end you add the parallel streams into each other till you get only one. Then you unpack that last vector and sum it down to a scalar.
This of course doesn't work for floating-point unless you enable fast math.
@Mysticial Wait why not?
@VermillionAzure You're changing the order of summation.
@JohannesSchaub-litb If you're asking about the final reduction from a SIMD vector into a scalar type, then that's ugly. The easiest way is to type-pun a union to do it. All compilers support this. Otherwise, you'll need to manually use shuffle intrinsics.
@Mysticial yeah as i understand it, simd needs unsafe math optimizations anyway
for floats
yeah i was asking about the final reduction
@Mysticial Does the order matter? And what would be considered the "correct" defined order anyways?
@VermillionAzure source code order is the correct one
simd always changes order because it's strided operating
@JohannesSchaub-litb So linear?
whatever the source code does
floating point math is nonassociative
@JohannesSchaub-litb The fastest approach to collapse a __m128 into a float could involve two adds and two _mm_shuffle_ps().
@Mysticial Have you used a floating point arithmetic error analyzer before?
i used x=vpadd(vpgethigh(v), vpgetlow(v)); return x[0]+x[1];
which is the logarithmic approach you talked about, i think
v is a 128bit vector, x is a 64bit vector and x[0] is a 32bit float
@VermillionAzure nice what's that
does it give you upper bounds on errors?
@JohannesSchaub-litb Yes
static analysis?
cool thing
@JohannesSchaub-litb I don't think I've seen you around too much. Aren't you a regular?
@VermillionAzure A few years ago yes. Not so much now. But regulars in good-standing tend to stay regulars forever.
@Mysticial Oh lol I know you're a regular man
You've been here before me
@JohannesSchaub-litb I don't do reductions very often, but I generally have custom overloads for all the different SIMD types.
Though overloading doesn't work that well for the integer types unless the type is wrapped since __m128i and family use the same type for all integer widths.
@VermillionAzure i'm not a regular. but i've been here long ago
2008 actually ^^
@JohannesSchaub-litb I see.
What do you do?
silly software programmer
nothing special
not cool quantitative trading
Apr 3 '13 at 22:01, by Cat Plus Plus
Stand in front of the mirror and say his name three times and you'll get a standard quote
@Mysticial Cat Plus Plus Cat Plus Plus Cat Plus Plus?
...whatever happened to him anyways?
Or should I say "me me me"?
i think he was kidding over my fetish with taking bath in standard paragraphs
@JohannesSchaub-litb I get a lot of flak for working in that industry.
@Mysticial Wait why would you get flak?
why is that
i live in frankfurt. i guess i could get rich with quantitative trading here :p
@VermillionAzure Anything finance in general brings up the whole, "hedge fund manager" connotation along with the whole wall street dirty money shit to the average joe.
Part of that comes from bad apples like "pharma bro" Martin Shkreli.
And Bernard Madoff.
do you need to know much about finance?
@JohannesSchaub-litb I didn't when I entered. But it definitely helps.
or just be good about optimizing code? i guess you need to have a very good understanding on pipelines, OoOE, branch prediction etc. otherwise they won't take you
looking over your answers and your pi software, i don't doubt you have all of that :p
@JohannesSchaub-litb My performance stuff is precisely the reason why I got sucked into this industry.
@Mysticial I see
if it's even more compelling than google, it must be really good
@JohannesSchaub-litb I got bored at Google because I didn't get to do any performance-related stuff.
I was doing Java, Android, C#, front-end UI stuff...
IOW, I was completely underutilized.
@Mysticial Let me guess -- you were doing backend work stringing multiple APIs together to perform business tasks
e.g. database calls to get resources, API calls, having to hound down other teams, doing internal API usage migrations to non-deprecated service?
@VermillionAzure It was almost full-stack dev. Sure I can do it, but I'm not particularly good at it.
@Mysticial So it was web-dev?
@VermillionAzure Not quite webdev. I was working on game consoles and Android devices.
@Mysticial That sounds a bit more than web dev
Ahhh so you worked on the YouTube client for those platforms
I got hired because I had C/C++ experience. So they put me on teams that work in C-like languages and kept me away from the true web-dev stuff. (JS, PHP)
@Mysticial what processors do people in the financial sectors use? do they use ARM? or mostly intel
@Mysticial Have you worked with C/C++ professionally?
I have yet to get a job doing C/C++
I mean, before finance
Google hires people to be generalists (within a rough area). So I qualified to be a "generalist" in anything that involved a C-like language. (Java, C#)
@Mysticial Is it true what they said about the API design/usage there?
But that's like hiring a root canal specialist to perform a teeth cleaning.
they could have used your performance expertise with their AI/deep-learning things
@JohannesSchaub-litb Exclusively Intel at this point. Though some of the research side has GPUs for the less latency-sensitive stuff.
@Mysticial Or a neurosurgeon to be a GP?
@VermillionAzure What's this?
@Mysticial i guess FPGAs with high level synthesis could be next?
Plus, I get to be on "the good side company" here loool
I definitely understand what he means with Amazon now
@JohannesSchaub-litb I actually forgot to include FPGAs. Yes, they are used a lot as well.
ah i see
I see that GCC provides __builtin wrappers for intel simd instructions. but that doesn't seem to make much sense, since intel's own intrinsic header provides the same, and is portable
Google didn't try to give me a counter-offer once they had a ballpark of what I wanted. For my "level" at the time was far too low to get the necessary approvals to do that. Not to mention the work I was doing at Google certainly wasn't worth any more than a "typical software dev" salary.
@Mysticial What about the greater Alphabet?
And they don't really do specializations either - and they definitely wouldn't have been able to find such an open position given the window of time they had.
ah i see. for performance optimizations, i imagine they have some of the best people
@JohannesSchaub-litb From their point of view, my performance side is irrelevant. What they saw is an entry-level engineer asking for raise to essentially a staff engineer. And my accomplishments at Google up to that point was nothing more than just an entry-level engineer. So off I go. Somebody else wanted my specialization, Google did not.
@Mysticial Shame on their part. What did you think about the management?\
@VermillionAzure To be fair, if I was in my manager's shoes, I wouldn't have done anything different. This isn't sports, you can't just give a newbie a ton of money and hope for the best. There are rules.
@Mysticial But if they have a person who breaks world records on number crunching, surely nobody else in the ENTIRE company wants you?
perhaps now they would want you back
Well anyways
has anyone found a good source code base analyzer for VCS?
I wanted to examine semantics diffs for C++ code
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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